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ஆரியமும் தமிழும் இறைவனின் இரு கண்கள் என்பார்கள் பெரியோர்கள்! இப்போது ஆங்கிலம் உலக மொழியாகி விட்டதால் அதை இறைவனின் மூன்றாவது கண் என்று சொல்லலாம்!சொல்வது போய்ச் சேர வேண்டியவர்களுக்குப் போய்ச் சேருகிறதா என்பதுதான் முக்கியம் நண்பர்களே!

Samskritham and Thamizh are God's two eyes, according to savants. Now that English has become the world language, it can be cosidered as Lord Siva's third Eye! What is important is only whether what we communicate reaches correctly the intended people and whether they understand that!
I want to add something here. Its imp. I have visited the tamil thread esp under general discussions many times. But never felt like replying coz I didn't understand. It will double effort on my part. I have to take my mother's help. I read very slowly and sometimes make mistakes in prounciation. My vocab is not that great so meaning of difficult tamil words I won't understand. So I stayed away and neither did I demand that translation be given in english coz this is essentially tamil brahmins site. If I was anti tamil language then I would have objected much earlier.
But when one Telugu Brahmin member asked VR mam for meaning then I thought that its better to intervene. So that's what I did.
Anyways one more thing I wish to add here is that Nara ji pointed out earlier that Azhawars have contributed to the religion in tamil.
But then how can you make non tamils aware of their greatness.
I'm telling I'm trying to improve tamil with every passing day and I have made tremendous progress in this regard.
I know hindi so well that if any sentence is given to me, I can translate it and give the exact meaning word to word in english. That's my command in that language. Gosh I wished to have similar command in My tai moozhi senthamizh. But one can't pick and choose. There are varied circumstances and I take everything in my stride.

Anyways since Headmaster Shri KRS ji has finally cracked the whip, I would refrain from debating further on this issue.
நாம் யாரிடம் பேசுகிறோமோ அவருக்கு நாம் பேசுகிற மொழி புரியவேண்டும். இந்தகாலத்தில் பலமொழிகளை கற்பது நல்லதும், உபயோகமானதும் கூட. அவரவர்க்கு தாய்மொழி உயர்ந்தது. ஆங்கிலம் உலகமொழியாகவுள்ளதால் அது தெரிந்திருப்பது கூடுதலான நன்மை. இருவர் ஒரே மொழியில் பெசிகொன்டாலும் தவறாக புரிந்துகொள்ளும் வாய்ப்பு உலகளவு.
Words are not transparent and unchanging. They vary in colour and content according to circumstances in which it is read, heard or told. யாமறிந்த மொழிகளிலே தமிழ்மொழிபோல் இனிதாவது எங்கும்காணோம்.
நாம் யாரிடம் பேசுகிறோமோ அவருக்கு நாம் பேசுகிற மொழி புரியவேண்டும். இந்தகாலத்தில் பலமொழிகளை கற்பது நல்லதும், உபயோகமானதும் கூட. அவரவர்க்கு தாய்மொழி உயர்ந்தது. ஆங்கிலம் உலகமொழியாகவுள்ளதால் அது தெரிந்திருப்பது கூடுதலான நன்மை. இருவர் ஒரே மொழியில் பெசிகொன்டாலும் தவறாக புரிந்துகொள்ளும் வாய்ப்பு உலகளவு.
Words are not transparent and unchanging. They vary in colour and content according to circumstances in which it is read, heard or told. யாமறிந்த மொழிகளிலே தமிழ்மொழிபோல் இனிதாவது எங்கும்காணோம்.

அன்புள்ள ஐய்யாருறான் அவர்களுக்கு
உண்மையான வார்த்தைகள்
பள்ளியில் எனது தமிழ் அறிவு ஐந்தாம் வகுப்புடன் முடிவுற்றது. அக்காலத்தில் பிராமண சிறுவர்கள் வட மொழியை இரண்டாவது பாடமாக படிப்பது வழக்கம், ஆங்கிலம் முதல் பாடமாக இருந்தது. மேலும் தமிழ் மீதுள்ள ஆசையினால் நானே எனது தமிழ் அறிவை தேவையான அளவிற்கு சொந்தமாக படித்து அறிந்துகொண்டேன் . பல மொழிகள் தெரிந்திருப்பது அவசியம் என்று எனது தாயார் சொல்லுவார்கள் . தவிர பிராமணர்க்கு மொழி த்வேஷம் இருப்பது கூடாது என அறிவுரை அளிப்பார்கள். எனது தாயாரின் தூண்டு கோலே என்னைப்பல நல்ல நூல்களைப்படிக்க வைத்தது . பல மொழிகள் தெரிந்திருப்பது அவசியமே. மேலும் தமிழ் பிராமணர்கள் நாட்டின் எந்த பகுதியில் வசித்தாலும் அந்த மொழியில் இலக்கியத்தில் ஈடுபட்டு பல நூல்களை இயற்றி செம்மைப்படுத்தி இருக்கின்றனர். கன்னட மொழியில் மாஸ்தி வெங்கடேச ஐயங்கார், ராஜரத்தினம் , பு. தி. நரசிம்மாச்சார் போன்ற தமிழர்கள் பிரபலமானவர்கள்.மஹா கவி உள்ளூர் பரமேஸ்வர ஐயர் மலையாள மொழியில் பிரபல கவிஞர் .
தவிர அந்நாட்களில் பல மொழிகளிலிருந்து நல்ல புத்தகங்களை பல தமிழ் எழுத்தாளர்கள் தமிழில் மொழி பெயர்த்திருக்கின்றனர். கா. ஸ்ரீ. ஸ்ரீ மராத்தியிலிருந்தும், தா நா குமாரசுவாமி வங்காள நூல்களையும், யோகி சுத்தானந்த பாரதியார் பிரஞ்சு மொழியிலிருந்தும் மேலும் பலர் ஆங்கிலம், ஹிந்தி இலக்கியங்களை தமிழில் அளித்துள்ளனர்.
அறிவுக்கு பாஷையோ, நாடோ, சமயமோ, ஜாதியோ எல்லை போடக்கூடாது என்பது எனது கொள்கை . இத்தடைகளை நீக்கினால் நாம் வேறொரு உலகை காண்போம்.
Dear Mr. Brahmanyan,
You are truly great!
I am really impressed by your perfect post in Tamil-
by its content, style and vocabulary.
with warm regards,

Dear Mrs. Visalakshi Ramani,

Delighted to see your appreciations. Such words of encouragement give me confidence to write more posts in Tamil. I do envy the handling of the language by you in your Tamil poems.
Very few people are gifted with this talent due to divine blessings. You are one among them.

Warm Regards,

Dear Mr. Brahmanyan,

It is my turn to thank you now! :)

I love words! You must be already knowing this fact by the way I keep chasing words in Tamil, Sanskrit and English. I enjoy the different shades they offer, the different impacts they produce and the different emotions they can convey.

I was a short story writer before I got married in 1970.

Later on I migrated to Article Writing. I never considered writing poem seriously till November 2009!

I was always writing short poems praising the poems of my dear sister Raji Ram-until she told me to write poems on other subjects.

I owe the gift of words to God's Grace.

Looking forward to more of your posts in your perfect Tamil.

with warm regards,
Visalakshi Ramani

I want to add something here. Its imp. I have visited the tamil thread esp under general discussions many times. But never felt like replying coz I didn't understand. It will double effort on my part. I have to take my mother's help. I read very slowly and sometimes make mistakes in prounciation. My vocab is not that great so meaning of difficult tamil words I won't understand. So I stayed away and neither did I demand that translation be given in english coz this is essentially tamil brahmins site. If I was anti tamil language then I would have objected much earlier.
But when one Telugu Brahmin member asked VR mam for meaning then I thought that its better to intervene. So that's what I did.
Anyways one more thing I wish to add here is that Nara ji pointed out earlier that Azhawars have contributed to the religion in tamil.
But then how can you make non tamils aware of their greatness.
I'm telling I'm trying to improve tamil with every passing day and I have made tremendous progress in this regard.
I know hindi so well that if any sentence is given to me, I can translate it and give the exact meaning word to word in english. That's my command in that language. Gosh I wished to have similar command in My tai moozhi senthamizh. But one can't pick and choose. There are varied circumstances and I take everything in my stride.

Anyways since Headmaster Shri KRS ji has finally cracked the whip, I would refrain from debating further on this issue.
Shri Ramanujan,

It is not very difficult to learn tamil since it is your mather tongue and your mother is at hand to help and guide you. If you have no access to any tamizh nagazine, newspaper, try to get one web page of Chandamama or Anandavikatan, try to read it after familiarization with the alphabets. In one or two months you will be able to read at least majority of the posts here and understand their approximate idea. If your regular studies occupy your time much (does not look like that to me, judging by your active participation in this forum, even then) try this during holidays/weekends.

Best wishes for all success,
Dear Mrs. Visalakshi Ramani,

As one who is interested in the subject of "Etymology" for long, I found some thing common in "your love for words". But my search in the subject is confined to "Proper nouns and formation of words" in Sanskrit, Tamil and Malayalam. Sanskrit gives a lot of space in the formation of words due to systematic expansion of the "root". I enjoy the beauty of words in Tamil and Malayalam. During the course of of my search (research!) I found how the shrewd mixture of Sanskrit and Tamil has given beautiful Language "Malayalam". It is a vast subject. When ever I start the subject very few people could stand my "boring" discussion, rather run away from me giving some excuse !! At present I have prepared some notes on the origin of the word "Namboothiri" with help of available material in the Web. This covers the History, Sociology and Language of "Namboothiri Brahmins".

Sorry, I have digressed away from the main subject.I belong to the generation that was trained to think in English by Lord Macaulay's education. When I start writing in Tamil, I found my limitation of vocabulary to express and transfer my thoughts correctly in written Tamil. It hampers my flow of thoughts, which is already slowing down due to age factor. Perhaps that is only a limitation factor,(knowing one's limitation is strength) which I will overcome by determination and start writing on serious subject in my mother tongue தமிழ்.
Thanks again for your encouragement.

Warm Regards,
@ sangom sir
sir mother has house hold chores. She is always busy. Tamil serials in Sun Tv I don't like coz its so negative. So Only good films I watch. Magazines are there like narasimhapriya, aanand vikadan, sakti are there. But I'm sometimes lazy. Newspaper is out of question in Delhi. I can get only E newspaper in Dinakaran site. I actually have tamil learning book from balaji publications, learn tamil in 30 days. Its pretty good.
Actually after I came back from Srirangam I didn't put in much effort in this regard. Thanks for your kind advice. I will certainly now put in extra effort in weakends and holidays to learn it.
Dear Mr. Brahmanyan,

I too had lived away from Tamil Nadu for nearly 25 years. That gave me the initiative and opportunity to learn two new languages Telugu and Hindi.

At times I too used to feel that I can express myself more lucidly in English than in any other language.

But everything seems to be buried deep with in the brain some where and when we need the words, they just pop out to be used by us. At times I would recollect a word which I never realized I knew!

Well! I for one, am looking forward to your etymological findings.

with warm regards,
Visalakshi Ramani.
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