Chi. Ravi said:-
' a mother she could continue her life with a fake Brahmin whose non-veg. preferences are beef and pork and who don't believe in Poonal (just imagine how that Brahmin girl from a strict Brahmin family must be feeling awkward about it)'
Sri. Ravi,
What is this 'fake brahmin' business? Visu was not involved in any vaidheega brahmin profession; he did not conduct thivasam, amavasya tharpanam or any vaidheega ceremony for others; he did not work as the sastri or gurukkal in any temple; he did not get any benefit claiming he was a brahmin; come to think of it, there is no mention in the story that he married Kalyani claiming he was an orthodex brahmin. How do we know Visu would not say "I was born in that caste, Sir! I had no desire to be called 'Brahmin' at any point in life. That caste name is stuck with me; not due to my fault! thank you!". Visu's behaviour as a 'brahmin' is not important in that story at all.
Sri Raghy ji,
Many of us are not involved in any vaidheega brahmin profession; many of us are not conducting thivasam, amavasya tharpanam or any vaidheega ceremony for others; many of us are not working as sastri or gurukkal in any temple. But still many of us living a Brahmin style of life following the principles to the best of our capacity and refraining ourself from taking non-veg.
I personally know at least 5 TB girlfriends of mine who married NB boys and the level of compromise is much higher. They were all in love and when you're in love everything is seen through rose-tinted view.
My friend has to cook chicken for her husband and thats no joke. Not when you've never eaten or cooked non-veg in your life. She does acknowledge now that love isn't everything and its very important to know exactly what one is in for. I suppose everything is a trade-off one way or another...
I personally know at least 5 TB girlfriends of mine who married NB boys and the level of compromise is much higher. They were all in love and when you're in love everything is seen through rose-tinted view.
My friend has to cook chicken for her husband and thats no joke. Not when you've never eaten or cooked non-veg in your life. She does acknowledge now that love isn't everything and its very important to know exactly what one is in for. I suppose everything is a trade-off one way or another...
My only stand is, today's Brahmin boys and Brahmin girls should not voluntarily fall into calculative love with NB's to escape from Brahmin bashing and for some other reasons....
But I strongly believe that, Brahmin boys and Brahmin girls should disclose their life style preferences and eating habits before getting into arrange marriage within the Brahmin community. This is the moral responsibility of every individual.
As Dr Ramanathan has remarked it could be a case of 'projection'.
Let us not forget these two extremes.
A good love worthy of its name has produced many invincible kings/emperors, great musicians, admirable scholars, poets non pareil, artistes of extra-ordinary talent et al.
On the other hand, a love that is cunning, self-centred and wicked lays a trap for the other innocent person. It has destroyed so many cities and empires, made some civilisations and races extinct, driven many billionaires to penury and insiginificance,
corrupted honest officials, encouraged bribery, theft and extravagance, produced the maximum number of lunatics in every part of the world and was a major cause for countless suicides and existence of fugues.
Why utilise love for cooking non veg and eating it?
A trade off in one's personal life will lead to loss of personal identity and self destruction.
A love that is so strong and positive, must be accommodative from either side, encourage deeper understanding, create happy and healthy families and finally
should not be out of frustration to see some hold in life.
A true love must not ditch the parents who raised us for more than 2 decades. If it cannot convince them and earn their well deserved blessings, it will make one wait for the right opportunity or moment in one's life.
A true love must not renounce one's culture, while embracing another.
A true love shall not ask for sacrifices of one side only.
Kunjuppuji : I'm surprised about your madisar clad aunt having to cook chicken for her husband. I totally agree that we as a community cannot continue to be insular anymore and if we do we risk alienating our youth (speaking as one of them) from our elders. Or maybe its the other way round?. I struggle with a lot of these issues and am continually torn apart with regards to personal morality, prejudice and being "liberal". Sometimes unknowing to me I differentiate on caste basis and then feel terribly guilty afterwards. Many times just feeling more comfortable with Brahmins makes me feel like I'm discriminating NB in some way.
. .
hi kunjuppu ji,pann,
not sure what your age is. also not sure whether you have ever been in true love any time.
i have not been fortunate to be in love.
but i have seen youths, boys & girls in love. they go crazy. it is all about giving. i have seen natural 'highs', the smile, the eyes shining and above all you can see the 'energy'!
i think, if you have ever been in love, you will not talk about love like this.
not ever been i love, i can relate to you. but my daughter who is in love, feels that you do not understand 'love'. but she is only 19![]()
I feel very sad to read the postings in this thread. It seems that the majority are arguing in favour of individual likings rather than on line with Brahmin principles. If each family can live their own way, there is no meaning in having a
It would be more fruitful if the website is used to uphold, preserve and propagate the community's tradition and values that are the collective wisdom of our ancestors rather than discussing people living contrary to the community's values in the name of individual freedom.
I cannot understand how a Brahmin girl brought up as vegetarian from birth can even touch meat, let alone cook meat for her husband out of so-called love.
Decades of Dravidian rule, specially the one headed by an atheist and anti-Brahmin (read also anti-Hindu) person had its impact on the younger generation. The cinema and TV predominantly owned and run by the same elements have aggravated the situation. There are some NB young boys who lure Brahmin girls into the fold with the inner motive of destroying the Brahmin community.
The majority of Brahmin girls usually do not attend to social gatherings such as literary meetings etc. Their only contact with outsiders are their work places. At home, they watch TV. The innocent Brahmin girls think every NB boy is a super-hero and fall as prey to the cunning NB boys. Later the girls realize their folly and some brave ones break the relationship and come out. Some others succumb and dance to the tune of her husband - may be some accept it as their fate.
I humbly request members to use the forums to propagate our community's centuries old traditions and values and instill on the minds of our younger generation the eternal happiness they would have by following our ancestors' collective wisdom.
Anyway, this is my opinion. I do not want to read about individual liberties, Brahmins taking to western life style, eating non-veg etc. in this website's forums and spoil my mind.