Hello Everybody!
First Post

I accidentally stumbled across this forum and I found the people and the ideas propagated here interesting,to put it mildly.So many educated people yet so willfully ignorant and deluded.
I have several questions but lets start with the question in the topic title shall we.
1.Why do you still believe in Superstitions and the rituals they bring along?
So your born in a family with a particular background.Is that reason enough ?
Greetings and welcome! Most if not all of us follow rituals. In my opinion, rituals bring supersitions and not the other way round. Most of the times we justify our rituals with supersitions. I have seen this with inneumerable persons. There is also one more quality tags along with rituals and supersitions.....it is being judgemental. These three go hand in hand. Although you neglected to mention the quality 'judgemental', since it is relevant to this discussion, kindly allow me to raise that quality in question too.
Your first question and the second question are not related. To be born in a particular family with a particular background is not enough to form rituals, supersition and to be judgemental. Your second question is, in fact, irrelevant to this discussion, I am afraid.
For example, many of the forum members have a ritual of starting the day with a hot steaming coffee, browsing the latest news (mostly from 'The Hindu' news paper, which by the way has nothing to do with 'Hindu' Religion! If not 'The Hindu' paper, it can be some other Newspaper in print or on line..). My ritual is hot steaming black coffee, browsing online news paper. Why I am saying this? To address your second question... I grew up in a family (I don't know about my birth) in a village in Tamil Nadu; No Hindu Newspaper, nor coffee, certainly 'black coffee' never heard of! (No English, to be precise!).
So, I humbly request you to take away the second question from this discuission, please. By all means, that question may be discussed in a seperate thread, if you please. I have a thing or two to talk on that subject anyway.
That leaves rituals, supersitions and being judgemental. Kindly don't deny you are not judgemental, please. You were judgemental when you proposed our rituals and supersitions may have resulted from the family of our birth. I just showed that is not the case.
Well Sir, I think we should start our discussions now, please. Thank you.