13. ஐந்து பேர் சூழ்ந்திடும் காடு- அந்த
ஐவர்க்கும் ஐவர் அடைந்திடும் நாடு
முந்தி வருந்திநீ தேடு - அந்த
மூலம் அறிந்திடவா முத்தி வீடு
14. உள்ளாக நால்வகை கோட்டை- பகை
ஓடப்பிடித்திட்டால் ஆளலாம் நாட்டை
கள்ளப்புலன் என்னும் காட்டை- வெட்டிக்
கனலிட்டு எரித்திட்டால் காணலாம் வீட்டை
13. This whole world is surrounded by Panchabuthas (5 elements) (Water, fire, earth, air, and sky). These five buthas created a body (our body too have these boodhas). Before they leave this body, search hard... what to search? (we are ready to search money, fame, enjoyment...). But to know the "moolam- root cause" (here, since siddhar is talking about the body, this "moolam" should probably the root-cause of taking this body). To know this, come to the house of "mukti". Since this body is made up of these basic five elements, they will relieve this body soon to get back to their original form. So, before that itself we should seriously search for ourself (naan yaar????)
14. This whole body depicted as a country in previous song has four forts surrounding them. These are the four Koshas surrounding inside the body, beyond which is the "pure soul--Atman" is residing.
- Annamaya Kosha (Food Sheath) - This describes the physical body composed from the five elements but mainly from food and water. Any malfunction in this kosha is noticed as illness or disease and changes to diet and exercise regime can offer remedies.
- Pranamaya Kosha (Pranic or Energy Sheath) -The Pranic or Energy Sheath, comprises the prana vayus, nadis and the chakras. Hence it is also called the "vital sheath" or "vital body". Prana, the vital breath which man lives by, is the bridge between the gross and subtle bodies as well as between the other koshas. Any malfunction in this sheath is noticed as afflictions of the breath, sensory issues and nervous problems, therefore, pranayama is the most effective remedy.
- Manomaya Kosha (Mental or psycho-emotional Sheath) - The third sheath is concerned with the metabolism of emotion as it is mainly concerned with feelings and imagination. If emotion is either over-indulged or surpressed, the imbalance in this sheath will have a knock-on effect upon the pranamaya kosha and the annamaya kosha. Imbalance is signified by difficulties in relationships, worry and psychological issues. Remedies include visualization, meditation and mantra chanting.
- Vijnyanamaya Kosha (Intellectual Sheath) - There are two levels to this sheath, one relating more to manomaya kosha and being concerned with mental calculation and thought and the higher aspect relating more to anandamaya kosha and being concerned with our perception and will. This sheath is the seat of the ego or in Sanskrit, ‘ahamkara’ and malfunctions can include poor memory, confusion, communication issues, lack of will-power and a loss of reality. Mental exercises including mantra, meditation and spiritual study can harmonise the functioning of this sheath.
- Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Sheath) - The ‘bliss sheath’ is the seat of the inner essence or Atman and is where we metabolise our experience of Samadhi. The mind is said to rest in its intrinsic natural state which is pure bliss. There are no malfunctions at this level as the mind is free from ‘chitta vrittis’ or mental confusions and distraction
To reach this fifth kosha, the four other koshas surrounding that are stopping us to search us inside. If we really want to rule this body (in the song mentioned as country), we have to conquer these forts (koshas) first. If we are able to burn the "kallapulan" diverting minds and disturbing thoughts (here, am unable to grasp what the actual "Kalla pulan" siddhar is mentioning. Because, all the pulans (senses) are tricky only according to me.), we can sure see the house. The house here mentioned by siddhar is "mukthi". Because, once you search and found "atman" in the state of samadhi, you will be easily attaining mukthi.