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Re-energising the Kanchi mutt

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In many threads of this forum, readers have expressed concern over the treatment meted out to Jayandra saraswathi swamigal in the past and the inaction of brahmins as a community. It was indeed comforting to know that there are still so many of us who feel for the acharya and feel that we haven't done enough during the incident. For many politicians the incident is past, but for the acharya and all of us, it is a permanent sore. I think all of us who sympathise with him silently should demonstrate that we care for him and his ideals. We are dutybound to make the acharya see his mutt recapturing its old glory once again within his life time. I request all readers to contribute their ideas in this thread to make it happen. Let us all put our brains together and come out with some constructive suggestions. Our mission to re-domonstrate our belief in the mutt, rededicate its lost glory, to make the acharya feel accomplished. Let us start tickling our thoughts. Do something for the mutt that we all adore.

In many threads of this forum, readers have expressed concern over the treatment meted out to Jayandra saraswathi swamigal in the past and the inaction of brahmins as a community. It was indeed comforting to know that there are still so many of us who feel for the acharya and feel that we haven't done enough during the incident. For many politicians the incident is past, but for the acharya and all of us, it is a permanent sore. I think all of us who sympathise with him silently should demonstrate that we care for him and his ideals. We are dutybound to make the acharya see his mutt recapturing its old glory once again within his life time. I request all readers to contribute their ideas in this thread to make it happen. Let us all put our brains together and come out with some constructive suggestions. Our mission to re-domonstrate our belief in the mutt, rededicate its lost glory, to make the acharya feel accomplished. Let us start tickling our thoughts. Do something for the mutt that we all adore.

Actually,their H H's know what's going on in TN,and surely know how to get out of court cases pursued by TN Goverment.As far as faith in achaaryaals are concerned,the real true ones of the fold will remain,and those who were only giving lip sympathy will fritter away.Even though i am angry with TN Govt to have arrested the achaaryal's,till date the the legal system in India is unable to function to give a finality to the case,yet again demonstrating to the world,what is judicial system in India.

Dr.S S,is actively involved to render his assistance,even though he is not popular amongst non-brahmin population,who knows maybe non-brahmins in TN will finally rally around & throw the un-popular Kazhagams in the near future.All of us witnessed JJ being dis-robed in Fort St.George,MUKA being arrested in the middle of the night,...etc tamasha of the defacto rulers of TN....Deivam Ninru Kollum!

Actually as one involved in Mutt affairs, I feel what they really need is active participation of devotees and sishyas in the activities of the Mutt.As a new start they have started a Seva dal consisting of close devotees to render physical service to Mutt on festive days and make regular visit to Mutt.
We now see a lot of Non Brahmins coming to Mutt,but Brahmins by and large are not coming in large numbers as they used to previously.
Mahasvamigal also implored devotees to render physical service to Mutt by adhering to sampradaya and also train the younger generation to know the hoary tradition of the Mutt.We can also ask youngsetrs to go to Mutt on vacation and render service
Gr8 to know that you are participating actively in the mutt. Also heartening to know that NBs are turning up in good numbers. One still remembers the unfortunate celebrations and distribution of sweets, in front of the mutt, staged by the DK and associates when swamigal was arrested. How do we now promote visit in large numbers by brahmin community and how we reimpose the faith in the mutt. I request all readers to brainstorm and come with ideas which are implementable. As a first step I request all believers ofthe mutt to display in their homes, the once popular photograph all three gurus. Similarly in temples. I have personally seen in many homes and temples the trio has been replaced by Mahaperiyaval. Can we do this?
Gr8 to know that you are participating actively in the mutt. Also heartening to know that NBs are turning up in good numbers. One still remembers the unfortunate celebrations and distribution of sweets, in front of the mutt, staged by the DK and associates when swamigal was arrested. How do we now promote visit in large numbers by brahmin community and how we reimpose the faith in the mutt. I request all readers to brainstorm and come with ideas which are implementable. As a first step I request all believers ofthe mutt to display in their homes, the once popular photograph all three gurus. Similarly in temples. I have personally seen in many homes and temples the trio has been replaced by Mahaperiyaval. Can we do this?
People who want to show that they are more loyal than the King would speak disparagingly of the present Acharya comparing him to the Mahasvamigal simply forgetting that He was ordained into the order by Mahasvamigal.Actually the task befor the present Acharya and Balperiyava is more onerous in the sense that times have changed and Brahmins are a miniscule group with no real voice in public affairs as against the times of Mahasvamigal.SriJayendra sarasvathi svamigal has been trying hard to improve the lot by ensuring Brahmins to have a decent livelihood in secular avocations by starting Deemed University for Arts and Engineering courses.He also tried to ensure medical courses are also available for Brahmins by making Tamilnadu Hospital a Deemed University.It may interest many members that I was invited by H.H to be part of the adminstrative employees.This was scuttled by JJ as we know which wasthe main reason of H.H being her target
Dear Suvarchas
I completely agree with you that the task of current acharyas is more difficult than the earlier ones in the changing political scenario. That precisely is the reason that we need to stand behind them firmly. Politically we may not be able to do much but morally we have an obligation towards the mutt. Do any of the readers see a role for ******* in this?
In many threads of this forum, readers have expressed concern over the treatment meted out to Jayandra saraswathi swamigal in the past and the inaction of brahmins as a community. e.

Dont forget, J.Jeyalalitha too is one amonst..And she only arrested him.

Please introspect..
Dont forget, J.Jeyalalitha too is one amonst..And she only arrested him.

Please introspect..
Please do not for a moment assume JJ to be one amonst us as claimed by her or as portrayed by her detractors.There is no need for introspection as it is patently seen by everybody to be the height of vindictiveness.If you had cared to read the full text of the judgement by Hon'ble Supreme court in the bail case filed by H.H.where they have totally dismissed the entire thing as being without a shred of evidence,you would understand.
elections should be used ; first come and vote; this will inform that we show our cou

In many threads of this forum, readers have expressed concern over the treatment meted out to Jayandra saraswathi swamigal in the past and the inaction of brahmins as a community. It was indeed comforting to know that there are still so many of us who feel for the acharya and feel that we haven't done enough during the incident. For many politicians the incident is past, but for the acharya and all of us, it is a permanent sore. I think all of us who sympathise with him silently should demonstrate that we care for him and his ideals. We are dutybound to make the acharya see his mutt recapturing its old glory once again within his life time. I request all readers to contribute their ideas in this thread to make it happen. Let us all put our brains together and come out with some constructive suggestions. Our mission to re-domonstrate our belief in the mutt, rededicate its lost glory, to make the acharya feel accomplished. Let us start tickling our thoughts. Do something for the mutt that we all adore.

come and vote in elections. demonstrate that you count.
come and vote in elections. demonstrate that you count.
The problem with Brahmins is that they do not subscribe to the view that their votes can be decisive if they vote enbloc.The real issue even among the devout is there are mental blocks like smartha Vs Vaishnava,Kanchi Vs Sringeri etc which really impacts the issue.People have to cultivate a broadbased vision seeing it as an issue affecting the community as a whole.Only then Brahmins can be respected by political parties.
As such our task is to first expunge the hesitation among our communities to visit the Mutt.When Non Brahmins and even Muslims,I saw a couple of them and many from North India both Brahmins and Non Brahmins visit the Mutt why not our tamil Brahmins? Probably a fear psychosis induced by harassing the close devotees during JJ's regime could be a contributing factor
I completely agree to the suggestion that all of us must vote and demonstrate that our voice counts. I couldn't agree more on the observation that our divisive tendencies affect our community the most. Infact I have started a thread on this- unity among iyer and iyengars and found a few good responses to that. But that is a different debate altogether. On this issue of re-energising the mutt,the issue is whom to vote for? Who do you think will stand by us? Any suggestions?
Dear all, leaving alone the elections aside and coming back to the issue of supporting the mutt and recapturing its lost glory, do the readers think it would be a good idea to get together at the mutt on a pre-determined date with all our family members and have a darshan of the swamigal? When people turn up in large numbers on a pre-determined date well published in the media, do you think it will raise a few brows? With elections round the corner do you think the event will be significant in demonstrating our faith in the mutt? If many leaders think on these lines I shall take the process forward now that the summer holidays are round the corner. Possibly it will give all the visitors of the blog an opportunity to come face to face in the larger interest of the brahmin cause in our own way. Just think about it and post your views pls.
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To All, First all TB's should go to polling boths and vote. I have seen 90% of TB's not franchaice thier Vote. Vote a Powerfull tool in modern soicity. Let us Unite and then Vote. Say No To Dravidan parties.Suvarchas you are correct,JJ target of purchasing Tamilnadu Hospital but qouted a very low price and Mutt purchased for better price.After that She arrested the Holy oersons and acted show she treating all are equel. S.R.K.
To All, First all TB's should go to polling boths and vote. I have seen 90% of TB's not franchaice thier Vote. Vote a Powerfull tool in modern soicity. Let us Unite and then Vote. Say No To Dravidan parties.Suvarchas you are correct,JJ target of purchasing Tamilnadu Hospital but qouted a very low price and Mutt purchased for better price.After that She arrested the Holy oersons and acted show she treating all are equel. S.R.K.
Mischief by SUN TV in SUN news Channel
Just now Sun news while covering Sankararamn case wantonly is running a news as though Sankararaman was Manager in Kanchi Mutt which is very damaging to the Mutt as he was only Manager In Vardaraja temple courtesy Mahasvamigal. I have asked Mutt officials to protest
Dear all, leaving alone the elections aside and coming back to the issue of supporting the mutt and recapturing its lost glory, do the readers think it would be a good idea to get together at the mutt on a pre-determined date with all our family members and have a darshan of the swamigal? When people turn up in large numbers on a pre-determined date well published in the media, do you think it will raise a few brows? With elections round the corner do you think the event will be significant in demonstrating our faith in the mutt? If many leaders think on these lines I shall take the process forward now that the summer holidays are round the corner. Possibly it will give all the visitors of the blog an opportunity to come face to face in the larger interest of the brahmin cause in our own way. Just think about it and post your views pls.
I think this is a very good suggestion... I second it... even if kamakoti is not my family acharya, we should record a show of strength to protest the way the govt have handled the case...

I think this is a very good suggestion... I second it... even if kamakoti is not my family acharya, we should record a show of strength to protest the way the govt have handled the case...

voting en-bloc as a single majority from the minority could impact polls.but then that easier said than done :nono:.morever i think the achaaryals will come out purifier having gone thru this ordeal

voting en-bloc as a single majority from the minority could impact polls.but then that easier said than done :nono:.morever i think the achaaryals will come out purifier having gone thru this ordeal

Dear bala,

I think Mr Seshadri was refering to the suggestion of visiting the mutt enbloc and not about voting. Please comment on this suggestion too.
I found that a numb of readers are expressing their opinion about voting enmasse in this context which is slightly different. I request all of you to express your views/ opinions about visiting or contributing in any other manner towards energising the mutt. Regarding voting in elections I have started a new thread, pls post your comments on that thread.

Dear bala,

I think Mr Seshadri was refering to the suggestion of visiting the mutt enbloc and not about voting. Please comment on this suggestion too.

oopsy!As far my knowledge of the gurus go,only if the sankalpam of the gurus is there,one can even step into their holy domain.So,its all our gurus doing about crowds thronging in the mutt,and i know the HDG VS likes people to come like how when HDG CS was amongst us,hopefully the same sentiment is shared by HDG JS too!Bottom line,its all gurus shakthi which drags us to them for darshanam:jaw:
oopsy!As far my knowledge of the gurus go,only if the sankalpam of the gurus is there,one can even step into their holy domain.So,its all our gurus doing about crowds thronging in the mutt,and i know the HDG VS likes people to come like how when HDG CS was amongst us,hopefully the same sentiment is shared by HDG JS too!Bottom line,its all gurus shakthi which drags us to them for darshanam:jaw:
Guru sankalapam is all right.But we also need to make an attempt.If considerable members make a resolve to visit the Mutt and have discussions with H.H. as well as officials ,I shall organise for it

Guru sankalapam is all right.But we also need to make an attempt.If considerable members make a resolve to visit the Mutt and have discussions with H.H. as well as officials ,I shall organise for it


thanks for the offer and i do hope people contact you and get darshanam too.but as i expressed before,only if guru wills or his sankalpam is there you can step into the mutt otherwise its all pipedream=maybe my mooda nambikai with gurus,dunno!

here is what a non-hindu follower of the mutt asked me

"why do the acharyas have to travel anywhere in a motorised vehicle? why cant they walk wherever they need to go? didnt their guru sri sankara do that ? do u thnk they can accomplish more than sri sankara did by travelling in planes and vans? if i am right , even mettur swamigal and kuvalaikkal swamigal walk everywhere they go , rt? even mahaperiyavaa walked so much ... why go away from your roots? why do they use air-conditioned rooms and luxury like that ? they never seem to stay or live where the poorest ppl dwell ? so a sankaracharya cannot continuously live among huts without any amenities? how often do they do detailed pravachanams over days and months on the works of sri sankara or the other acharyas of the mutt , isnt that the foremost way to draw people's attention to the sanatana dharma ?"

i had no answers ..........

here is what a non-hindu follower of the mutt asked me

"why do the acharyas have to travel anywhere in a motorised vehicle? why cant they walk wherever they need to go? didnt their guru sri sankara do that ? do u thnk they can accomplish more than sri sankara did by travelling in planes and vans? if i am right , even mettur swamigal and kuvalaikkal swamigal walk everywhere they go , rt? even mahaperiyavaa walked so much ... why go away from your roots? why do they use air-conditioned rooms and luxury like that ? they never seem to stay or live where the poorest ppl dwell ? so a sankaracharya cannot continuously live among huts without any amenities? how often do they do detailed pravachanams over days and months on the works of sri sankara or the other acharyas of the mutt , isnt that the foremost way to draw people's attention to the sanatana dharma ?"

i had no answers ..........

the jagath guru are trying to raise standards of living from abject poverty to a life of luxurious living for the common people.i see absolutely no dis-connect in this?are they asking the same to political leaders or to any other sampradaya religious leaders.even the style of shitting like western culture is comfortable unlike indian toilets!!!!:love:

the jagath guru are trying to raise standards of living from abject poverty to a life of luxurious living for the common people.i see absolutely no dis-connect in this?are they asking the same to political leaders or to any other sampradaya religious leaders.even the style of shitting like western culture is comfortable unlike indian toilets!!!!:love:


wow .. bala ... r u sure ? an acharya has to live luxuriousluy to raise the standard of living of others ..? try telling that to mahaperiyavaa ... and the bs about indian toilets .. it is going to be true for the "namesake" brahmins who are not even used to doing regular thoppukaranams ... sick people aside , this attitude of living away from wht sri sankara lived like is not wht mahaperiyavaa would be ok with , period .... besides there are also mettur and kuvalaikkal swamigal , they walk everywhere too ... people are going to make comparisons on wht they see in the mutt ... they expect the acharyas to do things the way mahaperiyavaa would ,,,,

i hope if suvarchas can throw more light here and enlighten us more ..

wow .. bala ... r u sure ? an acharya has to live luxuriousluy to raise the standard of living of others ..? try telling that to mahaperiyavaa ... and the bs about indian toilets .. it is going to be true for the "namesake" brahmins who are not even used to doing regular thoppukaranams ... sick people aside , this attitude of living away from wht sri sankara lived like is not wht mahaperiyavaa would be ok with , period .... besides there are also mettur and kuvalaikkal swamigal , they walk everywhere too ... people are going to make comparisons on wht they see in the mutt ... they expect the acharyas to do things the way mahaperiyavaa would ,,,,

i hope if suvarchas can throw more light here and enlighten us more ..

Mahaswamigals way of doing things were in tune with a generation different to present times.Poor HDG HH JS & HDG HH VS cannot be doing what Mahswamigal did.That is why H H JS walked out of the mutt in a huff untill Mahaswamigal threathened his sishya that he will walk to Tala Cauvery to fetch him,which made H H JS just melt in his heart.

After all guru is guru,much like a dad & son relationship.Of course plz dont jump on me saying,they are sanyasis and all that,they are first human then only anything else.That is why i love our present gurus,during trying times they are faced with standards of the past generation,now he is the jagath guru he can do whatever he wants as per his interpretation of shastras.He is the chief honcho now.:love:.

But truly J J should not have done this,the papam will be enormous for her souls next incarnation,if she is a believer of hindu dharma.The police department which obeyed such stupid orders and of course the evil political parties who are bent upon crushing hindus at the expense of foreign masters.:flame:

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