Here is an interview from our Software Czar Mr Narayanamurthy.
He squarely blames the Brahminical System for execution ills of this country! I am eager to know if you agree. If yes pls post your views on the website & get the message around.Any way my response as posted in the website is below.
My response posted in the website:
When you combine a compelling urge to sound intellectual & esoteric ; with qualified ignorance on matters & then top it up with this urge to comment on any area irrespective of gyan, this is what we get! Another Maculayan!
This is election time & Mr NRN wants to sound politically correct by referring to the Brahminical system & caste problems being the reason for poor execution!!! What kind of feeble & dishonest analysis is this? The problem with our media & society in general is this. When someone reaches the pinnacle of achievement in his or her respective field, they somehow start believing that they can & must offer an opinion on every thing. Admittedly he is a software king & there matters should end.
While referring to poor execution by various agencies Mr NRN offers this “enlightening” piece of analysis reg Brahminical thought being the root cause!! Apparently he & some others made 108 suggestions & nothing was implemented. Fair enough , but how does he therefore jump to the conclusion that Brahmin domination & the caste system are the root cause. Totally absurd & illogical!!! Where is the correlation to say such things? Instead of pulling up the political system & bureaucracy for poor execution, he takes the easy route of Brahmin bashing. To do the former explicitly, would need a lot of guts, after all his business is at stake. Does he mean that departments & agencies in charge of execution at various levels in the government & bureaucracy are full of Brahmins & that they follow this bizarre theory that he has propounded.!!!! From where did he come up this new concept that Brahminical system does not want to do anything that has a relationship with the real world!!! Is that how they created the software behemoth that Infosys now is (Isn’t it a real company ?). Aren’t their real achievements meant for the real world or are they imaginary? Is that how India became a major software power, globally. He has confused execution to physical activity & therefore all the consequent distorted thoughts! Infact it is this system which emphatically asks everyone to do their duty , irrespective of the outcome. Something we should be proud of.
He also says that “The Brahminical system said my job is to think of the higher worlds”.. (Implying that they kind of idle!!) . He is completely wrong. The caste system simply takes into account the real factor that people are born different & hence have different abilities (intellectual & physical) . Isn’t that how recruitment into a company happens- including Infosys-??? This stems from either an “incorrect” understanding of the caste system or an “eagerness” to sound politically correct.
Yes articulation could be mistaken for accomplishment, but that is largely true in most societies & countries, nothing exclusive to India . Take the case of US Presidential elections right form the prudential primaries to the major debates between presidential candidates. It is all about articulation & people vote based on how credible the articulation is, accomplishment comes later (hopefully).
Leaders must be extremely careful about what they say & must NOT say things they don’t fully understand simply because it sounds great , politically that is. May be he has some plans up his sleeve , who knows !!!!
Here is an interview from our Software Czar Mr Narayanamurthy.
He squarely blames the Brahminical System for execution ills of this country! I am eager to know if you agree. If yes pls post your views on the website & get the message around.Any way my response as posted in the website is below.
My response posted in the website:
When you combine a compelling urge to sound intellectual & esoteric ; with qualified ignorance on matters & then top it up with this urge to comment on any area irrespective of gyan, this is what we get! Another Maculayan!
This is election time & Mr NRN wants to sound politically correct by referring to the Brahminical system & caste problems being the reason for poor execution!!! What kind of feeble & dishonest analysis is this? The problem with our media & society in general is this. When someone reaches the pinnacle of achievement in his or her respective field, they somehow start believing that they can & must offer an opinion on every thing. Admittedly he is a software king & there matters should end.
While referring to poor execution by various agencies Mr NRN offers this “enlightening” piece of analysis reg Brahminical thought being the root cause!! Apparently he & some others made 108 suggestions & nothing was implemented. Fair enough , but how does he therefore jump to the conclusion that Brahmin domination & the caste system are the root cause. Totally absurd & illogical!!! Where is the correlation to say such things? Instead of pulling up the political system & bureaucracy for poor execution, he takes the easy route of Brahmin bashing. To do the former explicitly, would need a lot of guts, after all his business is at stake. Does he mean that departments & agencies in charge of execution at various levels in the government & bureaucracy are full of Brahmins & that they follow this bizarre theory that he has propounded.!!!! From where did he come up this new concept that Brahminical system does not want to do anything that has a relationship with the real world!!! Is that how they created the software behemoth that Infosys now is (Isn’t it a real company ?). Aren’t their real achievements meant for the real world or are they imaginary? Is that how India became a major software power, globally. He has confused execution to physical activity & therefore all the consequent distorted thoughts! Infact it is this system which emphatically asks everyone to do their duty , irrespective of the outcome. Something we should be proud of.
He also says that “The Brahminical system said my job is to think of the higher worlds”.. (Implying that they kind of idle!!) . He is completely wrong. The caste system simply takes into account the real factor that people are born different & hence have different abilities (intellectual & physical) . Isn’t that how recruitment into a company happens- including Infosys-??? This stems from either an “incorrect” understanding of the caste system or an “eagerness” to sound politically correct.
Yes articulation could be mistaken for accomplishment, but that is largely true in most societies & countries, nothing exclusive to India . Take the case of US Presidential elections right form the prudential primaries to the major debates between presidential candidates. It is all about articulation & people vote based on how credible the articulation is, accomplishment comes later (hopefully).
Leaders must be extremely careful about what they say & must NOT say things they don’t fully understand simply because it sounds great , politically that is. May be he has some plans up his sleeve , who knows !!!!