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Holidays and wasting of time

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Dear all :

India is a country of festivals. We are celebrating festivals every month. Even commercial establishments and Govt. Offices are declaring for festivals. Every festivals are having its own story and importance but still I have a doubt why we have to celebrate many festivals as we are having hectic schedule on daily basis. In developed countries like US and UK they are celebrating few festivals during the year and no specific festival holidays are being declared. Apart from this in India we have PL, CL and SL. In total out of 365 days we are virtually working hard 140 days or so in a year. Can any one explain the necessity of celebrating so many festivals and is it essential for us even though we are not adopting proper customary principles as per our Dharma.


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Sri vkswamy84 ji,

India has a rich cultural heritage. The religion "HINDU" has its own charm and glory. We true Hindus are living in India with the glory of our culture and tradition.

The population of India is Huge. We truly can not say how many of us respect and value our culture and how many not. India is a domocratic county with equal rights to all.

Though we have lots of festival holidays, we are one among fast developing Nations and we are one among the top 10 countries listed under potential and stable economy Nations during this recession.

I wonder why very hard and sincerely working country seriously got into financial crises and seriously destabilized some of other countries?

Every religion has its own charm and glory. And every religion people are celebrating their festivals as what been offered to them from the beginning.

If we Hindus have lots of festivals and subsequent holidays, let us enjoy all of them with equal spirit and respect to our culture. I believe still our intelligent, honest and hard working citizens would endeavor and be capable to lead the Nation to the highest summit.

So instead of worrying, having holidays, let us utilise the available free time for constructive social developments as well.
Holidays & Wasting of Time

Dear Mr. Ravi :

Thanks for your mail. I am not obstructing anybody in celebrating festivals and enjoyment. My question is we have so many festivals and every festivals has its own story and importance but the significance of celebrating every festivals is to be known to us first. As you said we are managing the recession period and lot of intelligent guys are available and India is a democratic country as well. What we are getting from Indian Govt. except holidays and so called politicians are taking undue advantage and minting money. Why Indian settlers in US are given Noble Prize. Is any one Indian scientist living in India in the past two dacades given any such honorary award. I will agree with you just for nothing we should raise our colors. Equally Indian Govt. encourage and motivate youngsters. Today students are not getting proper education in India. Out of Indian population how many are students and how many students are appearing for competitive examinations for further studies and how many are getting seats. Mr. Kapil Sibal present HR Ministers, Mr. Arjun Singh, Murali Manohar Joshi erstwhile ministers didn't do anything for higher education. We can discuss a lot on this subject but as a whole we are merely wasting our time and not at all concentrating on social angle. First of all we should know the significance of festivals and then enjoy the holidays.

Dear Mr.vkswamy84

I think you are confused too much.

Whether we are going to celebrate festivals with the knowledge about it or, whether we should avoid holidays and keep working or not has nothing to do with the Government of India.

Government of India is not going to be improved simply because we could know the importance of festivals and celebrating it in a holiday or without a holiday on the occassion going to work in poblic sector and private sectors.

If Government of India is not recognizing and awarding outstanding personalities, than that issues should be discussed under a different subject matter.

This issue has nothing to do with we public avoiding holidays, avoiding celebrating festivals and or celebrating festivals with thorough knowledge about the festivals.

Political issues need to be addressed in a different way.

Hope you could understand better.
We may be far behind in Technology and developement.But let all of us must be Proud of being an Indian.
Basicaly our culture,Tradition,Heritage is the oldest of all countries of the world.
When Americans were wandering like Nomads in abt 800 yrs ago we were fully cultured.Emperor Ashoka was a Tramendous Ruler of India 3 centuries even before the Birth of Christ.
When Australians were Pro Culprits of England during 500 yrs ago,Our Country was well flourished.
There is no History of any country 2000 yrs ago.
We were very Glourious for a very long Time.
Transplantation of Organs were very common Now-a-Days.But Transplantation is possible...Confidance was given Green Signalled only in Hinduism (Kannappa Nayanar Story).
The System of a Family is taught thro God Shiva's family of having Two Childs.
If a man married Two Wifes one will sit on the top of the man's head.That also taught by Shiva's story.
Moonjuru is the vehicle of Lord Ganesh.How is it possible for a Moonjuru to carry an Elephant ?
That is Will Power.Even if we are small,if our will power is great,we can even carry an elephant.
Why lord Krishna carried the Dress of Ladies?
Is it the duty of God ? Some Fools may ask.
The real Teaching is ...
No one especially ladies must not have a "Nacked Bath" in a River.Because Water is a Great Resource.
So Hinduism is an Eternal University...
There may be Diversity but here there is unity.
Each God is Pointed for Every duty.A man is taking many Avathars in his own life.
He was a son to his Parents.
After birth he become a Brother to his sisters.
so all are different avathars.
likewise at times of all avathars we are celebrating various occations...
Thats all.

Dear Mr. Ravi :

I am not at all confused. Our entire society is currently gripped with commercial way of living and earn our day to days bread and butter by way of employment. Now a days people are not following throughly our customs. For example : we were celebrated marriages for five days and then reduced to three days and again reduced to one day and now it is an hour long function. We are all adopting western culture and almost the entire society wants comforts and luxury life. We live in this style and left all our customs and culture. Why we have to enjoy Hindu festivals? Why should not adopt proper working culture in consonance with other countries when our society is very much interested to adopt western culture.

If you look back our tradition, people had adopted agriculture as their profession and spent maximum time for social development and their life was peaceful and happy. They know the purpose, importance, significance and procedure for each and every festivals. Today you can see people do not bother to protect temples in their own locality and daily pooja rituals are not taking place. You see the condition of Thanjavar Brahadhiswara Temple, Madurai Meenakshi Amman Temple, Arupadai Veedu Temples, Chidambaram Natarajar Temple, Sriran Temple, Thiruvanaikaval Temple, Kanyakumari Temple, Navagraha Sthala Temples, Rameshwaram Temple, etc. etc. are having rich heritage in South India. There are many places in North India as well. When the society don’t want to concentrate to protect our heritage, culture, Architecture but they want to enjoy festivals without knowing the purpose and significance. How you can justify?

For your information today people do not know why they are getting married, people do not know why they are performing rituals, people do not know what is Hindu Samaskaram, people do not know why they are going to temple, people do not know how to respect elders, people do not know Bhaja Sampradayam and do not respect even, now a days. You will agree for the past three decades people migrated to urban areas from rural. How are you will justify the so called Vadhyars are sincere in doing their duties. Keeping in mind our rituals and culture they are minting money. For performing Shrarda the so called Vadhyars are demanding their Dakshana like anything. People like you and me can afford but poor people how they are afford to pay the demand amount. Do you mean they have to stop their rituals and ceremonies. Though this information is nothing to do with celebrating festivals but it is certainly related to our customs. As you are so particular in safeguarding our culture I would like to ask you one question. Why we have adopted modern education? Why we can’t give importance to our Veda? Because we ourselves spoiled our culture by not giving importance to our Veda and through modern education we can get along with the society. My intention is we should give primary importance to our Hindu Dharma, if not fully atleast to some extent.

I do hope you may be aware of Hindu Dharma Samaskaram and following to some extent but not fully. Under the circumstances you are stating that we should respect our culture without knowing the basic knowledge of the same. Can you tell me how of us are celebrating sincerely and ritually Adi Perukku, Mattu Pongal, Thai Poosam, Vaikunta Ekadasi, Maha Shivarathri, Rama Navami, Krishna Ashtami and so on. When our Society is completely ignorant about our Festivals then we should not give importance to our cultural heritage. There are few people have knowledge in these areas and they are called as innocent.

You have also stated in your earlier mail "If we Hindus have lots of festivals and subsequent holidays, let us enjoy all of them with equal spirit and respect to our culture. I believe still our intelligent, honest and hard working citizens would endeavor and be capable to lead the Nation to the highest summit". I fully agree with your statement but how far we have achieved our goal and what credit those intelligent, honest and hard working citizens have received from the society? When we are competing ourselves with other western countries but we should not follow their way of working as far as our festival celebrating is concerned. For your information, intelligent people are buying by US to uplift their name and fame and we are completely surrendering.

I also would like to inform you that all of us are leading our life based on the guidelines framed by Government either in our Organisation or in our Public Life. You have raised a question "why very hard and sincerely working country seriously got into financial crises and seriously destabilized some of other countries?" Do you think India’s Economic Position is that much sound.

You have clearly mentioned "let us utilise the available free time for constructive social developments as well". Are we doing the same? You have clearly protected your views that India has rich cultural heritage and we have to enjoy our festivals. Even I am not against for it but what is the significance and why we should celebrate when are blind about our Hindu Dharma and culture. That is the question. Pls. explain.


Dear Mr.VKSwamy...

Your concluding question to me, I feel is nothing but "beating around the bush".

There are millions of people in India who all are blind about our Hindu Dharma and Culture owing to their own reasons.

There are millions of people in India who all are keeping their eyes wide open to follow our Hindu Dharma and Culture.

Both type of people are existing....

But whether people follow Religious Dharma and Culture or not, there are millions of people in India would like to contribute for social cause.

So my opinion is, who all are truly following and enjoying Dharma and Culture, let them follow and enjoy them during holidays.

The others, including the followers of Dharma can utilise the available holidays for constructive social development activities.

If we unite, we can challenge our Indian Government.

Addressing Government of India's Administrative policies & strategies and political issues are completely a different subject matter that requires a great deal of understanding and struggle.

So let us unite for a constructive social cause during holidays, strengthen our self and try to fulfill our demands if possible from Government of India/Tamil Nadu. If could not succeed, let us help each other and improve our self within our social frame.
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Holidays & Wasting of Time

Dear Mr. Ravi :

Thanks for your continuous cooperation on the topic. As you said I am fully agree with you. Even I am not going against celebrating our festivals. Even I am not bothering Government working style. Like what you said in your reply India has thickly populated countries and those who are following Hind Dharma are celebrating festivals and we have to necessarily cooperate. My question is whether all festivals are equally important or not and is it necessary to celebrate by declaring holidays. Let us take an example : Holi - This festival is very affectionate occasion but as per me even one person know the significance of the festival. In such a stituation why holiday is requried. If you know the background story of Holi and its significance pls. explain. Today people are so educated and cultured and their attitude should also be developed in developing our society and let them be an example to future generation.

There are certain things we are using like water, air, fire, etc. are available plenty but we have the right to use but God didn't give right to waste. Like this we should not waste our time and time is precious like water. Let us utilise time wasting in these so called festival purposefully in some other manner. Dicsciple should create in us first.


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i think, it is upto each of us whether to celebrate or not. there are no hard and fast rules.

india is an amalgam of several communities and religions, and each has a certain right to get some time off to celebrate.

so in this context, we hindus too get some time off. whether you want to spend this time in poojai & punaskarams or take the time to recharge your batteries, it does not matter.

however, i think, it does matter, to come out against the concept of holidays and treat them as waste of time. it is a welcome change from the drudgery of daily work and everyone, i think, in their normal frame of mind, should look forward to public holidays. in addition to their annual paid vacations.

swamy, loosen your kudumi, untie your belt and hang loose :) and enjoy your holidays. don't think too much about it or into it. thanks.
Dear Mr. Kunjuppu :

It is not a question of loosen one's kudumi, untie the belt, hang loose and enjoy your holidays. Moreover in this issue we need not think too much about it or into it but without knowing the things is not correct. Enjoying the festivals and holidays is not correct. YOu are in Toronto how many holidays you are getting in a year and why you can't enjoy all our festivals. I want to get a correct answer what is the significance of our festivals and it is very important to celebrate and declaring holidays is a must or not. I am not coming for competition. I want to know to the exact significance and purpose.

Dear Mr.VKSwamy...

Your concluding question to me, I feel is nothing but "beating around the bush".

More than what Ravi said, ...the thread itself is a Waste of Time... a waste of Cyber space. I can feel so...

Many things in the world are relative.. It appears based on one's perceptions ,views... in short what colour glass one wears.

There are millions who yearn for a holiday to be with family and friends and relatives after backbreaking jobs, or daily routine works for earning a living, sometimes staying away , alone at different places. It is a family union.

Why at all should be Sundays,weekends ,(Fridays at some places ) be holidays?

Life is not just working , spending the money on oneself . Actually it is nowadys that we need more hoildays.

In many countries (India at least I know), people work overtime at many workplaces even without compensation.For many, it has become "Living for working" and not"Working for living".

In many households, everyday food is just routine repetition, due to lack of time ,lack of money.

Only on festival days they have something different, more delicious, because they get a holiday, the employers give some extra money (like bonus during Diwali,Onam, Vishu etec...).

Holidays are the time when all get time to visit each other. visit temples Or places of worship.

I have read that in some countries, on weekends or holidays people travel far off to enjoy.

Probably the enjoyment in India is still.... quite different from in many western countries,I feel. It is still family oriented, community oriented..

Even a machine has its running time, and needs cooling time....So why not poor human beings? If the thread starter does not need hoildays, .. there are many things he can do for the society.

I need holiday--- I need Festivals I need festival Holidays.....

First we need to define "Wasting Time".
Wasting time can have different meanings for different people.

Some might consider seeing a movie waste of time as he/she rather spend the time reading a book.

Some might consider being on the internet itself a waste of time.

Some might consider even taking a holiday a waste of time as another might prefer helping out as a volunteer in an orphanage.

Some might even feel the very thought of thinking others are wasting time itself is a big waste of time.

The most important fact is Time waits for no one..
We can only waste our thought, word and deed as Time is only relative.

Taking short breaks from time to time gives life some meaning..it removes boredom and monotony...it also gives us time to catch up with family and friends...
Relaxation and work are both very important..they go hand in hand....
Stress of todays life can also be lessen...

If one feels that the true meaning of festivals are not understood and time is verily wasted during festive holidays...why wait only for festivals to understand any religous significance?

Doesnt the Vedas say "Sathyam Vada, Dharmam Chara" ?
Practice it daily as Sarvakaryeshu and Sarvada and watch time flutterby like a butterfly.
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If one feels that the true meaning of festivals are not understood and time is verily wasted during festive holidays...why wait only for festivals to understand any religous significance?

Dear Ms. REnuka :

Thanks for your mail. Your message is impressive. Equally I am also celebrating all festivals. I want to clarify myself that is why I raised this topic. We need not wait for festivals to come to understand. Even through this forum many people know the significance of the festivals. As you said people are wasting time in many ways but doing overtime in office can be ablished if holidays are curtailed and today many commercial establishments are not encouraging overtime. Even private companies are not delclaring holidays for all festivals. They are declaring holidays as per the prescribed dates notified by Government.

Let us understand the significance of each and every festivals so that we can more happily celebrate. Let us waste our time fruitfully.
Dear Mr. Ravi :

Thanks for your continuous cooperation on the topic. As you said I am fully agree with you. Even I am not going against celebrating our festivals. Even I am not bothering Government working style. Like what you said in your reply India has thickly populated countries and those who are following Hind Dharma are celebrating festivals and we have to necessarily cooperate. My question is whether all festivals are equally important or not and is it necessary to celebrate by declaring holidays. Let us take an example : Holi - This festival is very affectionate occasion but as per me even one person know the significance of the festival. In such a stituation why holiday is requried. If you know the background story of Holi and its significance pls. explain. Today people are so educated and cultured and their attitude should also be developed in developing our society and let them be an example to future generation.

There are certain things we are using like water, air, fire, etc. are available plenty but we have the right to use but God didn't give right to waste. Like this we should not waste our time and time is precious like water. Let us utilise time wasting in these so called festival purposefully in some other manner. Dicsciple should create in us first.




Yesterday I could not access this site.

You have requested me to explain the significance of HOLI. I would love to explain you.

We have spent many years in Northern India and have celebrated lots of festivals. We know the story behind such a festival. We have enjoyed celebrating Chota Holi (the little one) a day before Holi, which is symbolic to the story of Holika engulfed in fire and succumbed to death (though she has the boon for not getting burned by fire) while attempting to kill Prahaladha.

Perhaps, people who are interested to celebrate and to know the story of each festival can very well get to know even without asking any one.

Just log into - www.google.com, hit the relevant keys and get to know whatever you want.

Its so simple. The only thing is one should have the interest.

Dear Ravi :

Thanks for your mail. Even I was in New Delhi more than 12 years and celebrated Holi. Why I asked the question is mainly because the way in which today Holi is being celebrated is not that much affectionate and mostly irritating charecters are increasing. Anyway thanks for your reply even though it is not so elaborate. As per me only interest is not the criteria in celebrating the festivals. We should take the example from Marwari people in celebrating festivals. They used to concentrate in their day to day activities and first priority and importance they will give for their business and activities then only divert their mind in enjoyment. What about us?

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Dear Ravi :

Thanks for your mail. Even I was in New Delhi more than 12 years and celebrated Holi. Why I asked the question is mainly because the way in which today Holi is being celebrated is not that much affectionate and mostly irritating charecters are increasing. Anyway thanks for your reply even though it is not so elaborate. As per me only interest is not the criteria in celebrating the festivals. We should take the example from Marwari people in celebrating festivals. They used to concentrate in their day to day activities and first priority and importance they will give for their business and activities then only divert their mind in enjoyment. What about us?


Dear sir,

I would like to add on a bit here.
I can see your concern about festivals losing its original significance......

About Holi...I had started a thread on it yesterday under Festivals.
The article addresses the situation you are trying to highlight in your post so far.

I have pasted the link for you here to save your "Time".:D


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Dear Mr. Ravi :

I am really appreciate your concern about convincing a person. I request you to enroll yourself in our village group [email protected]. If you visit you will come to know the real thing and what is my contribution towards Hindu Rituals and Festivals.

I am not joking I am really appreciate your interest. Pls. keep it up.


Even if you appreciate me jockularly, I never mind.

But I sincerely appreciate you for your sincere constribution towards Hindu Rituals and Festivals.
Dear Mr. Ravi :

I am serious I am not joking. Unless we exchange our views we can't develop ourselves. How Bros and sisters are having fighting like that we have to.

Meanwhile, you are mentioning ANBE SHIVAM in all your mail. Can you tell the secret of that?
Sri vkswamy ji,

I would have been happy if you would have whole heartedly invited all the members who all have contributed in this thread, to visit your village group and get to know your contributions well

Instead of just addressing the invitation to my name, you could have addressed to All

Hope this would be enough for me to explain you what I mean by "ANBE SHIVAM".

If you have a better definition, please pass on to me.

Dear Mr. Ravi :

Really you are an interesting person. My habit is first invite one member of a forum and taste the pulse. If I am successful then I will proceed further. Definition for ANBE SHIVAM is excellant. Trust this type of Anbu will flourish in the days to come. Good luck.

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