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Snigdha Nandipati is the winner of 2012 Scripps National Spelling Bee contest. She is the fifth consecutive Indian-American winner and 10th in the last 14 years.“It’s a miracle,” said Snigdha from San Diego, California, as she pipped fellow Indian American Stuti Mishra, 14, of West Melbourne, Florida, who stumbled over “schwarmerei”, German for extravagant enthusiasm, in the last round.Snigdha, an avid reader and coin collector who aspires to become a psychiatrist or neurosurgeon, gets $30,000 in cash, a trophy, a $2,500 savings bond, a $5,000 scholarship, $2,600 in reference works from the Encyclopaedia Britannica and an online language course.Snigdha plays violin and is fluent in Telugu. Her grandfather Mallikarjanrao Chalavadi, along with his wife travelled all the way from Hyderabad to support her.The teenager correctly spelled 'guetapens', French for ambush, to win the title.