Lagenaria siceraria
2.Suraikkai is a veli creeper on the huts of the Farmers- This is a regular plant of the under privileged community. So brahmins eschewed its use!
Im sure you would have cherished 'Vattha Kolambu'''..Plugged from a solanacea plant, especially found in the shitting areas /dump yards of the village.. It was neither cultivated in mass, nor grown in home garden.. How it has become a vegetarian delicacy?
If I remember right, it belongs to Solanacea family.. (Arunshanker, correct me if im wrong)
All I remember about that was, while preparing for my +2 herbarium, for want of good score in practical exams. I struggled a lot to get a stem of, fresh flowering plant along with ripe fruit.... No gardens had it. It was not a packeted vegetable.. No agricultural university tried hybrids on this (Arun Pls ponder). No home-gardens planted it.. Driving in my BSA bicycles, sweating for long hours, like a Vasco Da Gama, finally,spotted it in a public excreta ground, near a crematorium's fence..
If you mean
1. Sundakkai : (Turkey berry) AKA Canthium inerme
or 2. Manathakkali (black nightshade)AKA Solanum nigrum![]()
vatthal then
ch(i)ef sapr,
...though the name suggests otherwise, vatha kozhambu is actually a 'method' and the vathal can easily be substituted with veggies such as aubergine and okra...
..the Review Panel will say "Poda Sundakkai, Sothuku vazhiya paaru! Evlo peru patniya irukanga- Sundakkaila araychi panna poranan!...
my vote for the added on veggie in murungaikkai.
since introduced to this about a couple of years ago, every time i make vatha kozhambu, murungakkai is a must.
ch(i)ef sapr,
i am extremely disappointed with mr arun shanker that he wouldnt consider sundaikkai/manathakalli fit enough for a research grant.
Hey guys
Guess I have to ask the question again as the thread has transgressed far out and now is into the realm culinary intricacies
I still have not got an answer to my question
Why shud TMs not eat Soraikkai
saute oil![]()
Actually I eat all vegetables and have also tasted almost all the eatable animals but for the past two years I have reverted to Veg foodSaute :-Fried quickly in a little fat (Varutthal but not poriyal)
Hmm.. How perfect is it, to express something..
You must have been a teacher to Samuel Johnson & Anthony Bourdaine, in previous birth...
Arun: I think no one has so far objected you in trying Surakkai..Infact, you got some recipies here... Now,start try'in your hands in kitchen..
hi sapr..
India tops in the cultivation of Moringa Olifera, a native vegetable... It has good medicinal properties too.. The crushed juice of its roots are belived to be of high medicinal value and proved scientifically
A Dining advisory!! LIke how U.S issues 'Travel Advisory' to panic the back-pack travellors..Moringa oleifera is believed to be aphrodisiac...
One of Packiaraj's movie theme, is centred around this.. Dont remember the name, but seen it in school days..
It is just that I wanted to know why such a rule existed I don't see a logic here not that all the other rules the TMs follow have logic!
Correction it ishi sapr..
the Packiaraj's movie is called ANTHA EZHU NAATKAL...
the famous murangaikai realeased in 70s or
80s.. i like manathakkali/sundakkai very much....this is always my grocery...when i visit to india/chennai regularly...
Thats OK but most laws had some explanationDear Arun,
Such religious dining-rules existed in all religions, which is called as Dietary-Law.
Islam/Jewism still has the strong dietry laws like forbidding pork/non-scaly fish, and reccomendation of Hallal food, slaughtering procedures etc. And they still follow it, inspite of changing time in 2000 yrs.
In christian view, before JC, in old testament days, there were strict dietary laws too.. Its believed, man living in uncivilized /unorganised/jungle way of life, not aware of health/Hygiene, God commanded them to follow a set of diet rules. O.T days dietary laws are equally the same as Jewism, and was abandoned, only after J.C letting people to choose their own taste, in line with the broad guideline of 'Love Thy Neighbour", there by abandoning all the age old dietary laws.
Similarly, Hinduism also has lot of laws, set by sages... Like J.C, buddha too gave the liberty of choosing people's own food. He ate pork.. But Hinduism, like Jewism/Islam still holds on to strict dietary law and followers are still adhering/advocating the age old laws..
A good theological / theosophical approach in line with the modern era is what needed at this phase of globalization & modern science.