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Why I Am Not A Hindu ?- Book Review

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Ever since Dr.Kancha Ilaiah’s book “Why I Am Not A Hindu”(1996 - Samya Calcutta) was published,he has become a celebrity for various Christian missionary, Islamist,Marxist and other hindu phobic groups.

He says (preface)"My request to brahmin, baniya and neo-kshatiya intellectuals is this:For about three thousand years you people learnt only how to teach and what to teach others– the Dalitbahujans.Now in your own interest and in the interest of this great country you must learn to listen and to read what we have to say.People who refuse to listen to new questions and learn new answers will perish and not prosper".

Lets analyse this book! This book blames every thing on Brahmins (Not *******), though he presents some valid points to us to sit and think and take a fresh stock on us. Lets introspect.

Critiques are most welcome!
that book says...

In the agnadheya, which was a preparatory rite preceding all public sacrifices, a cow was required to be killed.

Brahmanical religious texts such as Grhyasutras and Dharmasutras state that the killing of animals and eating of beef was very much de rigeur. The ceremony of guest reception (known as arghya in the Rigveda but generally as madhuparka in subsequent texts) consisted not only of a meal of a mixture of curds and honey but also of the flesh of a cow or bull.

Followers of Jain religion and a sect of Buddhists are known to propagate the teachings of non-violence and strictly avoid eating meat. But, the fact is that even their founders are said to have consumed meat. Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhist religion, is known to have eaten beef and pork. Vardhmana Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, is said to have consumed the meat of a cockerel
Kancha is a baiter. I do not consider him worthy of any discussion. Society has always been changing with times. Hindu faith is not that shallow to depend on written texts, rituals, words of any kind. Its a way of life and there are those that will follow that way, no matter what.
Actually, what Kancha says is " We should not identify spirituality with food habits..

A meat eater cannot be worth the spirituality compared to vegans. Thats one point which I like in Kancha.
After going through this post, I googled a bit and read of bit of what kancha essentially tries to say... it is hilarious...:pound: to say the least...

read this article under dalitnations..


hate-mongers like kancha are well supported and funded by christian missionaries... and that is probably why he has managed to voice his nonsense to this level...

I care two hoots for his theories... or his opinions...
Hey.. Im not here promoting Kancha Ilaiah.. All I'm saying is, if we have this attitude of 'I dont care', then others will start caring us.

Why not we attempt to disprove kancha.. I'm looking of intellectuals to share their views against him. No wonder it has become a Top selling book.
Dear Seshadri, I sincerely like Kancha's piont of Vegetarianism (though I hate his brahmin bashing) .. I think we should not identify Religion in terms of food habits..This has terribly divided the hindus.

here below is the clip from Kancha's writing..

We sacrifice buffalos and sprinkle the blood of the buffalos and cook them and eat them. We also drink toddy and sing and dance all night. Why should we dalits learn the classical music popularised by these brahmins. All their arts like bharatanatyan and classical music has only survived because of the Devadasis. The uncultured brahmins dont even know how to sing and dance properly and they call us uncultured. They offer bananas and coconuts to their gods but our gods need meat. Because our gods eat what we dalit bahujans eat. The barbaric brahmins wants to prevent us from sacrificing animals. They want to kill our culture. The brahmins dont know that they were also meat eaters 2000 years ago. They became vegetarian only to conquer Buddhists.
There are some things which should be opposed upfront and some, which should be dealt with in the course of time and in a different way...

The Dalit mentality is fuelled by christian missionaries... and no amount of discussion amongst ourselves would help it... neither would any explanation of the scriptures...

hate blinds...

Let us search for unity within ourselves first and then try to debunk any hate-monger's fantasies...
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Dear Seshadri, I sincerely like Kancha's piont of Vegetarianism (though I hate his brahmin bashing) .. I think we should not identify Religion in terms of food habits..This has terribly divided the hindus.

here below is the clip from Kancha's writing..

We sacrifice buffalos and sprinkle the blood of the buffalos and cook them and eat them. We also drink toddy and sing and dance all night. Why should we dalits learn the classical music popularised by these brahmins. All their arts like bharatanatyan and classical music has only survived because of the Devadasis. The uncultured brahmins dont even know how to sing and dance properly and they call us uncultured. They offer bananas and coconuts to their gods but our gods need meat. Because our gods eat what we dalit bahujans eat. The barbaric brahmins wants to prevent us from sacrificing animals. They want to kill our culture. The brahmins dont know that they were also meat eaters 2000 years ago. They became vegetarian only to conquer Buddhists.
First of all, I do not find sanity in this piece of his work...

He has made lots of assumptions, and name-calling as much as that suits his cause... how can such a theory be valid?

Let me tell you - brahmins are advocates of vegetarianism... but there are others in the varna strata who eat meat also... brahmins served kings who ate meat! if brahmins wanted to destroy all cultures which ate meat, then how did they serve kings...?

Also history is anybody's playground now with lots of speculations bouncing around... the more popular ones are the ones backed up by the christian groups...

And that brahmins ate meat is another speculation...
>>brahmins are advocates of vegetarianism... but there are others in the varna strata who eat meat also..>>

Dear Sheshadri, the problem of Vegetarianism is a identity crisis, and for sure it has divided Hindus. I have personally seen, during Corporate Banquets, some Sutra's intentionally publicly ask for Vegetarian food.. Its just to seek a false identity of Brahmin amonst the crowd.

The crux of the matter is, it has divided the hindus, and continues to be a matter of Identity crisis. Even Saiva Vellalars dont eat non-veg, but they claim tall in public as Veggy, just to get themselves identified as Brahmins are closer to Brahmins.. Thats something which I derived out of Kancha's writing.

Let me ask you this.. What will be the spiritual/philosophical problem we face, if we discard Vegetarianism?
I have read some of kancha's interviews. His basic stupidity, the way he speaks, and his absolute lack understanding of hindusim (except for parts that suit missionary work) is the reason that turns off people. It is really amazing that he is actually supposed to be a professor. I wonder if he teaches only to "reserved students" (bcoz i'd think normal students wud abandon their university admission and run away, atleast i wud have run away).
Shall we attempt to give a punching answer to Kancha in this Q&A clip..

REDIFF>>>>So, in your opinion, OBC Hindus do not believe in Hindu religious texts?

KANCHA says>>>OBC Hindus cannot believe in the religious texts for various reasons. Take Hindu religious texts like the Rig Veda and Bhagwad Gita. According to these books, the Sudras were born from the feet of God and the Brahmins from the head. So if we were born from the feet, how do we go towards the head, which belongs to the Brahmins?

I believe the Hindu religious texts are not divine. They did not come from God. Brahminical forces deliberately wrote these religious texts showing the entire Sudra community as their feet boys. This is a very dehumanising proposition. And the tragedy is there is no way that we, the lower caste people, can escape from the tyranny of the Brahmins.
>>brahmins are advocates of vegetarianism... but there are others in the varna strata who eat meat also..>>

Dear Sheshadri, the problem of Vegetarianism is a identity crisis, and for sure it has divided Hindus. I have personally seen, during Corporate Banquets, some Sutra's intentionally publicly ask for Vegetarian food.. Its just to seek a false identity of Brahmin amonst the crowd.

The crux of the matter is, it has divided the hindus, and continues to be a matter of Identity crisis. Even Saiva Vellalars dont eat non-veg, but they claim tall in public as Veggy, just to get themselves identified as Brahmins are closer to Brahmins.. Thats something which I derived out of Kancha's writing.

Let me ask you this.. What will be the spiritual/philosophical problem we face, if we discard Vegetarianism?
I do not understand how vegetarianism is an identity crisis!!! It is a person's logical choice...

by saying that it creates divisiveness, using "kancha logic", are you not destroying the culture of the brahmins?

There are many chettiars, naidus and pillais who do not eat meat - they have done it for generations... it is their belief and practice... nothing to do with aping a brahmin...

Sathwic - Rajasic - Tamasic: Food is divided into these main categories...

Sathwic nourishes the body, but does not stimulate the senses to sensual or other desires.. it is the ideal food for yogis, people who want to meditate, learn the scriptures etc... Items like onion, garlic etc were avoided... but today, a brahmin who is accustomed to life in the metro and abroad has included all vegetables in his diet... maybe more to the reason that spiritual progress is not being followed as it was in the olden days... Sathwic food does not include meat.

Rajasic adds the "murukku" or vigour, strength and is of the type such that the chemicals inducing passion are in high levels... that is why the name "Rajasic" - royal nature - arrogant but rich in nutrients etc... People can gain physical strength by eating such foods... but due to the richness and nature of such food, they might find it difficult to concentrate or meditate, as the natural body fluids would be in a state of alerted emotion...

Tamasic is the residual... flab, dullness, laziness, having the nature of blinding the senses... are typical results of such foods...

Now, brahmins choose sathwic food (am generalizing here)... nowadays, even some vegetarian rajasic food is also included... by instilling the values of vegetarianism, at least, knowingly or unknowingly, generations have prevented regression of their intellect...

How can such a practice divide?

Apart from the above, I have my own personal opinion:

=> Animals are unlike plants... they are living beings like us... and hence eating an animal is akin to eating a human...

=> Non-vegetarianism is similar to barbarism... killing, for them is relatively easy when compared to a vegetarian...

=> By taking the life of another conscious being purely for satisfying the cravings of the tongue, one is knowingly committing a sin...
The greatest tamasic food is the industrialized form of sugar. When people were consuming raw sugar (which still had molasses in it) and jagerry, they were not putting on so much weight. Now everyone is consuming mechanized or pure sugar everyday in some form or the other. So, how to classify food as rajasic, tamasic and sattvic in these times. If i were to buy a chocolate, it has milk (sattvik), sugar (tamasic), Cocoa butter (rajasic or sattvik ?), nuts (rajasic or sattvic ?)...we are only depending on what health effect an eatable produces, with basis on moderation of diet these days.

And yes i rambled about this since i refuse to speak about anything in reference to kancha. He is one of those very rare people i can't stand.
The greatest tamasic food is the industrialized form of sugar. When people were consuming raw sugar (which still had molasses in it) and jagerry, they were not putting on so much weight. Now everyone is consuming mechanized or pure sugar everyday in some form or the other. So, how to classify food as rajasic, tamasic and sattvic in these times. If i were to buy a chocolate, it has milk (sattvik), sugar (tamasic), Cocoa butter (rajasic or sattvik ?), nuts (rajasic or sattvic ?)...we are only depending on what health effect an eatable produces, with basis on moderation of diet these days.

And yes i rambled about this since i refuse to speak about anything in reference to kancha. He is one of those very rare people i can't stand.
All junk foods are either rajasic or tamasic in nature...

Even a drop of poison in a bucket of clear water nullifies the purity... so just because milk is present does not make a food sathvic!

Putting on weight is one of the considerations - ghee is sathvic, even though eating too much would cause physical difficulties... so, apart from classification, there should be some form of restraint, moderation...

The trend today is that vegetarians eat all classes of food... just that it should be vegetarian seems to be the norm today...
=> Non-vegetarianism is similar to barbarism... killing, for them is relatively easy when compared to a vegetarian...

=> By taking the life of another conscious being purely for satisfying the cravings of the tongue, one is knowingly committing a sin...

Perfectly said.

In those times people were also consuming non-veg for lack of availability of other forms of food. These days non-veg has become a passion.

The craving of the tongue is very dangerous indeed. And its difficult to control too :der:
>>>=> Animals are unlike plants... they are living beings like us... and hence eating an animal is akin to eating a human...

I think we should add egg in to Vegetarianism. Its same like a plant and the embryo has no sense. If you really care for egg as killing, then we also should work out to enact a law in India to ban 'Abortion' even if its one month old pregnancy..

=> By taking the life of another conscious being purely for satisfying the cravings of the tongue, one is knowingly committing a sin...

First of all remember, there is no 'Sin' as per vedas.. Its all Karma and Maya. But then I have a serious doubt.. How can an animal which has no idea about good/bad deeds,clear its Karmic debts...A tiger cannot do good deeds right!! And it has to kill.. So when it will get elevated to Brahmin and subsequently BrahmAn?
I do not understand how vegetarianism is an identity crisis!
I do not understand how vegetarianism is an identity crisis!!! It is a person's logical choice..

Dear Seshadri,

look at the 2 statement of yours. Lets think practically.. In general, Vegetarians are identified as Brahmins. If someone declares in public, 'Im a PureVeg', symbolically its identified as Brahmin. Even in other castes there some Vegans, who still feels elated over their nearest Varna rank...Its safe to conclude,Vegetarianism has a high Social Index in India.

My point here is, this vegetarianism is for sure dividing the hindus. A veggie dont like a non-veggy, rather, distances him, inspite of both being hindus..

Please ponder it out..And Im sure, just because someone is eating egg, he is not going to loose spirituality, nor that, Shiva is going to distance away. After all, all gods are Kshatriyas,who ate meat too.

Seeking your Vedic/social blended answer..Thanks
I think we should add egg in to Vegetarianism. Its same like a plant and the embryo has no sense. If you really care for egg as killing, then we also should work out to enact a law in India to ban 'Abortion' even if its one month old pregnancy..
There are two types of eggs - fertilized and unfertilized... the fertilized egg develops into a chick and hence it is a non veg item... the unfertilized egg does not develop... it is only a mass of proteins and nutrients and hence it may be construed as vegetarian...

Yes, abortion should be banned, unless otherwise for medical exigencies...

First of all remember, there is no 'Sin' as per vedas.. Its all Karma and Maya. But then I have a serious doubt.. How can an animal which has no idea about good/bad deeds,clear its Karmic debts...A tiger cannot do good deeds right!! And it has to kill.. So when it will get elevated to Brahmin and subsequently BrahmAn?
Yes, there is no sin... but then, do we follow that now?

When there is no sin, where is the concept of good or bad? It is all a relative experience...

What we perceive is what we attain - this is the essence...
There are two types of eggs - fertilized and unfertilized... the fertilized egg develops into a chick and hence it is a non veg item... the unfertilized egg does not develop... it is only a mass of proteins and nutrients and hence it may be construed as vegetarian.

This is a circumstancial answer, and has no vedic/hindu touch. If so let me ask you this.. The seeds of plants do have a life and future too.. Then we should stop plants too. With your logic of unfertilized egg, then you should be ok with, if someone eats the 'Dead Animal of old age.. I think ur contradicting here.

Secondly, you havent educated me about 'How animals could move to a higher level of reincarnation, when they themselves dont know what they are doing. How can a tiger become a human by karma.. How they can do good deeds to do good karma..Please share with me in practical sense.. Thanks
Dear Seshadri,

look at the 2 statement of yours. Lets think practically.. In general, Vegetarians are identified as Brahmins. If someone declares in public, 'Im a PureVeg', symbolically its identified as Brahmin. Even in other castes there some Vegans, who still feels elated over their nearest Varna rank...Its safe to conclude,Vegetarianism has a high Social Index in India.

My point here is, this vegetarianism is for sure dividing the hindus. A veggie dont like a non-veggy, rather, distances him, inspite of both being hindus..

Please ponder it out..And Im sure, just because someone is eating egg, he is not going to loose spirituality, nor that, Shiva is going to distance away. After all, all gods are Kshatriyas,who ate meat too.

Seeking your Vedic/social blended answer..Thanks
If a person feels himself inferior just because somebody perceives him to be so, then it is really pathetic...

The highlighted para - you are combining different thoughts here... the practice of vegetarianism is a method which has evolved to keep the mind and body pure... it does not say that gods favour only those who eat veg...

Being normal athmas, those who abstain from eating meat probably refrain from the company of non vegans, probably for the reason that too much of an opposite company would result in indulgence... it does not mean that one dislikes the other...

Let us say that a group of people are doing drugs - would any parent allow their son to mingle with them? Look at it from this angle...

You seem to be confusing between customs, relative perceptions and spirituallity...

Another alternative - If you dont want divisiveness (as per your perception), why not every hindu turn into vegetarians?

Vedic/social blended answer??? I have no idea what you mean, in the context of this thread...
This is a circumstancial answer, and has no vedic/hindu touch. If so let me ask you this.. The seeds of plants do have a life and future too.. Then we should stop plants too. With your logic of unfertilized egg, then you should be ok with, if someone eats the 'Dead Animal of old age.. I think ur contradicting here.

Secondly, you havent educated me about 'How animals could move to a higher level of reincarnation, when they themselves dont know what they are doing. How can a tiger become a human by karma.. How they can do good deeds to do good karma..Please share with me in practical sense.. Thanks
Yes, in a sense, all beings feed on one another for sustenance... but then why do we stop with animals, why not humans? Can you answer that?

I think I answered your second para in the other post... just reflect on it...

btw, what is the vedic/hindu touch???
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