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There is still hope for our world

I have a sense that some hidden warfare is happening and the west is heavily involved. The full might of the west is unable to prevail over Russia and its allies. It is going to get worse for the west. The Western itch to control will be dealt with properly by the Russians and as I said the Russians are going to prevail conclusively.
When I said WW3 will not happen I meant it will not happen the way it happened in the previous world wars. My sense is full scale but hidden high technology war is already well underway.
I have a sense that some hidden warfare is happening and the west is heavily involved. The full might of the west is unable to prevail over Russia and its allies. It is going to get worse for the west. The Western itch to control will be dealt with properly by the Russians and as I said the Russians are going to prevail conclusively.
No one can actually prevail in a war.
Both sides face loses.
We humans never learnt anything from the Covid pandemic.

It only took a virus to lockdown the world yet we humans think we have the power to rule the world.

Strange but true.
The west is talking about war crimes of Russians. What about the war crimes committed by U.S? Should that not be settled first? I think karma is catching up.

I am glad Lavrov let the reason out. My wholehearted endorsement and support for it. The days of U.S. domination are definitely numbered.
Rich countries have interest only for themselves. Their policies will be guided by their self interest. Un is also controlled by them and serve their interest. Of late China started to muscle in to take control.
What an ORIGINal statement!!!!!!
Does the poor country have an interest in others?
Everyone nay everything is interested in self-preservation.

I am glad Lavrov let the reason out. My wholehearted endorsement and support for it. The days of U.S. domination are definitely numbered.
Sravna, I am worried about your mental condition. When is a butcher's statement credible? What about innocent women and children being slaughtered by Russia, do you condone it? Actually, the USA is not directly involved in this conflict(for a change).
Sravna, I am worried about your mental condition. When is a butcher's statement credible? What about innocent women and children being slaughtered by Russia, do you condone it? Actually, the USA is not directly involved in this conflict(for a change).
Kindly include the lives of innocent men too.
Women these days call out for equality in all fields.
So the life of everyone be it male or female is equally important.

I am glad Lavrov let the reason out. My wholehearted endorsement and support for it. The days of U.S. domination are definitely numbered.
I do not know where you get your news.


Increasing reports of sexual violence and human trafficking in Ukraine — allegedly committed against women and children in the context of massive displacement and ongoing fighting — are raising “all the red flags” about a potential protection crisis, the Executive Director of the United Nations gender agency warned the Security Council today.

Sima Bahous, Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), said she recently returned from the Republic of Moldova where she witnessed buses full of exhausted and anxious women and children arriving from Ukraine. There, they were met with dignity and compassion by volunteers from civil society organizations, many of which are being supported by UN-Women — as part of its coordination mandate — “to ensure that the gendered nature of this crisis is addressed with a gender-sensitive response”.

Condemning in the strongest terms an 8 April attack on a train station in Kramatorsk, which killed dozens of women and children waiting for evacuation from Ukraine, she also warned that “this trauma risks destroying a generation”. Allegations of rape and sexual violence perpetrated on those fleeing are now emerging, and the large numbers of displaced persons — with the presence of conscripts and mercenaries, and the brutality displayed against Ukrainians in the current conflict — raises red flag.


Maybe the Indian media does not show these images.

Yes, India does not want to oppose Russia, but that is politics and economics,

On ethical grounds how can you justify these massacres?
And you claim there is hope for humanity?

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Dear Prasad, Renuka,

I do not condone what's happening. But think about this. What will happen if we left control and justice in the hands of a single country. More Iraq, Libya etc. Yes and it will get worse. So this balance is being sought by Russia and some other countries which will keep unbridled and detrimental countol in check.

I am in the strongest possible way anguished by the war but the west asked for it.
Dear Prasad, Renuka,

I do not condone what's happening. But think about this. What will happen if we left control and justice in the hands of a single country. More Iraq, Libya etc. Yes and it will get worse. So this balance is being sought by Russia and some other countries which will keep unbridled and detrimental countol in check.

I am in the strongest possible way anguished by the war but the west asked for it.

War is never good.
Lets not say anyone asked for it.
I have been reading online comments by Indian citizens supporting Russia and anti Ukraine and using words like its Ukraine's Karma.

But when Kashmir files was screened Indians say Adharma and cry for torture and genocide of Kashmiri Hindus.

So why double standards?
If bad happens to others its Karma but if bad happens to one's own nation or race or religion its Adharma.

Spirituality and war do not go hand in hand.

Wish well for the world.

I am calling spade a spade. Though there is a strong personal element in my condemnation of the west and u.s. in particular, I believe I would have done the same thing even otherwise. I cited the cases of Iraq, Libya and many countries where atrocities were committed and I am sure it would have continued unabated and shamelessly if there is no counter balance.

Russians in a technical and literal sense may not be doing the right thing but for the reasons cited above it is for the overall and long term good of the planet.

There is no other way to treat such unbelievably adamant people with full of ego.
War is about exerting force. Spirituality is about removal of force. The best way to get rid of war permanently is for a war between force and spirituality.

I am calling spade a spade. Though there is a strong personal element in my condemnation of the west and u.s. in particular, I believe I would have done the same thing even otherwise. I cited the cases of Iraq, Libya and many countries where atrocities were committed and I am sure it would have continued unabated and shamelessly if there is no counter balance.

Russians in a technical and literal sense may not be doing the right thing but for the reasons cited above it is for the overall and long term good of the planet.

There is no other way to treat such unbelievably adamant people with full of ego.
Why should personal element be there?
One cant call a spade a spade if there is a personal element.
Let nature take its course, no power can dominate forever.
Powerful empires once ruled by no longer exists.

Japan was once ruthless but transformed to a stable, role model country.
Japanese mercilessly tortured people in Malaysia during their occupation here including boiling people alive.

All that changed finally.
Its sad that civilians lose their lives during war.
But lets not wish any nation to pay the price of war due to their " ego".

Pray for transformation through non violence.

Just a question..
" if you were a US citizen,would you be thinking the same?"

I am calling spade a spade. Though there is a strong personal element in my condemnation of the west and u.s. in particular, I believe I would have done the same thing even otherwise. I cited the cases of Iraq, Libya and many countries where atrocities were committed and I am sure it would have continued unabated and shamelessly if there is no counter balance.

Russians in a technical and literal sense may not be doing the right thing but for the reasons cited above it is for the overall and long term good of the planet.

There is no other way to treat such unbelievably adamant people with full of ego.
You cite the wrong stuff.
The USA intervened in Afghanistan and destroyed Al-Quida and Bin Ladin, which was a great help to India.
Iraq was a bad mistake.
The US was not involved in Libya at all.
Get your facts right.

What Russia and Putin are doing is atrocious, and no human being in the right mind would make the argument you are making. You have twisted yourself into a pretzel on moral grounds and that too in this thread you are doing opposite of what the OP of the thread said.
Dear Renuka, Prasad

Things happen the way they should. Nothing could have stopped my condemning or Russia attacking Ukraine. Everything really happens in the larger and long term interest. Please don't say U.S is a very clean and innocent country. It is far from that. I can understand others condemning Russia but not U.S.

Yes many bad things happen during war but think about this. U.S would now think at least twice before unilaterally acting and intervening in other countries affairs. If there is a strong silver lining to the war that is it.
Dear Renuka, Prasad

Things happen the way they should. Nothing could have stopped my condemning or Russia attacking Ukraine. Everything really happens in the larger and long term interest. Please don't say U.S is a very clean and innocent country. It is far from that. I can understand others condemning Russia but not U.S.

Yes many bad things happen during war but think about this. U.S would now think at least twice before unilaterally acting and intervening in other countries affairs. If there is a strong silver lining to the war that is it.
What about compassion?
Why are you even having a strong opinion about the war?
There isnt any silver lining to any war.
Even the Mahabharat..what good did it do finally?
Nothing much.
No country is innocent in the world.
Every country has politicians so innocence is not the name of the game.

But you seem to be having some pleasure that USA wont be " King".

You really have to get over the USA issue with yourself.
Its a severe vasana for you to get over.
Take it from me Renuka. They are inveterate reprobates. Compassion is well over the top of their head. They don't understand any language other than removal of their force. They fear spirituality because it removes force.
Take it from me Renuka. They are inveterate reprobates. Compassion is well over the top of their head. They don't understand any language other than removal of their force. They fear spirituality because it removes force.
I was not talking about compassion of the USA.

I was asking about your compassion...as why you are Ok with war.
Take it from me Renuka. They are inveterate reprobates. Compassion is well over the top of their head. They don't understand any language other than removal of their force. They fear spirituality because it removes force.
Btw Sravna,

Take a look at this disturbing video.
Israel's inhumane way of handling a 13 year old boy.

This wont happen in the USA.

So do you see there are countries 100x worse than the USA?
Dont you feel you have to drop the idea of being anti USA?
If one decides to dislike one country, one should also start hating the world.

So the best option is not hate.

If you feel you are spiritually awakened, then spead vibes of love.
Love can transform the world.
Hate only begets hate.
I was not talking about compassion of the USA.

I was asking about your compassion...as why you are Ok with war.
My compassion is very much there. But why compassionate with them when they don't understand it. My interest is in really fighting such unjust people who pass off as upholders of justice. Yes there is injustice all around. But when the head corrects itself the rest follow suit.
I don't support war. It has to be the last resort. When there is no other solution it has to be fought. Lord Krishna followed this approach. He tried all others means than war to solve the problem. But it was not heeded to. So there had to be a war.

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