So I have always wondered why there are so few women criminals. In general women seem to hold themselves to a higher moral standard. Most women I have met try to do their jobs to the very best of their ability. They are very disciplined, don't cut corners, don't waste time, don't steal from their employers.
Of course there are always exceptions. But I have been very impressed by women as a martial race, good at giving and taking orders, enforcing rules, controlling chaos. Would it have been better for the human race if women were in charge of everything? Is there something in the extra X chromosome that gives women the advantage (including longer life span)?
Yes and No..may be less of hard core criminals but more of smooth criminals.
I have to agree may be they do jobs a bit better at times but not all the time.
I see so many female patients who fake being sick just before and after a holiday and absent from work on the slightest excuse esp when they are pregnant..believe me..reproductive age group when they get pregnant esp non professional woman are not that productive at work.
Some woman when their husband is on leave they will try to fake illness to get a day off cos they dont want to use up their annual leave.
Female teachers most of the time plan their pregnancies so that they do not deliver during school that they get to enjoy more holidays.
When there is a replacement day in school most teachers fake illness to avoid an extra day at school and the students have no teacher at school for the day or they combine classes with the next class and get nothing done.
Some teachers do not teach well at school cos they want to reserve their energy for the tuition classes they give at home.
Wow Biswa you feel females dont steal!!! I used to work at a diiferent clinic before I opened my own and the nurse there used to tear up cards and not record the patient cos she was pocketing the money when the cheif doctor was not around.
Just say we charge the patient RM 30..she will charge the patient at the counter RM 50 and pocket the RM 20.
Many of my friends also complain that their nurses have done that.
For me I am very careful cos the money is right in my room so I see whats going on and my room is situated near the dispensary so that I can hear what goes on.
So I wouldnt really think women are much better off to men.
May be woman are scared of going to jail!! thats why the seldom break rules.
You see in Jail you wont get your favorite moisturizer,your fav perfume,lipstick, will get dry and wont get your fav fruit juice and food sucks in jail so by the time you come out you will age and become totally out of shape too cos you have to miss your yoga,gym etc.
Out here its all non veg in jails so a veg will hardly get a balanced if you ask me I wouldnt dare misbehave as to land in jail.
So Biswa dont wish for an extra X chromosome..otherwise you will be XXY and I am sure you wouldnt want to be wearing lipstick etc.!!LOL