Staunch Iyengar's idea of MTDNA and YDNA stuff is the same kind of crap that the British tried to achieve by dividing Indians using the Aryan Invasion Theory.
What do the British have to do with the authenticity and relevance of genetic differences?
It is purely a natural tendency for human races to be averse against other races they encounter, it is a basic reflex. Only political correctness and unnatural laws that enforce "multi-culturalism" and "racial equality" that suppress the innate racism of people from displaying publicly.
I'm not trying to divide Indians. Because Indians already are a divided people. Other than caste, they are divided by ethnocultural(Muslims will always support fellow Muslims) and linguistic/regional affiliations.
The only time Indians come together and feel patriotic is when there are aggressors that target and compartmentalize them. F.e Lebanese-Indian riots in Australia, mistreatment of Indian coolies around the world especially in Singapore and Arabia.
The expatriate Indians in Singapore and Singaporean Indians view themselves as distinct ethnicities. Singaporean Tamils look down upon Indian Tamils as "oorrukarans" and unfashionable and backwards. Mocking their behaviour and dressing by thinking too highly of themselves. And Singaporean Tamils are those descendants of coolies who decided that casteism should be forgotten. They mix freely without inhibitions with regards to race and most of them don't even know their caste ancestry.
Outside India, Indian nationalism/patriotism is only held by adult Indians living abroad that have not entirely assimilated into the larger community of their host nation because they are perceived as being fresh-of-the-boat and therefore inferior.
Indians born overseas and seasoned to the ways of the nation they live in, consider Indians from India to be abhorrent and unworthy of affiliation. And anything that is to be associated with India, they will not proudly claim publicly. That is to say the Singaporean Tamil, has not a single ounce of ethnic Indian Tamil pride nor will he dare speak fluent Tamil in front of other races with his head held high. He will only indulge in Indian bashing, to please non-Indians whether via plain crude vulgarity or caustic comedy or both.
The Dravidian Nationalists, don't give the slightest damn about the welfare of Tamils and Indians or genuine passion for the improvement and progression of India as a nation.
Anti-Brahmin rhetoric is designed to push all the blames and misfortunes of the peoples of Tamizhagam upon Brahmins and make the Brahmin the common denominator, the common enemy in order to unify all other Tamil castes under the pretense of a distinct Dravidian racial identity.
The lower castes in Tamil Nadu are practically what the entire Tamil population composes of compared to the meager 3% of Brahmins.
Brahmins had been the most politically dominant. In order to overthrow their territorial aristocracy and replace themselves, they rallied the populous pariahs against Brahmins through hate speeches.
They falsely claim that throughout history the Brahmin is the reason why Tamils have been a divided people and why Tamil Nadu never actually achieved its supposed potential.
They claim those of the lower castes in particular to be "Dravidians" who are the true aboriginals of Tamil Nadu and India who have been stolen of their dignity.
In reality those who have constantly resisted the British rule, and have sacrificed their lives for the greater good of all of India have been mostly from the Higher Castes and in particular, the Brahmins. (Please see Bengal Regiment and Sepoy Mutiny)
They claim that the lower castes should be given reparation for casteism, which according to them, is a solely Brahmin created institution. They try and justify the disparities of academic achievements between pariahs and Brahmins as owing to the historical suppression of lower castes by Brahmins. And using this claim, they justify the shortcomings of the lower castes by demanding allocation of reservations for the lower castes in academic institutions and workplaces. Despite already land reform movements that had stolen much of the wealth of Brahmins.
Caste reservation is the most crippling vice of modern India.
Niccolo Machiavelli said:It is in the interest of the weak to design societies that cripple the strong.
It is far more destructive to the progression of India than the casteism upheld by Brahmins. What Brahmins did was basically segregate themselves from others, including segregation practiced by some Brahmins against other Brahmins.
Caste reservation reinforces caste discrimination. It spurs the Hindu to aspire to be socially backward. It celebrates mediocrity and complacency. It denies meritocracy and grants special privileges to accidents of birth.
The British have always stereotyped anything White (or nearly white) is Intelligent/Good/Smart etc and anything that is black is Idiotic/Bad and /Dull.
British have no relevance to the subject at hand. The British were prompted by the forces that behold, to expand their empire and acquire material wealth and natural resources from the regions they conquered.
The British did not claim relations with all the peoples they conquered, not with the Africans and not with the South East Asians. They simply remarked what they observed themselves and those before them. It is natural to be more empathetic to those that are more closely related to you.
Bottom-line :: do not come to any conclusion/ (for that matter even start) based on the Color of skin.
Nobody said anything about skin colour, skin colour is the physical trait that evolves the fastest and has no definitive bearing on racial characteristics.
Lighter skin does not mean being necessarily superior. Equating racial awareness to mere pigmentation of complexion is probably the greatest fraud of the 21st century.