What is this and who has it?
Brahmins, like everybody else, have a tradition, rich past, values and practices. Those who want to should be allowed to nurture the tradition. 'Kula kshaya drohis' can find other bigger pastures to have their version of fun!
who are the kula kshaya drohis here, so that they can start their search for other pastures, courtesy your suggestion.
i presume i would be one, though i do not know what kshaya means. kula drohi sounds complete by itself, and i would imagine that kshaya is an adjective to qualify the extent of drohiness.
btw, why should we move to greener pastures. have you not read praveen's numerous posts about the aim of this forum, that it is a public forum, and like the proverbial temple of ideas, keeps its windows open in all directions.
the only bad smell i would consider coming here, are those who come out of no where, create a maelstorm, mostly by their extreme ideas of fundamental hate and self hate or those that come here with a hidden agenda. we have had quite a few of those, in addition to the spammers.
as a kula drohi, i am least inclined to leave the forum, as for me, the greener of this pasture provides enough contentment and fruit for thought. so i am afraid, you have to put up with me, and my exhortation to other kula drohis, to stick around, and be a source of inspiration to absolute kula droham.
this is ofcourse assuming that reforms or penchant for reforms is kula droham, and sticking to racist exclusive 'oththippo brahmin ideals' of the past as kula gauravam. this i think i have to beg to disagree, for in this flat world, where absolute ideals rule, and where past wrongs are righted, albeit too slowly for some, there is no place for racists.
for the racists are the chief reason, as to why tambrams are so pathetically considered in tamil nadu. had they any brains, they would have not only accommodated the other groups, but provided an inclusive leadership, shared their lead in education and entreprise, so that as a whole tamil nadu could be an ideal for caste cooperation.
fortunately, these kula guaravams are declining in number, and what is left, will be, i think, a bitter isolated envious micro lot, who are best consigned to the dungheap of history.
sarang, i am sorry to say, us kula drohis are not going to leave here. we are going to stick around, and in addition to being a perpetual thorn to the kula gauravams, some of us through our erudition and logic, be a beacon of reform, and march towards a more inclusive and egalitarian hinduism - more of anbu shristi than of the manu kind, which i suspect you espouse.
thank you anyway for the kind suggestion. thanks. but no thanks.
btw, as a born brahmin, to the great traditions involve a palghat cuisine which i treasure and have ensured that the appreciation and the skillset is passed on to the next generation. also have not passed on, the feeling of separateness from other hindu groups. or an enamouration of sanskrit over tamil. but that is me.