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May I request the learned members to authentically share on What do Hindu Dharma Sastra prescribes for Vadyaar's and the performer[grahastha's] to follow before and after performing the annual srardha ceremony. In case of violations of those codes by any one or both who will undergo or earn the ill effects, if any.
Because if the performer is strict on what he should observe on that day, it is noticed nowdays that most of Vaadyaars compromise. At that point of time one can not do away with vaadyaar for that occassion nor accept him whole heartedly. Since he is also in this fast & modern days he has also to be competetive.Then what happens to the sanctity of ceremony being conducted.
Whether faults are vaadyar's or [those brought by him] side or performer's side what to do when deviations happen and is there any pariharaas.?
Because if the performer is strict on what he should observe on that day, it is noticed nowdays that most of Vaadyaars compromise. At that point of time one can not do away with vaadyaar for that occassion nor accept him whole heartedly. Since he is also in this fast & modern days he has also to be competetive.Then what happens to the sanctity of ceremony being conducted.
Whether faults are vaadyar's or [those brought by him] side or performer's side what to do when deviations happen and is there any pariharaas.?