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Can we live for 300 years?

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Why is a big question. Only Yogis can answer such question.
but yet read my full article and if there are any omissions or additions please let me know.

Sorry longevity of physical body does not impress me. This body is getting old and has come to natural end of use. LOL
The length of life does not matter as much as what we achieve in that period! Surely you know about Adi Sankara and Alexander.

What does the tortoise achieve by living for 300 years???

It may keep growing bigger and heavier all the time. But is that an achievement?

Lastly is the tortoise happy or proud about its longevity?

I saw a huge turtle in a zoo. He was very old and would be creaking - if he had any joints. He inched towards the food offered and settled down very much like the mobile platform in a bus - which allows the handicapped people climb in, seated in their wheel chairs!

I am sure it had had enough with is longevity.
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Personally, I don't mind kicking the bucket by 75 yrs; I don't think I would have enough saving to support myself after that. Secondly, I am not so keen to mobilise with creaking sounds!

Of course the secret for long life is hidden in the Vedas. Only people with special knowledge gleaned by studying them under legitimate guru with devotion can unlock these secrets. Such people do exist, they live for 10,000 years, but these yogis will never reveal themselves to ordinary mortals, you know kandavar, vindavar stuff.

In the mean time, these silly scientists are trying to extend meaningful and quality life by SET methods such as medical advancements, replacement organs fabricated from our own stem cells, etc. But they can never equal the mantra shakti of Vedic yogis who can live for 1000 years breathing only once a year, drinking water once every 10 years, and eating once every 100 years.

:) :)

Of course the secret for long life is hidden in the Vedas. Only people with special knowledge gleaned by studying them under legitimate guru with devotion can unlock these secrets. Such people do exist, they live for 10,000 years, but these yogis will never reveal themselves to ordinary mortals, you know kandavar, vindavar stuff.

In the mean time, these silly scientists are trying to extend meaningful and quality life by SET methods such as medical advancements, replacement organs fabricated from our own stem cells, etc. But they can never equal the mantra shakti of Vedic yogis who can live for 1000 years breathing only once a year, drinking water once every 10 years, and eating once every 100 years.

:) :)



how often do these guys ablute? does that also have a factor in longevity?

it definitely will give a new definition to being 'uptight' :)
How will they spend the rest of the time???
With only one thousand breaths to be taken,
only one hundred glasses of water to be drunk
and only ten meals throughout their long life
they can afford to be"chummaa irukkarathu"
This is what swamy chinmayananda said in one of his 'gita gnana yagna' upadesh series in sixties.

"That man is busy, always doing something". After a short pause he added "he is always breathing".

Even the skeptics accept that slow and deep breathing bestows immense benefits - reduction in blood pressure, stress levels, toxins in the system and many more.

Some terrestrial scientists are working hard to slow down the aging process, destroy or modify the genes that lead to aging. Browning will agree - reach beyond grasp stuff.

But our resident veda experts jump to poke fun at gurus, yogis and azhwars.
what is the use of extending your physical body.
There is a difference between yogis and gnanis.
the yogis lived physically for a long period.
In the case of gnanis their presence is felt even after leaving physical body.
the yogis attached to the body thought
whereas gnanis detached the body thought
There are many gnanis such as Adisankaracharya, Sadashiva Brahmendral, Ramkrishna Paramahamsa, Raghavendra and Bhagawan Ramana Mahrshi.
In the time of Ramana one of his devotee told him that a yogi was walking on a water.
Bhagawan replied him that if you give money to a boatman will take you in the boat on the water and leave you to the destination. He has told that although the powers appear to be wonderful to those who do not possess them, yet they are only transient. All these wonders are contained in the one changeless Self.
Dear Shri Nara,

IMO you have to resort to mind controlled techniques to stop or slow ageing. Any thing physical invariably decays constantly. Only through a spiritual mind that transcends time can that time induced factor be controlled IMO. Assuming you can replace other parts what about ageing of brain?
Of course the secret for long life is hidden in the Vedas. Only people with special knowledge gleaned by studying them under legitimate guru with devotion can unlock these secrets. Such people do exist, they live for 10,000 years, but these yogis will never reveal themselves to ordinary mortals, you know kandavar, vindavar stuff.

In the mean time, these silly scientists are trying to extend meaningful and quality life by SET methods such as medical advancements, replacement organs fabricated from our own stem cells, etc. But they can never equal the mantra shakti of Vedic yogis who can live for 1000 years breathing only once a year, drinking water once every 10 years, and eating once every 100 years.

:) :)



is mental "fancying" not a fundamental tight guaranteed by constitution? Otherwise how will we have all the mythological comic books which kids like so much?
offending others' belief is also not a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution. But all is fair in love and war, especially when existence is threatened by ab forces.


is mental "fancying" not a fundamental tight guaranteed by constitution? Otherwise how will we have all the mythological comic books which kids like so much?
300 years!! No way I want to ever live so long.

Cant imagine getting up daily,going to work and leading a boring life for 300 years!
How different can life get?

But off late I know I am getting kind of attached to my books at home..when I see the library I have at home, I start to wonder if I die will I be able to still read them?
I dont want to be bored in after life too cos I can hardly be without reading.

I cant even have a meal without reading some magazine or book.
As a child I developed this habit of reading while eating and it stuck on me.

Once I couldnt find anything to read when I was having a meal outside after some shopping so I opened the shopping box to take out the toothpaste box to read the contents written on the box.

Its some obsession I have which I must try to wean off eventually.
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Sri Nara,

Of course the secret for long life is hidden in the Vedas. Only people with special knowledge gleaned by studying them under legitimate guru with devotion can unlock these secrets. Such people do exist, they live for 10,000 years, but these yogis will never reveal themselves to ordinary mortals, you know kandavar, vindavar stuff.

I did not find anyone claiming in this thread that secret for long life (approximated to 10000 years in subsequent passage) ia alluded to in vedas. So why bring in Vedas?

In the mean time, these silly scientists are trying to extend meaningful and quality life by SET methods such as medical advancements, replacement organs fabricated from our own stem cells, etc. But they can never equal the mantra shakti of Vedic yogis who can live for 1000 years breathing only once a year, drinking water once every 10 years, and eating once every 100 years.

:) :)


All very nice and kudos to science for that. But how about some answers from SET for basic and recurring problems of hunger and thirst, say some synthetic food etc. so that hunger can be eliminated on wholesale basis.

Sri Nara,


All very nice and kudos to science for that. But how about some answers from SET for basic and recurring problems of hunger and thirst, say some synthetic food etc. so that hunger can be eliminated on wholesale basis.

I would like to add Synthetic Blood to the list please.
But you know if they find them they are not going to eliminate the hunger and the thirst.
If one is thinking that SET is for the common good of the mankind they are higly mistaken.
Medical science is the new avatar of exploting the physce of mankind who has this fear of death to strip him of all his wealth in the name of diagnosis and cure. The benefits are rather incidental.
Hi Renuka
A man's (of course woman's too) education or wisdom follows him for seven births, says Tiruvalluvar.
The heritage of culture acquired in one birth lasts to the seventh (Kural 398)
ஒருமைக் கண் தான் கற்ற கல்வி எழுமைக்கும் ஏமாப்புடைத்து. இதைத் தான் நாம் விட்ட குறை தொட்ட குறை என்று சொல்கிறோம். You will be like the Vedic Homa bird.Read more about the Vedic Homa bird in my blog section. Adi Sankara,Swami Vivekananda, Gnana Sambandhar, Bharathi --- all lived a short life.But whatever they learned in their previous births made them great. So what you lean now will come after you even after your death. Nothing is wasted.You will be a Homa bird
விலைவாசி வானுயர இருக்கும் இக்காலத்தில், யார் 300 ஆண்டுகள் வாழ விரும்புவார்?
முடிந்தவரை ஞானம் பெற்று, மறு பிறவியில் தொடருவோம்! :ranger:

Is life itself not a huge book? Can you learn enough and more importantly imbibe in even 300 years? Only in kali yuga the life span is around 100 years. In satya yuga it is 100,000 years. I think with such a mind you will utilize the full power of it and maybe totally different and enjoyable experiences.
Ozone and Zebra,
SET does lot of basic research and produces these wonderful products, some are almost miraculous. But you need money for SET. Then the results of SET are sold to industries. There goes the high ideals. So the results of set is not used for general good but for the highest bidders.
It is not the fault of SET, but that is the nature of the business.
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I did not find anyone claiming in this thread that secret for long life (approximated to 10000 years in subsequent passage) ia alluded to in vedas. So why bring in Vedas?
Dear Narayan, my comments were intended to mock the general tendency to make tall unsubstantiated, unsubstantiable claims about such matters. In this context, Vedas is a much maligned text, whatever the original intent was, the popular tendency among the faithful is to decorate it with all sorts of knowledge and wisdom, similar to how Muslims treat their religious texts.

All very nice and kudos to science for that. But how about some answers from SET for basic and recurring problems of hunger and thirst, say some synthetic food etc. so that hunger can be eliminated on wholesale basis.
If such things come to pass, they would be by SET only, not chanting Vedas or doing slow breathing. As you may very well know, research on this is already happening. Look at this Wiki article. PETA has a standing $1 million dollar reward to the first inventor of synthetic meat.

IMO you have to resort to mind controlled techniques to stop or slow ageing. Any thing physical invariably decays constantly. Only through a spiritual mind that transcends time can that time induced factor be controlled IMO. Assuming you can replace other parts what about ageing of brain?
Dear sravna, Spiritual mind and transcending time are mumbo jumbo, all you can do is to assert these, never provide a shred of evidence. If any mind exercise can slow the aging process, it would be a physical process, not "spiritual".

About brain transplant, please read this article. If you transplant the brain, would that be more a case of transplanting the body?

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