III. The Muslim invasion: (1327 A.D.- 1372 A.D.)
There were actually two brothers called Periyaayi and Chinnaayi whose real names were: Periya Varadaacharyaar and Aiyan Raamaanujadaasan respectively. The latter carried the surname,VaadooladeSika. He reconstructed many gopuras, prakaras and maNDapas. His son was Tirukkopurattu nayinaar and his second son was SiddaNNar. He was succeeded by Sreerangaraaja VaadooladeSika in whose time a muslim invasion of the temple occurred in the year 1327 A.D. This was by Ulugh khan, the son and heir of Ghias-ud-din Tughlak, sultan of Delhi . He came to be called Mohammad bin Tughlak later. Sreerangaraaja VaadooladeSikar , on hearing about the advance of the invaders, placed the idol of AzhagiyamaNavaalapperumaaL in a palanquin and despatched PiLLailokaachaariaar along with a priest, two cooks and palanquin bearers southwards. He then caused a stone wall to be constructed at the Kulasekaran step and placed an idol in front of it.
The muslim invader entered the temple and occupied AzhagiyamaNavaaLan maNDapam after causing enormous destruction and damage.One of the managers of the temple, by name Singappiraan, befriended the occupying muslim general through a courtesan and saved the temple from total destruction.
Vedaanta deSika, who was also in Srirangam at the time of the Muslim invasion, composed a poem called Abheethistavah appealing to the Lord to eliminate the onslaught of the muslims and restore the glory of the temple.He repaired to Satyamangalam along with two sons of SudarSanabhaTTar, the author of SrutaprakaaSikaa, which was based on the lectures by NaDaadoor AmmaaL on Raamaanuja’s teachings.
In the meantime,the PerumaaL arrived at Jyotishkudi where PiLLailokaachaariaar breathed his last. The Lord then went on to Tirumaaliruncholai near Madurai where He stayed for a year. From there He went to KozhikkooDu in Kerala and thence to TirunaaraayaNapuram via Punganoor. Finally He arrived at TiruvenkaTam.
There were actually two brothers called Periyaayi and Chinnaayi whose real names were: Periya Varadaacharyaar and Aiyan Raamaanujadaasan respectively. The latter carried the surname,VaadooladeSika. He reconstructed many gopuras, prakaras and maNDapas. His son was Tirukkopurattu nayinaar and his second son was SiddaNNar. He was succeeded by Sreerangaraaja VaadooladeSika in whose time a muslim invasion of the temple occurred in the year 1327 A.D. This was by Ulugh khan, the son and heir of Ghias-ud-din Tughlak, sultan of Delhi . He came to be called Mohammad bin Tughlak later. Sreerangaraaja VaadooladeSikar , on hearing about the advance of the invaders, placed the idol of AzhagiyamaNavaalapperumaaL in a palanquin and despatched PiLLailokaachaariaar along with a priest, two cooks and palanquin bearers southwards. He then caused a stone wall to be constructed at the Kulasekaran step and placed an idol in front of it.
The muslim invader entered the temple and occupied AzhagiyamaNavaaLan maNDapam after causing enormous destruction and damage.One of the managers of the temple, by name Singappiraan, befriended the occupying muslim general through a courtesan and saved the temple from total destruction.
Vedaanta deSika, who was also in Srirangam at the time of the Muslim invasion, composed a poem called Abheethistavah appealing to the Lord to eliminate the onslaught of the muslims and restore the glory of the temple.He repaired to Satyamangalam along with two sons of SudarSanabhaTTar, the author of SrutaprakaaSikaa, which was based on the lectures by NaDaadoor AmmaaL on Raamaanuja’s teachings.
In the meantime,the PerumaaL arrived at Jyotishkudi where PiLLailokaachaariaar breathed his last. The Lord then went on to Tirumaaliruncholai near Madurai where He stayed for a year. From there He went to KozhikkooDu in Kerala and thence to TirunaaraayaNapuram via Punganoor. Finally He arrived at TiruvenkaTam.