Also if the person stating makes it clear that he/she hated Brahmins their opinion does not count. I understand the position of the site owner to keep an open forum, but I am sure he would not want a spammer, a mischief monger, a terrorist in his forum.
How do i know that you are not a spammer, mischief monger, a terrorist or an ex-member who has joined again to cause some headaches for us all? Even if you say you are not a mischief monger or a spammer, why should i believe you.?
You must also remember, the person you and i call a Terrorist is seen as a saviour/god in someone else's eyes.
So, please stop with this nonsense type posts. If you find someone else's views are not in tune with yours, do not participate in that discussion and move on with something else. There are other topics available to discuss. Alternatively, take a break, deep breath and then come back.
I think the problem can be [FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=#da7911 !important][FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=#da7911 !important][FONT=inherit !important]solved[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT] only if Shri Praveen makes this forum exclusively for the "believers", expels all the non-conformists and makes this as the aim of this forum.
I am not ashamed to say that i did make a mistake of naming this forum as maybe i should have said, or something else.
Why is it that some members want the Forum to be as per their specifications? Is it a case of inability to perform their role as members in a set-up in which contrarian views are also allowed to be expressed? Does it not smack of bigotry? Look at it from the opposite side — they also find views contrary to their own being freely expressed here but they do not seem to get so offended as the theist members, at least some of them, seem to do. But here you seem to be taking offence at any view other than what you will like to hear.
Oh yes, why does a website should talk only praises about brahmins... do we not have the right to question what has been said hundreds of years ago.. Why does people take offence when things are questioned, gods are questioned.
those who are offended about questions related to god, have they seen one to be so damn sure that he or she exists? Asking for proof that god does exist or not is not blasphemy. We are born to question everything so why should we take things (what our ancestors) on their face value. what was true 500 years ago need not be true now. likewise what is true today will be proven false tomorrow.
How does one know Lord Ganesha truly had a elephant's head? The ancient text that was written, can it not be something like a harry potter tale?
What is wrong in questioning? be it god or be it traditions. So, just because someone said something 1000 yrs ago, are you going to just blindly follow it? please, give me a break....
I have never told this in the forum before, but i do not believe in god. before 1997, i used to go to temples, pray and do everything as a normal brahmin would.
I am born into an very orthodox family circle and i saw god in everything and everywhere. But one day, i just could not do it. I mean, for good or bad, people go to god. But then god did not do anything for me. I worked, i studied and i got the results. but then why should i give the credit to someone whom i have never met and probably someone whom i am never going to meet.
The number of people who has said they have seen god is very very very very less compared to those who are still searching for one.
So i guess i have all the right to say, i will believe in god when i see one.
likewise, the same goes for tradition and rituals. i could go on, trust me. I have not said much in the last 4/5 years even though we have a lot of topics. But people immediately brand this site as x or y. What i am is personal. What this site is different. My personal views, till now, has not been enforced at all nor has played any part whatsoever in shaping this website. If i had wanted, i could have. But then i am not that kind of a person to force my beliefs on someone or something.
so, for everyone questioning other's motives or this site's or this site owners, give us a break. This has remained an open forum with freedom of speech and that is not going to change anytime sooner or in the foreseeable future. People have the right to question things - whatever it is.
If i do not believe in god and can put up 2 paragraphs of text for it, as a god believer someone else should be able to put up 2 or more paragraphs.
But that does not mean, they can start a veiled or a direct personal attack or ask member B to quit the forum because this is a brahmins only forum.
This website is for people who wants to know more about the brahmin way of life, for those who want to know why something was done in one way and not in another, for those who want to know if something is still valid in today's world, for those who can accept alternative views and take it in their stride, for those who can maintain in a decency when things go controversial and def for those who can think!