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why has it become fashionable to Blame India first?

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That is the route to filling stomach for some. Because there is nothing worthwhil or good in their chosen path, only abuse will earn their livelihood. What can one expect from evr sishyas?
My dear brother sarang, who are you talking about here? Only K and Sangom sir have actively participated in this thread. As far as I can tell, neither of them earn their livelihood through what you call "abuse".

If you are talking about politicians in TN, then it would have been better to say so clearly. This kind of harsh criticism directed in general terms at those you disagree with, promotes ill will.

In a different thread there are suggestions that if they get irritated with uppity atheists, then they like to shoot them as fast as they can. Is this the kind of exchanges we want to have here? What is ironic, as they say they want to shoot the atheists, they also proclaim anbe sivam!!!

Why can't we disagree agreeably? There is no call for tearing people down.

Cheers my brother....

Your post #25:

Though I am not a sishya of any one I am critical of EVR for his views and his antics and attitude towards brahmins. I am sure you will agree that I have a right to have my views. When my views are contrary to your views I try to understand the basis/logic of your views so that I can either change my views or get a validation that I am right. I think Sarang also has a right to his views. There is no justification to heckle him. Now coming to your post I have this to tell you:

What I have been saying is factual based, and truth. Albeit unfavoursome and bad tasting truth.We all wish to believe that there is a hunky dory sweet smelling world out there, which is in awe of the Brahmins of tamil nadu, and who looks up to us for leadership, and we would like to think that we are the epitome of hard work, honesty and piety, and whose sweet smell of success was hydrogen sulphide to periyar and his followers who managed to turn the entire tamil community against us.

You may think that whatever you say is the truth irrespective of whether they are tasting bad or sweet but I do not think so. The world is indeed sweet smelling out there. It would be miserable only if you make it miserable. No brahmin is under the illusion that the world is in awe of the tabras. Yes, by and large we are hardworking, honest and pious. Otherwise it would not have been possible to come to the level where we are despite heavy odds-you know what these odds were/are. Now EVR comes into the picture because you are bringing him in. Because EVR cunningly whipped up passions of people against brahmins(a micro minority among tamils) they can not show any respect to him. In history next to Hitler he was the one who successfully sold the opiate of hatred to people. You can never wipe out this fact, however hard you may try. He had a pathological hatred towards all brahmins and so he preached a peculiar brand of atheism. For him "brahmins are pujaris in temples, I hate brahmins so temples and religion are also to be hated" was the simple logic.To this simple convoluted logic many others can be added like 1. I hate brahmins and I want the support of Tamils so brahmins are not tamils. 2. Brahmins are well versed in Tamil as well as Sanskrit and so brahmins came from north through the khyber pass and they are not tamils at all etc etc. If you expect that brahmins have to accept EVR as a revolutionary first in order to progress in their journey towards amicable relations with others your case is a hopeless non-starter.
We can dig a hole and hide our face there, and proclaim the whole world is dark. Or keep our eyes and ears open to what is happening outside, analyze and introspect, and atleast come up with solutions.

We are not living in any such fool's paradise. We are a community which is modern which is mature and having a indomitable spirit. We survive well despite a hostile environment. Like every community we too have poverty and ignorance in our midst but to a lesser extent.

Folks who have been against me, are against me personally. Nobody has found fault with what I have said, because what I say is the truth, as what is happening to our tambram society.

Kunjuppu, I have nothing against you. Just as you put across your views forcefully, I too try to do the same. I do find fault with what you say in this subject. You say that you are speaking the truth. It is not the truth. It is not as if we have a very serious identity crisis in our hand and do not know what to do about it. We, at least here in India, live peacefully and happily as a community keeping our culture and values in tact. Only when some one(either a brahmin or a NB) says that we owe it to the magnanimity/largeheartedness/ maturity of EVR and his followers we have to retort "please go and hang." The prefix 'please' is because we are satvic!!!

I simply call a spade, ‘a spade’, and much as I have hesitations in typing out many a hard hitting post, I feel, in some manner or the other, in my own way, I try to help out may be some folk out there, who is caught in the rut of prejudice and feels the whole world done him wrong, for being born a tambram

You can call a spade a spade as long as you recognize others right to call a spade a spade. Your post is adequately hard-hitting. I would venture to say that you too have your own prejudices, my dear friend. I am proud of my cultural values and I do negotiate my way through this world successfully while retaining them in tact. I have no grievances against any one though I am a brahmin and I have come up in life the hard way.

Why don’t you and folks who like your posts against me, come up with suggestions? I have asked you so many times, ‘come up with ideas” to resolve issues. – issues like not finding brides for our guys, helping out poor tambrams or improving our image in tamil community or enriching our faith with doing away with time worn useless process and rituals and reinventing it to be in line with 21st century values.

1. finding brides for our guys-I do not understand as to what do you expect here. It is an issue of population mismatch of genders in the 'marriageable' age. The present generation is not averse to having a female child as the earlier generation used to be. Times are changing. In other communities there was gender bias to such an extent that girl children were used to be killed with cactus juice immediately after birth. I am happy and proud that my community did not have any such drastic solutions for the problem. People are finding ways to get over this problem.

2.Helping our poor tambrams-I think there is very good awareness in this area and there many service organizations in field helping people out. I am very reluctant to put here anything which will remotely resemble bragging but I would like to say I am actively participating in such efforts by contributing substantially as I am in a position to do that-by god's grace. I find there are many well to do people who do this quietly.

3. doing away with time worn useless rituals-I think time has its own way of dealing with this. You are, if I may say that, only impatient. I would prefer not to rock the boat too violently.

Why no response from you and your sishyas, for such queries, along a positive mode? why is it always complaints? always suspicions against minorities - they are part of india and are not going to go away? against MNCs, who again have to be managed, and not rid off- managed to india's benefit, like the way china did...and so on..

I do not know what you are going call my response. Positive or negative. The minorities are certainly part of India. They can not be wished away either. But they can not be made pawns in the political games of politicians. People who are politically aware will certainly oppose it. MNCs are welcome because they bring jobs and investment with them. But they can not dump harmful techologies into INdia or use Indians as guinea pigs (remember Union Carbide's Bhopal tragedy and BIT Tomato). I oppose an MNC when it brings death and destruction to my people-not because I am a brahmin but because I am an INDIAN. I am not overawed by China or its progress. We too are progressing in our own way at our own measured pace.

Hope you would still consider me as a friend after reading this.

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dear suraju,

you know very well your last statement was unfounded and unwarranted :)

ideally, i like everyone who disagrees with me, even close to 100% like you do, to have a relationship like us.

to me, it is one of affection and mutual regard.

even within a family so many disagreements exists, but do we hate each other? why cannot we just extend it here, and consider this our vasudeva kutumabam forum?

nara's post #26 here shows the exact tone of my feeling towards sarang's posts. i have great respect for sarang, and what i find disappointing is that he has consistently name called me with a vehemance, for which there is no need. and he has his group 'chillam kottra chelas' here who 'like' his posts especially relevance to 'brahmin basher' like me. have i ever used epithets on people?

i am strong on my points, and i think, they can stand alone by themselves, without resorting to name calling. even prolific posters of other threads has used the term 'brahmin basher', and i still talk to them, 'like' their posts,because i think, we should all rise above petty scuffles, and set an example of a high quality forum, where we set examples, by our elegance and courtesy - IN DISAGREEMENT. why resort to innuendo name calling? dont address the person. address the issues.

this is what i strive for, and i find most of the participants most of the time live within this code. we have an occassional hysteria or commission, and i am as guilty as anyone for these. but i am talking of consistently 'fish market language', and this in no way, a reflection on the fish market folks, whom i think are a bunch of decent honest folks :).

you, dear suraju, and i, as long as you are willing and able, will be my dear friend. it is my treasure to posses such. :)


ps. periyar is despicable for many folks, here and outside.. i use him selectively for certain social values. today periyar is a passe. we have moved on...i thinkso anyway..
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periyar is despicable for many folks, here and outside.. i use him selectively for certain social values. today periyar is a passe. we have moved on...i thinkso anyway.

I wrote this in my post and people got upset and threatened to take me to the principle's office. Surprisingly people have selective memory.
An anti-India person is deplorable, and some other chosen words.
I wrote this in my post and people got upset and threatened to take me to the principle's office. Surprisingly people have selective memory.
An anti-India person is deplorable, and some other chosen words.

who is an 'anti india' person in your terminology.

in late 1960s, anyone who criticised the dmk, was termed 'thamizh dhrohi' by them.

if we bring out the evils of caste and how it has warped our minds, we are called brahmin bashers. compare please, our hindu attitudes in the usa to that of india. do you think your children will be able to relate to their casteist cousins in india? are they not embarassed when naked display of caste prejudice is practised. that too unapologetically.

atleast folks living outside should, i think, due to their own minority status, understand the handicap that one has to endure due to what is termed 'as wrong birth' in a society.
Of late, I find a tendency on the part of many participating members to "shoot in the air". Their posts are harsh, critical, carry innuendos aimed against some imaginary opponent/s but they are not bold enough to address their posts to anyone.

I feel there is no need for such 'hide-and-seek'. By our discussion of 'god exists', 'did hindus cremate or bury their dead', 'how to make our kids go to temples regularly' or 'why India is always blamed (by Indians, ostensibly)', etc., nothing is going to change; what we do here is at best exchange of information and, may be some amount of knowledge, and the forum incidentally provides to us a venue to show (off, if we so want it) our knowledge on some subject matters/topics, that is all. Should we take it any more seriously than this?

Let us all think seriously.

who is an 'anti india' person in your terminology.

in late 1960s, anyone who criticised the dmk, was termed 'thamizh dhrohi' by them.

if we bring out the evils of caste and how it has warped our minds, we are called brahmin bashers. compare please, our hindu attitudes in the usa to that of india. do you think your children will be able to relate to their casteist cousins in india? are they not embarassed when naked display of caste prejudice is practised. that too unapologetically.

atleast folks living outside should, i think, due to their own minority status, understand the handicap that one has to endure due to what is termed 'as wrong birth' in a society.

Any body who wants to break up India for their political purpose, is ANTI_INDIA.
Every thread is not CASTE based. Why does have to degenerate to that.
The original post had no caste politics.
Like Mr. Sangom pointed out the word "Kashmiri Pandit" refers to all Hindus and is not really a Caste.
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Dear Shri Kunkuppu,
refer post #25 and #28
I too am no Shishya of any out here, but I reply because there is a common thread of information exchange or conflict out here.
I find some of the words that you use to describe others or how you portriat them to be downright filthy such as this:
epitome of hard work, honesty and piety, and whose sweet smell of success was hydrogen sulphide to periyar and his followers
or this remark you made in another post
to prick a pin into the asses of those pompous baloons, and hear the fart, loud and clear.
You want the freedom to perform any act, make any absurd statement and want the luxury of blaming it on what you dislike in whatever language you
choose or whatever style you prefer, but when something is pointed back you want to yell and drag the family and their Parents about whom you know nothing about.
Even if Sri Sangom pleads
Should we take it any more seriously than this?
this is serious. There has to be some decorum managing and responding in the forum.
If people like your post, you feel the content is divine and revealing, but if the same happens to others, you wriggle and call them
'chillam kottra chelas'
and in the same thread don't hesitate to ask:
why resort to innuendo name calling?
This is amazing.
I see something on the following line from you and many others very often:
We can dig a hole and hide our face there, and proclaim the whole world is dark. Or keep our eyes and ears open to what is happening outside, analyze and introspect, and atleast come up with solutions.
First, I think this is a statement made out of an assumption that there are a bunch of Idiots out here. And secondly, you want to hurriedly don the mantle of being the crusader or champion without a check. On the one hand you want to speak ill of them. At the same time you want recognition and consideration that you are offering a helping hand or finding real solutions. And the only formula you have to offer (which doesnt automatically turn into a solution) is - abandom the Brahmin thought.
Any body who wants to break up India for their political purpose, is ANTI_INDIA.
Every thread is not CASTE based. Why does have to degenerate to that.
The original post had no caste politics.
Like Mr. Sangom pointed out the word "Kashmiri Pandit" refers to all Hindus and is not really a Caste.

Shri Prasad,

If we are considering the point of "breaking up India", permit me to say, the first and foremost culprit will be M.K. Gandhi. It was his adamantine attitude towards not mixing his hindu religious outpourings and political views in the same venue which was the primary reason for the then politically influential Ali brothers breaking up with him and supporting Jinnah. (This is a point I read in some book long ago, but I have forgotten the details of the book.)

Right from Independence our successive governments have been having a lackadaisical attitude about protecting our borders. The problem, to my uninformed mind, was the assumed (past) glory and greatness of India in some imaginary past for which we have no pragmatic evidence. Right from Nehru perhaps this "maayaa" was deluding our leaders, I think. Hence the Kashmir problem (which VKK Menon thought he could win by his speech of marathon proportion but seems to have bored and antagonised many votes against India.) and the hindi-chini bhai bhai syndrome which the chinese deftly made use of to grab thousands of square miles of territory from India.

Indira Gandhi, despite all the negative points attributed to her, including the National Emergency, was the only national leader who had some amount of pragmatism and paved the way for annexation of Sikkim to India.

Thereafter, the successive governments have been all lame and incapable of anything more than ensuring their own full tenure and aggrandisements. Naturally, therefore, least attention has been paid to natinal borders and their safeguard.

In the above scenario, why should we blame anyone who says the obvious to a weak fellow, "cede and then manage well at least what little is left with you."

You know that this is not correct.

What I have been saying is factual based, and truth. Albeit unfavoursome and bad tasting truth.

We all wish to believe that there is a hunky dory sweet smelling world out there, which is in awe of the Brahmins of tamil nadu, and who looks up to us for leadership, and we would like to think that we are the epitome of hard work, honesty and piety, and whose sweet smell of success was hydrogen sulphide to periyar and his followers who managed to turn the entire tamil community against us.

We can dig a hole and hide our face there, and proclaim the whole world is dark. Or keep our eyes and ears open to what is happening outside, analyze and introspect, and atleast come up with solutions.

Folks who have been against me, are against me personally. Nobody has found fault with what I have said, because what I say is the truth, as what is happening to our tambram society.

I simply call a spade, ‘a spade’, and much as I have hesitations in typing out many a hard hitting post, I feel, in some manner or the other, in my own way, I try to help out may be some folk out there, who is caught in the rut of prejudice and feels the whole world done him wrong, for being born a tambram.

Why don’t you and folks who like your posts against me, come up with suggestions? I have asked you so many times, ‘come up with ideas” to resolve issues. – issues like not finding brides for our guys, helping out poor tambrams or improving our image in tamil community or enriching our faith with doing away with time worn useless process and rituals and reinventing it to be in line with 21st century values.

Why no response from you and your sishyas, for such queries, along a positive mode? why is it always complaints? always suspicions against minorities - they are part of india and are not going to go away? against MNCs, who again have to be managed, and not rid off- managed to india's benefit, like the way china did...and so on..

Dear Sri.Kunjuppu, Greetings.

Your comments about brahmin community across the board is not fair. Most if not all the brahmins in Tamil Nadu and in India knows exactly where they stand. I don't witness any illusions or delusions from them. The youngsters are so much used to the resrvation system, they are not even bothered about it anymore; they don't have any hostility towards any NB community for the unfair lost opportunities due to reservation system. Whether you like it or not, they are a matured community of youngsters readily extending friendship to all castes. I was there, I witnessed it.

You are still talking about the yester year practices of 'othippo', which was not even followed by everyone anyway (Not in my family. Not that my grandmother or mothe went around hugging everyone; but none of them made a big deal in the proximity of a NB and/or Harijan. Sometimes, I wonder if you are burying your head in the sands of yeater years, not willing to see the community as it is in 2011. I am only talking about majority 'Tamil Brahmin community' only, please.

You were comfortable to say you liked EVR so much as to say EVR desreves 'sainthood'; You were comfortable to call EVR as a 'leader'; I don't see why you should get upset if someone suggested you as EVR's sishya? If you consider EVR as a leader, then you would automatically be consider yourself as an EVR follower. EVR is known for the hatred he had against the brahmin community; it is only natural to expect a similar attitude from you too. There is no need for you to get upset about that.

Shri Prasad,

If we are considering the point of "breaking up India", permit me to say, the first and foremost culprit will be M.K. Gandhi. It was his adamantine attitude towards not mixing his hindu religious outpourings and political views in the same venue which was the primary reason for the then politically influential Ali brothers breaking up with him and supporting Jinnah. (This is a point I read in some book long ago, but I have forgotten the details of the book.)

Right from Independence our successive governments have been having a lackadaisical attitude about protecting our borders. The problem, to my uninformed mind, was the assumed (past) glory and greatness of India in some imaginary past for which we have no pragmatic evidence. Right from Nehru perhaps this "maayaa" was deluding our leaders, I think. Hence the Kashmir problem (which VKK Menon thought he could win by his speech of marathon proportion but seems to have bored and antagonised many votes against India.) and the hindi-chini bhai bhai syndrome which the chinese deftly made use of to grab thousands of square miles of territory from India.

Indira Gandhi, despite all the negative points attributed to her, including the National Emergency, was the only national leader who had some amount of pragmatism and paved the way for annexation of Sikkim to India.

Thereafter, the successive governments have been all lame and incapable of anything more than ensuring their own full tenure and aggrandisements. Naturally, therefore, least attention has been paid to natinal borders and their safeguard.

In the above scenario, why should we blame anyone who says the obvious to a weak fellow, "cede and then manage well at least what little is left with you."

Sir, I have no idea what your talking about. In my book you do not go insulting Gandhiji.
One has to be too highly evolved to do that. I am sorry. It is like daksh insulting Shiva.
I hope you are not trying to equate Gandhiji with Bhinderwal.

I have issue with Indian and PIO's insulting Indians as a group in a mixed setting or open forum.
One should not think of themselves as superior or holier, to all other Indians or any other group.

Similarly I do not have problem in criticizing a practice as opposed to blaming it on a group of people, and then criticizing then entire community.

I also feel that some people here can not appreciate any achievement by people of Indian origin, or Indian companies. Please dont ask me to name them for you.

Just because you do not not like the independence won for India by the sacrifice of some great patriots, I would not go and vilify them.

I do not mean to lecture, but you asked for my explanation.
Sir, I have no idea what your talking about. In my book you do not go insulting Gandhiji.
One has to be too highly evolved to do that. I am sorry. It is like daksh insulting Shiva.
I hope you are not trying to equate Gandhiji with Bhinderwal.

I have issue with Indian and PIO's insulting Indians as a group in a mixed setting or open forum.
One should not think of themselves as superior or holier, to all other Indians or any other group.

Similarly I do not have problem in criticizing a practice as opposed to blaming it on a group of people, and then criticizing then entire community.

I also feel that some people here can not appreciate any achievement by people of Indian origin, or Indian companies. Please dont ask me to name them for you.

Just because you do not not like the independence won for India by the sacrifice of some great patriots, I would not go and vilify them.

I do not mean to lecture, but you asked for my explanation.

I think when you say "Just because you do not not like the independence won for India by the sacrifice of some great patriots, I would not go and vilify them." you are going beyond the limits of decorum. On what basis do you say so?
I think when you say "Just because you do not not like the independence won for India by the sacrifice of some great patriots, I would not go and vilify them." you are going beyond the limits of decorum. On what basis do you say so?

There you go again, getting upset, when I draw conclusion from your post.
I did not insult your judgement, I just beg to differ from you. I do not know the circumstances at the time of Independence. If they had to take some decision based on the circumstance, prevailing at that time, how can we be the Monday morning quarterback to analyse it on hindsight.

You criticized Gandhiji, for what ever he had to do at the time of India's independence. So may be you could have done better than that.
So my conclusion was you do not like the type of Independence won by Gandhiji. You can show this post to any independent arbitrator, there was no personal malice intended.
Dear Sri.Kunjuppu, Greetings.

Your comments about brahmin community across the board is not fair. Most if not all the brahmins in Tamil Nadu and in India knows exactly where they stand. I don't witness any illusions or delusions from them. The youngsters are so much used to the resrvation system, they are not even bothered about it anymore; they don't have any hostility towards any NB community for the unfair lost opportunities due to reservation system. Whether you like it or not, they are a matured community of youngsters readily extending friendship to all castes. I was there, I witnessed it.

You are still talking about the yester year practices of 'othippo', which was not even followed by everyone anyway (Not in my family. Not that my grandmother or mothe went around hugging everyone; but none of them made a big deal in the proximity of a NB and/or Harijan. Sometimes, I wonder if you are burying your head in the sands of yeater years, not willing to see the community as it is in 2011. I am only talking about majority 'Tamil Brahmin community' only, please.

You were comfortable to say you liked EVR so much as to say EVR desreves 'sainthood'; You were comfortable to call EVR as a 'leader'; I don't see why you should get upset if someone suggested you as EVR's sishya? If you consider EVR as a leader, then you would automatically be consider yourself as an EVR follower. EVR is known for the hatred he had against the brahmin community; it is only natural to expect a similar attitude from you too. There is no need for you to get upset about that.


I fully agree with you.
Sometimes if you keep insulting the majority community for no fault of theirs, sometimes they do strike back.
It hurts the feeling of the majority of people here, when the whole community is blamed for some obscure practice of few individual some ages ago.
There you go again, getting upset, when I draw conclusion from your post.
I did not insult your judgement, I just beg to differ from you. I do not know the circumstances at the time of Independence. If they had to take some decision based on the circumstance, prevailing at that time, how can we be the Monday morning quarterback to analyse it on hindsight.

You criticized Gandhiji, for what ever he had to do at the time of India's independence. So may be you could have done better than that.
So my conclusion was you do not like the type of Independence won by Gandhiji. You can show this post to any independent arbitrator, there was no personal malice intended.


if i may intervene.

an understanding of history of indian independence struggle starting from 1900s, through world war 1, with the khilafat movement, why congress supported germany during world war 1 (because turkey was on the side of germany)..etc..and also the roundtable conference that gandhi attended in london, the cripps mission, the attitude of the princely states, the congress internal politics, gandihi's unique mixing of religion/politics/'mystic' practices, all contributed to a eclectic mix of influences that ultimately ended the british rule in india and two nations got borned.

the way shri sangom is alluding to one such instance, which made perfect sense to me. only because i feel i am familiar with some of that history. sangom was not criticising gandhiji. only commenting on one of the incidents, in the ever changing scenario, our independence movement provided.

to give another example, periyar, how he changed from a religious ardent congressman, to a reformist, who toyed with the idea of an independent dravida nadu - anethma to most brahmins, but still makes interesting reading. why would one go from one extreme to another? what experiences made him do that? had rajaji or vaidyanatha iyer behaved a little differently towards periyar in his plea for accommodation of NBs, would history have been different? would periyar still have fanned the intense anti brahmin feeling then?

all these are interesting conversation pieces. just to mention it, does not mean any insult meant. incidents have happened,many unsavoury. if we understand it, we can prevent such happening again. otherwise we are bound to repeat history's mistakes and suffer its consequences. again.

There you go again, getting upset, when I draw conclusion from your post.
I did not insult your judgement, I just beg to differ from you. I do not know the circumstances at the time of Independence. If they had to take some decision based on the circumstance, prevailing at that time, how can we be the Monday morning quarterback to analyse it on hindsight.

You criticized Gandhiji, for what ever he had to do at the time of India's independence. So may be you could have done better than that.
So my conclusion was you do not like the type of Independence won by Gandhiji. You can show this post to any independent arbitrator, there was no personal malice intended.

Dear Sri. Prasad, greetings.

With due respect to your opinion and feelings, I also think Gandhi had a hand in the partition of India. It was very sad, he assured the Hindus in Sindh province that the partion would not take place; 'over my dead body' he said. But did nothing to stop it. Result? Few million dead across the borders. His support for 'Khalifat movement' was not very strategic.
Dear Sri. Prasad, greetings.

With due respect to your opinion and feelings, I also think Gandhi had a hand in the partition of India. It was very sad, he assured the Hindus in Sindh province that the partion would not take place; 'over my dead body' he said. But did nothing to stop it. Result? Few million dead across the borders. His support for 'Khalifat movement' was not very strategic.

I have no argument with your point. I am not sure what all promises Gandhiji did not keep. If I have to list out the promises that I could not fulfill, this post would not have any space.

In politics you can not achieve everything you promise before election. Was Gandhiji, the God, definitely not, was a better human being than the average, of course he was.

Even Rama had to hide behind a tree to kill Vali.

According to the Gospel of John, the Pharisees, in an attempt to discredit Jesus, brought a woman charged with adultery before him. Then they reminded Jesus that adultery was punishable by stoning under Mosaic law and challenged him to judge the woman so that they might then accuse him of disobeying the law. Jesus thought for a moment and then replied, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.” The people crowded around him were so touched by their own consciences that they departed.
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Your post #30:

if we bring out the evils of caste and how it has warped our minds, we are called brahmin bashers. compare please, our hindu attitudes in the usa to that of india. do you think your children will be able to relate to their casteist cousins in india? are they not embarassed when naked display of caste prejudice is practised. that too unapologetically.

Caste is a "given situation" in which we are all born in India. So instead of trying to eradicate castes (which appears to be next to impossible) can we try to do away with the casteist discrimination? I think that is what is practical and is possible. Once we move away from the castes and the so called brahmin bashing (the 'kola veri' is so tempting that many of us are not able to resist it) we can look at casteism as an ill of the society like the Sati which existed in the pre-independence days. This is not an attempt at clever manipulation or escapism and there is sufficient logic, reason and need for going for this paradigm shift. Some of the reasons why we should shift our focus are:1. Caste is a peculiar social practice of the hindu society from the distant past and all the different castes in the society, for some reason which is not clear as yet, had a role in sustaining the practice. Once we accept this truth the internecine fight among us to find a scape goat and blame it will end instantly. 2. The blame game has been going on(with the politicians cheering up and exploiting it to the hilt) for such a long time that it has already sapped the tamil society's energy. At best what has been achieved is that we have hanged the brahmins again and again without a due trial in our emotionally surcharged court of justice. They deserve a reprieve because it is a fact that the society as a whole was and is responsible for the atrocities and discriminations committed in the name of castes. 3. Discrimination in whatever garb is to be fought as it is a violation of basic human right. So looking at it as a human right violation will be appropriate instead of looking at it as a brahmin engineered, dharmashastras generated demon.

atleast folks living outside should, i think, due to their own minority status, understand the handicap that one has to endure due to what is termed 'as wrong birth' in a society.

[h=3]Now we come to the remaining question: Then what is caste? Besides being a given condition what is it that keeps it alive and immune? I think there are adequate info on this and we can take it only if we are open(for a moment unlearning whatever we have learnt/imbibed so far) to fresh ideas which are completely at variance with our entrenched prejudices.[/h][h=3][/h][h=3]There is scientific evidence to conclude that culture strongly impinges on human genes and influence them as a part of evolution.(Please refer to[/h][h=3]The Evolution of Social Stratification by Robert Boyd (BEC) — UCLA ...www.anthro.ucla.edu/BECtreynor[/h]Behavior, Evolution and Culture (BEC) Mondays 12-1:30 PM Anthropology Reading Room.

[h=3]Boyd: 'How culture transformed human evolution' | ASU News[/h]asunews.asu.edu/20100914_boyd
15 Sep 2010 – "Culture is an essential part of the human adaptation," wrote Robert Boyd, a UCLA anthropologist slated to present a lecture

[h=3]The Evolution of Social Stratification by Robert Boyd (BEC) — UCLA ...[/h]www.anthro.ucla.edu/BECtreynor
Behavior, Evolution and Culture (BEC) Mondays 12-1:30 PM Anthropology Reading Room.

I understand there is a group in Japan or Korea which has also been doing research in this area. Long back I had the opportunity to read a paper submitted on this topic by them. I have lost track of it and am unable to recall it from my memory/ knowledge base/archive.

If we accept this scientifically proved fact, we can move to the next logical deduction that some groups of human beings living in the sub-continent , at some point of time in the distant past, deleberately chose to follow certain cultural practices each by choosing a certain environment as well. They were perhaps aware that these cultural practices would ultimately get ingrained in them at the level of their very genes. They also thought that this kind of genetic engineering will help the society as a whole. As they did not have the technology to take a gene separately and rejig it instantly, they perhaps chose this tortuous route. We must understand one important thing in this-that they never perhaps had the discrimination or social stratification in their mind when they chose this path. But human nature being what it is, the culturally transformed genes of the groups proliferated with time and became distinctly identifiable castes. With distinct charateristics these genetic groups started jackeying for power and domination in the society. Then slowly in order to retain the power and position stratification of the society on the basis of castes gained currency. All that was needed was just a capable organiser for each group and the society had plenty of them.

At present we have a society in which each group strongly believes that it has certain unique advantages in retaining the group identity and goes for sustaining the group by intermarrying within the group only. So it is ultimately the human nature of fighting for the retention of an existing advantage. If you press and ask any group for a sincere reply what you will get is this”why should we give up an existing advantage?” (the advantage here is not merely economic or health. It is an aggregate of many such desirable qualities) Of course the only exception in all this is the panchaman group which remained/remains in the receiving end in respect of every thing that is socially relevant.

With a sufficiently large sample size and dedicated effort scientists like Boyd can find out what are the specific unique features of culture that have got superimposed on the basic genes of the Indian population. For those who keep harping on the time worn argument of equality of human beings at birth it would be a defining moment.

So Kunjuppu, coming to your lament about the Indians living in other countries and their children feeling like aliens I have this to say: We can look at the Indian diaspora as comprising two distinct groups. Those who are first generation settlers and those who are their children choosing to continue as citizens of that country. For the first generation Indians it is really a dilemma. The cultural impact of the new environment, as it takes time to super impose itself, plays hide and seek with them. They suffer from nostalgia, the nagging doubt about that irreversible decision to stay put(they can never get rid of it and have to carry it to their graves), the drastic unsettling aspects of certain cultural aspects which shocks them occasionally etc., They feel happy in a unique way whenever they visit their home country because the cultural environ is homely. For the next generation the situation is totally different. Right from birth the impinging cultural aspects are quite different. They too will have nostalgia when they grow older but of a different kind. So coming to your “handicap” it will a handicap only when you look at from your point of view-a view which has its base in the cultural values of a distant India. Your children who happen to understand india’s cultural values through the medium of an alien language with all its limitations and from the angle of an alien will have no such handicap. They will, if any thing, quote the veda and say “vasudaiva kutumbakam”. Don’t you agree?

It has become quite lengthy. I could not make it any shorter because of the nature of the subject. I know there will be many in this forum who will think that this is the rant of a casteist brahmin. But there will also be some who will accept the truth in what I have presented. It is for them that I write- the voice of justice and truth is always in a minority.

It is better to put more weight on what the kashmiri pandits say.

A Homeland for Kashmiri Pandits

Kashmiri Hindus (Pandits) are in exile since early 1990 after Islamic religious fundamentalists in the valley of Kashmir took to armed subversion and terrorism and drove them out of their centuries old habitat.
  • Today, Kashmir is on the brink of being separated from India. It is the beginning of a comprehensive plan to bring about the total disintegration of India – a fact not realized by most of the Indians.
  • Hundreds of thousands of Kashmiri Pandits who were forced to leave their sacred land because of the war waged by Islamic terrorists must now live in despicable conditions in their own country and are on the verge of extinction as a race.
  • Called “migrants” by the administration, the Kashmiri Pandits are in fact refugees in their own country due to total failure of the Indian State to provide security and safety to them when they were ruthlessly persecuted, threatened, tortured and murdered by the Islamic terrorists.
  • PANUN KASHMIR (meaning our own Kashmir) is a struggle to reconquer that Kashmir which is almost lost.
  • PANUN KASHMIR is an effort to Save Kashmiri Pandits to Save Kashmir to Save India.
Panun Kashmir | A Homeland for Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus from Kashmir)

I feel much more research and info. needs to be collected about this and just relying on matrimonial advts. may not be a reliable method. After all, the same camaraderie born out of calamities and permanent displacements might have made all those displaced persons to agree for marriage within themselves, could not it?
My views and so called harsh words are not against any one in particular; they are all against all those who deride and abuse brahmins, wish and plan their destruction, their tradition and culture. If they find anything good in others (not brahmins or other minorities) they are free to shout and write as much as they want. I hope my position is clear.

If you want to reform brahmins, just keep away from them; they know what is good for them and will adapt to changing environment (benign or hostile). When the same guys want to preserve the lifestyle and culture of adivasis and forest/ hill tribes even at the cost of improvement in standard of living. What is wrong in brahmins working to preserve their scriptures, tradition, way of life and their worth, as long as it does not affect the lifestyle, livelihood and well being of others?

Making cheap wisecracks on palakkad mami's way of speaking or the attitudes/ behaviour in religious institutions is neither in good taste nor politicall correct. It is disgusting to air personal experiences, real or imagined, and hoist such insults on the shoulders of brahmins in general.

I am very much interested in knowing what you write about christian and islamic scriptures and practices, in an forum or group. Any links?

My dear brother sarang, who are you talking about here? Only K and Sangom sir have actively participated in this thread. As far as I can tell, neither of them earn their livelihood through what you call "abuse".

If you are talking about politicians in TN, then it would have been better to say so clearly. This kind of harsh criticism directed in general terms at those you disagree with, promotes ill will.

In a different thread there are suggestions that if they get irritated with uppity atheists, then they like to shoot them as fast as they can. Is this the kind of exchanges we want to have here? What is ironic, as they say they want to shoot the atheists, they also proclaim anbe sivam!!!

Why can't we disagree agreeably? There is no call for tearing people down.

Cheers my brother....

Your post #40:

to give another example, periyar, how he changed from a religious ardent congressman, to a reformist, who toyed with the idea of an independent dravida nadu - anethma to most brahmins, but still makes interesting reading. why would one go from one extreme to another? what experiences made him do that? had rajaji or vaidyanatha iyer behaved a little differently towards periyar in his plea for accommodation of NBs, would history have been different? would periyar still have fanned the intense anti brahmin feeling then?

It does not make any such "interesting" reading. If any thing, it shows how weak his faith in religion was and how unattached he really was to Congress' ideologies. Independent dravida nadu was opposed more by the rest of India than by the tamil brahmins. Any way TBs opinion in this matter was of no consequence considering what a hopeless minority they are in Tamilnadu itself. It was not going to one extreme from another as you think. It was just changing shirts for EVR. In the leadership struggle in Congress he lost to Rajaji and others and that did the trick for EVR. EVR's request was not to accommodate NBs. NBs is too nice word for the context because the moment you use it here it puts brahmins as one group which was against all the rest of Tamils, which was not the fact. EVR gathered discredited zamindars, disgruntled casteist small time rulers of postage-stamp sized samsthanams and the ever ready rich mudaliyars around him and wanted to mount an attack on Rajaji and others to capture the leadership of the party and lost it miserably. This is the sequence of events recorded in history. EVR had too many personal scores to settle with brahmins and so his hatred for brahmins did not require any special political reason.

thanks suraju.

i read your points. a lot of water has flown under the bridge since 1920s.

one thing to remember, was that the congress was run by tambrams in madras state. in the committee representing the state, i think, bar one, all the reps were tambrams, thus giving the north indians a wrong idea of the framework of the state.

i am not going to go further on this, only because, if you feel, periyar is all evil, and tambrams are crystal pure, so be it. dear friend, you need to go outside of india, like we are in canada, and get to feel participation in a community. which we in tamil nadu dont anymore.

that is the disservice done to the current generations by those tambrams in power since 1920s till 1967. you may even disagree with this.

but please remember, to overwhelming NBs in tamil nadu, periyar freed the psychologically from an inferiority complex, and reassure them that they are as good as any brahmin. the DMK victory of 1967 ensured periyarism ruled in tamil nadu, overnight and complete.
we lost. but even this you may disagree.

peace dear friend

Your post #40:

It does not make any such "interesting" reading. If any thing, it shows how weak his faith in religion was and how unattached he really was to Congress' ideologies. Independent dravida nadu was opposed more by the rest of India than by the tamil brahmins. Any way TBs opinion in this matter was of no consequence considering what a hopeless minority they are in Tamilnadu itself. It was not going to one extreme from another as you think. It was just changing shirts for EVR. In the leadership struggle in Congress he lost to Rajaji and others and that did the trick for EVR. EVR's request was not to accommodate NBs. NBs is too nice word for the context because the moment you use it here it puts brahmins as one group which was against all the rest of Tamils, which was not the fact. EVR gathered discredited zamindars, disgruntled casteist small time rulers of postage-stamp sized samsthanams and the ever ready rich mudaliyars around him and wanted to mount an attack on Rajaji and others to capture the leadership of the party and lost it miserably. This is the sequence of events recorded in history. EVR had too many personal scores to settle with brahmins and so his hatred for brahmins did not require any special political reason.


This is what I knew about EVR. I have never lived in Tamil nadu. That is why I think he is anti-India. I was lectured that I did not know History. I think any one who thinks EVR is to be revered, needs to think their love of India. EVR was A politician similar to (worse than) Newt Gingrich or Rick Perry.
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This is what I knew about EVR. I have never lived in Tamil nadu. That is why I think he is anti-India. I was lectured that I did not know History. I think any one who thinks EVR is to be revered, needs to think their love of India. EVR was A politician similar to (worse than) Newt Gingrich or Rick Perry.

just to quote, dear prasad, how faulty your assumptions are: periyar was never a politician.he never stood for any political post.

his was a reformist movement, aimed primarily at NB hindus, to get them to think modern - women emancipation, education of women, family planning, dismissing the myth that the brahmin of those times was superior to everyone else in the community of those times, a feeling equally proposed by the brahmins at large, and equally accepted by the NBs at large.

periyar won. absolutely. whatever we say, it is sour grapes.

when history is written, of the 20th century tamilians, who has had a lasting impact on the society, only periyar and bharathiar will be remembered.

today periyar is passe as almost all his goals have been achieved. there may be some NB anti brahmins, whipping up his speeches, but by and large, an enfranchised NB politically savvy has been in power since 1967 and no signs of giving it up.

incidentally today is periyar's death anniversary. may his soul rest in peace! :)
just to quote, dear prasad, how faulty your assumptions are: periyar was never a politician.he never stood for any political post.

his was a reformist movement, aimed primarily at NB hindus, to get them to think modern - women emancipation, education of women, family planning, dismissing the myth that the brahmin of those times was superior to everyone else in the community of those times, a feeling equally proposed by the brahmins at large, and equally accepted by the NBs at large.

periyar won. absolutely. whatever we say, it is sour grapes.

when history is written, of the 20th century tamilians, who has had a lasting impact on the society, only periyar and bharathiar will be remembered.

today periyar is passe as almost all his goals have been achieved. there may be some NB anti brahmins, whipping up his speeches, but by and large, an enfranchised NB politically savvy has been in power since 1967 and no signs of giving it up.

incidentally today is periyar's death anniversary. may his soul rest in peace! :)

I suppose even he had a soul.

I suppose Anna hazare is also not a politician, I suppose donald trump is also not a politician, and of course MK Gandhi was not a politician, becuase they never contested an election.

According to answer.com

A politician:
One who is actively involved in politics, especially party politics.
One who holds or seeks a political office.
One who seeks personal or partisan gain, often by scheming and maneuvering: "Mothers may still want their favorite sons to grow up to be President, but . . . they do not want them to become politicians in the process" (John F. Kennedy).
One who is skilled or experienced in the science or administration of government.
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