Truth will out. Arjuna's predictions in the Geetha have come true, as we see all around us today.
Krishna's words (sarva dharmaan etc.) have been scattered to the four winds (the maarutis).
No Sunnis, Shias, Ahmeddiyas, Baha'is existed during Krishna's time, nor Marxist Communists, Communiists with a Chinese face, Orthodox Syrians, Orthodox Greeks, Orthodox Russians, Coptics, Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Free Churches, Reformed Churches, even Jews. Now?
Did not Krishna also say, more significantly:
yah shaasthravidhim-uthsrujya varththathe kaamakaarathah
na sa siddhim avaapnothbi na sukham paraam gathim ?
"He who rejects/neglects the rules laid down in the shaasthrams and proceeds according to his own individual personal inclinations, does not achieve siddhi, nor well-being, nor salvation, nor deliverance (from sin) nor reach Svargam."
This is true even today.
"Superiority complex among some Brahmins"?
What I have observed is inferiority complex among many Brahmins.
These have neglected their Vedic studies when young but find that others have not. These defy custom and our shaasthraas and refuse to do their nithya kriyas but found others regularly performing them and confidently following custom and shaasthraas. These have thrown away their poonals and do not even know the manthrams to put them back.
These "negligents" (unlearned?) are uncomfortable in the company of those, mostly from the well-adjusted and from the diaspora, who are satisfied with life as it is, who are fully practising Brahmins, and are more knowledgeable than the "modern" lapsed Brahmins.
S Narayanaswamy Iyer