Jambu and K, I vaguely remember someone orthodox mentioning to me the same about கொத்துமல்லி, is it true?
Hi,kindly explain abt the need for avoidance of onions by Brahmins....
Dr Bhavani
sri kunjuppu, as far as i am given to understand தவசசாப்பாடு is not the ideal one. very delaying in digestion. reason given is kartha/jambu,
from what little i know, i think, that the true true brahmin food is the தெவச சாப்பாடு. only these contain the ingredients which were prevalent in south india before the europeans came.
with the coming of europeans, who discovered these in the americas, came potatos, tomatos and a host of new vegetables.
also came along with the british, lettuce, carrots, cauliflower etc.
Native American cuisine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
it is truly amazing, even for us orthodox brahmins, how our palates have changed in the past 5 centuries. and wonder.
onions garlic increasing rajasicam gunam in a human according to ayurveda.when you have rajasicam gunam,spiritual pursiut is hampred.so its not part of saathvicam foods.
from what little i know, i think, that the true true brahmin food is the தெவச சாப்பாடு.
Now a days people started using beans,carrot,cucumber etc for devasam samayal where use of green chillies was itself a taboo
sri kunjuppu, as far as i am given to understand தவசசாப்பாடு is not the ideal one. very delaying in digestion. reason given is kartha/and brahmanas who eat after தவசம் should not take any food that night. Once eating only. hence such items உளுந்து,பயன்தம்பருப்பு based dishes, அதிரசம், அப்பம், jack fruits etc etc are added [rather prescribed] all which enable slow digestion or impede normal digestion. Main reason being since one time eating & to ensure one should not feel hunger till next day>>> Therefore தவச சாப்பாடு can not be regular & normal food. hope what I have understood is correct. Regards
This is one favourite quote amongst many, including some dear ones in my family. Some might imagine that the seeds do not dissolve, and agglutinate and become stones.beware but .. tomato seeds cause kidney stones .. so remove them before cooking
Shri nn, தாழம்பூ dishes....????:crazy:without 'kottais' ie seeds,the process is incomplete,for kidney stones,eating of thazambhu dishes does the trick of dissolving stones,naturally.
This is one favourite quote amongst many, including some dear ones in my family. Some might imagine that the seeds do not dissolve, and agglutinate and become stones.
This is not true.
Tomatoes contain oxalic acid, and too much of oxalates and calcium would result in calcium oxalate deposits, and when they do not pass out through the body, become 'stones'. And oxalates are present in many foods; why blame the tomato?
Have வாழைத்தண்டு போரியல் or juice regularly, and drink adequate water. That is all is needed to enjoy tomatoes.
ஜன்னல் வழியா கலர் பார்த்துண்டு எழுதினா இப்படி தான் தப்பு தப்பா வரும்...meant to write vaazhathandu dishes instead wrote thazhambhu for dissolving something else all together,corrected my post,...
dear jambu,
tomatoe illamey rasamey ille how could they say this and what did they use then for rasam
Viswamitrar created a world for Trisanku. TOMATOES were created by Viswamitrar in that world as one of the vegetables.
So, in karnataka, even the weaver community's orthodox section, dont eat tomatoes even today.