ok, i give up. i cannot decipher the innuendos and moral preaching here.
if this is meant about swami quitting the forum, i think we should atleast discuss it. it is upto swami to stay or quit. that we cannot control.
but swami has had an immense influence since he joined us. he took the initiative to offer free astrology, and focussed the forum activities towards finding mates for our lads and lassies . i think we have developed a good organization skills to conduct these swayamvarams, thanks to the effort of a few of our committed folks, of whom swami too was one.
it is interesting that swami made a comment on this thread, after quitting. so, he is only practising the path of our many folks here who have 'quit' or 'threatened to quit'.
my own gut feeling is this: at various points, partly or maybe mostly due to a state of mind at that moment or on that particular day, the last straw on an often irritated camel causes it to fall. so what if our egos are bruised. they heal, though they may leave scabs or scars.
those scabs & scars should be a reminder for us, as a sign of what happens we cross certain lines that we have drawn for ourselves, and in the context of which we have flourished. stellar examples would be happy hindu's sole stand against jamadagneya or swami's enthusiastic commitment for swayamvarams.
now if these folks find some act of the moderators or other members insultful to them, i think, the right way to deal with this, is to first accept authority with grace and pursue on, from within. for only from within one can effect change. if you are gone, soon you are forgotten and all those well meaning efforts, enjoyments, verbal massages and mental calisthenics, have all gone to waste - efforts without fructification.
this is not an appeal either for happy hindu or swami to join back this rollicking family. God alone knows that i do not have such eminence to ballast forth such pompous appeals, which should be heard and adhered to. but this note, is a caution, to the remnants of us - when we write, we should remember that we are all GUESTs of this forum owned and operated by praveen.
at one point or the other, all of us have heaped praises on praveen. in the context of his goals of this forum, we have to abide by his judgements. to be fair to praveen, i have not seen one iota or change of appearance or direction, done unilaterally. on every instance he has sought feedback from many of us - sometimes from me too
praveen has pulled me up. he has without any explanation kicked me out of moderation, for which i was very happy. i enjoyed swami and his antics here. it was a rich addition to our diversity, though i have observed, many have not felt similarly. but that too is ok.
happy hindu is the sole leftover of the hindu tribe, which i wish myself to belong - she of no caste but a more ardent and literate hindu than yours truly. most of her philosophical discussions are beyond the grasp of this mandu, but on the other hand, i have had several warm tete-a-tetes here with her.
it is important that we have the diversity of views. including that of pannvalan and his high sounding poems and well thought out ideas on several subjects. what is a failure of many such folks, is their inability to take a slingshot - sharp, maybe unfair or questionable but coming from the moderator or owner.
in such cases, i would suggest, just apply some teflon ointment, grin and move on. very soon it is forgotten, and we are on to bigger and better things.
when folks of a certain persuasion, send me a pm, indicating a wish to quit, i cajole them with the arguement that if they quit, there is no one else to carry their cause. for example, nara is the vanguard to fight openly in this forum against casteism. in the past few weeks, after so much effort, i find he has allies to this cause. QED.
personally, what i enjoy most, is sometimes on short fuse, i pen many obtuse remarks, knowing in the background that this is sure to raise sh*t. i read the shit, my ears may burn for a minute or two. if i feel an apology is due (most cases it is) and then read other posts, where i can find commonality and conviviality with the same person with whom i recently jousted.
making up is a lot of fun, and very soon, always, always, we are back to playing tweedledum/tweedledee
one point i agree with nara - silence without explanataion is no silence at all. it is akin to the sharp screem which resonates in our ears and refuses to go away - a relative of mine calls it arguementative tympanitis.
having blurbed all this, let us see, where this thread on silence takes us further.