I think if science has to take a step towards immortality, it needs to accept spirituality as a truth. If indeed this is possible, a number of interesting questions would also pop up as a consequence.
Shri Sravna,
My gut guess work is that, Scienctific approach to take spiritual energies in control and using them systematically to conquer death (like offering complex data of Subtle Body Plus Atma to a cloned physical body) would never get succeeded.
By the time a scientists make attempts towards trapping spiritual energies, to the extent of understanding its complexity and channelizing them to acheive the desired results, he will consider himself "Aham Brahmasmi" and would get himself dissolved with Brahman..
Would not wake up and come back to carry out his systematic scientific work to offer Subtle Body and Atma to a cloned physical body....

What say you??