our religion cares for all playing the sentiments of gold,as a status symbol,the mining industry is promoted,thereby giving jobs to millions of people.the gold metal is then transformed into intricate forms of jewellery,which when adorned on a being,displays someone its a way of appreciating make designs,jobs are provided for sai baba say's bhangaru,it's the value of richness of gold,which has been given a status symbol worn by extremely worthy people.yellow color is associated with 3,who is guru,remover of darkness or essence gold is just a prop,to make someone feel honored becoz society made it so.the properties are similiar to silver,yet gold as a standard reigns supreme.baba gives gifts as visiting card of his presence,mosly rings,chains...which are already done and kept in sai stores,fro where he transport's with his action' akshaya thrithiya displays abundance of happiness...a spiritual person can acquire bangaru or gold like status from god.may 16 is popular version of a calendar chosen date...if dec 21 st is chosen as a start of a new year,it's already over...that is akshaya thrithiya