Folks all I can say is this. The Dravida agenda in essence comes down to this, a grab for Brahmana women. They know that only small battles can be won against the Brahmanas by quotas and rowdyism like the recent violence in Chennai and Salem etc. They are equally aware that the war will be won when Brahmanas can be forced to abandon all their values and culture. Most of the rowdies harassing women in Chennai and other places in TN are not Brahmanas. This rowdyism and public molestation of women started after the "rationalists" came to power. This is a sign of things to come. Brahmana women are targeted, and people should watch over their unmarried daughters and not allow strangers into the house.
I think every Brahmana should be very clear on this, and should not fall prey to the insidious TN Dravidian propaganda that can come in the form of movies (like DMK Pakkiaraj's movies), "rational" sounding posts in forums advocating daughters be handed over to trash collectors etc, advocating free sexual mores (like our "Periyar"). Make no mistake, there should be no arguments, no rationalizations, no attempts at dialogue, no explanations etc. When it comes to the core issue, it is best to be extremely blunt and repel such propaganda with extreme prejudice. It will of course get worse if they realize that propaganda is not working, and the next escalation in terms of 100% reservations in govt/private job and education for "intercaste" people will be attempted. Rape does not have to be violent, coercion can take place through other means also. But the end goal is to covet and dominate Brahmana women and thus destroy Brahmanas.
I bet it is these kinds of arguments which allowed the "backward" champions like both Maran brothers and Chidambaran's son to secure Brahmana women for themselves. And then once the domination at home was complete, to use that as a base to next intensify the attacks against Brahmanas by demanding and fighting for targeted anti-Brahmana quotas at the central institutions also. Now that battle also seems to be won, and the preliminary skirmishes in terms of private sector and govt contract quotas is breaking out. Everyone needs to realize what they are up against. If they were so concerned about "upliftment" of the "backward" segment, then why didn't they help out a "backward" family by marrying into one? The goal is of course toward making sure Brahmana men are affected since they are more likely to be the breadwinners, and it provides the means for even more "backward" champions to then get access to Brahmana women. The other national "backward" champion, Ram Vilas Paswan, separated from his first wife from his community, and once he came into power married an upper-caste Punjabi lady. Of course this only intensified the battle to secure even more quotas everywhere.
People need to realize what is going on around them. Awareness is everything, it may not prevent battles from being won, but it rapidly escalates the cost of winning the war against Brahmanas for them.
I think every Brahmana should be very clear on this, and should not fall prey to the insidious TN Dravidian propaganda that can come in the form of movies (like DMK Pakkiaraj's movies), "rational" sounding posts in forums advocating daughters be handed over to trash collectors etc, advocating free sexual mores (like our "Periyar"). Make no mistake, there should be no arguments, no rationalizations, no attempts at dialogue, no explanations etc. When it comes to the core issue, it is best to be extremely blunt and repel such propaganda with extreme prejudice. It will of course get worse if they realize that propaganda is not working, and the next escalation in terms of 100% reservations in govt/private job and education for "intercaste" people will be attempted. Rape does not have to be violent, coercion can take place through other means also. But the end goal is to covet and dominate Brahmana women and thus destroy Brahmanas.
I bet it is these kinds of arguments which allowed the "backward" champions like both Maran brothers and Chidambaran's son to secure Brahmana women for themselves. And then once the domination at home was complete, to use that as a base to next intensify the attacks against Brahmanas by demanding and fighting for targeted anti-Brahmana quotas at the central institutions also. Now that battle also seems to be won, and the preliminary skirmishes in terms of private sector and govt contract quotas is breaking out. Everyone needs to realize what they are up against. If they were so concerned about "upliftment" of the "backward" segment, then why didn't they help out a "backward" family by marrying into one? The goal is of course toward making sure Brahmana men are affected since they are more likely to be the breadwinners, and it provides the means for even more "backward" champions to then get access to Brahmana women. The other national "backward" champion, Ram Vilas Paswan, separated from his first wife from his community, and once he came into power married an upper-caste Punjabi lady. Of course this only intensified the battle to secure even more quotas everywhere.
People need to realize what is going on around them. Awareness is everything, it may not prevent battles from being won, but it rapidly escalates the cost of winning the war against Brahmanas for them.