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Does karma theory make us suffer?

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Raji Ram

Active member
When I wrote:

In fact, after seeing a few people who have a slow death - who wish for their death which never seems to approach - I
wanted to start a thread, 'Does Karma theory make us suffer more!'. :decision:

The blame for suffering is always taken by the karmas in the previous births, for those good personalities in this life and

so this theory only stops one from undergoing euthanasia! The only advantage I found in Karma theory is that people tend

to be good, by the fear of suffering in consecutive births! The not so nice part is the belief that if a person experiences all the

sufferings in this life, there will NOT be any more birth/births! God knows what!! :sad:
Renu encouraged me to start this thread and so here it is!

Many elders suffer a slow death with the HOPE of reaching the Lotus feet of the Almighty, wishing never to be born again! :nono:

Views of dear members please.......... :)
Renuka ji knows more. has been with these terminologies more than me.

BALANCE is the key!!

suffering is the negative perception and HOPE is positive perception. any age group individual cannot EXPECT to be 110% tranquil all the time.

BTW, neeya nana last sunday was good!
What makes us suffer is ignorance and incorrect beliefs.
Karma model is an elaborate belief system consisting of many types of Karma -

1. Sanchita Karma (which is limitless both in terms of Punya and Papa acquired due to limitless births and deaths)
2. Loosely speaking a part of assigned Karma (from Sachita Karma account) to be experienced in this birth is called Prarabdha Karma . This cannot be stopped. It is described like an arrow that has left and cannot be recalled . It will fructify.
3. Agami Karma - Being 'earned' here and now that may or may not fructify in this life or may become part of the Sanchita bank account upon death

Without getting too technical for the sake of clarity, if one accepts these definitions it is not possible to do anything about Prarabdha Karma, and one can certainly 'do something' about Agami Karma.

Birth and death cycle cannot be stopped since limitless lives are needed to exhaust limitless Sanchita Karma!

So thinking that one must suffer to avoid next birth based on this model is incorrect.

So what is a way out if there is any?

Karma - both Punya and Papa are born out of ignorance of our true nature which is already not bound. Hence only Knowledge can destroy that ignorance even in this life or any future life.

To receive this knowledge preparation often requiring life time of effort is required.
When I wrote:

Renu encouraged me to start this thread and so here it is!

Many elders suffer a slow death with the HOPE of reaching the Lotus feet of the Almighty, wishing never to be born again! :nono:

Views of dear members please.......... :)

Dear RR ji,

I personally feel the Karma theory is a double edged sword..its just depends on our understanding.

Generally speaking most of us link suffering to bad Karma and enjoyment to good Karma..but does the Karmic Cycle work that way?

We do not really know.

Firstly what is suffering?

The so called suffering is an experience but we choose to call in in many names..same goes with enjoyment..its technically an experience but we choose to call it in many names.

Enjoyment and Suffering is also subjective..what is suffering or enjoyment for an individual might not be so for another individual.

Each of us have our own gold standards of suffering and enjoyment which has desire as the substratum.

Karma is just a data base of actions/inactions and it reactions..Karma does not make us suffer or make us enjoy..its our own actions/inactions that create situations that we translate as suffering or enjoyment.

If you ask me personally I do not see any reason why any elder should think of going on a fasting spree to reach God.

What is the guarantee? Do we really know where we reach after death?

None of us really know..we only assume if we were good we go to heaven and if we were bad we go to hell but what about the accumulative Karma of multiple births before(Sanchita Karma)??.. that has a role too..so basically we know nuts and we actually think we are in perfect control.

Lord Krishna does say clearly that one who eats too less or eats too much does not attain perfection..so why do we need to fast to death.

In my opinion that almost like thinking that we decide where we go after death..when the fact remains that none of us really know anything.

The Karma theory is not meant to make us fatalistic or too optimistic in anyway..its just runs in the background of our lives like how our anti Virus runs a background scan on its own without we even wondering when it started.

So the best is to just live in moderation in anything we do and drastic measures should be left only for emergencies.
My thoughts on Karma Theory

There is no concept of punishment and reward, in the sense we normally understand, in Theory of Karma. There is only a continuous self-correcting optimization process directed towards maximization of bliss or happiness. Unlike commonly believed, it is never that suddenly a disaster happens in life out of blue. There are no discontinuities in Theory of Karma.

An example is case of diabetes. It does not happen suddenly one night. On contrary, due to bad lifestyle habits, we keep accumulating diabetes. And when symptoms start manifesting in middle age, we term ourselves as diabetic. But in reality, this did not happen in one single day. We were always diabetic from first time we did something contrary to good health habits. And each moment that we lived healthy, we moved away from diabetes. But each moment, we ignored health issues, we were a step closer to diabetic. The final manifestation of the disease represents cumulative effect of the entire journey. Now we may not remember even 1% of the acts we did to cause our diabetes, but still we turn diabetic, because our tendencies were diabetic.

Similarly, even though we do not remember our past lives, our current tendencies are a cumulative summary of our entire history. Details of specific events are not important. The so called punishments that seem to come out of blue are nothing but continuation of those traits that got manifested into visible symptoms presently.

And the way out again is simple- refine our thought process. As we refine our thought process and start learning how to use our Will for increased happiness, we shall stop accumulating tendencies that cause grief. And then these so-called punishments will cease to erupt.

In short Karma is not itself "reward and punishment", but the law producing consequence.
I feel that Karma helps us to become a better being..We fear for the effects of Karma..Ultimately most of us want to be seen as a good soul..This helps in minimizing avarice, crime, hatred, jealousy and other such negative energies...We do not want to suffer the same fate as in this birth... You may call it suffering..I call it common good in a different way!
I feel that Karma helps us to become a better being..We fear for the effects of Karma..Ultimately most of us want to be seen as a good soul..This helps in minimizing avarice, crime, hatred, jealousy and other such negative energies...We do not want to suffer the same fate as in this birth... You may call it suffering..I call it common good in a different way!

Dear Sir,

Do you really think so??

Ok let me give you an simple example.

Even though there is a death sentence in cases of murder that still does not curb the crime rate isnt it?

The reason: There are loop holes in the law to get out on technicalities.

Likewise no one is actually truly fearful of Karma in the true sense.

Reason : There are loop holes in the presentation of religion which allows "culprits" to get out on technicalities too..that is by performing Pariharams as recommended by astrolgers.

Many people still think that their so called sins can be "erased" by Pariharams and have not much fear of their actions and inactions.
I recently heard a small story. A mother is cutting vegetables with a very bright and attractive knife and the child wants that knife; despite the child crying out aloud and making tantrums the mother refuses to give the knife to the child and tries to divert its attention and to assuage its hurt feelings in different ways.

A doctor comes to examine a child suffering from fever and prescribes a medicine which has bitter taste. The child's mother tries to make the baby take that medicine but the child refuses; and the mother sort of force-feeds the medicine to the child.

I feel Karma theory is something like both the above examples. Sometimes we do not get what we desire greatly; and sometimes we get what we do not like at all. Both are "sufferings" for us, but from the point of view of the Law of Karma, there is nothing like reward and/or punishment; everything is either Karma or its "phala".

Old people suffering a slow death is also definitely their "Karmaphala" but that is no guarantee for no further births or eternal bliss, etc. I also believe that even for people who have got Brahmajnaana, the Laws of Karma will continue to apply as rigorously as to an ignorant man. The former can make use of his knowledge to behave in this world in such a way that he/she does not accumulate too much of Karmas (good or bad). This is like say, (and this is only a rough example) an experienced and licensed electrician repairing the wiring system of a large building and somebody who has no such knowledge taking up that job; the former will be able to avoid electric shock to himself as also damage to the building due to electric fire while the latter may not be as successful. But both are equally affected by the Laws of electricity.
Sangomji, simple and lucid explanation. Vaishnava philosophy and way of life is to transfer the burden of removing karma and karmaphala to sriman narayana and live a life of dharma, artha and kama in right measure. Dharma as enunciated by scripture, acharyas and wise souls not necessarily religious.

I recently heard a small story. A mother is cutting vegetables with a very bright and attractive knife and the child wants that knife; despite the child crying out aloud and making tantrums the mother refuses to give the knife to the child and tries to divert its attention and to assuage its hurt feelings in different ways.

A doctor comes to examine a child suffering from fever and prescribes a medicine which has bitter taste. The child's mother tries to make the baby take that medicine but the child refuses; and the mother sort of force-feeds the medicine to the child.

I feel Karma theory is something like both the above examples. Sometimes we do not get what we desire greatly; and sometimes we get what we do not like at all. Both are "sufferings" for us, but from the point of view of the Law of Karma, there is nothing like reward and/or punishment; everything is either Karma or its "phala".

Old people suffering a slow death is also definitely their "Karmaphala" but that is no guarantee for no further births or eternal bliss, etc. I also believe that even for people who have got Brahmajnaana, the Laws of Karma will continue to apply as rigorously as to an ignorant man. The former can make use of his knowledge to behave in this world in such a way that he/she does not accumulate too much of Karmas (good or bad). This is like say, (and this is only a rough example) an experienced and licensed electrician repairing the wiring system of a large building and somebody who has no such knowledge taking up that job; the former will be able to avoid electric shock to himself as also damage to the building due to electric fire while the latter may not be as successful. But both are equally affected by the Laws of electricity.
We can not do anything about the bad deeds in our previous births! Now, a million dollar question is this:

Believing that bad karmas in previous births affect us in this birth, if suffering person opts to undergo euthanasia,

is he / she trying to escape from the result of karma and shall be born again to suffer in a similar way?
We can not do anything about the bad deeds in our previous births! Now, a million dollar question is this:

Believing that bad karmas in previous births affect us in this birth, if suffering person opts to undergo euthanasia,

is he / she trying to escape from the result of karma and shall be born again to suffer in a similar way?

Good question..it can be either way:

1) The person could have committed suicide in a previous birth and this birth he/she again is faced with a situation where he/she might want to end his/her life via euthanasia..its suicide no matter what you call it..

So the situation is..would he/she want to end his/her life again in this life or not?

2)The person could be committing euthanasia(suicide) for the first time in this life and will face another situation in his/her next life where a similar situation might come up.

I wonder how many of you had seen the Sarath Kumar movie Vaitheeswaran where Sarath Kumar is supposedly reborn to kill a person who had killed him when Sarath Kumar was just a child in his previous birth.

The villain forces poison down the throat of the child and in the next birth the child is born as Sarath Kumar who is a doctor and tries to save the life of the villain that "killed" him and feed him water not knowing that the water had been pre poisoned.

So its the whole situation again..the person dies in the hand of Sarath Kumar but Sarath did not have the intention to kill him most probably cos of his good karma as a good hearted person he was not born with the motive to kill as revenge but even then he caused the death of the villain unknowingly even in the attempt to save him.

Its a good movie..makes you think that Karma is not all that a Tit for Tat motivated situation.
Dear Renu,

I have seen that movie. But how do you explain some persons suffering slow death, when they have been so good and helpful to

everyone around, throughout their life? Does it not indicate some bad deeds committed by that person, which are unknown to us?
Dear Renu,

I have seen that movie. But how do you explain some persons suffering slow death, when they have been so good and helpful to

everyone around, throughout their life? Does it not indicate some bad deeds committed by that person, which are unknown to us?

Dear RR ji,

There is something called using up our stored Karma.

We have no idea what each one of us have come with to this world.

Some people take up lives of apparent suffering to speed up the process of using up their stored Karma..and some also suffer cos of bad deeds..so its not easy to know who is actually suffering and who has voluntarily taken up 'suffering' that is why we are expected not to judge anyone in anyway cos we have no idea who is who and who is undergoing what.

BTW I happen to see Makkal TV here where a Tamil speaking family from Myanmar was being interviewed and the head of the family an elderly man seemed to be very contented that he as done fairly well in life and has a happy family with children and grandkids and he did say "what else does a person want in life..if he has a happy family..that is all that is needed"

He might seem right in his feeling but at the same time when we seem to pleased with any situation there might not be the urge too explore beyond.

I remember recently my son asking me "human life looks as if it keeps repeating itself if we believe in re birth..so it will be the same life over and over again..be born..go to school..grow up,.get married..have kids ..get old and then die..what is the purpose of being born if this is going to be the same cycle over and over again... even if one is born a King or a beggar the life cycle is still the same"

So I was thinking..to compare and contrast..an elderly man felt that "when one has a happy family what else is there in life but a teenager feels that life tends to repeat itself and what is the purpose of life?

So basically what are we looking for? Is happiness always a boon?

Is "Good" actually always for the better?
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Dear Renu,

I have seen that movie. But how do you explain some persons suffering slow death, when they have been so good and helpful to

everyone around, throughout their life? Does it not indicate some bad deeds committed by that person, which are unknown to us?

Many years ago barbers used to double as surgeons and doctors without the benefit of anesthesia. People throughout history have died a slow death. Animals in factory farms die a slow death.

Physical pain can only be managed with whatever advancement that has happened if we are 'lucky'.

But 'why this happened to me or this person' causes suffering of the mind in addition to the physical pain. That kind of suffering is removable by proper knowledge regardless of the levels of physical pain.
"Why bad things happen to (apparently) good people?" is a question for which we humans do not as yet have a clear answer. The best possible scenario is that such 'bad things' happen either as similar to the knife or bitter medicine example of my previous post; while it is "bad" from our usual human standpoint - due to our limitations - it need not always be bad for the person concerned in regard to its long Karmic journey.

I do not think that "we" decide what our praarabdha karmas for the present life will be; we have no such chances and it is just the inexorable law of karma taking its own course. Suppose you throw hard stones and soft bunches of different weights high up into the air some to low heights and some to great heights and let us also suppose (though this is practically very difficult in this world to do) that all the stones are thrown straight above your head so that all of them will fall on your head; by the law of gravity, all those stones and soft bunches must fall down exactly on your head at varying points of time. Just as it will be impossible for you to decide which should fall next, in the same way all the Karmas of the past will mature and come back to either trouble or help you according to their own laws. Hence, Praarabdha Karma is also out of control for thee humans.

It is my confirmed view that "to transfer the burden of removing karma and karmaphala to sriman narayana" is just misleading the followers; Narayana is not the whipping boy for the humans and He will also, if he really is the Supreme controlling power of this universe, not interfere with the Laws of Karma which are eternal and even above Narayana's powers. That was why Krishna had to suffer the results of Gandhaari's curse and die after witnessing his entire Vrishnikula having annihilated. When Sriman Narayana could not help his own "fancy dress" of Shri Krishna from the operation of the Laws of Karma, how can we expect Him to be capable of doing that to ordinary humans? Anyway, such a belief is good for the Jeeyars, Tirupathi temple and other Vaishnavite organizations.

Neither Narayana nor any of the billions of the other gods in our hindu pantheon can do anything to change the operation of the Laws of Karma. We must read and read the verse कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन (karmaṇyevādhikāraste mā phaleṣu kadācana); our control or adhikāra is only over our actions or karmas; once a karma is done, then it is like an arrow gone out of the bow - it will surely follow its course and hit wherever it ought to, and, in the same way once a karma is done than it is impossible to get out of the operation of its "phala" - that is why Gita says mā phaleṣu kadācana, kadācana meaning "never at any time".
The effect of karma perhaps forms our destiny / fate! Humans can never choose their parents and blood relatives!

The birth in a particular family is only because of destiny. Even if born to poor parents, one can strive hard to become

rich and lead a comfortable life. But even for such a change to happen, that person should probably
be destined!

ThirukkuraL says:

ஊழிற் பெருவலி யாவுள மற்றொன்று
சூழினுந் தான்முந் துறும்.

குறள் விளக்கம்:

ஊழை விட மிக்க வலிமையுள்ளவை வேறு எவை உள்ளன, ஊழை விலக்கும் பொருட்டு மற்றோரு வழியை

ஆராய்ந்தாலும் அங்கும் தானே முன் வந்து நிற்கும்.


What is stronger than fate? If we think of an expedient (to avert it), it will itself be with us before (the thought).

Thirukkural no 380
........ An example is case of diabetes. It does not happen suddenly one night. On contrary, due to bad lifestyle habits, we keep accumulating diabetes.........
Dear P J Sir,

It is not only the eating / life style that creates diabetes! There is something called gene! The ancestors in our family generously

distribute the diabetic gene into our body even without our knowledge! Even those who are careful might become a diabetic!

And our karma decides in which family we should be born and acquire some sort of disease! :lol:

Here i beg to differ renuka ji!!! Even if we think that by doing parikaram we escape, in reality it is not..it is only our mind delusion...Karma theory is not simple accounting principle of double entry and nullifying a debit by a credit and making nil balance. Actually, when you do bad karma, bad impressions accumulate but not nullified by good karma..whatever is more weighs more..for whatever we do , we reap the fruit whether it is good or bad...just like a particular seed can't produce a different fruit ...only same kind..whether it is bitter or sweet....Like the way he said accumulation of sanchitha karma lead to prarapta karma which will definitely bear fruit in the birth in which we have to enjoy its fruits (therefore we accumulate thrijanma papa that's why we pray to shiva "Thrithalam thirunakram thirunetram cha traya yusham..tri janma papa samkaram...eka vilvam siva arpanam)...by dedicating a Bilva (VILVA) leaf to Lord shiva...We have our relations from seven birth karma...that's why we say ezhu..ezhu janmattukkum urava varuven (mostly between close relations like husband and wife, mother,father , son ,daughter,close friend and relative,etc)...i hope all understand....:washing::clock:r.vaithehi

Neither Narayana nor any of the billions of the other gods in our hindu pantheon can do anything to change the operation of the Laws of Karma. We must read and read the verse कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन (karmaṇyevādhikāraste mā phaleṣu kadācana); our control or adhikāra is only over our actions or karmas; once a karma is done, then it is like an arrow gone out of the bow - it will surely follow its course and hit wherever it ought to, and, in the same way once a karma is done than it is impossible to get out of the operation of its "phala" - that is why Gita says mā phaleṣu kadācana, kadācana meaning "never at any time".

Dear Sangom ji,

You have explained very well for all of us to understand.

Especially the Ma Phaleshu Kadacana.

I had read before that the word Ma Phaleshu was used instead of Na Phaleshu to emphasis on the existence of the fruits of action and its effects.

Ma means Not and Na means No.

As long there we have a a functioning 5 senses it is almost impossible to not engage in any action.

And for any/every action there is always a reaction a.k.a fruit(phala).

Geeta uses the word Ma Phaleshu to denote that we should NOT strive for the fruit.

Geeta does not say Na Phaleshu(there is NO fruit)..but it says is "Ma Phaleshu"... that is do not even strive for the fruit any time...just as you correctly said that once a Karma is done its impossible to get out of the operation of its "phala" so the least a person could do is voluntarily strive to give up the very thought of the "phala"

The usage of the word Ma in this stanza is self explanatory that the a Phala is inevitable but never strive for it at any given time.
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i fully agree with this..even if we don't want to do something we will be forced to do something because of our accumulated karma..that is prarapdam

What I have understood by hearing and reading puranas and bhagavad gita combined with my experience and education is as follows.

The Karma is divided into 3 parts
1) Sanchita Karma
2) Prarabhdha Karma
3) Aagami Karma

In simple terminologies the Papas and Punyas can be taken as the debt and credit.

Sanchita Karma is the culmination or addition of all debits and credits taken into two different accounts till this second right from all previous births.
Prarabhdha Karma is the amount of debits and credits taken from these two accounts and embedded into the Aatmaa by God after opening the specific password of our Aatmaa and sent to join the mothers womb to the Pindam to make it as a live baby
Aagami karma is nothing but the future karmas again categorised as debts and credits

The life of the aatmaa owned in a specific body is 90 years. Total life of the Aatmaa is 12,000 years before reformatting (the the hard disc of the Aatmaa) since the hard disc of the aatmaa is filled with Sanchita Karma and further data it cannot accept. I have written about this in 30 pages in my diary. (I leave this to your imagination)

Prarabhdha karma and Coma; Prarabhdha karma and todays life, Prarabhdha karma and death .................... I have jotted down in my diary many of these. This is exclusively my imagination only. I am not taking any support from granth or speaking against (no chance) granths writing. Whenever I get some time I will keep writing some more.

Dear P J Sir,

It is not only the eating / life style that creates diabetes! There is something called gene! The ancestors in our family generously

distribute the diabetic gene into our body even without our knowledge! Even those who are careful might become a diabetic!

And our karma decides in which family we should be born and acquire some sort of disease! :lol:

Raji Madam

It was just an example i gave; like a person smoking and drinking, unmindful of his health concern

Karma (Actions) is divided into three categories. They are Prarabdha Karma, Sanchita Karma and Bhija Karma. Prarabdha karma refers to the reactions of past activities that influence our present. Sanchita Karma are those that do not propogate. Bija Karma are current actions that will propagate into future.

The Bija Karma is like the seeds of cucumber which propagate into future and affect the future. Our actions are like the seeds that will travel into future and give rise to new actions. They will live longer than our lifetime.
Like the cucumber seeds, our seed of action, gives rise to more actions, which then give rise to more and more actions, thus living long after our death.

However long or short one lives, we need to leave the right Bija (seeds) karma (of action) so that our actions nourish and prosper the future. Hence by performing right actions that serve the society during our lifetime, that stand long after our death, that give rise to more positive actions by others, we live in the societies through our actions.

Bad karma does not mean doing bad deeds, however any worries, negative thoughts or even craving can have opposite effect on our systems, our memory is limited so we have forgotten how it all is manisfesitng now.

Do not think that physical suffering or happiness will not happen to those who have become liberated while living.

Ramana Maharshi died of cancer. It was very painful, naturally. It was a deep malady -- there was no way of escaping it. Many doctors came, and they were very puzzled because the whole body was torn with pain but there was no sign of any pain in his eyes. His eyes remained the same serene lakes as ever. Through his eyes only the witnessing self arose; it was the witnessing self that looked, that observed.

Doctors would ask, "You must be in great pain?" Ramana would reply, "Yes there is great pain, but it is not happening to me. I am aware that there is great pain happening to the body; I know that there is great pain happening. I am seeing it, but it is not happening to me."

A question arises in the minds of many people as to how a man like Ramana, who is liberated and enlightened, get a disease like cancer.

This sutra has the answer to it. Happiness and sufferings will be happening to the body, even to those who are liberated while living, because these are related to past actions and their impressions, they are related to whatsoever has been done before becoming awakened.

So happiness and suffering keep coming to the liberated one also, but such a person knows that these are part of the chain of his past actions and now he has nothing to do with them: he will just go on witnessing.

Ramanamaharishi Died of cancer

He had throat cancer. Even water would not go down his throat; food would not go down his throat. Then one day Vivekananda asked Ramakrishna, "Why don't you tell mother Kali? It is just a matter of your telling her and in a moment your throat would be cured." Ramakrishna just laughed and said nothing.
One day, when Vivekananda had insisted too much,

Ramakrishna said, "You don't understand. It is necessary to be finished with whatsoever is one's own doing, otherwise one will have to came back again only to finish it. So it is right to allow whatsoever is happening to happen; it is not right to hinder it."

"God never derives pleasure from giving pain to us. We are given choices at every point of life, did we take the right decisions; Like the person ignoring the symptoms of Diabetic, like a person ignoring the symptoms of Liver damage and continue drinking, Like the person ignoring the symptoms of cancer and still continue Smoking.
............ He had throat cancer. Even water would not go down his throat; food would not go down his throat. Then one day Vivekananda asked Ramakrishna, "Why don't you tell mother Kali? It is just a matter of your telling her and in a moment your throat would be cured." Ramakrishna just laughed and said nothing.
One day, when Vivekananda had insisted too much,

Ramakrishna said, "You don't understand. It is necessary to be finished with whatsoever is one's own doing, otherwise one will have to came back again only to finish it. So it is right to allow whatsoever is happening to happen; it is not right to hinder it." ..........
The question I asked earlier is related to this P J Sir!
If a person opts to end his life undergoing euthanasia, will he be born again to have a similar suffering? :ballchain:

If yes, karma theory makes us suffer!

Yogis might be able to differentiate between body and soul but what about normal humans who suffer pain?
Here i beg to differ renuka ji!!! Even if we think that by doing parikaram we escape, in reality it is not..it is only our mind delusion...Karma theory is not simple accounting principle of double entry and nullifying a debit by a credit and making nil balance. Actually, when you do bad karma, bad impressions accumulate but not nullified by good karma..whatever is more weighs more..for whatever we do , we reap the fruit whether it is good or bad...just like a particular seed can't produce a different fruit ...only same kind..whether it is bitter or sweet....Like the way he said accumulation of sanchitha karma lead to prarapta karma which will definitely bear fruit in the birth in which we have to enjoy its fruits (therefore we accumulate thrijanma papa that's why we pray to shiva "Thrithalam thirunakram thirunetram cha traya yusham..tri janma papa samkaram...eka vilvam siva arpanam)...by dedicating a Bilva (VILVA) leaf to Lord shiva...We have our relations from seven birth karma...that's why we say ezhu..ezhu janmattukkum urava varuven (mostly between close relations like husband and wife, mother,father , son ,daughter,close friend and relative,etc)...i hope all understand....:washing::clock:r.vaithehi

Smt. Vaithehi,

The slokam is :

tridaḷaṃ triguṇākāraṃ trinetraṃ ca tryayāyudhaṃ |
trijanma pāpasaṃhāraṃ eka bilvaṃ śivārpaṇam ||

The word "trijanma" is most likely used for rhyming with the first line; we inherit all the Karmas - both good & bad for countless number of births when we are born here. It is neither three nor seven janmas; it is infinite.

Rest of your post looks correct to me as per my understanding.
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