Sure Vijisesh, but you have overlooked the 95% failure rate! As you know most of these happen due to 'access' to each other. That is where I said that our community should loosen up!
May I quote two versa from Bhagavat Geetha?
DhyaayathO Vishyaan pumsa: sangasthEshoopajaayathE |
Sangaath samngyaayathE kaama: kaamaath krOdhObhijaayathE || 2.62
KrOdhaadhbhavathi sammOha: sammOhaath smrithivibrama: |
smruthi bramsaadh bhuddhinaaso buddhinaasaath praNasyati || 2.63
Pumsah, in the case of a person; dhyayatah, who dwells on, thinks of; visayan, the objects, the specialities [Specialities: The charms imagined in them.] of the objects such as sound etc.; upajayate, there arises; sangah, attachment, fondness, love; tesu, for them, for those objects. Sangat, from attachment, from love; sanjayate, grows; kamah, hankering, thirst. When that is obstructed from any quarter, kamat, from hankering; abhijayate, springs; krodhah, anger. Krodhat, from anger; bhavati, follows; sammohah, delusion, absence of discrimination with regard to what should or should not be done. For, an angry man, becoming deluded, abuses even a teacher. Sammohat, from delusion; (comes) smrti-vibhramah, failure of memory originating from the impressions acquired from the instructions of the scriptures and teachers. When there is an occasion for memory to rise, it does not occur. Smrti-bhramsat, from that failure of memory; (results) buddhi-nasah, loss of understanding. The unfitness of the mind to discriminate between what should or should not be done is called loss of understanding. Buddhi-nasat, from the loss of understanding; pranasyati, he perishes. Indeed, a man continues tobe himself so long as his mind remains fit to distinguish between what he ought to and ought not do. When it becomes unfit, a man is verily ruined. Therefore, when his internal organ, his understanding, is destroyed, a man is ruined, i.e. he becomes unfit for the human Goal. Thinking of objects has been said to be the root of all evils. After that, this which is the cause of Liberation is being now stated: [If even the memory of objects be a source of evil, then their enjoyment is more so. Hence, a sannyasin seeking Liberation cannot avoid this evil, since he has to move about for food which is necessary for the maintenance of his body. The present verse is an answer to this apprehension.]
Above all Vijisesh, the parents should be inculcating some spiritual instructions from the beginning of one's childhood. This would be ingrained and becomes a guide when the child becomes a man.
Vipareetham takes place when parents have abandoned their duty. Mahaa paapam.
I hope I have been of help!