My one hope for this forum is that it would really nice if everyone gets along and in some discussion please not throw the baby out with the bathwater as it seems to be happening now.
Best Regards,
i think these post KRS days ie sans moderation, we have been doing pretty good, though i do miss KRS for his precise sharp tooled observations. hopefully he will reconsider and be back among us in 2010.
you might have noticed that there are several groups here, in reality a microcosm of our community. i will endeavour not to label anyone, but we do have representation among the religious youth, modern youth, videsi settled, very traditional, comfortably traditional, diehardly traditional, social service, liberated females et al.
knowingly i do not know any teenagers. i think we have a good representation agewise from the 20s to the 60s.
i sincerely believe, that all of us here are good people. good brahmins according to our own defintion of whatever brahminism might be. i say this without malice, for deep inside, even the most ardent votary of manu or varna, does not ever want us to go back to the days of segregation and separation.
all of us believe in development of india, coexistence of the communities, though there may voices heard in murmurs and still adjusting to the presence of multitudes of faith and castes. this is not only natural, but a healthy sign of a vibrant community, for in each view, we have a counterbalancing check and balance.
have you noticed that for the past while no one has quit the forum in a huff. we TBs are quick to take offence, and i can tell with a straight face, on an average, atleast one member quit offended, in the past. is it due to the absence of the big brother moderator? i do not know.
there are always multitudes of threads requesting this sthorthram or that. then there is the humungous notes written to swami, most out of hope, and many out of desperation - atleast it appears to me thus. we have our occassional non hindu visitors - of late more a bane to this forum and a blackmark to their own community - and thus a disappointment. we have had honoured christian friends here before, and it was a delight to hear their views, and answer their well intentioned queries.
i see signs of commerical success here. for a long time, i do not know if this happened in india, one of the perpetual ads was that of a head scarved young muslim south asian featurelike woman, obviously looking for a husband in i used to have a good chuckle over this, wondering if it was someone's idea of humour, or was it another love jehad or sheer ignorance or mistake?
not that it mattered.
so, dear amala, not sure what you mean, about throwing the baby with the bath water. i have not witnessed such for a long time. the last time that happened, was due to poor moderation, we lost a very valuable member - nacchinaarkiniyan. nacchi was a gem, and what he posted was gem. one of those posts was indiscriminately censored, if i remember right. with it went nacchi and the post. THAT, i would call throwing the baby with the bathwater
there were cries for reform for the kanchi mutt. not sure where the reform movement went. i think like all good intentions, this too remained just that - an idea in the cloud. personally, philosophically i am far removed from kanchi. organizationwise, i think, i happen to know a few of those who joined kanchi in the 60s, 70s, - senior officials, crooks, who according to their wives, joined the mutt organization to wash away their sins, and acquire punyams. it would have been better if those guys instead took a broom, and started cleaning the cheris of madras!
we talked of charity. infact, there was grand talk of opening up educational institutions and what not. i was very skeptical of those, not because i wish to cast any cloud over the sincerety of those folks and suggestions. it is just that, ideas are free and easy to spout. action requires a committment. a passion for a cause. i think, we as a community can be passionate for only one single sole cause - ie our immediate family. to some it may seem as selfish. to me, it is our strength for our steadfast support to our kith, we have seen ourselves through adversities, both real and imagined.
amala, i wish to conclude with a thought and wish on the coming vivaha sanghamam (just when i got swayamvaram into my portfolio of favourite words, swami threw a curved ball of a new jargon!!), that we might look upon the various predictions as the bathwater, and what would result is a number of babies about a year hence. wouldn't that be the right way to dispose the bathwater sans babies?
best wishes to you and yours.......