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How to be Happy

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Dear Srimathi VR Ji,

Fantastic sister, that you met the person who introduced you to our Forum. Kudos to you, Sri B. Krishnamurthy Sir.

Elder sister, you need to know that, in the beginning, I received PMs from some folks asking why we would publish such 'homilies'.

But you and your younger sister have contributed more to this Forum and more importantly to our community than any rest of us put together.

By the way, I thought you are in USA, no?



My dear unfailing younger brother!

Thank you very much for sharing my joy. :happy:

Even to share someone else's joy we need a large and kind heart- as has been proved.

Mr. B. Krishnamoorthy spotted my blog from the link given in 123 Iyer mail and started sending me e mails that I should join the tamilbrahmins forum.

I had no idea about the forums or blogs till then. Thanks to my brisk and chirpy younger daughter in law that my blogs became a reality.

Mr. B.K.M. pulled me into the Forum. You all welcomed me with open arms - even though some people tried to give me the boot or at least bunches of thorns without the roses.

I am still here. :roll:

People must be able to relate with the posts. We may go on arguing whether or not GOD exists and whether Maya Devi is fathomable or unfathomable.

Yes, we need those threads from the scholarly, for the scholarly and by the scholarly.

But how many of us fall into that category?? :noidea:

We can still learn a lot from one another's everyday experiences.

I stared it just like fun when Mr. Haridasa Siva - who also came all the way from South Africa to meet me in April last year - suggested that I should start writing my autobiography.

I know my autobiography will not interest even me but certain experiences - funny, weird, unusual but useful can be shared.

That is how "Sinthaiyil nirkkum vinthai manithargal" started.

"But you and your younger sister have contributed more to this Forum and more importantly to our community than any rest of us put together."

We both thank you for the above comment. :pray2:

So it proved once again our life takes shape and leads us to our destiny - if only we are willing to listen to the suggestions and advices from people whom we may not even know.

I and my husband will be visiting USA from August onwards.

with warm regards,
your ELDER sister,
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Dear Srimathi VR Ji,

................. in the beginning, I received PMs from some folks asking why we would publish such 'homilies'.

But you and your younger sister have contributed more to this Forum and more importantly to our community than any rest of us put together. ........
Dear K R S Sir,

Thanks for publishing 'homilies' in this forum and for your compliments!

Regards.............. :)
Dear Sri vgane Ji,

I agree that this is the case 75% of the time (a vast majority) but growth brings change as well and is not sourced in dissatisfaction at all but is rather a progression down (or up!) a natural pathway.


Dear Boston Sankara Ji,
What growth are you talking about-Is it monetary, physical or mental..I can relate change to mental growth which leads to some sort of mature behavior sharpened by wisdom...
Q)How to know if you are truly happy?

A)If you are talking about being happy chances are you are NOT happy.
Happiness is like Love..its an experience.Only when its gone you realize its presence.
Dear Srimathi VR Ji,

Fantastic sister, that you met the person who introduced you to our Forum. Kudos to you, Sri B. Krishnamurthy Sir.

Elder sister, you need to know that, in the beginning, I received PMs from some folks asking why we would publish such 'homilies'.

But you and your younger sister have contributed more to this Forum and more importantly to our community than any rest of us put together.

By the way, I thought you are in USA, no?



Dear Madam,
You are like a whiff of fresh air to this forum...Amazed by the wealth of information & the knowledge repository that you are bringing to the table...Thank you
Q)How to know if you are truly happy?

A)If you are talking about being happy chances are you are NOT happy.
Happiness is like Love..its an experience.Only when its gone you realize its presence.

Was pondering about those experiences that make someone happy...When we smell the earth after a fresh bout of rain; the chirp of the birds at dawn, the resplendent colors of the early morning when the sun rises, the calmness of the ocean during a sea journey, the wow feeling when you see the Taj Mahal for the first time, list is endless...How do we create these experiences on a daily basis in us to relish the joy of happiness.
Amidst people who think that I am wasting my time and energy, your comment has brought a whiff of fragrant fresh air into my heart.
Thank you dear Sir! :pray2:

I feel :humble:

I firmly believe that a post should transfer either knowledge or wisdom or at least humor.

That is why even though
I can handle Empty Nest Syndrome.
I can't handle Empty Post Syndrome.

Originally Posted by vgane
Dear Madam,
You are like a whiff of fresh air to this forum...Amazed by the wealth of information & the knowledge repository that you are bringing to the table...Thank you

Thank you dear doctor!:pray2:

My mami's name is also Narayani. She is really a very fine lady.

I am trained to be a professional journalist- an article writer and

a short story writer. :typing:

I did a correspondence course between 1967 and 1970. So I

should do justice to whatever I take up.

Even otherwise I do not believe in half hearted attempts.

Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well.

It is the sense of humor (my dad's greatest gift to all his

children) that keeps me going since I can laugh at myself much more easily than at others! :laugh:

You are most :welcome: to see me or meet me.

But Mr. B.Krishnamoorthy said several times yesterday,

"You write so powerfully but look so weak really!"

Proves that we can go beyond the condition of the physical

body to do what we want to do well.

If you are living in Chennai by any chance, I will be there

between 18th 21st inst. We have VISA renewal interview on the


with warm regards,

P.S. I saw your post just now! It was sandwiched between a

post and my reply to that post and I missed it completely.

namaste V.R madam, the efforts ,care in stating ,selection of topic with proper pictures for the topic are splendid makes me speechless.hats off to our work dedication &your intrest ,sense of humour are too good. keep rocking,may the almighty gives you good health &happiness for many years( u make us to feel to meet you.)
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Hello my friends. I am not posting up to tell you how to be happy but rather to show you a video that should make you happy. It is a video of a 15 year old boy who is blind. He is also a piano prodigy and has only played for 3 years. Just watch the first part of the video and fast forward to halfway through the video to where he is walked to the piano and just listen if you are too impatient to watch the whole thing. :)

We can talk about being happy until we are blue in the face and out of breath but at some point we just have to let go an be and when we do that we find we were happy all along the answer was sitting there inside of us the entire time.

Be Inspired!
15 Year Old Kuha'o Blind Piano Prodigy Plays Freestylers - Cracks - YouTube

I am happy...... The reason: This thread which I had to search for, yesterday, and found in the third page (!) in the list of

topics in the GD section, to post a speech by Sri. Suki Sivam, has brought it back to :high5: from its deep :sleep: since 24-3-2012!!

And, my sister is happy to interact again with all her dear ones!! :grouphug:
Hello my friends. I am not posting up to tell you how to be happy but rather to show you a video that should make you happy. It is a video of a 15 year old boy who is blind. He is also a piano prodigy and has only played for 3 years. Just watch the first part of the video and fast forward to halfway through the video to where he is walked to the piano and just listen if you are too impatient to watch the whole thing. :)

We can talk about being happy until we are blue in the face and out of breath but at some point we just have to let go an be and when we do that we find we were happy all along the answer was sitting there inside of us the entire time.

Be Inspired!
15 Year Old Kuha'o Blind Piano Prodigy Plays Freestylers - Cracks - YouTube

I just heard saw the video and I'm like OMG!!
The easiest way to be happy is to feel happy when our near and dear ones are happy. But it is difficult to practice!

The human tendency is to be jealous when someone is appreciated by one's near and dear!!

The easiest way to be happy is to feel happy when our near and dear ones are happy. But it is difficult to practice!

The human tendency is to be jealous when someone is appreciated by one's near and dear!!

We cannot live without making a comparison; for us the grass on the other side of the river is always green..Jealousy on account of some one's above par performance is OK, it might act as a catalyst for imrroving ones own performance..... But jealousy for money is a big no...It is the root cause of all evils

The human tendency is to be jealous when someone is appreciated by one's near and dear!!

Dear RR Ji,

I dont think that is jealousy.I have seen how my 12 year old son gets angry and sad when my mum plays with my brothers son who is 2 years old.

He loves his cousin but feels uneasy when my mum plays with my bro's kid.
Then the whole day my son will be sulking that his grandma prefers the other grandson etc.

My son asked my mum once:

Do you love me more or your other grandson more?

My mum said 'I love you most cos you are my 1st grandchild'

Then my son asked her "what if your other grandson asks you the same question..what would you tell him"

Then my mum said "I will tell him I love the 1st grandson more"

My son said "But how can you do that? It will hurt his feelings"

Mum said "Ok Ok I will tell him I love you both equally"

My son said "See I knew you dont love me more to him!"

I feel this is not jealousy but some amount of possessiveness and insecurity.
We cannot live without making a comparison; for us the grass on the other side of the river is always green..Jealousy on account of some one's above par performance is OK, it might act as a catalyst for imrroving ones own performance..... But jealousy for money is a big no...It is the root cause of all evils

Jealousy is one of man's greatest evil trait.

Jealousy breeds hatred eventually and it is not really a catalyst for healthy competition.

Competition is fine but never let jealousy rear its ugly head.

Remember the movie Annamalai(I think) where Sarath Babu will be so jealous of the newly rich Rajini and will even bid extremely high to compete with Rajini and lose everything finally?

Jealousy eventually blurs the intellect cos it only makes us try to outshine the other person at any cost..and that spells ruin.
"Happiness is a State of Mind",Bhagavan Ramana says "Happiness [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]lies deep within us, in the very core of our being"[/FONT]. It is always there, but desire and fear cloud the core. Once the cause for these two impediments is removed, temporary calm prevails to reveal the happiness.

Till now I thought that jealousy was when

someone appreciated the near and dear and not

when someone is appreciated by one's near and dear!!

The easiest way to be happy is to feel happy when our near and dear ones are happy. But it is difficult to practice!

The human tendency is to be jealous when someone is appreciated by one's near and dear!!

Desire to possess something beyond our means and
fear of losing what we already possess
are the two dark clouds marring our peace of mind.
But there is hope for one who tries to understand
what is happening inside the mind on its own!!!

"Happiness is a State of Mind",Bhagavan Ramana says "Happiness lies deep within us, in the very core of our being". It is always there, but desire and fear cloud the core. Once the cause for these two impediments is removed, temporary calm prevails to reveal the happiness.

Oh. Yes Doctor, Jealousy is a self destructive disease for which there is no medicine. It burns and destroys the person from inside.

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