Dear Sri. Raju, Greetings.
The following write up is my personal opinion only. Ananda is an experience. It is an unique experience. Ananda does not have an opposite to it. There are no +ve & -ve vectors with zero in the middle. Ananda is a free standing experience. By the way, ananda is not just the product of happiness or calmness alone.
Ananda can be product of an extreme pain too. I experienced that when I was 14 years old. But I did not recognise it at that time. That's when I experienced the maximum of my physical pain. Some of the members may have experienced the same pain, but with a bit of effort would have tried to forget that pain. I didn't. I broke both my arms elbow downwards ( two places in right arm; three places in left arm; both ulna and radial bones.... quite a tall tree too!). It was set in Puthoor, Andhra. Naturally no pain relievers, no anaesthetic medications.... When I left arm was set, I couldn't believe the pain.. then, when it was 'once more!' in my right arm, after the initial pain, I kind of went numb. When I came back for the second round after 15 days, that pain really didn't do much at all.
Ananda can't be defined. Since it is an experience, it is subjective. There may be persons who never experienced ananda in their whole life. In my opinion, to experience ananda, there shouyld be a feeling of content, some sacrifice, some expression love and kindness.. since it can't be defoned, I can't really explain in as many words.
One can't experience ananda on his/her own. There has to be an external connection. When such connection is made there is no உயர்வு or தாழ்வு. It's equal. Just at the same level. That's why at that level "paramatma" will be equal to "jeevatma". That's what we say joining together. Azhwar is correct. If there is உயர்வு, then that means there would be தாழ்வு, so they can't be at the same level, so there can't be anandam.
I have read your answer fully. Still my question to you stays. What is this Ananda? Can we define it? You can represent positive and negative integers in a straight line with zero as the centre point. If negative integers are misery (துக்கம் in tamil), is Ananda the absence of misery like the positive integers? This ananda is always a fruit of certain actions. So actions are not ananda. Then what else is it?
The following write up is my personal opinion only. Ananda is an experience. It is an unique experience. Ananda does not have an opposite to it. There are no +ve & -ve vectors with zero in the middle. Ananda is a free standing experience. By the way, ananda is not just the product of happiness or calmness alone.
Ananda can be product of an extreme pain too. I experienced that when I was 14 years old. But I did not recognise it at that time. That's when I experienced the maximum of my physical pain. Some of the members may have experienced the same pain, but with a bit of effort would have tried to forget that pain. I didn't. I broke both my arms elbow downwards ( two places in right arm; three places in left arm; both ulna and radial bones.... quite a tall tree too!). It was set in Puthoor, Andhra. Naturally no pain relievers, no anaesthetic medications.... When I left arm was set, I couldn't believe the pain.. then, when it was 'once more!' in my right arm, after the initial pain, I kind of went numb. When I came back for the second round after 15 days, that pain really didn't do much at all.
Ananda can't be defined. Since it is an experience, it is subjective. There may be persons who never experienced ananda in their whole life. In my opinion, to experience ananda, there shouyld be a feeling of content, some sacrifice, some expression love and kindness.. since it can't be defoned, I can't really explain in as many words.
In his great work திருவாய்மொழி (Thiruvoimozhy) Nammalwar begins his very first verse with the words உயர்வற உயர்நலம் உடையவன் யவனவன்.........Great Acharyas who wrote commentaries on this first line have interpreted this word உயர்வு as absence of ananda. I have often wondered what is exactly meant here. Let us what inputs are given here on this question.
One can't experience ananda on his/her own. There has to be an external connection. When such connection is made there is no உயர்வு or தாழ்வு. It's equal. Just at the same level. That's why at that level "paramatma" will be equal to "jeevatma". That's what we say joining together. Azhwar is correct. If there is உயர்வு, then that means there would be தாழ்வு, so they can't be at the same level, so there can't be anandam.