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Lord Shiva ,The embodiment of supreme consciousness

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In the Hindu Trinity, Lord Brahma is the creator, Lord Vishnu the preserver, and Lord Shiva the destroyer.
Lord Siva represents the destructive aspect of Brahman. That portion of Brahman that is enveloped by Tamo-Guna-Pradhana Maya is Lord Siva who is the all-pervading Isvara and who also dwells in Mount Kailas. He is the Bhandara or store-house for wisdom. Siva minus Parvati or Kali or Durga is Nirguna Brahman Himself. With Maya-Parvati He becomes the Saguna Brahman for the purpose of pious devotion of His devotees. Devotees of Rama must worship Lord Siva for 3 or 6 months before they take to worship of Rama. Rama Himself worshipped Lord Siva at the famous Ramesvaram. Lord Siva is the Lord of Ascetics and Lord of Yogins, robed in space (Digambara).
His Trisul (trident) that is held in His right hand represents the three Gunas—Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. That is the emblem of Sovereignty. He wields the world through these three Gunas. The Damaru in His left hand represents the Sabda Brahman. It represents OM from which all languages are formed. It is He who formed the Sanskrit language out of the Damaru.
The crescent moon indicates that He has controlled the mind perfectly. The flow of the Ganga represents the nectar of Immortality. Tiger represents lust; His sitting on tiger’s skin indicates that He has conquered lust. His holding a deer on one hand indicates that He has removed the Chanchalata (tossing) swabhava of the mind. Deer jumps from one place to another swiftly. His wearing of serpents denotes wisdom and eternity. Serpents live for a large number of years. He is Trilochana, the three-eyed One, in the centre of whose forehead is the third eye, the eye of wisdom.The three eyes of Lord Shiva are often the focus of mythological interpretations and mystic curiosity. Representation of His manifestation in humanlike form should have shown only two eyes like the normal humans have. Is the third eye mere allegoric depiction? Or, does it signify some hidden facets…? In fact, the third eye symbolizes the source of sagacity – pure, discreet wisdom. This center in the human body is hidden subtly in an endocrine gland inside the brain right behind the position (on the forehead) where the third eye of Shiva is depicted.
You all might have read a story in the holy Ramayana or in some other shastric scripture which mentions of Kamadeva being burnt into ashes due to the opening of Shiva’s third eye. Kamadeva the Lord of amour had once tried to sinfully entice and influence Lord Shiva. Then, Lord Shiva just opened His third eye. The divine radiations emanating therefrom instantly burnt the gross body of Kamadeva. Have you ever thought about the truth behind this mythological anecdote? It conveys the fact that the insidious force of erotic thoughts and sexual excitation can be instantly checked and eliminated if our discerning prudence is awakened. The opening of the third eye means awakening of our sagacity and creative activation of our inner wisdom.

The third eye is subtly located in the third dimension inside our brain. It teaches us to look into the deeper aspects of every phenomenon, every thought and every experience. Our ordinary eyes (the two eyes on our faces) see only extrovertly; they can only show us our materialistic gains and losses or the worldly affairs in the limited peripheries of our interactions. The needs of the body or the sense organs are easily seen by them. But there is a third eye, which opens inward. It enables us to look deeply in the sublime folds of mind and shows us the world of inner peace, everlasting happiness and absolute truth. This is the eye of foresight and clairvoyance.
significance of snake on body of Shiva

Sarpam(Snake) is the Jiva or the individual soul which rests upon Siva, the Paramatman or the Supreme Soul. The five hoods mean the five senses or the five Tattvas, viz., earth, water, fire, air and ether. They also represent the five Pranas, which hiss in the body like the serpent. The inhalation and exhalation are like the hissing of the serpent. Lord Siva Himself became the five Tanmatras, the five Jnanendriyas, the five Karmendriyas and other groups of five. The individual soul enjoys the worldly objects through these Tattvas. When the individual attains knowledge through control of the senses and the mind, he finds his eternal resting abode in Lord Siva, the Supreme Soul. This is the esoteric significance of Lord Siva wearing the snake on His body.
Lord Siva is absolutely fearless. Srutis declare, “This Brahman is fearless (Abhayam), Immortal (Amritam).” Worldly people are afraid even at the very sight of a snake but Lord Siva is wearing snakes as ornaments on His body. This indicates that Lord Siva is absolutely fearless and immortal.
Generally serpents live for hundreds of years. Wearing of serpents by Lord Siva signifies that He is Eternal.
significance of Vibhuti , Nandi

Namassivaya is the Mantra of Lord Siva. ‘Na’ represents earth and Brahma; ‘Ma’ represents water and Vishnu; ‘Si’ fire and Rudra; ‘Va’ Vayu and Mahesvara; ‘Ya’ Akasa and Sadasiva and also the Jiva.
Lord Siva has white complexion. What is the significance of white colour?a colour which reflect all light falling on it. He teaches silently that people should have pure heart and entertain pure thoughts and should be free from crookedness, diplomacy, cunningness, jealousy, hatred, etc.
He wears three white-lined Bhasma or Vibhuti on His forehead. What is the significance of this? He teaches silently that people should destroy the three impurities, viz., Anava (egoism), Karma (action with expectation of fruits), and Maya (illusion), and the three desires or Eshanas, viz., desire for landed property, desire for woman, desire for gold, and the three Vasanas, viz., Lokavasana, Dehavasana and Sastravasana, and then attain Him with a pure heart.

Another school of thought of smearing bhasm on any part of the body is to recall the Vedic teaching of "Bhasmantaka Goum Shariram" – this body is going to become (a heap of) ash one day. That means, this body might either get mixed in the soil or water or fly like the dust particles with the wind. This physical body of ours, which we are so proud of and are so much attached to, is going to be crushed (with the soil) beneath others’ feet one day.

What does the Balipitha or altar which stands in front of the sanctum sanctorum of the Siva’s temple represent? People should destroy their egoism and mineness (Ahamta and Mamata) before they attain the Lord. This is the significance.

What does Nandi or the bull which is in front of Sivalinga represent? Nandi is the attendant or doorkeeper of Siva. He is the vehicle of Lord Siva. He represents Satsanga. If you make association with the sages, you are sure to attain God-realisation. Sages will show you the way to reach Him. They will remove pitfalls or snares that lie on your path. They will clear your doubts and instil in your heart dispassion, discrimination and knowledge. There is no other safe boat than Satsanga to reach the other shore of fearlessness and immortality. Even a moment’s Satsanga or association with the sages, is a great blessing to the aspirants and the worldly-minded persons. They get firm conviction in the existence of God through Satsanga. The sages remove the worldly Samskaras. The company of sages is a formidable fortress to protect oneself from the temptations of Maya.
Lord Siva represents the destructive aspect of the Godhead. He is seen absorbed on the mountain peak of Kailas. He is an embodiment of serenity, renunciation and indifference to the world. Nandi is His favourite. He is the door-Keeper. He is seen hushing all nature, so that the Lord may not be disturbed in His Samadhi. The Lord has five faces, ten hands, ten eyes, two feet.
He has sword in one of His hands. This signifies that He is the destroyer of births and deaths. The fire in one of His hands shows that He protects the Jivas by burning all fetters.

I bow with folded hands crores of times at the lotus-feet of that Lord Siva who is non-dual, who is the Adhishthana, or support for the world and all minds, who is Sat-Chit-Ananda, who is the Ruler, the Antaryamin, the Sakshi (silent witness) for everything, who is self-effulgent, self-existent and self-contained (Pari-purna), who is the remover of the primitive Avidya and who is the Adi-Guru or Parama-Guru or Jagad-Guru.

That Lord Siva I am in essence. Sivoham, Sivoham, Sivoham.
Dear iyyerram,
nice posts.
I have also read before that Nandi represents Jeevaatma.
That is the gaze of Jeevaatma should always be directed inwards towards Paramaatma.

Also regarding serpents.. that even the deadliest of poisons are rendered harmless under the sway of the Lord.
Sri.Iyyer Ram,

I was planning to open a thread about Siva and Daksha. After I saw your posts, I decided against it. May be some other time!

Dear Iyerram

I just want to share some more regarding this.

"You all might have read a story in the holy Ramayana or in some other shastric scripture which mentions of Kamadeva being burnt into ashes due to the opening of Shiva’s third eye. Kamadeva the Lord of amour had once tried to sinfully entice and influence Lord Shiva. Then, Lord Shiva just opened His third eye. The divine radiations emanating therefrom instantly burnt the gross body of Kamadeva. Have you ever thought about the truth behind this mythological anecdote? It conveys the fact that the insidious force of erotic thoughts and sexual excitation can be instantly checked and eliminated if our discerning prudence is awakened. The opening of the third eye means awakening of our sagacity and creative activation of our inner wisdom."

In this deed, Kamadeva is totally out of control. He did this just for the unification of uma-shiva. Also, he did the deed on compulsion of brahma. But the problem is he approached shiva with overconfidence and he thought that shiva will surely gets lusted coz of arrows. Since shiva has ashed him, mother paarvathi gave him new birth and also provided him a boon that noone can conquer him and also noone can see him except his wife radhi. (which means even shiva can't touch him even with his third eye as he is totally inivisible). Why am saying these things is most of our fellow members think that manmadan as a great sinner. It is not the certain truth.

Like the job of yama is to get the souls of beings, the job of manmada is unification of beings (just an opposite of yama's task).

Even the great shiva, who ashed manmada, fell in love with parvathi, married her, even got unified with her and meantime, kumara born. So, its very clear that even shiva is not against the love and lust. Only thing is the approach.

The incident also shows approaching swami without the grace of devi will end in unwanted results. Later with the blessing of lalithamba this very same manmadan threw his arrows to shiva and made him "Kalyanasundaran".

Also just to compensate this deed, sakthi paarvathi hided all her powers in a deep-hole and asked all the devas to provide their own powers to manmada. And finally she herself takes the bow and arrows as symbolification and residing in kanchipuram.

Manmada- A great upasaka and guru for shri vidhya upasakas. He himself has found a separate vidhya "Kadhividhya". I just want to convey the stand of manmada for our members.

Dear All,
Just to add

Jata(matted locks)----the concentrated universal nourishment in a potential state

Ganga---- the eternal uninterrupted flow of a part of the universal nourishment for the body, mind and soul.

Crescent moom--- this denotes the cyclic motions of time is but an ornament in the timeless eternity that is Shiva

Third eye--- the all pervasive all seeing vision of Shiva

Ashes all
over body--- He absorbs the whole universe unto Himself and gets established in his own Swarupa.

Yoga Danda--- the mystic staff which converts the outflow of life currents into inflow of Divine currents.

Snakes-- all that is earthly,material, gross and base in everything--thse affect only the Jeeva, but not Shiva on whom they are but ornaments.

Trishul-- The power of Shiva to destroy the triple negative forces of the body, mind and spirit operating in man and the universe.

Damaru--Universal Energy in resonance, thereby producing the manifested universe out of the unmanifested Reality.

Tiger Skin--- symbolises the conquest of pride and arrogance

taken from book Hindu Gods: Shiva by Swami Shantanand
Iyyerram, Durga and Renuka,

Good going

Please keep it up

All the best
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popular story

The world's balance soon crumbled in his absence and Sati took rebirth as Goddess Parvati to try and win Lord Shiva's heart and wake him up from his trance. She tried all ways to get the attention of Shiva. When she had exhausted all her feminine ways, she invoked the help of Kamadava, the Indian cupid-god, who agreed to help her in the cause of the world despite the risks involved. He shot his love-arrow on Shiva's heart. Disturbed in his trance, Lord Shiva opened his third eye that fired anger and instantly incinerated Kamadeva. It is said that it was on the day of Holi that Kamadeva had sacrificed himself for the good of all beings. Later, when Lord Shiva realized his mistake, he granted Kamadeva immortality in invisible form. To this day, people offer sandalwood paste to Kamadeva to relieve from his stinging burns and mango blossoms that he loved on Holi.
Dear Iyerram

The story is much new to me. In what I studied, both Parvathi and Shiva were in immense penance. Ofcourse parvathi tried in her ways to attract shiva. But she never insisted Kama to throw arrows over shiva. The devas who were unable to bear the threats of Tharakasura went to brahma and vishnu and requested them to disturb shiva. Finally brahma ordered Kama to do the job. Initially kama worried to do so, since disturbing a penance will end-up in serious illeffects. But brahma threatens kama that he will curse him. So, he accepted the task and did so. He entered into Kailash with the permission of nandhideva. Infact nandhi showed him the way to reach shiva. Parvathi was totally out of the scene. Since, shiva was doing penance in Himalayas, Himavan appointed parvathi as his attender. She too never disturbed his penance, she tried to attract him through her own penance and also by making his surrounding environment to think pleasent of her. So the inclusion of parvathi into this is totally new for me.

Dear All,

adding info:


Dance Pose: a perpetual rhythmic vibration of the Universal energy

Abhaya Hasta
(one hand up & one down) a) The total state of Being and Becoming.
b) Take refuge in Me---I shall protect you.

Damaru : energy manifesting as the universe of sound vibrations

Fire: Energy manifesting as the universe of light waves

Demon: all the demonical and Asuric forces crushed under Shiva's feet

36 deepams: manifestations of One supreme into 36 tattwas(categories)
Dear all

The entire thatva of nataraja is based on the "Shri vidhya upasana".

His lifted left leg (Kunjitha padham) shows that for upliftment worshipping of sakthi is essential.

His hands with one providing vara mudra and other with turning inside shows that there are two ways of such worship: Andarmukha (inwards) and bhahirmukha (outwards)

His folded hand showing to the left leg also indicates that the eternity is achieved by "Andhar mukha worship" (The namas "Antharmukha samaradhya, bhahirmukha sudhurlabha should be think of here).

There are a lotmore about the nataraja thatva, which I will share ASAP.


"At that time is the Cosmic dance of terror of Lord Shiva---Tandava Murti.
When He dances with ecstacy He absorbs everything unto Himself.And who is the one who witnesses this dance?It is His counterpart--- Shakti.

"Isha Tandava Saakshinyai Namah"

Cause has 2 aspects: Energy and the Energizer.
The Energizer is Shiva and Energy is Shakti.At this stage Devi's part is over and She is standing still, absorbed in the dance, ONE with Shiva.
And this is Kama-Kameshwari Aikyam--the marriage of the Supreme Shiva with Shakti.
When the Energizer has absorbed everything unto Himself, Energy alone remains.Only She can witness the dance--not you and me.

This form of Shiva is known as Nataraja--the dancing Lord and it was given in a vision to 2 devotees--Patanjali and Vyaghrapada in Chidambaram.
The Chidambaram here means Chit- Ambaram--the space of Pure Consciousness which is within the devotess heart and the dance is beyond speech and thought."

Taken from Hindu Gods--Lord Shiva by Swami Shantanand
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Dr Renuka and Durga

Dancing Lord Shiva is normally associated with the name `Puliyur'

My native village has a dancing Shiva idol.

Thappalampuliyur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shiva is known as Vyagrapureeswarar and Devi is known as Nithya Kalyani

It is a general belief that those who worship our village Shiva can escape from the birth and death cycle. பிறவியாகிய பெருங்கடலிலிருந்து தப்பளாம்

It is belived that Vyagrapathar has worshiped in our temple and hence Lord Shiva is known as Vyagrapureeswarar.

It is a 1000 year old temple constructed by Vikrama Chola.

Can anybody enlighten me more on this.

I am enclosing the drawn pictures of our village deity here.

All the best


  • Vyagrapuriswarar.webp
    226.4 KB · Views: 181
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Yes Uncle you are right. Those temples with the names "puliyur" are almost associated with Nataraja. However, the temple "Omampuliyur" is associated with the real tiger and hunter who worshipped in fear of tiger during the night of shivarathri and attined mukthi. The other temples like "Perumpuliyur, padhiripuliyur, perumpatrapuliyur, so on"... are there. There are many such places linked with nataraja showing different types of thandavas. As you all know much about 5 sabhais am leaving them. Apart from them Thirupathur- Gowri thandavam; Perur (Coimbatore)- Anandha thandavanam like temples are also there. Similar to nataraja, thyagaraja is also known for his famous dances like Ajaba dance in Thiruvarur, Bringi dance in thirukuvalai, like this he dances in his own special way in each of his sapthavidanga kshetras and also in other famous temples like Thiruvanmiyur, Thiruvotriyur, etc.


Interesting, Informative and lively discussion is going on in this thread.

In Saint Arunagirinathar's Thiruppugazh, Chidambaram is referred as 'Puliyur'. Vyagrapadhar & Pathanjali had dhurshan of dancing siva in Chidambaram. Vyagraha" means puli (tiger) in tamizh). All Chidambaram Thiruppugazh songs bear this stamp 'Puliyur'.

The picture of Lord Siva of his native village posted by Shri RVji and the reasoning for the name of the village 'Thoppalampuliyur' are quite nice.

Let us all keep the nicety of this thread pls.

"அவரவர் இச்சையில் எவை எவை உற்றவை அவை தருவித்தருள் பெருமாளே!" _ திருவக்கரை திருப்புகழ்

Dakshinamurti is that form where Lord Shiva is potrayed in a human form,facing the southern direction,seated, serene,composed,calm,quiet,brilliant,beautiful, full of radiant aura, with His eyes closed, with His hand held in Chinmudra.

Northern direction denotes change from world-consciouness to God conciousness.
From Being to Becoming is southward.From Becoming to Being is northward.
So we are all northern facers, since we are trying to go towards God, from Human conciousness to God consciousness.So we look look northwards while Dakshinamurti faces South.He is facing us and we have to face Him,so that we can become One with Him.
So Dakshinamurti the Supreme Shiva is passively watching the world- play silently,absolutely composed,calm,serene and sedate.

taken from Hindu Gods Shiva by Swami Shantanand
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Sri GS,

My village Shiva was worshiped by Vyagrapathar and hence Lord Shiva in our village is known as `Vyagrapureeswarar'.

The temple in our village was constructed by Vikrama Chola about 900 years back.

I am really glad to know that Chidambaram is being termed as `Puliyur' in Thiruppugazh. I shall also go through the Tiruppugazh stanza's relating to Chidambaram.

Puliyur and Nataraja are associated very much. Wherever the name ends as Puliyur, there is a Nataraja idol in the shiva temple of that place.

All the best

Dakshinamurti is that form where Lord Shiva is potrayed in a human form,facing the southern direction,seated, serene,composed,calm,quiet,brilliant,beautiful, full of radiant aura, with His eyes closed, with His hand held in Chinmudra.

Northern direction denotes change from world-consciouness to God conciousness.
From Being to Becoming is southward.From Becoming to Being is northward.
So we are all northern facers, since we are trying to go towards God, from Human conciousness to God consciousness.So we look look northwards while Dakshinamurti faces South.He is facing us and we have to face Him,so that we can become One with Him.
So Dakshinamurti the Supreme Shiva is passively watching the world- play silently,absolutely composed,calm,serene and sedate.

taken from Hindu Gods Shiva by Swami Shantanand

The term `Dakshina' means South. I have seen in pure amman temples. Dakshinamoorthi idol is on the sourthern side.

Is Dakshinamoorthi doing `Tapas' facing south?

All the best
from www.bhagavadgitausa.com/DAKSHINAMURTIi.htm
click on link above to see idols of Dakshinamurti.

Who is a Guru? What is he made of? Who is a disciple? Excerpt from Talks with Ramana Maha Rishi: Talk 398, page 385-386
Disciple: Swami Vivekananda says that a spiritual Guru can transfer spirituality substantially to the disciple.
Maha Rishi: Is there a substance to be transferred? Transfer means eradication of the sense of being the disciple. The master does it. Not that the man was something at one time and metamorphosed later into another.
Disciple: Is not Grace the gift of the Guru?
Maha Rishi: God, Grace and Guru are all synonymous and also eternal and immanent. Is not the Self already within? Is it for the Guru to bestow it by his look? If a Guru thinks so, he does not deserve the name.
The books say that there are so many kinds of diksha (initiations hasta diksha, sparsa diksha, chakshu diksha, mano diksha, etc.) , They also say that the Guru makes some rites with fire, water, japa, mantras, etc., and call such fantastic performances dikshas, as if the disciple (sishya) becomes ripe only after such processes are gone through by the Guru.
If the individual (Guru) is sought he is nowhere to be found. Such is the Guru. Such is Dakshinamurti. What did he do? He was silent; the disciples appeared before him. He maintained silence, the doubts of the disciples were dispelled, which means that they lost their
individual identities. That is jnana and not all the verbiage usually associated with it.
Silence is the most potent form of work. However vast and emphatic the sastras may be, they fail in their effect. The Guru is quiet and peace prevails in all. His silence is more vast and more emphatic than all the sastras put together. These questions arise because of the feeling, that having been here so long, heard so much, exerted so hard, one has not gained anything. The work proceeding within is not apparent. In fact the Guru is always within you.
Thayumanavar says: "Oh Lord! Coming with me all along the births, never abandoning me and finally rescuing me!" Such is the experience of Realization.
Srimad Bhagavad Gita says the same in a different way, "We two are not only now but have ever been so."
Disciple: Does not the Guru take a concrete form?
Maha Rishi: What is meant by concrete? Because you identify your being with your body, you raise this question. Find out if you are the body.
The Gita says: param bhavam ajanantah (Bh. Gita IX - II) that those who cannot understand the transcendental nature (of Sri Krishna) are fools, deluded by ignorance.
The master appears to dispel that ignorance. As Thayumanavar puts it, he appears as a man to dispel the ignorance of a man, just as a deer is used as a decoy to capture the wild deer. He has to appear with a body in order to eradicate our ignorant "l-am-the-body" idea.

Talk 35. Identification with the body is Dvaita. Non-identification is Advaita.
Dakshinamurti, the south-facing Siva-Guru is God, Guru, Self, and teacher. He is a very young teacher with aged students at his feet; he teaches Advaitic principles by silence and Cin-Mudra, apposition of thumb and forefinger which indicates the identity of the Supreme Self and the individual self. His face is suffused in Bliss. Advaitic principle says that the Self appears as the teacher, the taught, god and the self. Sankaracharya, the propounder of Advaita, brings four elements together in one advaitic unity in the following hymns: Jiva, the individual soul and the enjoyer; the universe, the object enjoyed; the Supreme Siva, the grantor of enjoyment, and the Guru, the leader in the path of release.
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Thanks Dr Renuka for the wonderful explanations from Great Gururs such as Swami Vivekananda and Ramana Maharishi

Keep it up

All the best
Actually Dakshinamoorthy is the form of shiva, doing penance and at the sametime teaching Gnana to "Sanagadhi rishis". So this form is in inactive form, though he is active by silence. But in temples like Madambakkam Dhenupuriswarar temple, you can also able to see "Dampathya dakshinamoorthy" with umadevi. You can also see a different form of dakshinamoorthy as "Yoni dakshinamoorthy" idol in Kanchi ekambareswara temple (Dakshinamoorthy alone sitting on the yoni and his hands also has a yoni- It looks like he seated on a jackfruit and having the same in small size in his hand) and "Veena Dakshinamoorthy" shrine in Keevalor Akshayalingeswarar temple.

The contrast of NAtaraja and Dakshinamoorthy are many.

1.The hairlocks spread in nataraja shows that his creations also spread like that; Whereas in Dakshinamoorthy, the hairlocks are tied as "Jada makudam", which symbolises everything that spread is under his control now.

2. Nataraja will be in dancing posture. It means associated with music and sound-effects. In contrast, Dakshinamoorthy is in perfect silence.

3. Always dakshinamoorthy is associated with sanakadhi rishis. Always nataraja is associated with pathanjali and vyagrapadha.

4. Nataraja has Damaru (Udukkai) in his hand to show the birth of sound-effects from him. Dakshinamoorthy has a snake bound in his arm, to show that he conquered the Kundalini shakti itself.

5. Dakshinamoorthy is always associated with "Banyan tree". Nataraja is not associated with anysuch. A lot more are also there which when we compare we will be able to know.

Famous 63 Nayanar Saints

  1. Sundaramurti Nayanar
  2. Tiru Neelakanta Nayanar
  3. Iyarpahai Nayanar
  4. Ilayankudi Mara Nayanar
  5. Maiporul Nayanar
  6. Viralminda Nayanar
  7. Eripatha Nayanar
  8. Amaraneedhi Nayanar
  9. Enadhinatha Nayanar
  10. Kannappa Nayanar
  11. Kungiliya Kalaya Nayanar
  12. Manakanchara Nayanar
  13. Arivattaya Nayanar
  14. Anaya nayanar
  15. Murthi Nayanar
  16. Muruga Nayanar
  17. Rudra Pasupathi Nayanar
  18. Tiru Nalai Povar Nayanar
  19. Tiru Kurippu Thonda Nayanar
  20. Chandesvara Nayanar
  21. Tiru-Navukkarasar Nayanar
  22. Kulacchirai Nayanar
  23. Perumizhalai Kurumba Nayanar
  24. Karaikal Ammayar
  25. Appuddi Nayanar
  26. Tiruneelanakka Nayanar
  27. Nami Nadi Adigal
  28. Tiru Jnana Sambandar
  29. Eyarkon Kalikama Nayanar
  30. Tiru Mula Nayanar
  31. Danda Adigal Nayanar
  32. Murkha Nayanar
  33. Somasira Nayanar
  34. Sakkiya Nayanar
  35. Sirapulli Nayanar
  36. Siruthonda Nayanar
  37. Cheraman Perumal Nayanar
  38. Gananatha Nayanar
  39. Kootruva Nayanar
  40. Pugal Chola Nayanar
  41. Narasinga Muniyaraiyar
  42. Adipattha Nayanar
  43. Kalikamba Nayanar
  44. Kalia Nayanar
  45. Satti Nayanar
  46. Aiyadigal Kadavarkon Nayanar
  47. Kanampulla Nayanar
  48. Kari Nayanar
  49. Ninra Seer Nedumara Nayanar
  50. Mangayarkarasiyar
  51. Vayilar Nayanar
  52. Munaiyaduvar Nayanar
  53. Kazharsinga Nayanar
  54. Seruthunai Nayanar
  55. Idangazhi Nayanar
  56. Pugazh Tunai Nayanar
  57. Kotpuli Nayanar
  58. Pusalar Nayanar
  59. Nesa Nayanar
  60. Kochengat chola Nayanar
  61. Tiru Neelakanta Yazhpanar
  62. Sadaya Nayanar
  63. Isaijnaniyar
from book -- Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Lord Shiva
by Suresh C Bhatnagar
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Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba in his discourses has said,that Sai Baba is,shiva-shakthi/vishnu-lakshmi/brahma-saraswathi swaroopam avataram.Sai is amma and baba is appa.The principal of lingam-yoni.His siddhis are just like visiting cards for the aspirant,to remember sai baba whenever wherever however sai baba is needed.Such is the mahima of the avatara sath purushan bhagavan.

Bhagavan keeps on giving untill one is ripe to understand his/her own self,to merge with the param porul.In his previous body in shirdi,sai baba was pure shiva swaroopam and the future body in mandya,purely shakthi swaroopam.Blessed are we,to have this darshanam as shiva-shakthi avataram.sai rama krishna.

nachi naga.
Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba in his discourses has said,that Sai Baba is,shiva-shakthi/vishnu-lakshmi/brahma-saraswathi swaroopam avataram.Sai is amma and baba is appa.The principal of lingam-yoni.His siddhis are just like visiting cards for the aspirant,to remember sai baba whenever wherever however sai baba is needed.Such is the mahima of the avatara sath purushan bhagavan.

Bhagavan keeps on giving untill one is ripe to understand his/her own self,to merge with the param porul.In his previous body in shirdi,sai baba was pure shiva swaroopam and the future body in mandya,purely shakthi swaroopam.Blessed are we,to have this darshanam as shiva-shakthi avataram.sai rama krishna.

nachi naga.

dear nachi naga Ji,
Bhagavan Baba has said this before;

God gives us what we want till the day we want what He gives.

Sai Ram
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