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Missionaries are to Blame

  • Thread starter Thread starter ShivKC
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Did not Pushyamitra Sunga, the samavedi brahmin king, try his best to destroy Buddhism also?

Even sects within one and the same religion are antagonistic.
True sir antagonism exists between sects even of the same religion (popular examples: between shaivas and vaishnavas, between shias and sunnis, between catholics and protestants). Whatever is this concept called "religion" is truly amazing. It can bring out the best and the worst in any man.

Have not yet explored the scenario of brahmins versus buddhists in Sunga's time (for that matter, have not explored buddhism seriously yet). So far i had only explored two religions, islam and christianity (found both highly unsatisfactory). Am now reading about Jainism. So am coming across quite a few face-offs between the 'hindus' and the jainas.

Are you referring to Mahabharata itself or some recent book? If it is the original M.Bh., will you kindly give the parva-ch reference.
This one quotes Charvaka's thots on (avenging) Duryodhana's death: The Mahabharata in Sanskrit: Book 9: Chapter 63

And this one describes how Charvaka was killed by the Brahmins in Yudhistara's court: The Mahabharata in Sanskrit: Book 12: Chapter 39

Here is the english translation for those who wish to go thru: The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva: Rajadharmanusasana Parva: Section XXXIX

[An aside: i find that even Medhatithi's works "disappeared" over time - because it allows varna-crossovers. And it is sorta well known that in the bid to promote themselves as brahmins, the chitpavans interpolated the shayadri khand and caused the original version of sahayadri khand to disappear. So texts "disappearing" or getting interpolated is not new. I suppose there are people who will do anything to be called brahmins (someone said 'brahman kahlane kiye kuch bhi karega'). And this is the sort of 'casteism' (a corrupted system) that gets emulated down the hierarchy as well].

This is new information for me. Any references?
Geerpuram Raghavan (GNS) quotes the Lokayata philosopher Madhava Acharya in his book "Discovering the Rigveda" and says that the Brahminists falsely described the Brahmanas and Aranyakas as Vedas: Discovering the Rigveda - Google Books

Am told this has been elaborated in the book "Carvaka / Lokayata: An Anthology of Source Materials and some recent studies". But have not read it yet.

Sir, as far as am able to understand, it is sorta accepted among historians that the brahmanas / texts on sacrifices were written in the kuru regions. But the vedas (samhita) itself is much older. So the basis that the brahmanas were added to the vedas at a later time is not entirely unfounded i suppose.

One view is that the Upanishads were the outcome of those who had reservations about the Vedas and the early Brahmana texts which generally supported the sruti. While the Lokayatas were outright rebels, the Upanishadic sages were reformers from within. And they expressed not one uniform view point but differing opinions. It was Sankara who wrote his bhashyas on the major Upanishads and gave rise to the impression that all the Upanishads expressed one view.
Thankyou for the info sir.

Smritis lay down social laws and their basic premise is the cAturvarnya, which has the purusha sUkta of the rigveda as its source. It is thus that the various smritis claim sruti status, I think.
:) Would this mean that the Purusha Sukta was added to the Rig in the dharmashastra period (after 500 BC or perhaps around 2 AD)? Anyways sir, we know how full of illogical stuff the purusha sukta is. It is a wonder that it is taken as a pramana for chaturvarna by the purvamimansa followers.

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i think we should leave the private lives of arundhati. her political postings are game, but it is hitting below the belt and not only unfair, but shows a lack of good arguements to counter arundhati's stands.

personally i do not go for arundhati, but i would not dream of being clubbed with folks whose weapon of attack is to malign their private lives. i think you folks might want to dig deeper to strengthen your case.

thank you.


Am sorta amazed at the remarks made against AR here. She wrote about the racist prejudice against the tamils in sri lanka last year: Arundhati Roy: This is not a war on terror. It is a racist war on all Tamils | Comment is free | The Guardian
But at that time we did not see this forum reacting so strongly to her remarks. A reader could possibly construe from this that the tambrams are more bothered about kashmir and kashmiri pandits than about the tamils of srilanka.
We are concerned about atrocities of missionaries here and we have to expose all the missionaries and their agents.

LTTE Prabakaran never wanted peaceful settlement of Tamil's cause in Sri Lanka and infact he was preventing any such solution all along. He killed Tamil Leaders of Sri Lanka like Appadurai Amirthalingam and others who were fighting for the Tamil cause democratically apart from former Indian Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi and deserves no sympathy whatsoever.

Basic point is peaceful resolution of the problems facing humanity through discussions, courts and democratic means.

Both Prabakharan and Arundathi Roy have supported violence and deserves no sympathy.

Arundhathi Roy is not only supporting violence in Kashmir but also suspicious of having missionary background.

Kashmiri Pandits are victims of such violence and definitely requires sympathy from all the peace loving people.

All the best
We are concerned about atrocities of missionaries here and we have to expose all the missionaries and their agents.
You seem to love whatever is this "expose act". You tried to expose godmen (but so selectively ofcourse). Now you want to "expose" missionaries (everyone knows what the missionaries do, so wonder if your "expose" is just cliched talk).

It is so easy to think that a dirty house is beautiful just because it is "our very own" while at the same time, not batting an eyelid to point a finger at the dirty street outside (and ofcourse being oblivious to the fact that 3 fingers point back at you). Honestly sir, for hypocricy the sky is no limit either...
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You seem to love whatever is this "expose act". You tried to expose godmen (but so selectively ofcourse). Now you want to "expose" missionaries (everyone knows what the missionaries do, so wonder if your "expose" is just cliched talk).

You seems to support violence and atrocities and also supporting fraudulent God-men cheating innocent people.

LTTE is a banned organisation in India and any support it is against the law of the land.

You seems to have selective amnesia when it come to atrocities against daliths. When a person belonging to EVR's caste burns 44 daliths, you have said that he doesn't belong to this sub-caste or that sub-caste. It only shows that your sympathy for daliths happening now is secondary but the sub-caste of the perpetrators is more important.

When Nari Kurava's were insulted in the broad daylight in the center of the City, you are keeping silent.

I have exposed Godman Ravi Sankar in the past eventhough he is a brahmin. I don't look into the sub-caste of a fraudulent God man and as far I am concerned, he is a cheat.

This thread is suppose to expose the missionaries activities and I am doing only that.

All the best
You seems to support violence and atrocities and also supporting fraudulent God-men cheating innocent people.
So you have decided that i support "violence, atorocites and fraudulent god-men". May i know who are you to decide this on my behalf? And on what basis did you decide this?

LTTE is a banned organisation in India and any support it is against the law of the land.
Everyone knows that.

You seems to have selective amnesia when it come to atrocities against daliths. When a person belonging to EVR's caste burns 44 daliths, you have said that he doesn't belong to this sub-caste or that sub-caste. It only shows that your sympathy for daliths happening now is secondary but the sub-caste of the perpetrators is more important.
Ok so you also get to decide how to misquote. If anyone wants to know the real picture, they are free to explore that thread and decide for themselves. And yes, the landlord did not belong to EVR's caste. No matter how many times you say an untruth it does not become the truth. A great seer that you rever spread the ignarance that a caste title is a caste and you are living in that ignorance. The landlord was merely the head of an association of landlords. So all the landlords (mukkalathors) are equally to blame. And what lead to the burning incident, i have already described.

When Nari Kurava's were insulted in the broad daylight in the center of the City, you are keeping silent.
Did i? Did not discrimination emanate from the shastras? But ofcourse you remain selectively protective towards brahmins and the shastras.

I have exposed Godman Ravi Sankar in the past eventhough he is a brahmin. I don't look into the sub-caste of a fraudulent God man and as far I am concerned, he is a cheat.
Sorry RVR, you have not exposed Ravi Shankar in any way as yet. And you are calling him a "cheat" without any basis. What fraud did he commit? Looks like you are calling him a cheat just to show that you are impartial towards brahmins (oh please..).

This thread is suppose to expose the missionaries activities and I am doing only that.
No one stopped you from that. I only wonder what is it that makes you want to expose negative things that people of one religion do. But at the same time turn a blind eye to the history of the religion you belong to.

Shri RVR, you are no different from the vedists who characterized other faiths like jainism in deplorable ways, usurped their knowledge and mislead the masses, all because of just one thing --- they cud not tolerate what the other side was saying. They wanted only their talk (and themselves) to reign supreme. They were plain egoists and plain hypocrites.

I have spoken my mind truly. And ofcourse i think Praveen will be deleting this rightaway and accuse me of calling names. We are told to be sensitive to the other side. But it makes no sense when the sensitivity also gets applied selectively.

Pride goes before a fall, Shri RVR. Sooner or later, that is what is to come. I have nothing more to say. You can have the last word.

Bye and Good luck to this forum.
So you have decided that i support "violence, atorocites and fraudulent god-men". May i know who are you to decide this on my behalf? And on what basis did you decide this?

Everyone knows that.

Ok so you also get to decide how to misquote. If anyone wants to know the real picture, they are free to explore that thread and decide for themselves. And yes, the landlord did not belong to EVR's caste. No matter how many times you say an untruth it does not become the truth. A great seer that you rever spread the ignarance that a caste title is a caste and you are living in that ignorance. The landlord was merely the head of an association of landlords. So all the landlords (mukkalathors) are equally to blame. And what lead to the burning incident, i have already described.

Did i? Did not discrimination emanate from the shastras? But ofcourse you remain selectively protective towards brahmins and the shastras.

Sorry RVR, you have not exposed Ravi Shankar in any way as yet. And you are calling him a "cheat" without any basis. What fraud did he commit? Looks like you are calling him a cheat just to show that you are impartial towards brahmins (oh please..).

No one stopped you from that. I only wonder what is it that makes you want to expose negative things that people of one religion do. But at the same time turn a blind eye to the history of the religion you belong to.

Shri RVR, you are no different from the vedists who characterized other faiths like jainism in deplorable ways, usurped their knowledge and mislead the masses, all because of just one thing --- they cud not tolerate what the other side was saying. They wanted only their talk (and themselves) to reign supreme. They were plain egoists and plain hypocrites.

I have spoken my mind truly. And ofcourse i think Praveen will be deleting this rightaway and accuse me of calling names. We are told to be sensitive to the other side. But it makes no sense when the sensitivity also gets applied selectively.

Pride goes before a fall, Shri RVR. Sooner or later, that is what is to come. I have nothing more to say. You can have the last word.

Bye and Good luck to this forum.

This thread is meant to discuss the misdeeds of missionaries and I wish every one stick to this topic. I have been exposing only missionaries misdeed starting from the education field to the current scenario where they even support violence.

Instead of discussing this, it is only you who change the topic and bring all sorts of non-issues relating to this thread.

Let us stick to the topic of this thread and if you want to defend missionaries, you please do so with whatever information and facts you have.

All the best
This thread is meant to discuss the misdeeds of missionaries and I wish every one stick to this topic. I have been exposing only missionaries misdeed starting from the education field to the current scenario where they even support violence.

Instead of discussing this, it is only you who change the topic and bring all sorts of non-issues relating to this thread.

Let us stick to the topic of this thread and if you want to defend missionaries, you please do so with whatever information and facts you have.

All the best

Shri RVR,

Am not sure what rubbish is this -- why shd i defend missionaries? You / your agent (uvsharma) called me a 'confirmed agent' in the "Brits are to blame" thread. And now you are saying this. Looks like you not only get to choose what others are but you also 'get' to decide how they should be.

I think you have a problem that come as one grows older. Am not saying what it is.

Sure you can live your selective 'expose' hobby...i have not said anything about it. If Srikrish wants to say something, i have every reason to give out the right info (even if be digression) - and i think you shd not have anything to complain about it.
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Shri RVR,

Am not sure what rubbish is this -- why shd i defend missionaries? You / your agent (uvsharma) called me a 'confirmed agent' in the "Brits are to blame" thread. And now you are saying this. Looks like you not only get to choose what others are but you also 'get' to decide how they should be.

I think you have a problem that come as one grows older. Am not saying what it is.

Sure you can live your selective 'expose' hobby...i have not said anything about it. If Srikrish wants to say something, i have every reason to give out the right info (even if be digression) - and i think you shd not have anything to complain about it.

"Let us stick to the topic of this thread and if you want to defend missionaries, you please do so with whatever information and facts you have."

Please read my above sentence carefully. I have been very careful in my statement `if you want to defend missionaries". I never asked to defend missionaries.

There may be opposite views and if somebody wants to oppose my views and defend the opposite party, let them do so.

I have my views on certain topics. For example I am not in favour of reservation for brahmins. I have strong opposition in the other thread. But nobody is calling me `anti-brahmin' for that.

I never said you are missionary or agent of missionary. I have nothing to do for whatever happened between you and Sri UVSharma but you are only linking him with me. If you link somebody with me , it is only your problem and I have nothing to do with that.

Each and every forum member will decide about each and every other members. Definitely there are few members who are opposed to me but I can live with it. At the same time majority of members are willing to associate with the charitable work of the Trust and we, the trustees, welcome them.

All the best
Let us stick to the disturbances caused by Missionaries and their lot. For those people... please do not get misguided by their designs. Look how the missionaries killed all the religions wherever they went. In contrast look how out Hindustan protected the Jews, the Parsees and the Syrian Catholics. And as of Dharam Shastras... many are interpolated. The Vedic Path is the path. And we are even willing to cast aside the Stupid smrithis and live. Because we are Hindus.... What can any one do to religion that embraces everything? You can be a follower of Vedas, you reject the Vedas and be a Hindu. You man follow the Caste system, you may reject the caste system and be a Hindu. You can worship 1 god, or you may worship millions of gods or you can be an atheist and still be a hindu. You may be Idolater or you may be an idol breaker and still be a hindu. Can the christians condemn the 10 commandments and still be christians? Can they throw away the Bible and still be christians? a big NO.

1) Bible anone is truth
Christians claim Bible to be the only message of God. That is why crusades were so violent. Both sides claimed themselves to be perfect and justified killing each other in name of religion.

b. Bible comprises of Old Testament and New Testament. Old Testament contains stories prior to Jesus and New Testament contains gospels of Jesus.

c. Now no one knows how the original Bible looks like. Some very old copies of Old Testament in Hebrew language are kept in Jerusalem. And there is no way to claim which New Testament is original. There are variety of translations in Greek, Latin and English but no one knows which is the original Bible.

Nowadays to fool people of other religion, they claim that other scriptures are half-truths but Bible alone is complete truth!

Bible is full of contradictions, stories of incest and pornography and refuse to admit that women have soul! Till a few centuries ago, the only way Christianity thrived was through threat of Church power. But after advent of modern science, which emerged as a reaction to Church’s atrocity, no one now claims that Bible has anything to do with science.

Though by birth people in many countries are Christians, hardly anyone takes Bible or its message seriously. Also since message of Bible is very unclear and contradictory, variety of liberal and conservative Churches have come up.

A bit of googling will lead you to countless resources detailing inconsistencies, contradictions, intolerance, incest, vulgarity, denigration of women, immorality etc in Bible. You shall also find huge references that prove that there is no authentic Bible and that Jesus was an imaginary person created to fool people.

2. Original Sin

a. Christians believe that the first sin was done by Adam and Eve due to mischief of Satan. Since then, all humans are born sinful!

c. Further, the sin committed by Adam-Eve was that they merely ate a fruit. So just because someone ate a small fruit, all his generations are being cursed to be sinful and face miseries! And they call God to be just!

3. Redemption Salvation
a. Christians believe that Jesus was sent to earth to free everyone from their sins, by facing the griefs of everyone who surrenders to Jesus and God!
b. Thus even if someone is a rapist and murderer, his sins are pardoned if he accepts Jesus as his savior! This is one of the reasons why Christian society has so less moral taboos.

c. Bible is unclear regarding how the sins of those who were born before Jesus, or those who die without reading Bible, or those who die in childhood or in wombs would be accounted for!

d. Those who do not believe in Jesus shall go to Hell!
Clearly, Islam inherited its fanaticism from its father and took it to another extreme.
e. The only pain that Jesus suffered was few hours of crucification. How could that equal the pains suffered by all people on earth since inception of humanity till end of world, is beyond comprehension. Many patients in hospitals and hostages of terrorists suffer much more pain and for much more duration. Are they all Jesus?

Obviously the Christian God did not know maths. He equated a limited short duration of pain of Jesus to limitless pain by limitless people!

4. Resurrection
a. On third day of crucification, Jesus is supposed to have returned back to life and shown signs to his followers that he alone is the Son of God and has come to pardon the sins of all humans!

b. Why does not Christ resurrect every third day even today so that people can believe that he alone is Son of God?

c. And if he does not do that today, what was the need to show such a magic trick then? And if indeed such a trick was to be shown, why did not God use a more robust method to pass the news of this event to future generations?

Instead of relying on gospels of a book whose original is nowhere to be found and has fight among its followers on its authenticity, he should have sent a camcorder or camera for video recording or still pictures. But of course, even Christian God did not know about these modern gadgets till modern science ripped Bible and Quran apart.

Instead of relying on gospels of a book whose original is nowhere to be found and has fight among its followers on its authenticity, he should have sent a camcorder or camera for video recording or still pictures. But of course, even Christian God did not know about these modern gadgets till modern science ripped Bible and Quran apart.

d. I always fail to understand why God cannot do miracles nicely, when indeed he does intend to do one. Instead of doing it in a foolproof manner and making arrangements for its verifications, He would merely show miracles to a bunch of illiterates, through an illiterate medium and leave the preservation of the news of this miracle to another set of illiterates!

5. Ascension

a. Jesus went with his body to Heaven and shall remain as a mediator between God and Humans till Judgment Day. On Judgment Day, God will only listen to recommendations of Jesus.
b. I wonder if Jesus went with the same body, does he also need to excrete in the same manner as in earth? So it means Heaven has provision for toilets. Similarly he must also be sweating and spitting and belching. Thus he will also need to take baths. So Heaven seems nothing but another earth!

c. Also Christians were unaware of cycles of matter and energy exchange. Things like carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle etc. Had they known that, they would have understood that it is impossible for a human to survive in Heaven unless the same cycles happen in Heaven as well. And this would mean that Heaven cannot be an eternal place. Because such cycles can exist only when both growth and destruction of species happen.
d. Is God an idiot? Why else would he need to listen to recommendations of Jesus? Can’t He Himself know who has done what and give rewards accordingly?

e. One thing common about Semitic Gods is that they enjoy doing drama. When they know everything, still they shall hold a session where Jesus or Muhammad would act as a lawyer and they would sit as a judge, call for witnesses and then announce the judgment.

6. Church
This is the best part

a. Church is the union of those people in a locality who believe in Jesus as the only hope for humanity to get a ticket to Paradise and promote this message among others. Church comprises a place, building and people.

b. Why God needs to have a church to promote His message is not understood. And if church is supposed to that, what was the need to sending Jesus as part of a drama and ask him to do some miracles. Why not instead have church from beginning of humanity to propagate his message.

So if church exists, there was no need for Jesus, and if Jesus existed, then there is no need for church and God should instead rely on daily crucification of Jesus to convince people about Bible.
In other words, a one-off miracle and a continued tradition of propagation are incompatible with each other.

7. Order of God

a. The order of God is that Jesus is the ruler of this world and no one except followers of Jesus have any rights to live freely with dignity. Jesus is indeed a symbol of love, but only for those who are Christians.
b. Till late 17th century, Christianity based on Biblical superstitions was indeed very tyrannical. Many of the popes were proclaimed murderers and rapists. But then as modern science emerged, church started getting weak. So we are lucky that while majority of world is Christian, majority do not take Bible seriously nor try to explore it deeply. That is why Christianity is forced to become much more liberal.

c. Muhammad was a smart man. When he saw such superstitions in name of God and Bible, he chose to repay Christians in their own currency. Thus Islam was founded which magnified the brutal message and intolerance of Bible significantly and turned it to them.
So just like USA is suffering today because it gave birth to Osama some years ago, Christianity suffered because it preserved the seeds of intolerance that grew into Islamic frankenstein and threatened to kill its own father!

8. Mission
a. Christian Missions and Missionaries have only one mission – to convert people into Christianity.
b. They claim that Jesus will come again and take all believers with him to Heaven.
c. Obviously they never state the time of his coming.
d. Christian Missions thrive on funds they receive in ample from Christian countries. In many countries, a percentage of every item sold goes to Church fund.
e. All means – true and false – are allowed to dupe people into Christianity. So some would show false miracles, some would claim to treat incurable diseases, some would romantic liaisons, some would use threat, some would promise money and women, all to bring people under Jesuit umbrella.

f. Because Christianity has little taboos and has easy escape to worst of sins by saying sorry to Jesus, Missions care little about ethical and unethical means for conversion. They would change names of their agents to local people, wear same dress, even have turbans and behave as Sikhs in Punjab, establish temples and have a photo of Jesus among all Hindu gods and goddesses, create sweet friendship, promote wrong translations of religious scriptures and use all other means for their Mission.

Unlike Islam, their code of conduct is minimal, and hence it is difficult to even recognize their presence at times.

g. Unlike popular perception of Christianity having a correlation with modernity, Christianity is the most superstitious religion of world. Islam is only its child.

All the popular superstitions of today can be linked back to Christian origins – ghosts, spirits, satan, faith healing, witches, dangerous grave yards, haunted houses, miraculous treatments etc etc. Not that other faiths are devoid of superstitions, but the amount of publicity and distinctiveness that Christianity has given to superstitions is unparalleled.

9. Last Judgment
a. On doomsday, Jesus shall come again, people shall rise again in same bodies and Jesus shall recommend to God who shall go to Heaven and who shall go to Hell.
b. This is Islamic wine in Christian bottle. Same foolish theory with same blatant loopholes. At times I wonder that if indeed majority of world is so gullible as to believe in such crazy theories, is it not a wonder that it is not in a deeper mess than it is currently!
c. As discussed earlier, God seems to be like President of India with no powers of His own and only acting on recommendations of a corrupt ministry.
d. What would happen to those who died in bomb blasts, were cremated, or dies in wombs, or in space-ships etc, is unclear. Because Bible does not believe that those accept men who are laid in graves, have soul! What about animals and insects is also a question mark!
If they do not have life, why was Jesus wasting time in healing lambs and claiming to be icon of love. (Its a different matter that he also used to eat lambs in dinner later!)

10. Trinity
a. Do not get confused with the Vedic trinity of three eternal entities – God, soul and nature or trinity of powers of God – creation, maintenance and destruction.
b. This Trinity is the queerest of all and cause of rifts between various sects of Christianity. As per Christianity God is One but has three forms – God, His son Jesus and Holy Spirit. So these three are one and vice versa. Now what each of these mean is a mystery even for the Popes. Each sect of Christianity has a different meaning to these. Some even reject one or two of these.
c. And in absence of an authentic Bible (current ones are supposed to be one of the fifty English translations of one of the fifty old English translations of one of the fifty Greek translations of one of the fifty Latin translations of…..etc etc of some book which is not available today!), it becomes impossible to find what it actually means!
d. But when it comes to tight spots, this Trinity is very helpful. For example, God will order that his son Jesus will take birth from a virgin girl. And Holy Spirit will visit Virgin Mary and help impregnate her without disturbing her Virginity. So together, the Three can do greatest of wonders.
e. As per Vedas, all souls are children of Ishwar (God) and there is no special son who needs to be born to an unmarried woman. However this is exactly the reason why Christian priest call illegitimate children as “Children of God”! Whether its a insult to Jesus or praise of these children is best left to judgment of these priests themselves.
Now that we have understood the basic precepts of Christianity, let us review a few more useful information:
a. There is no evidence of Christ being a real person. It seems that popular stories of those eras were compiled together and a hoax of Christ was created to create a cult. That is why we find striking similarity between old Vedic culture and Christian traditions.
b. As discussed, Bible, and especially New Testament – the prime text of Christians is an unreliable text with multiple versions. All you get in name of Bible are translations of translations with gross inconsistencies. The book is full of contradictions and superstitions.
e. It is difficult to explain why Christ was born on 25th December when the calendar is supposed to start with his birth. Actually the Christian calendar being used was adopted merely a few hundred years ago.
f. There are various sects of Christianity and they fight against each other because the Bible is too vague for clear understanding. So each has a different Bible and a different interpretation. Interestingly, each believes that only they would go to Heaven and rest in Hell…forever!
g. The theme across all cult-based sects is same – there was a time when some fantastic miracles happened
- some smart people started a tradition of passing on stories of these miracles to next generation
- no miracles happen currently
- suddenly miracles will again happen when world will end.
- those who believe in above shall go to Heaven and others will go to Hell!

h. Description of Christian Heaven is also interesting though not as lustful as that in Islam.
- Heaven is somewhere above the earth in sky.
- God lives there in a big palatial building and there are security guards at each entry door.
- God sits on a throne and Jesus sits on His right.
- Jesus has the rights to decide who shall get salvation and who shall go to Hell and whose sins be forgiven.
- There are many Heavenly ambassadors living there as well. There are 20 crore horsemen and 12 army battalions to protect God and fight His enemies!
- There are beautiful roads but we do not get virgins and young boys in Christian Heaven. This lacunae was filled by Quran later! Though wine is available.
- Bible is not clear on what shall be the food available to people who go to Heaven.
- Wars also happen in Heaven. Once there was war between Satan in form of snake and Michael’s army.
- Hell is not clearly described in Bible. For that, one should refer to Quran!

By now rational readers must have understood the foundations of Christianity. In next set of posts, we shall explore some more loopholes in Christianity, how Christianity treats women and then conclude with a set of questions from Christian priests. If they satisfactorily answer them, we would be willing to embrace Christianity.

May the truth prevail!
"Let us stick to the topic of this thread and if you want to defend missionaries, you please do so with whatever information and facts you have."

Please read my above sentence carefully. I have been very careful in my statement `if you want to defend missionaries". I never asked to defend missionaries.

There may be opposite views and if somebody wants to oppose my views and defend the opposite party, let them do so.

I have my views on certain topics. For example I am not in favour of reservation for brahmins. I have strong opposition in the other thread. But nobody is calling me `anti-brahmin' for that.

I never said you are missionary or agent of missionary. I have nothing to do for whatever happened between you and Sri UVSharma but you are only linking him with me. If you link somebody with me , it is only your problem and I have nothing to do with that.
RVR, i did not link you with UVSharma at first. It was UVSharma who quoted you saying that RVR's suspicions have come true and missionaries have entered the forum. Hence, it became obvious that he was speaking on your behalf. Unfortunately praveen has deleted those posts.

Each and every forum member will decide about each and every other members. Definitely there are few members who are opposed to me but I can live with it. At the same time majority of members are willing to associate with the charitable work of the Trust and we, the trustees, welcome them.

All the best
Again, you have decided what you wish to decide. There is no necessity to bring the trust in between here. There are many trusts doing things. It remains each one's personal wish what they want to associate themselves with. Sir, on my part, am clear that i do not want to associate with yourself (so its about you and not the trust).

By now rational readers must have understood the foundations of Christianity. In next set of posts, we shall explore some more loopholes in Christianity, how Christianity treats women and then conclude with a set of questions from Christian priests. If they satisfactorily answer them, we would be willing to embrace Christianity.

May the truth prevail!
Hello Srikrish,

I have done enuf exploring and am sure i will not embrace christianity. And even there are 'satisfactory' answers, there is no reason why i shd give up my way of life. What is satisfactory to one need not be satisfactory to another. There is no end to what the mind can explore. So, please i request you to speak for yourself and not for "we" (which may include others like me).

RVR, i did not link you with UVSharma at first. It was UVSharma who quoted you saying that RVR's suspicions have come true and missionaries have entered the forum. Hence, it became obvious that he was speaking on your behalf. Unfortunately praveen has deleted those posts.

Again, you have decided what you wish to decide. There is no necessity to bring the trust in between here. There are many trusts doing things. It remains each one's personal wish what they want to associate themselves with. Sir, on my part, am clear that i do not want to associate with yourself (so its about you and not the trust).


Anybody can quote any other person in the forum. It doesn't mean both are linked, proxy etc.

All the best
Once again,

I hate to repeat myself. But i do not have a choice.

There are a lot of discussions that are sensitive in nature. One must understand we have a varied memberbase and what seems ok to one need not be ok to someone.

Its a fine line, but on the pretext of discussing sensitive topics, people seem at ease crossing the line and saying things that can and does hurt the sentiments of other members.

All things said and done, the gap between the brahmins within India and outside is very much a big one. (generally speaking and not in reference to the members we have)

Barring a few, those in India are not comfortable in questioning the foundation/basics of our religion. They are also very very sensitive and prefer to take things as is and continue in the same old way that they have been shown by the previous generations. Comparatively, they are still a good 20 years behind (minimum). They might have the money, the power and all things materialistic, but inside they need to grow up and they need to grow up before they are left out.

While the people outside India are very much in tune with the current scenario, their views and opinions are, unfortunately, very much seen as a "anti-brahmin".

I am very sure there will be oppositions to what i said above, but thats the hard reality. Ignorning reality and continuing to live in a broken dream is like fooling yourself.
Wake up and smell the coffee.

When it comes to Walking the talk, only a very very few (within India) are capable of doing it and willing to do it.

So, please in future discussions, keep in mind the sensitivity of such members and put yourself in other people's shoes before posting somethiing.

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