not sure how to approach this topic.
these are folks born as tamil brahmins, but who violently denied their birth and the baggage that comes with the ancestry.
what provoked me, was the death of W.R. Varadarajan as described here.
Missing CPI-M leader W R Varadarajan?s body found in lake | Asian Tribune
i was surprised by the note, that varadarajan was expelled from cpi(m) for marital infidelities which is supposed not be in conformity with marxist principles.
from what little i know of marx, i think, marx was a free thinker who, if not advocate, tolerated 'free love'. in that context, if varadarajan had indulged in some extra marital affairs, i would have thought that the marxist, would give it a 'nod nod wink wink' treatment.
apparently, our fellow travellers, are leaning on the reactionary puritanical attitudes towards sex, which would make lenin, stalin (the original one), mao all turn in their graves, for as history knows, there is no count to the number of concubines these had.
i thought free sex was one of the fringe benefit of being a communists - from what i have heard of the leftist students of oxbridge of the 1920s - 30s (indira gandhi, nk.ranga, bhupesh gupta, minoo masani, jyoti basu all come to my mind). apprently our பதிவ்ரிதைஸ் back home, once away from the magnetic force of the motherland, willingly freely did offer their consolation services at a time when the freedom cause could a square into a circle and a virgin to a whore.
for the religious inclined among us, what happens, for instance, to varadarajan's soul. apparently he had committed suicide. what does the vedas say? after all sati is an honoured tradition for us. if sati is not a form of suicide, what is?
next note, will be on p.ramamurthi!!
thank you.
ps. for folks , who have expressed the 'fairness' of the average TB, do you think from the pix, that varadarajan has the பிராமணக்களை?
these are folks born as tamil brahmins, but who violently denied their birth and the baggage that comes with the ancestry.
what provoked me, was the death of W.R. Varadarajan as described here.
Missing CPI-M leader W R Varadarajan?s body found in lake | Asian Tribune
i was surprised by the note, that varadarajan was expelled from cpi(m) for marital infidelities which is supposed not be in conformity with marxist principles.
from what little i know of marx, i think, marx was a free thinker who, if not advocate, tolerated 'free love'. in that context, if varadarajan had indulged in some extra marital affairs, i would have thought that the marxist, would give it a 'nod nod wink wink' treatment.
apparently, our fellow travellers, are leaning on the reactionary puritanical attitudes towards sex, which would make lenin, stalin (the original one), mao all turn in their graves, for as history knows, there is no count to the number of concubines these had.

i thought free sex was one of the fringe benefit of being a communists - from what i have heard of the leftist students of oxbridge of the 1920s - 30s (indira gandhi, nk.ranga, bhupesh gupta, minoo masani, jyoti basu all come to my mind). apprently our பதிவ்ரிதைஸ் back home, once away from the magnetic force of the motherland, willingly freely did offer their consolation services at a time when the freedom cause could a square into a circle and a virgin to a whore.

for the religious inclined among us, what happens, for instance, to varadarajan's soul. apparently he had committed suicide. what does the vedas say? after all sati is an honoured tradition for us. if sati is not a form of suicide, what is?
next note, will be on p.ramamurthi!!
thank you.
ps. for folks , who have expressed the 'fairness' of the average TB, do you think from the pix, that varadarajan has the பிராமணக்களை?
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