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Going beyond symptomatic treatment of the diseases infesting brahmins

  • Thread starter Thread starter pviyer
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Hello Friends,
New to the forum, I would like to add start a meaningful discussion and even if this leads some of us to lead a better life it should be great!

The elders are at this juncture worried about the deteriorating morals and values. There have been a lot of discussions on intercaste marriages, lack of respect of traditions, materialistic attitude of the times etc. Let us label the ills as diseases. Every disease is truly cured only if we look at the real causes not at the symptoms. In this context let me give you an example, take the case of intercaste marriages . If this is examined as an issue, then people are likely to offer different perspectives- say that it is not wrong, some may view it as the most important problem. All these differing perspectives occur because people start from different points and then look at the problem from the perspective they have accumulated over the years. However it is far more meaningful to look at it as a symptom. The real question is why does this symptom occur. What is the root cause.

I am listing down some of the symptoms observed in brahmins . Let us examine them and try to discuss on the root cause and how the root cause needs to be treated.
1. Intercaste marriages - Leads to accelerated breakdown of family traditions unless the ways of life of both partners tend to be the same and the partners have such a powerful supporting network that the children of the marriage continue to adopt the way of life of their parents. In the case of arranged marriages at present, such support structures are surviving only in closed communities and in villages. Thus it is extremely rare to find a supporting network in case of intercaste marriages. If the family wishes to isolate those friends and relatives who do not come in line with this way of life, then it is not in lines with morality(especially isolating the parents of the partner)
Causes -
1. Late marriages and keeping the natural urge of men and women in a waiting state.
2. Carelessness and unable to overcome sudden passions - usually this occurs because of indiscipline and the effect of not leading a disciplined life since youth
3. Relatives and Close friend circle are a bad example
4. Nuclear family set up, selfishness and modernity sets the people away from even relations who could have proven a good example.
5. Lack of communication/education of cultural values in the families
6. No spiritual environment in the family( as opposed to merely ritualistic environment)
7. A small seed grows into a full blown tree. Similarly the general traits in the families such as selfishness, materialism, greed, lack of patriotism, opportunism, nepotism , corruption - many of these different traits are present in different quantities even amongst elders. This seed becomes a vriksham and is a real reason for many of the problems.
2. Divorces - Results in Breakdown of family and separates the wife from the ritualistic connection of the manes,children disoriented and confused, breakdown of the brahminic way of life in sum.
1. Selfishness
2. Narrowmindedness
3. Greed
4. Lust and lack of control
5. Indiscipline
6. Neglect of worship of gods and ancestors
7. Materialism
8. Anger and Violence
9. Fall down of belief in vedic principles of marriage

3. Consumption of Prohibited food and drinks
Results - sinful traits in succeeding generations, worsening of the sinful food habits in next generations, wrong example to those prone to be most afflicted by them,karmic effects on onself
1. mental infirmity, weakness and lack of control
2. lack of faith in vedic principles regarding food
3. neglect of spiritual duties in the family ( leading to an adhoc and sudden impulsive behaviour which leads to addiction and habits difficult to undue)
This is just a limited set which I have compiled. Would like to read the views of the members and how they would like to address the causes rather than the symptoms

PV Iyer
good one..

w r to 3) point

i think one more cause is that they believe that people taking alcohol more affluent and 'cool' and people want to imitate their ways and hence end up drinking alcohol or eating non-veg food.
Hello pv iyer,
A very good analysis on the causes on Detoriating morals and values.
In my view the search for materialistic comforts is the single most cause for the current status.There are plenty of materialistics comforts,facilities are available and people are looking for enjoying such convenience.If we prctice to live with availble facilties we won't get into more troubles.But in practice this is not that easy.Also this is not a problem unique to Brahmins.It is fo all.This will take only a forward step and nobody is going to go back.We have practice to live with the availble
respects,moral values,etc.
The problem is age old.

"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for
authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place
of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their
households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They
contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties
at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
--Attributed to SOCRATES (469 BC–399 BC) by Plato.
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Some two years back, when I started looking for a bride for my son, I sent mails to many people some of them responded politly rejecting the offer. Some quoted that they are UPPER CLASS and looking for a groom IAS/ IIT/ IIM Son of industrialists etc. One such person who said the above sent me a mail which I received to day. His only daughter married to a one such groom applied for a divorce (Innocent girl he quoted) who lateron found some thing wrong with the Son in Law (Family)(Parents are talented) whether I will re look in to the alliance. For this I didn't replied yet as I feel it is not good to shower harsh words to him. But the money power he want to show on others is making me to reply in such way that his approach should change.
Marriage is a life time affair and it is not business. The value of the girl or boy is fresh until (S)he is unmarried! Even at the age of 60 a man will get a companion quickly than a married and divorced/ widower.
For money many will come but not for a soul.
Some two years back, when I started looking for a bride for my son, I sent mails to many people some of them responded politly rejecting the offer. Some quoted that they are UPPER CLASS and looking for a groom IAS/ IIT/ IIM Son of industrialists etc. One such person who said the above sent me a mail which I received to day. His only daughter married to a one such groom applied for a divorce (Innocent girl he quoted) who lateron found some thing wrong with the Son in Law (Family)(Parents are talented) whether I will re look in to the alliance. For this I didn't replied yet as I feel it is not good to shower harsh words to him. But the money power he want to show on others is making me to reply in such way that his approach should change.
Marriage is a life time affair and it is not business. The value of the girl or boy is fresh until (S)he is unmarried! Even at the age of 60 a man will get a companion quickly than a married and divorced/ widower.
For money many will come but not for a soul.

Well said, Sri Ramachandran,

Now a days the value of the Soul = The value of Money
Dear Shri.Ramacchandran,
You have stated'
Even at the age of 60 a man will get a companion quickly than a married and divorced/widower'.
IMHO,we cannot have such a fixed view.I know of two instances where men(widowers)could get companion at the age of 60+ or 60-.
When Madame Indira Gandhi was murdered,Sikhs were targeted in Newdelhi and other places.Giani ZailSingh was the President of India.
There were many complaints that the telephone system collapsed in New Delhi and even the President could not be contacted for help.When
late Rajiv Gandhi took over as Prime Minister,the immediate causality was the Chief General Manager,Delhi Telephones.He was asked to hand over charge to his deputy at midnight and to proceed on leave.Poor wife of the CGM could not control her emotions,had a severe heart attack and expired.Everyone had sympathy for the CGM.The Dept arranged an assignment for him to work as consultant in some African Country.I was surprised to hear that this man could get an African Lady as his life partner within a few days of assuming as Consultant.
I know a family in New Delhi where one member of the family, immediately after demise of his wife married another lady.He had aged children
when marrying for the second time.Of course,he did not get any issues through second marriage.Recently I got a news that his second wife
expired and has married another lady as his third wife within a few months.
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Just wake up in the morning and run 5 miles,do 30 push ups and pull ups,50 squats.

Come back from work and do yoga for an hour,have a light meal and listen to Nusrat fateh ali khan.

Life ll become clearer.
This post does not make sense. Why do you think it only applies to Brahmins. If it applies to entire society then brahmins alone can not behave differently.
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