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Christian Evangelism & Conversion Among Brahmins

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Like most other people, Brahmins also seem to think that there is danger only from Islamic terrorism, but in reality Christian evangelism is as bad as Islamic terrorism. I know at least a dozen Brahmins in Madras & elsewhere, all educated and well-to-do, who have been converted to Christianity in the last decade. Everyone knows that most private tv channels in different Indian languages telecast daily (especially in the mornings) Christian propaganda programmes which do influence people who are in trouble & who think desperately, "ethai thindral pitham theliyum ?". If you watch something daily there is a likelihood of your getting influenced by that. The evangelists, both Indian and western, talk about miracles being performed by Jesus Christ even today and the tv viewers are tempted. Some of them fall into the trap of the evangelists & embrace Christianity. In the 16th & 17th centuries, Roman Catholic Jesuit priests like ROBERT DE NOBILI tried hard to convert the Tamil Brahmins to christianity. Details of this can be found in the Tamil book "KRITHAVAMUM SAATHIYUM" (Christianity & Caste) published by KAALACHUVADU PATHIPPAGAM, Nagarkoil, Kanyakumari Dt.
I would like members to discuss: a) The danger of Brahmins converting to Christianity; & b) Whether miracles do happen in Christianity or whether it is all a hoax. This topic vitally affects not only Brahmins but all Hindus.:plane: :horn:
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The activities of these conversion experts are in fact done with direct support in the form of money and kind from the Vatican itself. It has also become easy with our head of state(I mean the "real" head of state) enthusiatically making things more benign to such activities. The hidden agenda they have to eradicate hinduism from the face of the Earth and implement their religion which is merely 2000 years old is deplorable and heart-wrenching. I hope Lord Krishna takes his avatar now and destroys these evils!

To clear any misconception, I am not against christians in general nor against any converts who converted out of their own volition(with zero influence from the outside and just through mere pro-active self-education).

I wonder why Hindus do not do he same conversion? I know its not even valid in our scriptures, but looking at it in a political way and accounting for the intricacies of today's evils, why cant we all relax some rules and do a reverse conversion? Only if we do this wth double the zeal of these mongrels can we succeed in ending this evil. we should hit them hard in the eye.
The real culprit now is not the Roman Catholic Church or the Vatican. They stopped mass conversions long ago. It is evangelical christians from the
U.S.A. and their Indian collaborators who are responsible for the aggressive evangelism. The Pentecostal Church, the Seventh Day Adventists, the Assemblies of God Church, the United Church of God, etc., fall under this group. It is a pity that the present President of the U.S.A. George W. Bush is a christian fundamentalist. He belongs to a group called "Born Again Christians", but he is not a true christian. Had he been one, he would have forgiven Osama bin Laden. Further he would not have invaded Iraq for the sake of oil. Previously U.S. aid to third world countries like India used to be sent to service organisations directly. But as soon as G.W.Bush became the President of the U.S.A., he ordered that aid to third world countries be routed through christian evangelical organisations. THERE IS A WEBSITE CALLED "WWW.CHRISTIANAGGRESSION.ORG" WHICH I RECOMMEND TO EVERY MEMBER. George W. Bush is the enemy of not only Arabs & Muslims, he is also the enemy of all non-Christians like Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs & Parsis. As for reconversion of Christians to Hinduism, this is already being done by Hindu organisations such as the R.S.S., V.H.P., etc.
I agree with u all. US is a strong supporter and activist behind the scene of conversion. But here i insist that who ever converted were not true hindus, upto me. Hindusm is the only religion, upto me, which has no restrictions like other religions has. Hinduism survived this many years after several wars and several convertion because of its own nature. Those who don't believe themselves will convert to other religion. I strongly condemn those people who stage some drama called 'parisutha aavi ezhupudhal kootam', they are using the hindu names even after the person's convertion. Iam proud to say that me and my friends are generous enough to respect other religion and against convertion to other religion. somebody earlier said 'manam maruvor madham marattum'. its true, isint'd.

everyone pls post your views.
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brahmins were probably the only people who did not force others into converting to be accepted.

right from time immemorial, we have embraced others and have been supportive of their causes as well.

unfortunately leaders of other religions decided to force the people into conversions in order to boost their numbers in the senseless thought of strength in numbers.

whereas we always believed in brains :)

those who lack the courage to face the daily life convert for the sake of short term gains and eventually realize they were better off not converting.
This is very true and an issue that needs to be addressed. Forced conversion is a big business practised by many organisations. It is unfortunate that a law banning such malific practises has to be withdrawn. I had recently seen some pamplets (old during Kumbmela) distributed by certain organisations asking their agents to ' Preach thoughts from bibles' for people attending the Kumbhmela celebrations as that is the place where millions of diehard hindu devotees attend. The pamplet also provides some strategies for conversion and how to go about it. I also think that the lack of proper guidance into the facets and importance of hindusim and the improper understanding of being what an Hindu is has also added to the effect of conversion being wide spread.
Hindus should convert others into our fold. But the problem is hindus are divided by caste divisions. So converting others into the fold becomes very difficult. So, I am actually working on an organization (nothing launched yet, will be soon) to unify hindus without caste, have a unified hindu concept of prayer and sprituality, where reaching god is not limited to just one caste, one person or one group. Regardless of your origin, your current standing, you will judged only by your devotion to one unified humanity under Reformed Hinduism. This will be a reformed hinduism, where the humane causes and sprituality to the max will be emphasized. We should lose our caste and work together a hinduism for our own sake and future. Until then nothing is gonna happen!. Hinduism without caste! a mono-theistic hinduism as given by the original texts.
Christian evangelism & conversion...

We want to have the cake and eat it too.
We talk of stopping conversion from Hinduism to other religions. But at the same time we raise a hue and cry for allowing all caste people to qualify and become archakas. ( Though I , more than100%, agree that the intentions of TN government or MK is anything other than noble)

Some of us want to practise untouchability even today! Some of us want to nurture their superiority complex even today! We will practise all sorts of discrimination and then say there should be no conversions! Are Brahmins the whole-sole authority to protect Hinduism- If so, let us find ways and means to rectify the problems within our religion and create an atmosphere to make everyone stay within -

How much our mutts have contributed to the uplift of Hindus? Yes they have tried a bit but still it is very much insufficient -

We dont give respect to Swamijis of Missionary mutts like Ramaktrishna mission- We don't even consider them as saints - We only respect swamijis who can do pujas and give prsadams- Not the swamijis who serve the society thru education and other services!

So if we want to stop conversions it should be through reforms in our religion- social service and other good work - Not by just crying hoarse about other religions nor by any governmental ordinance or laws!

Views welcome!

Dear Shankar

Bravo! Bravo! An excellent and outstanding write-up! Yes, if Hinduism is to survive, our Acharyas (Sankaracharya, Jeer Swamigal for the Vaishnavas) must go out to the slums and serve the folks out there; just preaching is not going to cut it. I was told that Sankaracharya wouldn't even see a widow. I don't know if this is true (I have been cut-off from India for 40 years!) but if it is, what does it tell us about our own religion? The wodowed woman not only goes thru life with the loss of her husband, she is also being shunned (in weddings and in other auspicous occasions, she is always excluded!), she is discriminated against and she is pushed out. However, we all sit on our high horse and brag about how great our traditions and religion are. We all have got to examine ourselves and do some serious thinking.

In some ways, I admire the christian missionaries; they go out among the slums and serve the people. Mother Theresa comes to mind.

God did not create castes. If we are to change the minds of those downtrodden who might be pondering conversion (it doesn't matter if they are given monetary benefits), then we must also go out amongst them and serve them and only then we could talk about Hinduism.
Just passing a law against conversion will not work; it actually backfired.
If you gonna count on Sankaracharya and Jeeyar for going out to slum and preach hinduism for converting people or expanding our religion. We can kiss our aspirations good bye!. Not gonna happen. Everytime they come into contact with slum person, they will have to take bath, or they will have to put water on their legs and wash it adn so many things like that they have to do. It is only makes sure that people will convert out of hinduism to other religion after seeing that!. It is better if they are better confined to their mutts and left with their own ways. sorry no offence!. :)
There was no church in the village where I was born until recently. Now there are 3 in the village and a new under construction in nearby area is a real big one
All these are because of the conversion strategies by the Christian missionaries.
They change mind by doing simple things. For example, if some one has fallen ill
these group of people either visit patient in the hospital or at home and pray for his recovery. They take free tuition class for poor children and out of the 1 hour tuition more than half is spend in some kind of activities related to Christianity/ jesus.

In my village we have started an org to do some simple service. Our aim is to unite Hindu folks and spread awareness. Some of the activities we are doing are same as what a missionary do but people welcome us and may elder people of all caste are really happy and started supporting us openly.

We are taking social and moral (Hindu values) class for children in the age group 8-12.

Conducted special pooja for the benefit of all 10th and 12th class students. Unlike the normal one where people goto temple and priest tell something in a unknown language ,
we asked every student to write ‘sri rama jayam’ or ‘om muruga’ anything like that on their favorite God. They were also asked to chant OM NAMA SHIVAYA 108 times in chorus. There was a huge mass and good support.

Our guys are frequently visiting the govt hospital in nearby area and just give vibudhi and some prasadam to the patients and talk a few words with them.

Conducting pournami vilaku pooja.

All these simple activities definitely created a impact. Initially it was difficult to involve youngsters in these activities but now they are doing good job, you have to encourage them constantly.

Most of us Irrespective of the education / background criticize many of the practices in Hinduism without any intention to know the truth behind. This affect us badly. None of the information, practices that is told or followed in Hinduism is for time pass. Every single thing whatever it is, has its meaning. We just does not have the patience to learn what it says,

So you are teased by missionaries easily and since you do not have a answer you drop your practice and follow their path.

We are trying our best in teaching children the essence of these practices and the science in Hinduism. These children as questions at their level and try to understand but most of the now youths just call it ‘bull.... ‘ !

Thank you,
Dear Sri. bsramnarayan,

A very good post. Nice to note that yo are doing lot of service to hmanity. Keep it up. Let us hope that your effort is replicated by others. Best of Luck.

Sri. Silverfox : Please be informed that Sankaracharya of Kanchi Mutt is receiving Widows and you are not properly informed. It is understandable because you admit that you are away from Tamil Nadu for the last 40 years.

Sri. srkpriv: Whether other Hindus go to slums for helping them or not surely Sankaracharya does. You can therefore be relaxed on that score. Kanchi Mutt is definitely taking lot of actions which the individuals like you and me may find it difficult to do like opening educational institutions, hospitals etc.

Let us not criticise others with out proper information. If we do the evangelist will take advantage of the same and unwittingly we will be playing into their hands. Sri. sramnarayan has aptly pointed out the same in his post and I agree with him

Please do give ideas of what we all jointly can do and let us try to implement them.

If I have said anything wrong I am sorry. It is just I want to express my views.
"Kanchi Mutt is definitely taking lot of actions which the individuals like you and me may find it difficult to do like opening educational institutions, hospitals etc."

We were only talking about kanchi acharyas (or jeeyar) for that matter goin going to slum and preching or treating them as equals and part of hindu community. I am well aware that Hindu Mission Hospital and other educational institutions were started by kanchi mutt.

"Let us not criticise others with out proper information".

Who can decide what is proper or not?. How can you conclude someone is not talking without proper information (not talking sense).

bsramnarayan said:
There was no church in the village where I was born until recently. Now there are 3 in the village and a new under construction in nearby area is a real big one
bsramnarayan said:
All these are because of the conversion strategies by the Christian missionaries.
They change mind by doing simple things. For example, if some one has fallen ill
these group of people either visit patient in the hospital or at home and pray for his recovery. They take free tuition class for poor children and out of the 1 hour tuition more than half is spend in some kind of activities related to Christianity/ jesus.

In my village we have started an org to do some simple service. Our aim is to unite Hindu folks and spread awareness. Some of the activities we are doing are same as what a missionary do but people welcome us and may elder people of all caste are really happy and started supporting us openly
It is very true. I went to India this time for vacation I saw a lot of christians in India. I am really wondering whether christians are just 2.5% of population india being true!. I saw them running call-taxi, I hear about lot of gospel TVs, I see them in shops and so many. It is like they are everywhere. I am definitely seeing more christians in India (in Chennai) than I saw in the last 10 years prior or so!.

It just confirms that the conversion efforts are quite high and quite fast and quite SUCCESSFUL! in that. No other reason can be attributed. If hindus dont do anything it is only a matter of time that we see hinduism die.

If you see phillipines history the entire population was converted in 20 to 40 years or so. Phillipines is now a christian majority country and a 95% in that one.

Recent statistics say that Nagaland (a land of tribals) is report 95% christians in the last population census.

This also says that christians are very effective in converting people to christianity if the population of the place is quite low. In India it is understandable to see why the efforts have been slower till now. But in the years to come due to digital age and technology we will see a lot of conversion and at a much faster rate!.

I wouldn't be surprised if in the next census indian government says, christians are 10% of the population.

There was no church in the village where I was born until recently. Now there are 3 in the village and a new under construction in nearby area is a real big one
Dear Sri. srkpriv

Kanchi Acharya also goes to slum areas and treats them as equals to others. I have no information about Jeers. What is proper information? What is true is proper information. We are all here with mutual trust and everything cannot be proved over the net.

I really don't think you are making all these queries for want of knowledge but out of anger against my posting. If so I want to reiterate I am sorry.
Christian evangelism et al...

Self-introspection is very much required while analysing the reason for the exodus of people from Hinduism. Avoiding self-introspection and closing our eyes to the facts and reality, will not lead us anywhere.

Let us accept that we need to correct so many things in Hindu society:

*Caste hierarchy

*Untouchability (Still exists: eg. Papapatti, Keeripatti)

* Too much of importance to astrology and related problems

* Dowry

* Gender inequality ( Dont say it is more in Islam - That is not a reason not to correct ourselves)

* Brahmin and upper caste dominance in religious functions ( Why we want to play broker between God and man?)

etc.. etc...

We should have more missions like Sri Ramakrishna Mission.
Sivananda Gurukulam near Tambaram is doing yeoman service to orphaned children!
Sri Satya Sai samiti is doing wonderful social service! With the initiative of Baba, the water problem of Ananthapur district has been tackled to a large extent! A wonderful hospital is functioning in Puttaparthi and Bangalore!

Kanchi Mutt hospitals are doing good service!


this is very less for the huge Hindu population!

Unless we succeed in making the poorest of the poor and the lower-most in the caste hierarchy to feel that they are one among us- we can not think of stopping the conversions!
It can not be achieved by law!

Let us all strive for that!

Why would I get angry against your posts? Why do you have to say you are sorry? Doesn't make sense to me. How do you know whether I thirsting for knowledge or just the opposite? Instead of analyzing me please stick to making your points in the forum.

shankar said:
I really don't think you are making all these queries for want of knowledge but out of anger against my posting. If so I want to reiterate I am sorry.
Nice points I think everyone in the forum (and also others I speak to outside) are pretty much in agreement of what plagues hinduism and hindus. Most of them say the below mentioned issues, I have mentioned and been proposing a society free of things below in my earliers posts here and in other forums as well. I also want to add additional points to this.

1) Refinement of scriptures of hinduism to reflect concept.

We spend too much time worrying about the wordings in hinduism. We think that sanskrit is the only way to say it and the EXACT way to say it too! but then sanskrit is a language (like english, tamil, telugu and so on..), which has words and meanings, so that means we can write it in other languages and make sure it can be enjoyed and understood by anybody and everybody.

Most of the people are purely convinced that the way slokas are said in sanskrit are the only way to go about as in it has some special powers or meanings or purpose that other languages dont!. Which is just plain wrong. If I say 'Karmanye Vadhikarasthey" and you write that in Tamil or English the phonetic pronounciation may be lost, like you could right 'Karmanae or charmanye" and so on... so when you say this reading from a english or tamil text it will surely be lost and wont convey the actual meaning.

When this gets translated, for eg., 'Duty... ' or 'Kadamai' or something it basically conveys the meaning (I am sure gods can understand many languages) and it serves the purpose.

This gives everyone to enjoy and appreciate the slokas and so on...

2) Refine to reflect political correctness.

In this day and age the hindu scripture have reflected a lot of things like varna/jati, with good intention, but bad interpretation, basically subject to interpretation.

for eg., if you take 'Purusha Suktha' it says brahmins came from mouth, kashtriays from arms, .. sudhras from leg, conceptually everything is Purusha, that is the universe is purusha every thing came from purusha, the universe and heaven. So every varna/jati came from purusha. The leg, mouth, arm everything is purusha, The 'Purusha Sukta' verse is a poetic (literary) rendition of the concept of 'Purusha', which is the omni-present/omni-scient reality from whence life was born. But then this leaves room for interpretation that is used by other religions and communities against hinduism. Some of the evangelists use this against hinduism and they say you are from leg and you are a bad person (as if I can choose my mouth over leg and vice versa) according to hinduism (or low person) and the community status also reflects that and they become easy targets for conversion.

The Varna/Jati are attributes and roles of people not a discriminatory tag. It is no worse than saying some one is a laborer and some one is a doctor. Only thing is humans made it permanent due to selfish grounds. Hinduism didn't acknowledge discrimination rather didn't clear it. The whole thing was taken out of context.

It is imperative hindus refine the scripture clearly such that ti doesn't leave room for interpretation.

3) Communicate among people

Hindus should community the best aspects of hinduism among hindus, hindus should be well aware of their own religion. How many of us (being brahmins in the first place) even know some level of vedas, especially the current generation, how many of us know upanishads, brahmanas and so on... It is imperative we communicate all these in simple language to everyone and anyone. Make sure they understand each other. Instead of learning about hinduism (and especially the bad version) of it from some evangelist. Hindus should be able to learn it from us.

Hindus should learn it in our temples (or other places as we see fit). All people should be invited, not just prasangam on some day or something, we should teach, indoctrinate the concepts of hinduism to everyone and anyone (hindu and non-hindu).

If people can understand and appreciate what is in it. It increase their bond and love towards that. Otherwise they are as detached as they can be and it is a easy for others to pull them out from hindu fold. If a person is armed with knowledge and some comes and says in Purshu sukta it is said like this, he will retort it and say "Dont be stupid!, Are you saying your leg is inferior to your mouth or hand, the scritpture is personifying God for a poetic rendition, but God is Omnipresent/omniscient, there is no leg or mouth or something like that" and think what will happen to the evangelist. He wil be shut, has to find new strategy isn't it.

Knowledge is the key to success!. Lack of it you are an easy target!.

4) Removal of meaningless rituals

How many of you believe in rituals in hinduism. There are so many meaningless rituals in hinduism that we follow and those should be removed too. Many of the rituals are not followed now-a-days in the current context. It is not mandatory and doesn't serve any purpose also!.

5) Standardization

The problem in Hinduism is everyone (every comunity/caste) is doing pretty much their own thing. We should standardize hinduism according to its principles and give a common format for prayer/worship/ritual to all hindus. Not that everyone will take it the first day. When we try soon we be successful over a period of time. This also gives room for us to extend this gift of god to others (non-hindus).

This is not very uncommon. The whole reason we have 4 different vedas
is because they re-wrote vedas according to changes! Otherwise why four?. Why different Upanishads, or Brahamanas etc..? Because early hindus re-invented themselves, improved themselves as they see fit in their times. Current hindu is not doing that. Rig Veda and Sama Veda I hear are pretty much similar on conceptual level, rig veda is first, sama veda is a poetic rendition, yajur veda is different than rig and sama etc..

This happens in other religion also. Old Testament is Jewish Religion, Christianity initially followed the old testament and the new testament. But after a while, they removed the old testament from the bible. Not only all the church groups (small and big) around 4 or 5th century AD, got together and agreed on a common wording in bible acceptable to all church groups. If you see there are so many gospels and so many other christians scriptures are left out over a period of time because things changed!.

Adaptability is the key!.

shankar said:
Self-introspection is very much required while analysing the reason for the exodus of people from Hinduism. Avoiding self-introspection and closing our eyes to the facts and reality, will not lead us anywhere.

Let us accept that we need to correct so many things in Hindu society:

*Caste hierarchy

*Untouchability (Still exists: eg. Papapatti, Keeripatti)

* Too much of importance to astrology and related problems

* Dowry

* Gender inequality ( Dont say it is more in Islam - That is not a reason not to correct ourselves)

* Brahmin and upper caste dominance in religious functions ( Why we want to play broker between God and man?)

etc.. etc...

We should have more missions like Sri Ramakrishna Mission.
Sivananda Gurukulam near Tambaram is doing yeoman service to orphaned children!
Sri Satya Sai samiti is doing wonderful social service! With the initiative of Baba, the water problem of Ananthapur district has been tackled to a large extent! A wonderful hospital is functioning in Puttaparthi and Bangalore!

Kanchi Mutt hospitals are doing good service!


this is very less for the huge Hindu population!

Unless we succeed in making the poorest of the poor and the lower-most in the caste hierarchy to feel that they are one among us- we can not think of stopping the conversions!
It can not be achieved by law!

Let us all strive for that!

Dear srkpriv, I am trying my best to give you the basics. Have you been reading my musings on the fundamentals of Hinduism?
Dear All

With the view to share my thoughts and to give a quick reply to Mr. Shankar.

Dear Shankar

I totally agree with your point stating that still many people not only Brahmins (please not this ‘Not only Brahmins’) every person discriminates the person who is below his caste. Of course this has to be dealt with and I would say as this is a separate issue and can be discussed in a separate thread.

Secondly, I would say the efforts now days the mutts and missions (Sri Rama Krishna Mission, Chinmaya mission (of Pujya Sri Chinmayananda) Arsha Vidya Peetam (of swami Dhayananda Saraswathi) and many more…) have done and doing appreciating works on our culture and people upliftment. To my knowledge, Kaanchi Mutt, Arsha Vidhya Peetam and Chinmaya Mission are doing a tremendous service in Nagaland, Megalaya, Manipur (all North East states where ‘Christian evangelism’ is at its peak and Hindus are minorities there already, I will talk about this in later part of this thread) apart from rest of the country.

Swami Chidbhavananda Ashramam in Theni is situated on the banks of river Saraswathi also known as Mullaiyaru or Periyar, The Acharya of the Ashram is Swami Omkarananda, a renowned scholar in Tamil and Sanscript scriptures, addressing vast audiences all over Tamilnadu and disseminating the message of Vedas with out any discrimination.
Note: On absence of Swami Ji, the mutt is taken care by a person who is by birth a non-brahmin but a living example of an attained brahminhood personality, who is well versed in Yajur Veda and Vedaanga and Tamil literature and philosophy.

These are some examples, like this many activities are happening in and around Tamil Nadu and in all parts of India for the upliftment of our community. So to add to Mr. Shankars’ very valid concern, “reforms in our religion- social service and other good work” is indeed needed and it is happening long since, but we need to be watchful on how our social works being done by Hindu organizations are being hidden and twisted with ulterior intentions and our society is still projected as if a barbarian cultured by most of the local and all of the foreign medias.

First let us all have this positive feeling that we are really working hard to keep up our tradition and refine it time to time.J

Now: Coming to the topic. “Christian evangelism & conversion” this is indeed a deep topic to discuss and I appreciate all the members here in this thread for shared their views.

From the words or Sri Arobhindo, Sri Vivekananda and many more great men of Bharatha: “Changing a religion is Changing Nationality” – Friends, this is a very meaningful and deeply concerned statement from our brave men of our time.

Changing a religion is a treat to the National Integrity. So it has to be dealt with not only the interest of our culture but also with the interest of our National Security (Do you know most of the Christians and Muslims wanted the British to be in India and rule, there were not interested in our Freedom? Let this be apart) Once you change religion your faith changes, your custom changes, your reference changes, your language changes, you will try to follow the ideals of the foreign religion, you will listen to what foreign faith tells about your own faith what your ancestors been keeping for generations to generation. Many catastrophic effects can be seen on a nation if it changes its faith, that too in Bharatha! A great Jnana bhoomi! We are seeing it, experiencing it.

1. Chandra sekara reddy (converted Christian) Andara priminister , why should his government is that interested in banning the “Da Vinci Code” to the audience of Andra Pradesh?

2. Why Most of the North East states terrorism for separatism is getting stronger and stronger? Why do they fight to get separated from their Mother land, Bharatha?
As per the 1991 Census Data:
Nagaland: Hindu 10.12, Christian 87.47
Mizoram: Hindu 5.04, Christian 85.73
Meghalaya: Hindu 14.67, Christian 64.58
Manipur: Hindu 57.67, Christian 34.11
[Source: http://www.censusindia.net/stateprofile.html]

See the effect of evangelism; most of these states are in the tight hands of separatist (missionary aided). Is this what we want to be in Bharatha in due course? Say in 200 to 300 years? If we dont stop conversion, the ration of Nagaland would soon been seen in many states!

3. Why in most of the south east countries there is always blood sheds in the name of religion (in Indonesia, Philippines very worst). Becasue their parental
religion and faiths were wiped out and Christianity was planted.

4. Do you know the vision of John Pope II? While he visited our land in November, 1999 He stated: “Just as in the first millennium the Cross was planted on the soil of Europe, and in the second on that of the Americas and Africa, we can pray that in the Third Christian Millennium a great harvest of faith will be reaped in this vast and vital continent.”” – The vast and vital continent he means is Asia and mainly Bharatha, this speech he delivers at New Delhi’s Sacred Heart Cathedral in presence of more than 300 bishops of Asia.

[I am writing (translating in Tamil) a book which compares the Holy Vedas and Holy Bible, in a view to reach masses in TN, as the original book is in English this translated book would give an optimum view to the common people who read and understand only Tamil about what Christianity is all about and what our Vedas is all about and where the real freedom and wisdom lays.]

Anyhow if I list all activities of evangelism, it would be very long. Let me stop here to give room to other to fill in.

So, we cannot assume it is a particular sect’s or group of people’s responsibility to protect our intellectual riches and to protect our country from changing its religion by its fellow men, of the great Bharatha. It is a joint responsibility every one plays a vital role.

For any issue or problem, there must be done two things.
1. Temporary Fix
2. Permanent Solution

1. Temporary Fix: To stop evangelism; tell people who are ignorant enough to change their religion about what other religion is about and what is Sanathana Dharama is all about. Unless the Christianity is exposed to its roots and taking the awareness to people who are prey to the evangelism, this cannot be stopped, I mean not just “crying hoarse” but to get the message to the people who are ignorant.
2. Permanent Solution: Every Hindu should know their religion and its riches in terms of culture, social being, welfare, arts, philosophy etc., should know about the real history of Bharatha, should know about how Bharatha survived despite continuous attacks and loots by Foreigners. This should start from home, parents should first literate themselves on these and pass to their children and make them brave enough to stand as an iron children of the great Bharatha, with full of wisdom and higher ideals.

Finally, it is everyone’s responsibility to make Bharatha to reflect its real meaning; Bharatha means the land where people are happy by pure Knowledge and wisdom!

I am interested in what “srkpriv” mentioned, please let us know about that organization once launched.


bsramnarayan said:
There was no church in the village where I was born until recently. Now there are 3 in the village and a new under construction in nearby area is a real big one
All these are because of the conversion strategies by the Christian missionaries.
They change mind by doing simple things. For example, if some one has fallen ill
these group of people either visit patient in the hospital or at home and pray for his recovery. They take free tuition class for poor children and out of the 1 hour tuition more than half is spend in some kind of activities related to Christianity/ jesus.

In my village we have started an org to do some simple service. Our aim is to unite Hindu folks and spread awareness. Some of the activities we are doing are same as what a missionary do but people welcome us and may elder people of all caste are really happy and started supporting us openly.

We are taking social and moral (Hindu values) class for children in the age group 8-12.

Conducted special pooja for the benefit of all 10th and 12th class students. Unlike the normal one where people goto temple and priest tell something in a unknown language ,
we asked every student to write ‘sri rama jayam’ or ‘om muruga’ anything like that on their favorite God. They were also asked to chant OM NAMA SHIVAYA 108 times in chorus. There was a huge mass and good support.

Our guys are frequently visiting the govt hospital in nearby area and just give vibudhi and some prasadam to the patients and talk a few words with them.

Conducting pournami vilaku pooja.

All these simple activities definitely created a impact. Initially it was difficult to involve youngsters in these activities but now they are doing good job, you have to encourage them constantly.

Most of us Irrespective of the education / background criticize many of the practices in Hinduism without any intention to know the truth behind. This affect us badly. None of the information, practices that is told or followed in Hinduism is for time pass. Every single thing whatever it is, has its meaning. We just does not have the patience to learn what it says,

So you are teased by missionaries easily and since you do not have a answer you drop your practice and follow their path.

We are trying our best in teaching children the essence of these practices and the science in Hinduism. These children as questions at their level and try to understand but most of the now youths just call it ‘bull.... ‘ !

Thank you,

"You are doning a great service indeed, i wish i could join hands in any manner to your service - "
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