IV. The Vijayanagara Emperors and the Uthamanambis: (1372 A.D. 1565 A.D.)
In the meantime Harihara I established the Vijayanagara empire at Aanagondi. His agent, GopaNNaraayar, who came from Gingee to Tirumalai and Chandragiri, heard of the advent of PerumaaL there and carried him to his own town of Singapuram . TirumaNatthooN nambi, the son of Singappiraan,came to know of this and sent Uthamanambi to Chenji, as a spy, to inform GopaNNa UDaiyaar of the situation in Sreerangam in the hands of the muslims. GopaNNa UDaiyaar came with forces and destroyed the muslim presence in Srirangam. He then reinstalled the PerumaaL along with his consorts in the company of Periya PerumaaL (Moolavar) in May, 1372 A.D. This event has been narrated in an inscription found in the Dharmavarma wall on the eastern side of the sanctum sanctorum of the temple,facing outwards.
GopaNNa Raayar also donated fifty two villages worth seventeen thousand sovereigns of gold. GuNDu SaaLuvayyar, who accompanied him, installed a flagstaff made of bronze in the place of the golden flagstaff which had been set up by the PaanDya king earlier in the ANiyarangan courtyard and which had been destroyed by the muhammadans.
During this period, the family of Uthamanambis appears to have wielded considerable influence over the temple affairs, due to their rapport with the kings of Vijayanagar who got rid of the muslim presence and took control of the temple management while conferring benefactions of different kinds to renovate and rebuild the temple which had been plundered and ravaged during the muslim invasion. Periya KrishNaraayar Uthamanambi is said to have invited Kampana II, the son of Bukka, to pay a visit to the temple. This led to the gift of a large number of gold pieces which were handed over to the Uthamanambi who purchased 62 villages for the temple with them. The durgadhipathi, GuNDu SaaLuvayyar, also established for Uthamarkoil Sreerangaraajan, who was fifth in succession at the mutt of SriranganaaraayaNa Jeeyar, certain honours like parivaTTam, SaTakopam etc overlooking the claims of the kovaNavar, represented by KandaaDai Rangaraajaaryan. The latter complained about this to Uthamanambi. Uthamanambi was later authorized by the temple authorities to go to Vijayanagar as envoy to present the accounts and answer questions. He secured full control over the temple affairs for the KandaaDai family.
This would be an appropriate place to trace the genealogy of the KandaaDais as found in the ANNantirumaaligai Ozhugu:
Mudali AanDaan (nephew of Raamaanuja)
KandaaDai AanDaan
KandaaDai Tozhappar
____________ | _____________
| |
Periya Varadachaar Aiyan Raamaanuja
(Periya Aayi) (Cinna Aayi)
Tirukkopurattu Nayinaar
Sreerangaraajanaathan VaaduladeSika
(was present during muslim occupation)
Uthamanambi was honoured by the king of Vijayanagar when he visited that city as an envoy from the Sreerangam temple in 1373 A.D. As per the command of the son of Harihararaayar, he built a tulaapurusha mandapam to the east of the flagstaff. ViruppaNNa UDaiyaar, the son of Harihara, came and performed tulaabhaaram. The vimaana was covered with gold and nine kalaSas were established on it by him at that time. In order that people from all places might come and offer worship to Lord Ranganaathha, he established a festival in his name. The chithirai tirunaaL is hence called Viruppan tirunaaL to this day.
After peace was restored in Sreerangam VedaantadeSika, the vaishNava teacher who had left for TirunaaraayaNapuram, came back and caused the Adhyayana utsava to be restarted in the month of December in the same year, after overcoming the objections of the conservatives regarding the acceptability of this festival by the scriptures.VedaanthadeSika supported him in this endeavour and carried it out successfully.
There arose a boundary dispute between the Saivaites of Tiruvaanaikkoil and the vaishNavaite residents of Sreerangam on the 8th day of the Panguni Uthiram festival in the year 1375 A.D.(NaLa). It was the custom for Lord AzhagiyamaNavaaLan to start from the northern bank of Kaaveri, visit the jambu teertham at Tiruvaanaikkoil on his way to the Thirumangaimannan garden on the southern bank of Coleroon. The procession was blocked by the residents of Tiruvaanaikkoil.
The dispute about the boundary between the two towns was referred to the Raayar of Vijayanagar who dispatched his Guru,Vyaasa UDaiyaar, Gopaala UDaiyaar and Raghu UDaiyaar, after hearing both sides represented by the Saivaites and Uthamanambi Krishnaraayar. The boundary stones were laid by the matadhipatis along the track marked by Uthamanambi who ran from a four pillared maNDapa with two tiruvazhi stones on the southern bank of Kaaveri due east but making a deviation to leave the Jambuteertham on one side. He therefore came to be called Ellai nilai iTTa Uthamanambi.This incident took place in 1382 A.D. Even to this day the Uthamanambis and the authorities of the Vyaasaraya Mutt receive honours from the temple near the last street of Sreenivasanagar which is supposed to encircle the border marked by EllaiyiTTa Uthamanambi. KrishNaraaya also reconstructed the AanaiyeRRamaNDapa. He was the warden of the temple from 1383 to 1397 A.D. He was succeeded by VedaachaaryabhaTTar in 1397A.D. for four years. This period witnessed the total sidelining of the KandaaDaiyars who were prevented by VedaachaaryabhaTTar (also known as UddanDabhaTTar) even from exercising their traditional control over the UDaiyavar temple. This led to PeriyakrishNaraaya Uthamanambi becoming the disciple of a descendent of Periyanambi since the KandaaDaiyars, who were his acharyas, went away in exile.
Uthamanambi had a brother named Chakraraaya. Both are mentioned many times in the inscriptions of Devaraaya I and Devaraaya II (1406-1446A.D.) of Vijayanagar. Chakraraaya reestablished Chakravarthittirumagan, established SooDikkodutha naachiyaar in the same temple complex, installed KaaTTazhagiyaSingar in the jungle to the east of the town, Hanumaan and Lakshmi(Aravindanaayaki) in the main temple, the DaSaavatara deities in a temple on the south bank of Coleroon and had a huge idol of garuDa cast and installed in the Azhagiya maNavaaLan tirumaNDapam in the year Manmatha (1415A.D.). He also had the Bhoopathit tirunaaL celebrated and reinstalled the Varaahanayinaar idol which had been destroyed by the muslims. The AaryabhTTaaL gateway which had been damaged by fire at the time of the muslim invasion was also renovated by him.
MaNavaaLamaamunigaL, (1370 - 1443 A.D.) came to Sreerangam in 1425 A.D. and,donning the robes of a sanyasin, he occupied the mutt in the Thrivikraman enclosure where he expounded the puranas and the holy prabandhas every day. In 1432 A.D., in the month of AvaNi, the PerumaaL ordered him, through the mouth of a priest, to expound the prabandhas daily in the periyatirumaNDapam in His presence.
During the reign of Mallikaarjuna, surnamed ImmaaDi Devaraaya (1447-1465 A.D.), the grandson of Valaiyadimai iTTa (Periyakrishna Rayar) Uttamanambi, by name Tirumalai naathha Uttamanambi, stayed at the court of the Vijayanagar king and composed a work called Lakshmikaavya.This was the time when the SaaLuva king, Timmaraaja, grew in power. In 1461 A.D. Mallikaarjuna donated a copper flagstaff covered with gold plates. By 1472 A.D. the revenue collection had definitely passed into the hands of Timmaraaja alias Tirumalairaaja. He was the patron of the Tamil poets, IraTTaiyar and KaaLamekam. Tirumalainaatha Uthamanambi constructed the LakshminaaraayaNa temple on the banks of the Punnagateerthham. SaaLuva Tirumalairaaja also erected the TaTTaraivaasal through which Lord Ranganaathha started to pass on his way from the Paramapadavaasal to the thousand-pillared maNDapa during the raappathu festival. He also reconstructed the
northern gateway of the AalinaaDan enclosure.
In the meantime Harihara I established the Vijayanagara empire at Aanagondi. His agent, GopaNNaraayar, who came from Gingee to Tirumalai and Chandragiri, heard of the advent of PerumaaL there and carried him to his own town of Singapuram . TirumaNatthooN nambi, the son of Singappiraan,came to know of this and sent Uthamanambi to Chenji, as a spy, to inform GopaNNa UDaiyaar of the situation in Sreerangam in the hands of the muslims. GopaNNa UDaiyaar came with forces and destroyed the muslim presence in Srirangam. He then reinstalled the PerumaaL along with his consorts in the company of Periya PerumaaL (Moolavar) in May, 1372 A.D. This event has been narrated in an inscription found in the Dharmavarma wall on the eastern side of the sanctum sanctorum of the temple,facing outwards.
GopaNNa Raayar also donated fifty two villages worth seventeen thousand sovereigns of gold. GuNDu SaaLuvayyar, who accompanied him, installed a flagstaff made of bronze in the place of the golden flagstaff which had been set up by the PaanDya king earlier in the ANiyarangan courtyard and which had been destroyed by the muhammadans.
During this period, the family of Uthamanambis appears to have wielded considerable influence over the temple affairs, due to their rapport with the kings of Vijayanagar who got rid of the muslim presence and took control of the temple management while conferring benefactions of different kinds to renovate and rebuild the temple which had been plundered and ravaged during the muslim invasion. Periya KrishNaraayar Uthamanambi is said to have invited Kampana II, the son of Bukka, to pay a visit to the temple. This led to the gift of a large number of gold pieces which were handed over to the Uthamanambi who purchased 62 villages for the temple with them. The durgadhipathi, GuNDu SaaLuvayyar, also established for Uthamarkoil Sreerangaraajan, who was fifth in succession at the mutt of SriranganaaraayaNa Jeeyar, certain honours like parivaTTam, SaTakopam etc overlooking the claims of the kovaNavar, represented by KandaaDai Rangaraajaaryan. The latter complained about this to Uthamanambi. Uthamanambi was later authorized by the temple authorities to go to Vijayanagar as envoy to present the accounts and answer questions. He secured full control over the temple affairs for the KandaaDai family.
This would be an appropriate place to trace the genealogy of the KandaaDais as found in the ANNantirumaaligai Ozhugu:
Mudali AanDaan (nephew of Raamaanuja)
KandaaDai AanDaan
KandaaDai Tozhappar
____________ | _____________
| |
Periya Varadachaar Aiyan Raamaanuja
(Periya Aayi) (Cinna Aayi)
Tirukkopurattu Nayinaar
Sreerangaraajanaathan VaaduladeSika
(was present during muslim occupation)
Uthamanambi was honoured by the king of Vijayanagar when he visited that city as an envoy from the Sreerangam temple in 1373 A.D. As per the command of the son of Harihararaayar, he built a tulaapurusha mandapam to the east of the flagstaff. ViruppaNNa UDaiyaar, the son of Harihara, came and performed tulaabhaaram. The vimaana was covered with gold and nine kalaSas were established on it by him at that time. In order that people from all places might come and offer worship to Lord Ranganaathha, he established a festival in his name. The chithirai tirunaaL is hence called Viruppan tirunaaL to this day.
After peace was restored in Sreerangam VedaantadeSika, the vaishNava teacher who had left for TirunaaraayaNapuram, came back and caused the Adhyayana utsava to be restarted in the month of December in the same year, after overcoming the objections of the conservatives regarding the acceptability of this festival by the scriptures.VedaanthadeSika supported him in this endeavour and carried it out successfully.
There arose a boundary dispute between the Saivaites of Tiruvaanaikkoil and the vaishNavaite residents of Sreerangam on the 8th day of the Panguni Uthiram festival in the year 1375 A.D.(NaLa). It was the custom for Lord AzhagiyamaNavaaLan to start from the northern bank of Kaaveri, visit the jambu teertham at Tiruvaanaikkoil on his way to the Thirumangaimannan garden on the southern bank of Coleroon. The procession was blocked by the residents of Tiruvaanaikkoil.
The dispute about the boundary between the two towns was referred to the Raayar of Vijayanagar who dispatched his Guru,Vyaasa UDaiyaar, Gopaala UDaiyaar and Raghu UDaiyaar, after hearing both sides represented by the Saivaites and Uthamanambi Krishnaraayar. The boundary stones were laid by the matadhipatis along the track marked by Uthamanambi who ran from a four pillared maNDapa with two tiruvazhi stones on the southern bank of Kaaveri due east but making a deviation to leave the Jambuteertham on one side. He therefore came to be called Ellai nilai iTTa Uthamanambi.This incident took place in 1382 A.D. Even to this day the Uthamanambis and the authorities of the Vyaasaraya Mutt receive honours from the temple near the last street of Sreenivasanagar which is supposed to encircle the border marked by EllaiyiTTa Uthamanambi. KrishNaraaya also reconstructed the AanaiyeRRamaNDapa. He was the warden of the temple from 1383 to 1397 A.D. He was succeeded by VedaachaaryabhaTTar in 1397A.D. for four years. This period witnessed the total sidelining of the KandaaDaiyars who were prevented by VedaachaaryabhaTTar (also known as UddanDabhaTTar) even from exercising their traditional control over the UDaiyavar temple. This led to PeriyakrishNaraaya Uthamanambi becoming the disciple of a descendent of Periyanambi since the KandaaDaiyars, who were his acharyas, went away in exile.
Uthamanambi had a brother named Chakraraaya. Both are mentioned many times in the inscriptions of Devaraaya I and Devaraaya II (1406-1446A.D.) of Vijayanagar. Chakraraaya reestablished Chakravarthittirumagan, established SooDikkodutha naachiyaar in the same temple complex, installed KaaTTazhagiyaSingar in the jungle to the east of the town, Hanumaan and Lakshmi(Aravindanaayaki) in the main temple, the DaSaavatara deities in a temple on the south bank of Coleroon and had a huge idol of garuDa cast and installed in the Azhagiya maNavaaLan tirumaNDapam in the year Manmatha (1415A.D.). He also had the Bhoopathit tirunaaL celebrated and reinstalled the Varaahanayinaar idol which had been destroyed by the muslims. The AaryabhTTaaL gateway which had been damaged by fire at the time of the muslim invasion was also renovated by him.
MaNavaaLamaamunigaL, (1370 - 1443 A.D.) came to Sreerangam in 1425 A.D. and,donning the robes of a sanyasin, he occupied the mutt in the Thrivikraman enclosure where he expounded the puranas and the holy prabandhas every day. In 1432 A.D., in the month of AvaNi, the PerumaaL ordered him, through the mouth of a priest, to expound the prabandhas daily in the periyatirumaNDapam in His presence.
During the reign of Mallikaarjuna, surnamed ImmaaDi Devaraaya (1447-1465 A.D.), the grandson of Valaiyadimai iTTa (Periyakrishna Rayar) Uttamanambi, by name Tirumalai naathha Uttamanambi, stayed at the court of the Vijayanagar king and composed a work called Lakshmikaavya.This was the time when the SaaLuva king, Timmaraaja, grew in power. In 1461 A.D. Mallikaarjuna donated a copper flagstaff covered with gold plates. By 1472 A.D. the revenue collection had definitely passed into the hands of Timmaraaja alias Tirumalairaaja. He was the patron of the Tamil poets, IraTTaiyar and KaaLamekam. Tirumalainaatha Uthamanambi constructed the LakshminaaraayaNa temple on the banks of the Punnagateerthham. SaaLuva Tirumalairaaja also erected the TaTTaraivaasal through which Lord Ranganaathha started to pass on his way from the Paramapadavaasal to the thousand-pillared maNDapa during the raappathu festival. He also reconstructed the
northern gateway of the AalinaaDan enclosure.