The previous posting on "AUM and Science" from the book on the", Glory of Vishnusahasranamam and some Scientific facts" attracted valuable contributions from the readers. I am now opening a new thread on "Viswam and Vishnu", covering pages 25 to 44 of the book (paras4.3 to 5.2.10).
These pages cover briefly the first three slokas of Vishnu sahasranamam.
The first 8 words of the first sloka are known as Astakshari,; together with the next 8,they point to the 16 Riks of Purushasuktam;along with the next eight, the 24 words represent the Gayatri mantra and the 32 words of the first sloka represent the Narasimha mantra, according to Late Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimhachariar.
In Para 4.2, p24, I have listed the 8 scriptural reasons as to why this sahasranama is called Vishnusahasranamam and not by any of the other 999 names.
In pages 25 to 29, I have listed the names of some of the ancient Rationalists and their contribution to science through various schools of thought like Samkhyam,Vaiseshikam,Nyaya, cause and effect study etc.
I have also tried to explain Viswam," larger than the largest" and Vishnu," smaller than the smallest",supported by modern scientific evidences, including the three famous theories of Einstein and the concept of subatomic particles to explain Vishnu.
I have laid special emphasis on the significance of some of the namas like AVYAYAH (Para4.6), KSHETRGNA and AKSHARA (Para4.7)and tried to link up the pioneering work of some of the ancient scientists of India, which has lead to the development of modern concepts on these aspects.
Vedic Mathematics has developed larger than an ocean, of late. Nonetheless, I have tried to explain the great attributes of Mathematics, Zero, Infinity and Vishnu as explained by some of the namas in Vishnu sahasranamam, in para4.8 (P38)
After explaining a few other namas as well, I have tried to deal with the Scientific significance that
*Aminoacids are the building blocks of Protein.
*DNA and Protein are the KSHETRA and KSHETRGNA or PURUSHA and PRAKRITI.
*Conversion of manomer to polymer is alone not enough for creation of LIFE and this awareness is REALITY.
*Which organisms came first, Protozoan or bacteria? Until the blue green algae started photosynthesis and started emitting free oxygen, life on earth was largely anaerobic. Evolution over a long period was required to convert the initial toxic waste of oxygen to a life sustaining gas for all lives. If one toxic gas could be converted by evolution to a life saving mechanism, what prevents further evolution to adapt to CO2 or methane and become even a better breed? Why then all this brouhahas by Pachuris and Al Gores?
*Use of genetic codes by organisms.
*Life is still in the realm of the unknown and "Watching the world is really an illusion"
The question that I pose before the Peer group is " Do you agree with some, a majority of or all the observations made above or would you rubbish it out as "Hocus Pocus and a Mumbo Jumbo"?
Respects and Regards,
These pages cover briefly the first three slokas of Vishnu sahasranamam.
The first 8 words of the first sloka are known as Astakshari,; together with the next 8,they point to the 16 Riks of Purushasuktam;along with the next eight, the 24 words represent the Gayatri mantra and the 32 words of the first sloka represent the Narasimha mantra, according to Late Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimhachariar.
In Para 4.2, p24, I have listed the 8 scriptural reasons as to why this sahasranama is called Vishnusahasranamam and not by any of the other 999 names.
In pages 25 to 29, I have listed the names of some of the ancient Rationalists and their contribution to science through various schools of thought like Samkhyam,Vaiseshikam,Nyaya, cause and effect study etc.
I have also tried to explain Viswam," larger than the largest" and Vishnu," smaller than the smallest",supported by modern scientific evidences, including the three famous theories of Einstein and the concept of subatomic particles to explain Vishnu.
I have laid special emphasis on the significance of some of the namas like AVYAYAH (Para4.6), KSHETRGNA and AKSHARA (Para4.7)and tried to link up the pioneering work of some of the ancient scientists of India, which has lead to the development of modern concepts on these aspects.
Vedic Mathematics has developed larger than an ocean, of late. Nonetheless, I have tried to explain the great attributes of Mathematics, Zero, Infinity and Vishnu as explained by some of the namas in Vishnu sahasranamam, in para4.8 (P38)
After explaining a few other namas as well, I have tried to deal with the Scientific significance that
*Aminoacids are the building blocks of Protein.
*DNA and Protein are the KSHETRA and KSHETRGNA or PURUSHA and PRAKRITI.
*Conversion of manomer to polymer is alone not enough for creation of LIFE and this awareness is REALITY.
*Which organisms came first, Protozoan or bacteria? Until the blue green algae started photosynthesis and started emitting free oxygen, life on earth was largely anaerobic. Evolution over a long period was required to convert the initial toxic waste of oxygen to a life sustaining gas for all lives. If one toxic gas could be converted by evolution to a life saving mechanism, what prevents further evolution to adapt to CO2 or methane and become even a better breed? Why then all this brouhahas by Pachuris and Al Gores?
*Use of genetic codes by organisms.
*Life is still in the realm of the unknown and "Watching the world is really an illusion"
The question that I pose before the Peer group is " Do you agree with some, a majority of or all the observations made above or would you rubbish it out as "Hocus Pocus and a Mumbo Jumbo"?
Respects and Regards,