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questions wandering in my head

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The word Love is misunderstood. The movie version of love is not to be confused with real life.
Love while meeting, dating, etc, is more of infatuation, excitement, and putting the best foot forward. You are also giddily happy.

Love after marriage is respect, compromise, and genuinely caring for each other, and commitment to one another. The physical attraction may not last for ever.

Here is west people date for years, live together for years, and proclaim they are in love. Then they marry or even move in together and then they can't stand each other, and go their separate ways.

Well said Shri Prasad,

Love should be understood the way it truly means. For some, Love means one's satisfaction that one gains from patner's attractions.

Love is a commitment, it's not just desires, it's more than desires and physical attractions. True Love is something that can make you forgo cetain needs reasonably, been truly in love with the other emotionally.

Love at first sight is certainly a infatuation, but can lead to true emotional attachement.

I would like to suggest young guys and gals to declare one's love on the other unless one could feel it emotionally and metally prepared to accept the person with commitment, the way he/she is, having understood and liked him/her. And never yearn and indulge in so called extended physical love and than ironicly find out that, there is compatibility missmatch and thus can not marry. I am not professing this. It's is just my suggestion. Some may find it no wrong and for some it leads to emotional disturbances deeply within onself.

Well said Shri Prasad,

Love should be understood the way it truly means. For some, Love means one's satisfaction that one gains from patner's attractions.

Love is a commitment, it's not just desires, it's more than desires and physical attractions. True Love is something that can make you forgo cetain needs reasonably, been truly in love with the other emotionally.

Love at first sight is certainly a infatuation, but can lead to true emotional attachement.

I would like to suggest young guys and gals to declare one's love on the other unless one could feel it emotionally and metally prepared to accept the person with commitment, the way he/she is, having understood and liked him/her. And never yearn and indulge in so called extended physical love and than ironicly find out that, there is compatibility missmatch and thus can not marry. I am not professing this. It's is just my suggestion. Some may find it no wrong and for some it leads to emotional disturbances deeply within onself.

ravi, pyaar do pyaar lo.

Those of us who are married males in this forum, I find, do not talk of the ideal love, both as adjective, and noun. we had it comparatively easy finding a spouse, compared to the tambram average youth of today.

I think today has changed from my times of 30+ years ago, when the male still had an advantage ie the sight of seeing girls’ fathers beating into your doorstep. Not any more.

So, I think, today’s youth, particularly post 30+, meander their thoughts on the concept of ideal love, perhaps because, the reality is so depressing ie lack of even meeting one potential mate, let alone marriage. More like a teenager wishing for his first girl friend. Almost wistful and childish, I find some of their concepts of love. And very far removed from reality too.

Instead of eulogizing an ideal love, I would rather see, these folks, come down to reality, and vent their true feelings, on the hare brained tambram female of today, who though accomplished, wishes for a spouse, in unrealistic terms. Failing which, she opts to marry outside the caste.

Why should a girl earning 6 lakhs a year, expect her hubby to earn more? If he earns 4 lakhs only, wont 10 lakhs family income give them a good life style?

Why should the age difference be only +2 years? Why cant she, if she is 29, marry a 26 year old boy? Or a 34 year old boy? Would these make bad husbands?

I have found that the process oftoday’s tambram marriage process, is among the most, Darwinian playfields ever – ie survival of the fittest, with each lower strata finding his or her own level. Even during the heyday of arranged marriage it has always been thus.

For example, if the girl is fair and pretty, and the arranged boy is short and dusky, the balance would probably have been provided by wealth, a great job, or life in the usa or such. You would never find a pretty fair girl marrying a dark boy below her social status in those days.

Today, love marriages, have turned all these time tested practices, topsy turvy, which is why we have here in this forum, and outside, boys in their 30s, well employed, with zero prospect of finding a tambram bride.

Poetic justice it may be, for all the wrongs of the ages, done to the girls and their fathers, by the boys’ side. But to me, the girls’ behaviour, resembles more, the cutting of one’s nose, to spite one’s face.

There should be no stigma I feel, in a girl marrying someone who earns less or who is not so well endowed. There is no formula for good marriges. It is hard work, understanding, accommodation and these a girl would find, can be done with any willing young man.

Otherwise, they might be better off marrying lamp posts and go for invitrio fertilization. No need for men, who after donating their sperm, can simply wither away, and disappear from the face of the earth.
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Originally posted by Shri Kunjuppu

There should be no stigma I feel, in a girl marrying someone who earns less or who is not so well endowed. There is no formula for good marriges. It is hard work, understanding, accommodation and these a girl would find, can be done with any willing young man.

Dear Kunjuppu,

I will not say that the girls who consider income compatibility (read husband earning more than the wife) are foolish. I have seen in IT couples, the male ego and chauvinism create lot of problems when, by chance the wife gets a higher salary - may be she switched jobs or got some promotion in the same place or her salary was increased in recognition of her work, years of service, etc.

Once the wife starts earning more than the husband it creates a sort of chain reaction in the mind of the husband; from "she is earning more, so now she won't give me respect as in the past." to "she is not under my control any longer, so she may well do any damn thing.", all such psychologies enter the husband's mind and it starts creating problems which, if circumstances perrmit, end up in acrimony, separation and eventually, divorce even.

Marriage today is thus a minefield, especially for the tabramale who wants to marry a typical tabra female, imo.
dear sangom,

your post #29,

if boys are that much insecure within themselves, that they feel threatened by their wife earning more, it is a sad reflection on how we bring up the tambram boys.

this is 21st century, and unless both the genders are brought up with the concept that barring physical differences, the capabilities of both the genders are the same, and the success of one spouse, does not mean the failure of the other.

if they both looked at the total income earned, as a benefit for the family, i think, none of the ego issues would develop.

i know here in toronto, so many tambram men, especially in their 50s, 40s, whose wives earn more. i have not heard of any issues re money within their household. some of them are extremely successful, while their hubbies are உதவாக்கரை guys, sitting at home, no job and enjoying their wives' earnings. not a bad attitude eh!! :)
By now I must have thoroughly depressed all of you. But seriously, look around: how many married couples (ie both husband and wife) do you see participating in this very forum? Neither love nor arranged marriage is a guarantee of similar personalities or even similar interests.

Hats off to you Biswa!! Let me present from the ladies' side....
If our better halves enter this forum, the very next day... no, no, moment, we will be :lock1:

Till they do not see our posts, we have :peace:. Got it?
Hats off to you Biswa!! Let me present from the ladies' side....
If our better halves enter this forum, the very next day... no, no, moment, we will be :lock1:

Till they do not see our posts, we have :peace:. Got it?

Which is a good thing. I would have been booted off long ago, from site, internet, house etc.
Theodore M. Hesburgh
The most important thing that a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
and horoscopes are supposed to help this process right?

Horoscope matching is one parameter among many; and the weightage to be given depends on the individual.
Weather forecasting is a science; more and more parameters are getting added into newer algorithms; still many a time the forecast is off the mark. Old joke about the BBC weather reporter (he is normally from the meteorology department) - "just now you predicted a nice sunny weather, why are you carrying an umbrella?" His answer - "just in case it rains".
It happens that we buy an expensive product (say car, house) etc. after a thorough market survey, comparison of specs and price, brand rating etc, but despite such effort, we end up disliking the product. If we get a dismal service from the company, it is quite likely that we got into a fight with the company and could not resolve the problem.

For a successful marriage, in addition to the initial matching of visible and invisible parameters, continuous building of relationship is necessary.
....So the reason I'm working, educating myself, and keeping up my appearance, etc. is so that I can find the best possible groom for myself?
and I partake in hobbies such as carnatic music, veena, photography etc. so that I would be desirable, and bankable? so I can sell myself for the highest bid?

This all is a bit too technical and too robotic for me to fully accept.
ctfxc, (with no vowel, how on earth do you remember your login ID) unfortunately, or whatever, what you have written is all true. But there is an explanation for this, our genes care about only two things -- survive and procreate. That is the race we are in.

We are able to survive better in social groupings, so the genes that are conducive to that have survived and have made us into social animals. In this social setup, the males and females will have to compete and survive and find mates to procreate. We all want the best, but don't know what is best. So we look for clues, surrogates markers for what would be best.

Some of these surrogates are natural stuff, physical beauty for females, a mark of good health, and physical strength for males, a mark of ability to provide protection to females when they need it. Other factors are socially engineered, once again geared towards procreation and the survival of off-springs.

For a male a loyal and faithful girl is preferable, otherwise he cannot be sure the children have his genes. For a female good education, nice job, lot of salary, nice car, flat, all this means he will be a good provider. Both sides look for "good" family -- with a female from "good" family the male is more sure it is his genes that get to the next generation, and with a male from "good" family the female is more sure the male will not abandon her to fend for herself when she needs the help most.

Males and females try to equip themselves with as many of these traits as possible to attract as best a mate as possible. All this good education, good job, carnatic music, veena (Amala, is this not a common feature with many girls carnatic music + veena, why the surprise to find another one like you?) are geared towards this goal.

The same gene driven impulses will drive you into feeling, giving, and getting love, it is part of the urge to procreate and survive, it will come, and it will appear natural, sublime, and all that is divine and wholesome, don't despair.

Looks like another thing I agree with Mr Nara on. I think we should all collect a subscription and buy ctfxc a vowel (or two).

I believe all this love, romance, good looks, good job is a manifestation of a biological phenomenon called "The Selfish Gene". The selfish gene wants to be immortal. It will do its best to reproduce itself for ever. The Selfish Gene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why does a woman look for a man with a good income? So that her children will be provided for. Why does a man prefer a good looking woman? So that she is fertile and can have a large number of children.

Why did the emperors have hundreds of partners in their harem? So that they can spread their genes far and wide. Why did any of these partners agree to bear the emperor's children? Well it is the emperor's child after all. Won't he/she have the best chance of survival?

Why do women color their lips? Seems like a very odd habit doesn't it? But it helps the males to think that she is not anemic. Why do some males have moustache? Well just to let them know that he is masculine and virile.

The list is endless, once you start looking at things from this angle. Sorry, I already sound like a cynic.
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Which is a good thing. I would have been booted off long ago, from site, internet, house etc.

I thought you got it right, Sri. Prasad! But no... D H can only boot our PC. :typing:
If they do what you think, what will be their plight? Can you imagine?? Please try! :decision:
So the reason I'm working, educating myself, and keeping up my appearance, etc. is so that I can find the best possible groom for myself? .............
Dear little girl,

The more you become talented, the more difficult it is to find a suitable partner! Now a days, the word 'compatibility'

is driving everyone crazy! Nobody wants to accept that nobody is perfect. The main problem lies in showing love to

money and not to the goodness of a person. Every girl wants to get married to a boy living abroad, with clean habits,

fat salary and handsome looks. How does anyone check the 'clean habits'? The most important thing is that the

parents of the boy should be rooted in India. Even with all these 'conditions', marriages DO happen!

Please go through the thread 'women domination' in sociology section when you find time. Lots of problems were

discussed, already!

Best of luck,
Mrs. Raji Ram :)
since this is a tamil website, I assume this would be interesting to some of you :)

Theodore M. Hesburgh
The most important thing that a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

Ok so this is open to interpretation..

1)No marriage mentioned in this line
2)Number of wives not specified...its just the Father loving the Mother of his children.

Dont get me wrong..just kidding..nice to be jovial.
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