.... all in belief only that is the life.
Who ever prays to god. he never ask in such a way, what actually I deserve that only you give me, according to my merit.
Hello, please don't take this personally, just as an impetus to think and reflect.
This is based on a story I heard a long time ago, with some embellishment thrown in by yours truly. Please don't pay attention to the scaffold, reflect on the significance of the underlying message.
This story is about narees (foxes), and a small group of naras
There was this nari who got his tail cut off by accident. All the other narees laughed at him. Feeling embarrassed, he said, with his tail gone he is now able to see Nari Lord right in front of him and started describing Nari Lord in great detail. He then encouraged other narees also to cut their tail so they can also see Nari Lord.
Nobody would go for it. Finally one of the more curious and adventurous ones said he will give it a try and cut his tail off. Seeing nothing he felt stupid, but didn't want to admit it. So he also said he could see Nari Lord.
Now a stampede was on. narees were falling over each other to cut their tails off so they can also see Nari Lord. Nobody would admit afterward that they could not see Nari Lord. Each nari thought all others saw Nari Lord and it is just him/her who could not see and therefore it must be his/her fault.
In due course of time, rituals were developed for the right way to cut the tail off. Books were written about how elevating it is to cut the tail off. These books became sacred. Great gurus came along to explain the true meaning of tail and the spiritual ecstasy that will result from cutting it off. Traditions were established on the true meaning of tail. Some said tail is only an illusion, it really does not exist. Others said tail is as real as Nari Lord himself.
Tail cutting became an important spiritual ritual. All grownup narees dutifully followed this age old tradition of cutting the tail off of their young narees, before they become old enough to question the tradition that has come down from their forefathers for generations. Priests were hired to perform the ritual at the right age. Once the tail is cut off the priest will point to the direction where Nari Lord is to be seen. Most narees reverentially nod their heads and offer praise to Nari Lord. Some even become ecstatic and start dancing. Some sing beautiful songs in praise.
There was a small group of narees who were honest and insisted there is nothing there, when you cut your tail the only thing that happens is you lose your tail, the whole thing is nothing more than superstition.
The entire naree community came down on this small group. They were derided as damn atheists. They are incapable of sincerity. To see Nari Lord after cutting the tail one has to delve deep into one's spiritual feelings and these damn atheists are incapable of it. If they are good people they will see Nari Lord. The very fact they can't see Nari Lord shows they are trouble makers.
What is sad indeed is, this is not just a story!!!