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Missionaries are to Blame

  • Thread starter Thread starter ShivKC
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Though Sh.Senthil was pushed to the wall, may people had missed out the import point he expressed in the chapter 'Brits are to blame'.. Its not the Brits but the missionaries had made this present day caste division.

Sh.Sethil shares this good eg, "Actually the entire hindu society was oppressed by britishers, assisted by catholics.. the caste oppression is a theoritical propoganda far from reality.. and alter in order to prove it, clashes b/w different castes was introduced by missionaries and marxists.. Even today, in tamilnadu, Thiruma is funded by paul dinakaran group, and his assignment was to provoke his caste men wherever possible.. and thiruma successfully done this assignment in north tamilnadu, where most caste conflicts took place b/w his men and vanniyars.."
Though Sh.Senthil was pushed to the wall, may people had missed out the import point he expressed in the chapter 'Brits are to blame'.. Its not the Brits but the missionaries had made this present day caste division.
Feeling very mischievous today are we?
I agree that Christian missionaries (cm) are aggressively proselytizing wherever they can. They have completely converted many tribes (read areas) in the NE. But all these activities happened because the Missionaries went about their job with the precision which a migration to Mars will perhaps demand today. First, they befriended the brahmins and learnt all about hindu scriptures, hindu laws (dharmasastras), their customs, how the religion works at the grass roots level. They must have relied upon the not too few accounts recorded by earlier visitors, travellers, administrators, etc., also. Many of these accounts of hinduism are now available for free download from Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine

As the second step they assessed the mind of the peripheral groups (I call them today's dalits) at the lowest levels of the caste hierarchy of the hindu society. They found that these people had practically no sense of belonging to the hindu fold because of the treatment meted out to them. cm then told them that here is a new god and community where they will not be treated as garbage of the society and promised heaven if only they follow a few simple rules, applicable to all, in their society, like going to the church, listening to the preacher, worshipping with faith etc. The dalits were immensely attracted. cm gave many of them avenues for schooling also. (This was the case in Travancore where there were missionary schools even about 90 or 100 years ago. In fact two teachers, Sosaamma and Mariyaamma, who taught me in my Class III in the Maharaja's (govt.) primary school for boys and girls, were such christian ladies, converts from low castes. They were such affectionate women that their names still remain in my memory!)

The dalits who comprised some of the former hill tribes who were ejected from their traditional habitat and living methods because of plantations, etc., also found christianity very welcome. The atrocious treatment meted out to them thorugh the historical period by the hindu caste structure became more and more evident to them. Even after Independence, the missionaries found fertile soil in coastal A.P. I recollect a detailed article which appeared in the Illustrated Weekly of India, in the 1960's. The church was modified to a small temple-like structure of about 6'x6'. Several such temples were erected along the coast. Instead of an idol, a cross in stone was firmly fixed to a traditional "peetham" which one finds in our temples. The padre (priest) used to wear red coloured clothes - this was the practice among the indigenous "poosaaris" in those areas. The cross would be garlanded, an "aarati" performed and extracts from the Telugu Bible would be read out. The session ended probably with some equivalent of prasaadam and eatables. Thus the fisherfolk were nicely absorbed into the Christian fold.

All these years the hindus remained smug, mainly because their notion of "hindu" did not embrace the lower castes. Only when the successive census results revealed the great increase in Muslim population (From 9.91 percent in 1951, to 10.70 in 1961, 11.21 in 1971, 11.35 in 1981, 11.67 in 1991 and 13.4 percent in 2001), the demand for a separate Khalistan came in the 1970's and the muslim majority district of Malappuram was made in 1969, did the hindus wake up to the reality of the increase in other religions and naturally to conversions, mainly by cm.

BJP was inaugurated in 1980. Though the popular perception of the party was and is, that it stands for the high caste hindus, it made hinduism as one of its main planks. It intervened in cm conversions in many parts of the country and this resulted in some violence also. But it is very doubtful whether the party has been able to create, among the various tribal groups, a sense of belonging to hinduism, or the party. BJP was also, IMO, non-committal in atrocities on dalits by high caste hindus and their outfits.

In this forum itself there was a strong opinion, a few months back, that most of the atrocities on dalits have been and still continue to be, the handiwork of the non-brahmin high castes and that the brahmins per se have been innocent of any part in those crimes. Now a further revelation is coming and the root cause, we are told, are the christian missionaries, but for whose devilish designs, even the non-brahmins would have extended exemplary behaviour towards dalits. Thus NBs have also been saved from perdition! Before long we may find out that some outside power is egging the cm (who, left to themselves, will be innocent and content with their churches and parishes and won't even touch anyone for conversion) on to induce the non-brahmin castes to perpetrate atrocities on dalits!
. (This was the case in Travancore where there were missionary schools even about 90 or 100 years ago. In fact two teachers, Sosaamma and Mariyaamma, who taught me in my Class III in the Maharaja's (govt.) primary school for boys and girls, were such christian ladies, converts from low castes. They were such affectionate women that their names still remain in my memory!)

Sh.Sangom, I am curious to know, how you came to know that your class III teachers were dalits?

I am sure they would have proclaimed in the class room that they were dalits of kerala, and got freedom from the clutches of Hinduism and became teachers?

As a Brahmin, have you ever felt bad/humiliated in the school room by the low caste christian school teacher? Have you ever felt so frustrated to learn from a low caste missionary teacher.. I'm asking this question, because I want to know how the missionaries handle cleverly the brahmin students//

Above all, at class III how was your understanding about the class or stratification of low castes and high castes?
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Sh.Sangom, I am curious to know, how you came to know that your class III teachers were dalits?

I am sure they would have proclaimed in the class room that they were dalits of kerala, and got freedom from the clutches of Hinduism and became teachers?

As a Brahmin, have you ever felt bad/humiliated in the school room by the low caste christian school teacher? Have you ever felt so frustrated to learn from a low caste missionary teacher.. I'm asking this question, because I want to know how the missionaries handle cleverly the brahmin students//

Above all, at class III how was your understanding about the class or stratification of low castes and high castes?
Shri Shiv,

I do not reply to mocking questions. You can draw whatever conclusions you want.

welcome to the forum.

i think everyone has his views of the world. all the more glory to diversity of views.

personally i come from north malabar. my entire family of myself and my maternal cousins, sister were introduced to this world by a dr. stephen. yes a keralite christian lady doctor.

i lived in a locality in madras, where the majority of people were christians that too catholics. i had the most happy childhood moving with them. i was never taunted or teaseds, but always admired for my studies and to be role model. my inner desire was to be like those youngsters , who had less strict parents. in the end all of them barring one ended up as doctors and engineers, but with much less stress than what i experienced. also they excelled in sports, which i had no chance.

my aunt's rather difficult pregnancy was handled by a muslim moplah male doctor 50 years ago, but my grandpa was in the room whenever he examined my aunt. the family respected him for his skills.

i went to christian schools and was always treated well. never has anyone try to convert me. not that i would. my entire maternal family including both my parents, sister, cousins went to christian schools. my sister went to a muslim college.

this is india. wake up and if you do not accept other castes creeds religions tribes etc as part of the indian mosaic you are going to have a very hard time moving up in this india. because if you do not look upon them kindly, you will not interact with them kindly. sooner or later prejudice shows. and guess what, who is the loser?

the best of our philosphies do not preach hatred or prejudice. the best, i say, and that does not include manu.

we can all have stories of ancient hatred and dispossessions. to hark upon them is to heave unwanted baggage on our psyche. we become perverted and do not see the brightness of life anymore. everything is black and everyone is an enemy. how can one have a healthy attitude to life with such a seige mentality, i ask.

how can one go through life like that, especially tomorrow if a muslim or christian moves next door to you? you have no choice there. or if your children have christian friends? maybe you have a choice there, but your children will be outcastes. worse still, if one of your children wants to marry a christian (heaven forbid!). probably you won't have any choice there either.

also i do not think senthil was pushed to the wall. nobody is here to push him. maybe he felt like standing against the wall to support it. the only one person who can push anyone away from this forum is the moderator. to the best of my knowledge praveen has maintained a noble silence.

shiv you are free to believe what you want and poison your own mind. but please consider the consequences before you poison the mind of your children. for sooner or later they will come to realize the intensity of your feelings, and more often than not, might just simply do the opposite of what you preach. prejudices are strong poison to swallow, especially for young minds.

as one, who has once upon a time, a long time ago, gone through the same path that you now tread, all i can say, is that it was not pleasant and i thank my God for having pulled me out of that garbage in time to avoid lasting damage.

i think i have said everything that i am able to in this thread.

shiv, i wish you well and above all God Bless.

ps.. you really would have a tough time, if your parents life depended on the skillsets of a dalit converted to christian specialist doctor. wonder what you would chose? your parents' lives? or your prejudice.
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K and Shri Sangom, I think the title of this thread is meant in a sarcastic mode, a la, what is next, the cm created caste???
K and Shri Sangom, I think the title of this thread is meant in a sarcastic mode, a la, what is next, the cm created caste???
Shri Nara and Shri Kunjuppu,

I also got the same feeling. That was why I wrote of how the "real" provocation of atrocities against dalits is now getting transferred from NBs to mc. If we are not told that cm it were who invented castes, we may be told that it is a psychological trait of dalits themselves to do atrocities amongst themselves-pure in-fighting, so no one else is to be blamed!
Shri Nara and Shri Kunjuppu,

I also got the same feeling. That was why I wrote of how the "real" provocation of atrocities against dalits is now getting transferred from NBs to mc. If we are not told that cm it were who invented castes, we may be told that it is a psychological trait of dalits themselves to do atrocities amongst themselves-pure in-fighting, so no one else is to be blamed!

Please read this.

Pope calls for Targeting of Lower Caste Hindus for Conversion

Guess who is dividing our society?

Pope calls for Targeting of Lower Caste Hindus for Conversion - Christian Aggression
Please read this.

Pope calls for Targeting of Lower Caste Hindus for Conversion

Guess who is dividing our society?

Pope calls for Targeting of Lower Caste Hindus for Conversion - Christian Aggression

Welcome Shri ShivKC to our forum.

Please write your views about atrocities of missionaries in India. I became active in this forum only last year. When I started attacking Hindu God men in this forum, I faced stiff resistance. But when I started attacking missionaries, the attacks against me turned to personal level. Missionaries are capable of intruding everywhere and are capable of playing dirty tricks.

Personally I had a very bad experience of a missionary agent behaving in an ugliest manner at Vaishanvi temple at Thirumullaivayil, Chennai about a decade back. The temple is open to all religions, castes and races. Muslims and Sicks come and pray in the temple without any problem. But missionaries come with their hidden agenda and play all sorts of dirty tricks.

Anyway coming to the main point, I would like to point out a real life problem. I am associated with a school situated in a fishermen village. During our last review of student performance, the teachers complained that most of the students are not sincere in their studies. I suggested following Singapore Education Model where a student is assessed upto the age of twelve (say 8th Standard) and then put on to specific programs based on his skill. Singapore Government has evolved the system brilliantly where a student after a particular age is assigned to a particular field based on his aptitude. Some students are sent to NUS/NTU, some students are sent to polytechnics and some students are sent to vocational training in specialised skills. At the end of the day there is no failure and everybody succeeds.,

Similar system prevailed in India before British invasion under Gurukulam style. India was the richest country on earth when British invaded us. British introduced Macaulay system of education and collapsed the home grown system resulting in poverty, famine and unemployment. Macaulay system suites the missionaries more to implement their hidden agenda rather than solving the problems in this country.

Unfortunately there was no takers for my proposal as changing the present system is very difficult. Unless the we adopt a Singapore like model, we cannot solve the problems in this country. Anyway I have not given up my hopes and let me pursue further.

All the best
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I would like to share my personal experience with the forum members.
When I entered government of India service in clerical cadre in P&T AUDIT OFFICE, NAGPUR another SV brahmin boy from SriPerumbudur also joined the service in the year 1954.His elder brother an orthodox SV brahmin was already in NAGPUR. This boy did some course in automobile engineering but joined as as
a clerk.
There was a Christian girl in our office.She was moving freely with a number of boys.One fine morning she found that she is in family way and pointed fingers at this young SV brahmin boy .He had no other alternative except to marry the girl.Marriage life was not smooth.He attempted suicide three times but he was saved every time by the grace of GOD.
He thought that if he leaves for the house straight from office it lands in family quarrels. So he took to selling old Radio Sets from Shops to people like us.Rich People used to take new models of RADIO and keep the old sets with the shopkeeper for second hand sale.Both the shopkeeper and my friend used to make some money.When the sold second hand sets required repair,All persons who have purchased from my friend used to get it repaired by him. He was keeping himself busy this way.He was not getting proper remuneration for the repairs as many persons took advantage of his good behavior.He was put to monetary loss
and so abruptly stopped. Luckily for him office wanted a volunteer to develop negatives before handing over original documents to court.He got training.This was a turning point in his life.He started a Photo Studio in addition to his govt Job.While working in the office in black room he attempted suicide by drinking acid or some such substance.He was saved.THIS was his third and last attempt. He started to make some extra money through Photography and improved his economic condition.Peace started prevailing in his family life.
He had two sons and one daughter.His wife introduced him as photographer to various Christian organisations. Slowly he became photograper for an AMERICAN EVANGELIST ORGANISATION who pump lots of money to INDIA.
He used to accompany AMERICANS to various ORPHANAGES run by them ane take Photos.He resigned from Govt Service and joined the organisation.IN a few years He was heading the organisation in India.I had left NAGPUR in 1970. When he came to HYDERABAD as Head of the organisation he used to stay In some GOOD HOTEL and call me there.He used to interview a number of people to run these Orphanages and select them.I have seen him interviewing the christians.At that time he used to explain how the whole business of conversion takes place in India.According to him large number of Dalits and others from HINDU faith have been converted to CHRISTIANITY in ANDHRA,MADHYAPRADESH and NORTH EASTERN STATES.Most of them do not officially declare themselves as CHRISTIANS just to get maximum advantages
under the present policy of resevation.(Mr.UMA SANKAR I.A.S. TAMILNADU is one such example).I came to know from My friend only that Former Congress Leader Late.Mr.BRAMMANANDA REDDY was a ROMAN CATHOLIC.
If the policy of reservation is extended to CHRISTIAN DALITS AND MUSLIM DALITS by Govt Of INDIA then WE will be able to know the real situation.There will be MASS EXODUS. WE will come to know the real position.
EVEN if anyone says CONVERSIONS do not take place in INDIA ,I will never accept that view as I have first hand knowledge.
My friend went and settled in DALLAS TEXAS with his family in 1980. When I first visited USA in 2003, I requested my son to locate my friend in DALLAS
as I misplaced his address.My son managed to find a LIST OF PEOPLE FROM NAGPUR In DIRECTORY. WE established contact and daily he used to call me.
I used to send mails to him.After my return to India My mails to him returned undelivered.I presume he is no more.MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.
WE have to learn lessons from this.OUR COMMUNITY PEOPLE SHOULD INVOLVE OURSELVES IN UPLIFTING THE DALIT HINDUS so that WE as TAMIL BRAHMINS and as part of HINDU FAITH do not loose the benefit of numerical strength.
Ultimately OUR community will stand to gain in the LONG RUN.LET US ENLARGE OUR VISION
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I would like to share my personal experience with the forum members.
When I entered government of India service in clerical cadre in P&T AUDIT OFFICE, NAGPUR another SV brahmin boy from SriPerumbudur also joined the service in the year 1954.His elder brother an orthodox SV brahmin was already in NAGPUR. This boy did some course in automobile engineering but joined as as
a clerk.
There was a Christian girl in our office.She was moving freely with a number of boys.One fine morning she found that she is in family way and pointed fingers at this young SV brahmin boy .He had no other alternative except to marry the girl.Marriage life was not smooth.He attempted suicide three times but he was saved every time by the grace of GOD.
He thought that if he leaves for the house straight from office it lands in family quarrels. So he took to selling old Radio Sets from Shops to people like us.Rich People used to take new models of RADIO and keep the old sets with the shopkeeper for second hand sale.Both the shopkeeper and my friend used to make some money.When the sold second hand sets required repair,All persons who have purchased from my friend used to get it repaired by him. He was keeping himself busy this way.He was not getting proper remuneration for the repairs as many persons took advantage of his good behavior.He was put to monetary loss
and so abruptly stopped. Luckily for him office wanted a volunteer to develop negatives before handing over original documents to court.He got training.This was a turning point in his life.He started a Photo Studio in addition to his govt Job.While working in the office in black room he attempted suicide by drinking acid or some such substance.He was saved.THIS was his third and last attempt. He started to make some extra money through Photography and improved his economic condition.Peace started prevailing in his family life.
He had two sons and one daughter.His wife introduced him as photographer to various Christian organisations. Slowly he became photograper for an AMERICAN EVANGELIST ORGANISATION who pump lots of money to INDIA.
He used to accompany AMERICANS to various ORPHANAGES run by them ane take Photos.He resigned from Govt Service and joined the organisation.IN a few years He was heading the organisation in India.I had left NAGPUR in 1970. When he came to HYDERABAD as Head of the organisation he used to stay In some GOOD HOTEL and call me there.He used to interview a number of people to run these Orphanages and select them.I have seen him interviewing the christians.At that time he used to explain how the whole business of conversion takes place in India.According to him large number of Dalits and others from HINDU faith have been converted to CHRISTIANITY in ANDHRA,MADHYAPRADESH and NORTH EASTERN STATES.Most of them do not officially declare themselves as CHRISTIANS just to get maximum advantages
under the present policy of resevation.(Mr.UMA SANKAR I.A.S. TAMILNADU is one such example).I came to know from My friend only that Former Congress Leader Late.Mr.BRAMMANANDA REDDY was a ROMAN CATHOLIC.
If the policy of reservation is extended to CHRISTIAN DALITS AND MUSLIM DALITS by Govt Of INDIA then WE will be able to know the real situation.There will be MASS EXODUS. WE will come to know the real position.
EVEN if anyone says CONVERSIONS do not take place in INDIA ,I will never accept that view as I have first hand knowledge.
My friend went and settled in DALLAS TEXAS with his family in 1980. When I first visited USA in 2003, I requested my son to locate my friend in DALLAS
as I misplaced his address.My son managed to find a LIST OF PEOPLE FROM NAGPUR In DIRECTORY. WE established contact and daily he used to call me.
I used to send mails to him.After my return to India My mails to him returned undelivered.I presume he is no more.MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.
WE have to learn lessons from this.OUR COMMUNITY PEOPLE SHOULD INVOLVE OURSELVES IN UPLIFTING THE DALIT HINDUS so that WE as TAMIL BRAHMINS and as part of HINDU FAITH do not loose the benefit of numerical strength.
Ultimately OUR community will stand to gain in the LONG RUN.LET US ENLARGE OUR VISION
Shri Krishnamurthy Sir,

Thank you for sharing your personal experiences. It is nobody's argument that christian missionaries are not proselytising. Actually the previous pope had made a public pronouncement that in the 21st. century, the entire asia should become xian.

This thread seemed to me to focus on the atrocities being committed on dalits at the instigation of the christian missionaries. Anyway the conversions have become very easy because the dalits have no sense of belonging to the hindu fold. In this context I think we should welcome the work done by a few of our godmen who have been successful in attracting the lower castes to their groups. But many of them still have not been successful in giving a very simple religious product and often take off to the highly philosophical and abstruse hinduism.

Perhaps a revival of the bhagavata cult with its age old rules admitting lower castes as equals and practices limited to simple devotion to Vishnu might be the answer to make the low castes gain a sense of belonging to the hindu fold. But here also we have the bhagavata saptaaham and all that tailored to the tastes of the higher castes only.
no one is to be blamed, if we put aside our wits, the only thing to be blamed is our futile over intellectualism which denies commen sense.
missionaries are not converting by force. they are proud of their traditions and religion, we are not. it is simple.
not only poor but learned people are also converting to other religions. I know many poor who just convert for material gains but return to Hinduism once got that material help. what about the intellectuals who in large number are converting and bashing Hinduism with all their wits.
Welcome Shri ShivKC to our forum.

Similar system prevailed in India before British invasion under Gurukulam style. India was the richest country on earth when British invaded us. British introduced Macaulay system of education and collapsed the home grown system resulting in poverty, famine and unemployment. Macaulay system suites the missionaries more to implement their hidden agenda rather than solving the problems in this country.

Sh.RVR, my stand is always against the caste demon.And I would say Mccaulay systems is nothing but a Missionary system. Its this education system which subtly poisoned the minds of Indians and made them to feel and pointed and exaggerated the high and low of Indian castes, and instigated the lower castes against upper ones. If not for this system, Indian society would have been peaceful. And hence the blame goes squarely on the missionaries in flaring up the caste system. Added to educating alphabets, missionaries also educated them with their status of caste identity, for their own inciting agenda.There was no caste communal fights recorded before mccaulay, I think so.
Welcome Shri ShivKC to our forum.

...........Anyway coming to the main point, I would like to point out a real life problem. I am associated with a school situated in a fishermen village. During our last review of student performance, the teachers complained that most of the students are not sincere in their studies. I suggested following Singapore Education Model where a student is assessed upto the age of twelve (say 8th Standard) and then put on to specific programs based on his skill. Singapore Government has evolved the system brilliantly where a student after a particular age is assigned to a particular field based on his aptitude. Some students are sent to NUS/NTU, some students are sent to polytechnics and some students are sent to vocational training in specialised skills. At the end of the day there is no failure and everybody succeeds.,


I have problems with the Singapore system of filtering students at grade 8 or age 12. let me tell you why.

Students mature and bloom at different stages. Someone who stands at the top of the class upto grade 8 does not necessarily perform well later or in life. Vice versa is also true.

With the s’pore system, students who do badly in earlier years are punished for life per s’pre rules. So what do they do? they go abroad and study. Only s’pore’s higher education system is denied to them.

Such patriarchical club rules may work for a small country like s’pore with an overwhelming Chinese value system (very complementary to our own incidentally) and we may agree with it. But it has been my experience in my own high school days, certain class mates of mine started blooming only in the college, and many of them have become specialists in their fields.

Even my own children were indifferent students till they graduated of high school. And per s’pore rules would have been destined for something far below what has been their potential eventually.

Also, when dealing with our complex society, this type of suggestion, we should take great care, does not smack of rajaji’s kula kalvi thittam, no matter how honourable and sincere our intentions may be.

When it comes to education, it is best to give parents the leeway and decision rights and not force something based on a preconception, that current performance is an indication of how the future lies.

Hope this is ok.

My personal experiance on this. I met a Dhalit personality at chennai when I required physical help to do some small house hold work.He obledged. I offered him Rs. 50.He denied saying that it is a sin to accept kooli(payment) from a brahmin.He narrated his previous history.Attracted by the preachings of Periar he hated the entire brahmin community and when he got a chance he even gave them heavy blows.He was wondering why none of them retalite.They simply cursed him that God is there looking everything.By passing of time he had to move with more Brahmins.At this juncture he was awakened and realised that brahmins are not as much bad people.And he started realising that who is Brahmin .At this stage he changed his mind that some one has misinformed about the Brahmins.So from that date he started living as a good person having respect to Brahmins.He preaches to his family members and also his friends about the good hearted Brahmins.Here my opinion We lack preaching that for all caste evils Brahmins are not solely responsible.And no Brahmin is entangling in caste war spesifically against Dhalith community.

I have problems with the Singapore system of filtering students at grade 8 or age 12. let me tell you why.

Students mature and bloom at different stages. Someone who stands at the top of the class upto grade 8 does not necessarily perform well later or in life. Vice versa is also true.

With the s’pore system, students who do badly in earlier years are punished for life per s’pre rules. So what do they do? they go abroad and study. Only s’pore’s higher education system is denied to them.

Such patriarchical club rules may work for a small country like s’pore with an overwhelming Chinese value system (very complementary to our own incidentally) and we may agree with it. But it has been my experience in my own high school days, certain class mates of mine started blooming only in the college, and many of them have become specialists in their fields.

Even my own children were indifferent students till they graduated of high school. And per s’pore rules would have been destined for something far below what has been their potential eventually.

Also, when dealing with our complex society, this type of suggestion, we should take great care, does not smack of rajaji’s kula kalvi thittam, no matter how honourable and sincere our intentions may be.

When it comes to education, it is best to give parents the leeway and decision rights and not force something based on a preconception, that current performance is an indication of how the future lies.

Hope this is ok.


Sri Kunjuppu ji,

I am not suggesting that we should implement Singapore system blindly. But the systems works beautifully where no body is a failure at the end of the day.

In the Indian system of education, there is tremendous flaw in imparting knowledge to the students.

Our students in the school are mostly from fishermen community where the parents are totally illiterate without any basic knowledge to guide their children. It is our responsibility to guide the students with proper education.

The students are carried away by the `English Medium' euphoria which is totally unwarranted. Any well developed non-English speaking country imparts education only in their respective mother tongue and not in English. There are any number of examples like Germany, France, Japan, China etc. It is better to start education in their mother tongue rather than in a foreign language. There is a proverb in Tamil ` எண்ணும் எழுத்தும் கண்ணென தகும்'. If a student first learns to read and write in his own mother tongue along with simple arithmetics, it is a great asset to him for the rest of his life. But due to Missionary influence in the education, everybody including a fisherman community student is opting only for English Medium education.

If a student particularly hailing from an illiterate family studies in his own mother tongue up-to say 5th standard, he can fully learn to read and write in his mother tongue apart from learning simple arithmetics without much of a problem. By imposing a foreign language, he is unable to cope up with the subjects and ultimately fails.

May be from 6th standard onwards he can be put into more serious study in Science and Maths subjects apart from little bit of history and geography. Even here we can adopt single language forumulae, i.e. mother tongue alone. May be from 9th standard onwards, English could be introduced as additional language.

But missionary influence has spoiled the whole system by introducing English language from primary levels and every thing looks to the student as foreign.

Instead of giving more importance to Examinations, there could be more emphasis on knowledge, aptitude etc. so that no student fails at the end of the day.

Government of India through Central Board of Secondary Education is advocating three language formulae, i.e English, Hindi and mother tongue.

Tamilnadu Government is advocating two language formulae.

If a person masters his mother tongue, he can pick up any number of languages at a later stage. Unfortunately nobody advocates single language formula i.e Mother Tongue alone.

Missionaries have to be squarely blamed for influencing every body to learn English language first.

I am not suggesting `Kula Kalvi Thittam'. I am not advocating the school to teach `fishing' to all the fishermen community children. At the same time, if they cannot pick up formal education in a big way, they can start picking up some skills from ninth standard onwards. Final decision on their career could be done even after school final i.e. 12 th standards. This way, nobody will be a failure and every body will succeed in at least one skill.

Today a mason or carpenter or electrician within India itself commands better respect in the society as compared to olden days. There is a huge opportunity to migrate to Gulf or Singapore and make a big fortune in life.

Macaulay education system which is being advocated by the missionaries is preventing to impart skill based education and deny all these opportunities to potential students.

It is very difficult to change the system as it has polluted the minds of almost all Indians.

All the best
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How singapore Education model is releted to missionaries and their deeds.
I have just returned after a holiday to Sri Lanka with some friends of mine and this whole missionary thing is very poignant to me. I spent a lot of time in the North and East of the island i.e. the former war torn areas. So, so many Tamil people (generally the “lower” castes) are Christians there and the number grows daily. There were loads and loads of all types of missionaries from the Catholic nuns/priests to the American Protestant type organisations. After all when there is war or mishap of any kind they are first in the queue whatever their intention, no?

Speaking to the people its very depressing to hear that on so many occasions their Hindu temple or Hindu organisations failed to protect them. Many of these people are Hindu at heart but outwardly Christians. They told me upon my asking that during the war (LTTE vs SL army) there were cases where Hindu temples refused to give refuge to a group of women because some of them were on their periods. Other stories about how lower castes weren’t allowed to enter the temple and so on. Also there isn’t any Hindu organisation helping out with food, medicine unlike the missionaries who were distributing food, medicine, prosthetic limbs, clothes and so on.

Yes, they help with one hand and ask for your soul with the other. When you’re desperate like these people and they are the only ones helping, what do you do? What do you do when your own people because of religious bigotry and monopoly amongst other things turn you away? You don’t have a choice other than selling your very soul (not to the Devil but to the Lord Jesus Christ himself :)) and then we complain about proselytisers. If we push away our own people into the ever ready waiting arms of proselytisers what else do we expect?

On another note, from childhood every time we visit India, we try to go to Hyderabad AP, where my aunt lived. The town has always been very Muslim to me. Four years ago when we went it seemed the Christians had taken over. So many new churches and people spilling out of them like I’d never seen before. On our car ride from Chennai to Tirupati, not particularly interested in my parents and uncle’s conversation, I was looking out the window and counted up to 200 little churches (not more than a hut with a cross sometimes!) until I got tired and stopped counting but still there were dozens and dozens of churches. I was shocked. It seemed like they had taken over rural Andhra. From Unitarian to Pentecostal to Assembly of God to Baptist – you name it and I can bet my last penny you’ll find it there!

I was wondering where we had gone wrong. After my trip last month to Sri Lanka, I think I’ve got my answer, but perhaps the Indian scenario is different. Don’t get me wrong. I won’t be converting in a hurry, thats for sure. I love my religion. Always have. Always will. Perhaps its because I’m lucky. I belong to the right caste. I have no illusions about that.

P/S: I am in no way criticising Sanatana Dharma. So please don’t give me any flak.
I have just returned after a holiday to Sri Lanka with some friends of mine and this whole missionary thing is very poignant to me. I spent a lot of time in the North and East of the island i.e. the former war torn areas. So, so many Tamil people (generally the “lower” castes) are Christians there and the number grows daily. There were loads and loads of all types of missionaries from the Catholic nuns/priests to the American Protestant type organisations. After all when there is war or mishap of any kind they are first in the queue whatever their intention, no?

Speaking to the people its very depressing to hear that on so many occasions their Hindu temple or Hindu organisations failed to protect them. Many of these people are Hindu at heart but outwardly Christians. They told me upon my asking that during the war (LTTE vs SL army) there were cases where Hindu temples refused to give refuge to a group of women because some of them were on their periods. Other stories about how lower castes weren’t allowed to enter the temple and so on. Also there isn’t any Hindu organisation helping out with food, medicine unlike the missionaries who were distributing food, medicine, prosthetic limbs, clothes and so on.

Yes, they help with one hand and ask for your soul with the other. When you’re desperate like these people and they are the only ones helping, what do you do? What do you do when your own people because of religious bigotry and monopoly amongst other things turn you away? You don’t have a choice other than selling your very soul (not to the Devil but to the Lord Jesus Christ himself :)) and then we complain about proselytisers. If we push away our own people into the ever ready waiting arms of proselytisers what else do we expect?

On another note, from childhood every time we visit India, we try to go to Hyderabad AP, where my aunt lived. The town has always been very Muslim to me. Four years ago when we went it seemed the Christians had taken over. So many new churches and people spilling out of them like I’d never seen before. On our car ride from Chennai to Tirupati, not particularly interested in my parents and uncle’s conversation, I was looking out the window and counted up to 200 little churches (not more than a hut with a cross sometimes!) until I got tired and stopped counting but still there were dozens and dozens of churches. I was shocked. It seemed like they had taken over rural Andhra. From Unitarian to Pentecostal to Assembly of God to Baptist – you name it and I can bet my last penny you’ll find it there!

I was wondering where we had gone wrong. After my trip last month to Sri Lanka, I think I’ve got my answer, but perhaps the Indian scenario is different. Don’t get me wrong. I won’t be converting in a hurry, thats for sure. I love my religion. Always have. Always will. Perhaps its because I’m lucky. I belong to the right caste. I have no illusions about that.

P/S: I am in no way criticising Sanatana Dharma. So please don’t give me any flak.


I request you to read the following link

Christian Persecution in India the Real Story

Money is flowing from western countries to execute the missionaries agenda and inducing people to convert with money and building churches is not a big issue for them.
But at the same time, did you go through my posting on providing real education to fishermen community students. Missionaries have spoiled the education system and we are finding it very difficult to impart real knowledge and skill to these students. It is very difficult to change the education system and the damage done by the missionaries in the last three hundred years is unimaginable.

When we had Tsunami few years back, Ramakrishna Mission did excellent work both in India and Srilanka

RKM Ceylon - Ramakrishna Mission Sri Lanka - Photos: Tsunami Housing

Volunteers of Ramakrishna Mission physically removed dead corpse from the debris and did a noble service. None of these missionaries dared to venture into such activities. However volunteers of Ramakrishna mission don't go to conflict areas and war zones. Only missionaries will fish in troubled waters.

All the best
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Money is flowing from western countries to execute the missionaries agenda and inducing people to convert with money and building churches is not a big issue for them.

All the best

The sad story is, The Joy of Giving is not found amongst us, the Indians. We have Ambanis, Birlas & Infosys with us, but the money they share to the poor is microscopic when compared to the West like Rockefeller and Gates. How to change our mens attitude?
How singapore Education model is releted to missionaries and their deeds.

Singapore education model is not at all related to missionaries. It is a home grown model by in which it imparts both knowledge and skill to the students based on their aptitude.

There may be slow learners among students but they are given enough time and opportunity to learn on a continuous basis.

Some students may be strong in theory and some others may be strong in practice. Singapore Government provides enough opportunities under both streams so that every body is able to empower himself. If a person misses the opportunity to join NUS/NTU at the initial stages, he can go through vocational stream and join NUS/NTU at a later stage. A person joining vocation training can later join and upgrade his skills in a polytechnic and then pursue graduate studies in NUS or NTU.

It is a wonderful system where there are no failures at the end of the day.

To tell in a single sentence, the Government takes care of its citizens fully irrespective of whether he is of Chinese, Malay or Indian origin.

All the best
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The sad story is, The Joy of Giving is not found amongst us, the Indians. We have Ambanis, Birlas & Infosys with us, but the money they share to the poor is microscopic when compared to the West like Rockefeller and Gates. How to change our mens attitude?

Sri Shiv KC,

I don't think that Hindus in India are not willing to give donations. Corruption in our system is preventing us from doing so. It is not that Christian organisations are highly honest and corrupt free. Recent episode involving the Principal of St.Joseph College, Trichy is an example


Please take the example of common wealth games. We just managed the show but the corruptions have started coming out now. Almost all the three important players - Union Minister Jaipal Reddy, Delhi CM Sheila Dikshit and Olympic Association Chairman Suresh Kalmadi are all responsible for the problem. Now we have to choose between the above three for awarding Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for corruption.

It is our responsibility to create confidence among donors by creating right environment.
Personally I am associated with the following organisation at field level

AIM for Seva

So far I am very comfortable with the transparency adopted by the above organisation.
They are planning more than 100 schools in rural areas in the near future. One of my close friend is donating 10 acres of land valued at Rs.40 lakhs for a school project.
Please don't think that I am recommending the above trust. Please use your own judgement in selecting proper organisations involved in charitable activities and associate with it.

We all should associate ourselves with good charitable organisations and do some thing to the society.

All the best
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