Yes NN, I agree, Friend did not bother to introduce himself, came in with an attitude, and now is missing. I was initially skeptical, and when I saw three of his responses I gave him/her the benefit of doubt, probably not a wise thing to do so quickly, and now with Friend missing from the forum, I am back to skeptical.
Whoever Friend is, and whatever Friend's motivation, I think looking inward and driving out some of our superstitions is a good thing, IMO.
Jyothisham has two parts, one is to calculate the movement of heavenly objects and tabulate calendar. It is indeed amazing that our forefathers, without the aid of any modern technology, were able to precisely calculate various celestial events. In this respect I agree with you.
thank you nara,i am glad we agree on the above.
But I was not referring to this. I was talking about predicting the future based on jadhagam, matching jadhagam for marriage, 7 and a half year sani, pariharam, and other such inanities.
by making forecastings depends many lives in stock tradin,futures,currency markets ...etc.jyotisham is a limb of vedas,initially as,guidelines for doing yagnas,so that lokakshemum is obtained with propitiations to a higher evolved power.jadhagam again,is a scientific analysis of human psyche based on moved of celestial beings.our ancients consider bhu-lokam as a kshethram and extrapolate the same kshethram theory of the navagrahas,using subtle rays of light,as a factor for harmony in one's there are marriage websites galore,so that a boy and girl can find a mutually acceptable mate,to lead life happily ever after.maybe the predictins go awry,and people get mad about it,like how you do,but then sir,your view as an american,the collapse of the real estate home industry,financial crisis,military crisis,homeland security crisis,unemployment crisis,..etc can we say,the educated intelligent beings are actually illiterates,who have let a global crisis to prevail,of which you are partly responsible in decision making affairs?what credibility atheists have,then?
Once again, NN, I am talking about silliness such as filling up a perfectly fine water well and digging another one for the sake of consistency with vasthu placement theories. I am talking about remodeling not to add any value, but just to change the floor plan.
sir,silly or intelligent,varies with time and place,imho.vastu shastra is a wonderful tool,for budding architects,civil engineers..etc.many make a living remodelling their house all the time or others home,so that economical activity persists.all these shastras boil down to simple plain economics of living,imho.
NN, are you serious about this? At one time almost everyone thought the earth was flat. According to Hindu ithihasa purnas the earth is held up by elephants, ashta dig gajams.
Facts are not established through plebiscite.
hindus never thot earth was flat,plz read our puranas,and this is a fact.most of the ideas were exchanged globally,and indians were/are a leading light in knowledge americans are leaders with a diff,one has to pay one way or the other for american technology,as nothing is free in american society,which is a positive mental ascertain somethings as facts,one needs intelligence first.plebiscite is also a way of ascertaining,isn't it?whether things get implemented or not,thats a diff issue alltogether.