Often , I have been wondering if the almighty GOD has created a
special category of people called " Brahmins " with some superior
capabilities to accomplish something more than the rest, i mean with a special purpose !
The advantage that we have clearly got over the years , as a result of Evolutionary changes is the latest version of the Human Brain ! A superior thought process capable of accomplishing toughest tasks ! and influencing the world in every horizon !
But is this message of GOD clearly understood ! More often we find this superior being , the Brahmin , lives a pretty ordinary life and some times
settles down , without identifying his/her complete potential ?
So Let' discuss about How a Brahmin should set an example to the World !
Often , I have been wondering if the almighty GOD has created a
special category of people called " Brahmins " with some superior
capabilities to accomplish something more than the rest, i mean with a special purpose !
The advantage that we have clearly got over the years , as a result of Evolutionary changes is the latest version of the Human Brain ! A superior thought process capable of accomplishing toughest tasks ! and influencing the world in every horizon !
But is this message of GOD clearly understood ! More often we find this superior being , the Brahmin , lives a pretty ordinary life and some times
settles down , without identifying his/her complete potential ?
So Let' discuss about How a Brahmin should set an example to the World !