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Shame on you Mr. President Obama

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nara
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Greetings. I recognise that our discussion has ended with your last say at post #20. However, I am responding to post #21 as one of the 'folks', please.

Sri.Nara said :-

It is a fact that Jews and Arabs lived side by side in Palestine before the Zionists of Europe wanted to establish their homeland there.
Sri.Nara, it is not a fact. You may not be able to prove the Jews and Arabs lived in peace (living side by side does not mean living in peace). The Zionists of Europe? Why am I getting an impression that the word 'zionist' is not exactly complementary? The so called 'zionists of Europe' were the survivors of the concentration camp. This is what happened to them when they were released from the concentration camps....
Britain's Holocaust shame: The voyage of the Exodus - This Britain, UK - The Independent
I am sorry, may be it is only me who is seeing things...I almost thought that the survivors of the concentration camps were again blamed....

Sri.Nara said :-

The Palestinians were made to pay for the white-man's shame of western-antisemitism and the Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis. When the west gets moral guilty conscience it is some innocent who has to pay.
Sri.Nara, I don't usually raise my voice during conversations. I request you to kindly bear with me this time, please.

Were the Palestinians free from anti-semitism guilt? My friend, anti-semitism is part of their faith. How much were they involved in the holocaust?

YouTube - Genocide of jews an Islamic idea to hitler by Mufti AMIN AL-HUSSEINI

YouTube - Nazi-Muslim SS Division

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... The so called 'zionists of Europe' were the survivors of the concentration camp.

Dear Raghy, I am getting a feeling you are blissfully unaware of the history. Long before there was a Nazi party in Germany, sometime around late 1800s, a group of secular European Jewish intellectuals started the Zionist movement. The aim was to establish a Homeland for the Jewish people, not a state, in Palestine. They could not get very far with their idea until the time of WW I.

Based on various political calculations the British government came out with what is known as Belfour Declaration that formally supported the establishment of a Jewish Homeland in Palestine, not a state, but a homeland.

This is the genesis of Zionism. But even after the Belfour Declaration, the Zionist could not get many Jews to move to Palestine, there was not very much enthusiasm among European Jews to migrate to far off a land as Palestine. Palestine remained predominantly Arab with roughly 10% of the population Jewish.

Everything changed during and especially after WW II.

The concentration camp Jews did not care about the ideas of Zionism, they just wanted to get away from Europe into somewhere they may feel safe.

Dear Raghy, these are facts and can be verified from a myrid of sources. But then again, as you have admitted, you are not going to let some pesky facts get in the way of how you feel (sorry for the swipe :)).

Were the Palestinians free from anti-semitism guilt? My friend, anti-semitism is part of their faith. How much were they involved in the holocaust?
You know Ragy, there were many in Britain who were Nazi sympathizers, in U.S. too. Europe and U.S. were awash with antisemitism. Antisemitism is still alive and well in many places. If guilt is the basis for providing a state for Jews, then it must have been carved out of Germany, not Palestine.

You know Raghy, Arabs are also Semitic people and therefore antisemitism covers both Jews and the Arabs.

Here, this link may provide some interesting facts for you if you will, of Arabs protecting Jews from Holocaust. Book Tracks Holocaust's 'Lost Stories' : NPR

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. My dear friend! If I decide to join issue with you on any topic I will come straight and do that and there will be no beating around the bush. Thank you.
Cheers my friend.

Thanks Raju, I was aware that I may be reading something that was not there, now I understand. Thanks again, cheers!

Right from the start Israel sought to control the media narrative. All video footage and photographs were seized from the reporters in the flotilla. One of them tried to conceal a USB drive under his tongue, but caught during medical examination. They were held incommunicado for more than 2 days making sure the Israeli narrative went unchallenged.

Israel released a very short clip showing its soldiers getting beaten, but refused to release the raw footage that could show what actually happened before the commandos landed on the ship deck. The U.S. media, to the surprise of no one, just eat it all up.

The horror of what took place on Mavi Marmama is now beginning to come out. Read this Guardian article for a blood curdling account. One man was shot in the middle of his forehead, one on the right temple. The 19 year old Turkish American was shot 5 times, 4 times on his head.

Here is the height of Israeli arrogance -- the people who were by force taken to the Israeli port of Ashdad, were expelled from Israel with their passports stamped deported for illegal entry into Israel. If this is not the height of arrogance reminiscent of a southern police chief telling an arrested black protester during the U.S. civil rights struggle, "it is mind over matter boy -- I don't mind and you don't matter", then what is?

Thanks ...
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We should send all the radicals, let it be Muslims, Christians, Jewish to another planet and let them fight away from us, for people like me who demands respect to each other, and peacefull solutions to our problems, the world will be a better place. Unfortunately most comments here belong to radicals who can not tolerate the other view. Muslims needs to understand Israel's right to exist, Israel needs to understand Palestinian's right to exist, and all of you need to understand not to generalize an entire race or religion. It is not true that all Jewish are heartless and it is not true that all Muslims are terrorists, just a minority in these groups are radicals and we are better off without them.
Jews even if they are not living in Israel are marked and targeted. Remember an year ago what happened in Bombay along with those hotels a dwelling house was targeted why? Because it was occupied by Jews! Naturally they are alert 24 X 7 for their survival. What is wrong with that? Jambu:noidea:
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Jewsih opposition to Zionism


The concept of having a Jewish homeland, the original goal of Zionism, was not universally supported by all Jews. Before WWII, common Jews couldn't care less. But there was significant opposition from both the orthodox religious Jews and secular intellectuals that continue till the present day.

The opposition to Zionism by the religious orthodoxy was on the grounds that only the messiah of god, for whose arrival they wait, can and will gather all the Jews and establish Israel. For them, this prophesy is literally true, not some allegory. So, Zionism in their view is downright blasphemous. The most prominent among them are the Talmudic Jews.

The secular Jews opposed the idea on the grounds of common justice and what it would mean to the Arabs living in Palestine. Among these secular Jews, the most prominent was Albert Einstein. Here is his view, in his own words, on establishing Israel in Palestine.
"I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state. Apart from the practical considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain -- especially from the development of a narrow nationalism within our own ranks, against which we have already had to fight without a Jewish state."
(Ref: Albert Einstein, Out of My Later Years, 1950, p. 263.)
Here is one more view by an Israeli Jewish novelist, Amos Oz -- who is no left-wing loony like myself or the Jewish MIT linguist Noam Chomsky or Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein -- he supported Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 2006 and the Gaza invasion in late 2008 until he saw the devastation caused by IDF.

Thanks ...
//The concept of having a Jewish homeland, the original goal of Zionism, was not universally supported by all Jews. Before WWII, common Jews couldn't care less. But there was significant opposition from both the orthodox religious Jews and secular intellectuals that continue till the present day.
The opposition to Zionism by the religious orthodoxy was on the grounds that only the messiah of god, for whose arrival they wait, can and will gather all the Jews and establish Israel. For them, this prophesy is literally true, not some allegory. So, Zionism in their view is downright blasphemous. The most prominent among them are the Talmudic Jews.
The secular Jews opposed the idea on the grounds of common justice and what it would mean to the Arabs living in Palestine. Among these secular Jews, the most prominent was Albert Einstein. Here is his view, in his own words, on establishing Israel in Palestine.
"I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state. Apart from the practical considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain -- especially from the development of a narrow nationalism within our own ranks, against which we have already had to fight without a Jewish state."
(Ref: Albert Einstein, Out of My Later Years, 1950, p. 263.)
Dear Mr. Nara,
Could you please go back a little more in history and give us some info about the way jews were treated in the gettos of various European cities? the way they were issued permits to enter the cities only at a given time and to get back to their gettos before a fixed time? the treatment that was meted out to those who overstayed in the cities(and this includes London)? Also the origin of the word getto please.Thank you. Cheers.
Dear Folks,
We have the dalits in India in the same situation in which the jews in Europe were in earlier days(before WWI). When we are all appreciation for Bimrao Ambedkar raising a flag of revolt against the idea of a united India and compelling Gandhi to enter into a negotiation with him(Poona Talks) many of us are not able to appreciate the right of Israelis to survive. If Ambedkar had walked out of the talks with Gandhi and had carved out a dalit land in Indian subcontinent it would have faced the same ordeals that Israel is facing today. The vital missing factor would have been oil and to that extent the drama would have become boring and not worth the attention of the intellectuals.(I do not have any one intellectual in my mind). Cheers.
Dear Folks,
We have the dalits in India in the same situation in which the jews in Europe were in earlier days(before WWI). When we are all appreciation for Bimrao Ambedkar raising a flag of revolt against the idea of a united India and compelling Gandhi to enter into a negotiation with him(Poona Talks) many of us are not able to appreciate the right of Israelis to survive. If Ambedkar had walked out of the talks with Gandhi and had carved out a dalit land in Indian subcontinent it would have faced the same ordeals that Israel is facing today. The vital missing factor would have been oil and to that extent the drama would have become boring and not worth the attention of the intellectuals.(I do not have any one intellectual in my mind). Cheers.


you cannot compare the dalits and the jews.

the jews over the centuries have held pre eminent positions in the christian world. since usury was banned by roman church, the jews were the bankers and money lenders (hence hated).

the jews were great musicians, composers, scientists, authors, philosophers and moved knowledge back and forth between the islamic and the christian world, both of which they were familiar, and tolerated as 'people of the book'.

our treatment of the dalits,from the milleniums on, is the biggest crime ever committed on any humans for this was a protracted denial of all rights and refusal to treat these folks at home. this could be qualifed as a crime against humanity.
//you cannot compare the dalits and the jews.
the jews over the centuries have held pre eminent positions in the christian world. since usury was banned by roman church, the jews were the bankers and money lenders (hence hated).
the jews were great musicians, composers, scientists, authors, philosophers and moved knowledge back and forth between the islamic and the christian world, both of which they were familiar, and tolerated as 'people of the book'.
our treatment of the dalits,from the milleniums on, is the biggest crime ever committed on any humans for this was a protracted denial of all rights and refusal to treat these folks at home. this could be qualifed as a crime against humanity.//


Dalits never held any preeminent positions over the centuries.dalits did not have great musicians, composers,....philosophers.--This is what you have left unsaid.
I have views on this which are diametrically opposite to your views.


Dalits never held any preeminent positions over the centuries.dalits did not have great musicians, composers,....philosophers.--This is what you have left unsaid.
I have views on this which are diametrically opposite to your views.



not quite right to put it that way.

ofcourse one can find instances of dalit musicians or scholars, accepted mainstream. but by and large, they were shunned.

one instance of nandanar is not enough to prove the derelict conditions of the dalit. no other community in the world had the threat of lead poured in its ears if it heard the vedas or the tongue cut off if it chanted gayatri.

in my own lifetime, in my part of kerala, the dalits used to ululate to announce their coming, so that the high caste know their presence and avoid seeing them. they used to stand the proverbial 20 feet or so from my grandfather, with the hands covering their mouth when they spoke to him. i did not know the implications of this till i grew up, and even to this day, for passively viewing it, i am ashamed of myself.
the forum has degenerated to scolding hindus,brahmins,indians as a whole,by canadians,americans in particular,and some other nationalities in a broad sense.wonder why they tool around here?

even though this thread is about scolding barrack obama,for his position of handling crisis one after another and the legacy of crisis he acquired,but then being critical of someone who is doing his job,comes very natural for us,impotent scribes,huh?

the jews are surrounded by hostile elements,and usa like a true champion of underdogs is supportive of israel.now that oil politics and a major attack on american soil namely 9/11,has changed perceptions in corridors of power in usa.

now,the arabs are the dudes.not the jews.becoz the arabs mustered to attack usa,so that dhimmis can be acheived.ya right.
..... the way they were issued permits to enter the cities only at a given time and to get back to their gettos before a fixed time? the treatment that was meted out to those who overstayed in the cities(and this includes London)? Also the origin of the word getto please.

Raju, it seems you already have answers, but asking these questions with some purpose in mind that you are not revealing, at least not yet. Once again, I may be reading something that is not there, but this time I am not going to take responsibility, you are making it difficult to ascertain what is in your mind.

You know there was a somewhat of an adapted production of Merchant of Venice with Al Pacino as Shylock and Jeremy Irons as Antonio. This production portrays Shylock in somewhat of a sympathetic light. It depicts life of a Jew in Venice of that time in pretty stark terms.

But all this is besides the point, a complete and unabashed straw man. Raju, I am really sorry to say this, you seem to have a penchant for these kinds of fallacies in arguments.

Dear Mr. Nara,
I requested you to go back in history certainly with a purpose. I thought that purpose was obvious. Now I am making it clear with the help of what you posted.
//The concept of having a Jewish homeland, the original goal of Zionism, was not universally supported by all Jews. Before WWII, common Jews couldn't care less. But there was significant opposition from both the orthodox religious Jews and secular intellectuals that continue till the present day.//

These are your words. But the netizens who read this would not get the complete picture to judge the correctness of the above statement unless they know the condition in which jews lived in the ghettos of the cities of Europe. How can a community which is subjected to discrimination, harassment and inhuman treatment be indifferent to their suffering and live normally as if nothing has happened at all? The jews of Europe , because of the illtreatment they were subjected to, wanted, nay yearned, for a homeland in which they can live and practice their religion peacefully. Ben Gurien only gave expression to this yearning. The ugly brute majority of Christianity did not have any space for Judaism either in their mind space or in their geographical space. Because of the twist of fate and circumstances, historical evidences(not worth even the parchments on which they are written), and the cunningness of the Europeans Israel was born in the geographical location where it is today. Americans and Europeans achieved several advantages in a single shot by the creation of Israel.This is what I have tried to present in my posting as a counter to your innocuous choice of comfortable part of history. I hope now you understand my point clearly.
//The opposition to Zionism by the religious orthodoxy was on the grounds that only the messiah of god, for whose arrival they wait, can and will gather all the Jews and establish Israel. For them, this prophesy is literally true, not some allegory. So, Zionism in their view is downright blasphemous. The most prominent among them are the Talmudic Jews.//
Dear friend! this again is giving a lot of disproportionate importance to an extreme view. I think there is always extremes in the society,but I deplore the attempt to marshall them as points for argument. When the focus is on the background and reasons for the behaviour of Israelis as they do today, this is an effort to belittle their sufferings at the hands of their detractors in Europe in those days. What more! their own religious texts are used to smother them - to boot.
//The secular Jews opposed the idea on the grounds of common justice and what it would mean to the Arabs living in Palestine. Among these secular Jews, the most prominent was Albert Einstein. Here is his view, in his own words, on establishing Israel in Palestine.
"I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state. Apart from the practical considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain -- especially from the development of a narrow nationalism within our own ranks, against which we have already had to fight without a Jewish state."
(Ref: Albert Einstein, Out of My Later Years, 1950, p. 263.)//
I would say these secular jews were comparatively well of and did not face the dirty, ugly face of Christianity or were resourceful enough to flee from it when they faced it. But the ordinary - common as you would call them--jews of Poland(an entire community was raped here leaving no one), Greece, Russia and other European countries were not that lucky. I dont discount or denigrate the views of secular jews as they are the ideal ones. It would have been very nice if only they were practical in the circumstances that existed then.
I hope I have explained myself well so that you would understand that there was certainly a context and substance in what I posted--not a mere strawman, as you choose to call it. Thank you. Cheers.
the beauty is,isa putran aka jesus christ,is a jew.christians hounded,killed jews.islam hounds and kills jews.jews hound themselves and kill themselves as jews.all three are abrahamaaic religions dereived from our culture of bharat.somehow,our ancestors termed them as mlechas or foreigners.isa putran was trained and guided by us and asked to go back to his jewish people and preach,prema sathya dharma shanthi ahimsa,which he did.becoz vested interest saw their influence diminish,jews used romans and killed isa putran.now when isa putran himself could not save his life,what rubbish preachings are any good.so,jews are getting f*#&@.christians are the most cleverest of all human species now.they will use isa putran,in every diabolical way that they can,to gain material wealth.
Dear Raju, Greetings!

...I requested you to go back in history certainly with a purpose.

IMO, it is better to make our arguments in a straight forward way instead of asking leading questions.

I stand by my charge that you are making straw man arguments.

I have not seen anybody doubting ill treatment of Jews by the Europeans here. No doubt can exist when you look at what Marlin Luther wrote in "The Jews And Their Lies".

But at the same time it is an historical fact that the common Jew did not care for the goals of the Zionists. There was practically no Jewish immigration into Palestine up until the ascent of Nazis in Germany. The common Jew had lots of other things to worry about than Zionism. Also, the religious and secular opposition to Zionism was not just in the fringes as you claim.

I daresay the suffering of these secular Jews you so callously brush aside are infinitely more than what you or I can even imagine. The mother of Norman Finkelstein, an incessant critic of Israel, is a holocaust survivor. Another holocaust survivor was on the Mavi Marmara that was so brutally attacked by the IDF commandos. A little bit of research with the help of Google can dissuade you of this myth.

Now, all this is besides the point.

This discussion is about the suffering of the Gazan Palestinians at the hands of Israeli state in general, and the high seas piracy Monday last week in particular. The atrocities Jews suffered in Europe at the hands of Europeans is completely unrelated -- a veritable straw man.


i take liberty in your conversation with raju.

This discussion is about the suffering of the Gazan Palestinians at the hands of Israeli state in general, and the high seas piracy Monday last week in particular. The atrocities Jews suffered in Europe at the hands of Europeans is completely unrelated -- a veritable straw man.

your oft repeated word 'straw man' and finally i believe that its your argument hall mark.its like neti neti neti neti ....so that more people will keep jumping around with their ideas...to counter....nice try mate.

jews and before jews the land belonged to india or maha bharathians,maybe in the first period of the yuga calculations...howz that?

this rubbish islam claiming of making everyone dhimmis is garbage and vitriol.

the jews have a right to exist and will try check and release ships even in international waters.there is nothing the arabs can do about it.americans are fully behind jews ie israel.what you are doing is a minority voice supporting palestinians...majority americans or the american who wield power are behind israel and pakistan.that is truth.
//IMO, it is better to make our arguments in a straight forward way instead of asking leading questions.//
I agree with the first half of your above sentence as I am already doing just that. Asking loading questions is also a part of a conversation/dialogue I believe.
//I stand by my charge that you are making straw man arguments.//
I do not agree. Please read further.
//I have not seen anybody doubting ill treatment of Jews by the Europeans here. No doubt can exist when you look at what Marlin Luther wrote in "The Jews And Their Lies".//
Again The Jews and their Lies"" Again it has to be their lies only. It appears you have tuned yourself to hear only what you want to hear.
//But at the same time it is an historical fact that the common Jew did not care for the goals of the Zionists.//
Which history? The one written and quoted often by leftwing intellectuals?
//There was practically no Jewish immigration into Palestine up until the ascent of Nazis in Germany.//
when you restrict the freedom of movement of a community severely how do you expect any emigration or immigration?
//The common Jew had lots of other things to worry about than Zionism. Also, the religious and secular opposition to Zionism was not just in the fringes as you claim.//
lot of other things like what? mayhem?rapes?pogroms? I repeat these atrocities made them yearn for a land of their own. Opposition to Zionism appeared to be in the centre stage and not in the fringes because Zionism was still not fully in the open then. It was still hush hush.
//I daresay the suffering of these secular Jews you so callously brush aside are infinitely more than what you or I can even imagine. The mother of Norman Finkelstein, an incessant critic of Israel, is a holocaust survivor. Another holocaust survivor was on the Mavi Marmara that was so brutally attacked by the IDF commandos. A little bit of research with the help of Google can dissuade you of this myth.//
I do not callously brush aside anything. The mother of Norman Finkelstein, a holocaust survivor is known to you, to me and to the members of this forum whereas the nameless, faceless mother and her young daughter who were raped in front of each other and shoved into the sewer lines of Prague remain unknown, not mourned and anonymous for ever. It is as if they never existed on the face of earth. The irony of this is what I tried to highlight. You got me wrong.
//Now, all this is besides the point.// No all this is relevant. Please read further.
//This discussion is about the suffering of the Gazan Palestinians at the hands of Israeli state in general, and the high seas piracy Monday last week in particular. The atrocities Jews suffered in Europe at the hands of Europeans is completely unrelated -- a veritable straw man.//
Yes this started as a discussion of the Gazan incidents. But in you anxiety to paint the Israelis in the hues and colours of murderers and marauders you brought in all these(your post no. 32 AND EARLIER ONES IN THIS THREAD). Now when you find it inconvenient you want to jettison them. Fine with me. Only a novice will argue that the Israelis resolve to destroy the potential of their enemies to wage war does not emanate from their historical background. As a community they suffered hell and they are firm that the hell should not revisit them. Their actions such as keeping the level of control over Gaza and west bank absolute, their mortal fear of any arab country getting nuclear etc arise from this basic scar. If you deny this I have nothing to argue with you.It is your freedom. It is also your freedom to call my points as strawman but I interpret them as inconvenient facts giving you a feeling of insecurity because of your pet beliefs. Thank you. Cheers friend.

Dear Raju, Greetings!

First, I want to request something. It is about formatting posts. You are using // to cite text and it is not working very well for me to read. While I am not that old, my eyes are not what they used to be. May I suggest that you use the QUOTE and /QUOTE tags enclosed with [ and ]. Use QUOTE at the beginning of the text you want to cite and use /QUOTE at the end. Don't forget to enclose these tags with [ and ]. This will be very helpful.

Again The Jews and their Lies"" Again it has to be their lies only. It appears you have tuned yourself to hear only what you want to hear.

Well Raju, you have missed the point I was making completely. Please go back and read my comment. I find Martin Luther's blatant antisemitism repugnant. I don't have any problem with you criticizing what I write, but I do have a problem when you criticize about what I have not said, and in this case about what I said is just the opposite of what you are criticizing me about.

... I repeat these atrocities made them yearn for a land of their own.
Repeat as you will, for the common Jew, "next year in Jerusalem" was more an idea than a geographical place. Yearning is easy to claim and hard to measure. But statistics speak volumes. Look it up, or, perhaps for you statistical reports are lying lies of left-wing intellectual liars.

... faceless mother and her young daughter who were raped in front of each other and shoved into the sewer lines of Prague remain unknown,
Please go ahead and start a thread on Jewish suffering during Nazi Germany and you will find me on your side -- may be then you will switch sides.

All said and done, all that suffering by countless millions of Jews do not make Israeli atrocities any more right, and that is why your arguments are straw man arguments.

....you brought in all these(your post no. 32 AND EARLIER ONES IN THIS THREAD). Now when you find it inconvenient you want to jettison them. Fine with me.
Well Raju, slow down a little. If you review the thread carefully, you will find who brought up what. The fallacies of your arguments are a matter for you, they are in no way inconvenient to me.

Cheers to you as well....

This Gaza incident is condemned world over. But in the U.S. the left and the right are falling over each other to show their support for Israel's right to do whatever it takes. One of the casualties of this support-Israel fervor is the 89 year old Helen Thomas. She was the only true journalistic voice at the WH press briefings. All others are stenographers who take it down faithfully and print it the next day, or, birds that faithfully regurgitate in the press next day what is being fed to them.

What Helen Thomas said was not right, and she has repeatedly apologized for it. She has been made to pay. But she was made to pay not for what she said, but who she said it about. She said "they" the Israeli Jews must get out of Palestine, for which she has profusely apologized. Sarah Plain and Mike Huckabee both have said the same thing, but only in reverse, i.e. the Arabs must get out of Palestinian territory. Palin says Israel should continue to expand settlements into Palestinian territory. Mike Huckabee wants Israel to deport the Palestinians from the West Bank so Israel could complete settling it. What happened to them, nothing, nada, zilch, not even a peep. What Helen Thomas said is not any different in spirit than what Palin and Huckabee said, the difference is who it was about. There lies the difference in how they are treated by the establishment.

When one sees the extent of righteous indignation heaped on Helen Thomas from all sides, one would think she landed on an Israeli ship and gunned down scores of Israeli peace activists taking a ship load of flower to a Jewish memorial service. The Israeli commando who bragged about killing 6 of the 9 activists on Mavi Marmara is reported to be up for bravery award. In the meantime Helen gets the ax. Satyameva Jayati is a farce. What wins is Satyam.

For all the heart-felt sympathy Raju seems to have the Jews of medieval and Nazi Europe, the sliver of opposition voice we hear in U.S. is overwhelmingly Jewish.

An Iranian sea convoy will back up the Turkish campaign to breakIsrael’s blockade of Gaza.

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad assured Turkish leaders whom he met in Istanbul Tuesday, Jan. 8 that the vessels due to enter the disputed waters within days will not shrink from a head-on clash with Israel’s Navy and Air Force exclusion forces. “We’ll breach the Gaza blockade,” the Iranian president vowed. The Iranian Red Crescent vessels will carry “volunteer marines” of the Revolutionary Guards “who will teach the Israelis a lesson.”

Tehran’s “humanitarian convoy” for Gaza will consist of three Iranian vessels flying Red Crescent flags.

DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources report that he promised Turkish leaders to attach Iranian warships and submarines to the Red Crescent ships for their voyage through the Red Sea, the Suez Canal and into the Mediterranean. For some months, one or two Iranian submarines have been deployed in the Mediterranean using Syrian naval port facilities.

The showdown between Turkey and Israel, said Ahmadinejad, “will change many issues in the world and mark the final countdown for Israel’s existence. It shows that it has no room in the region and no one is ready to live alongside it.”

Iranian vessels heading to Gaza now? | Before It's News
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