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Vilva tree at Antartica

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ramacchandran
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Shri Raghy ji,

You are probably wasting your time.

Some people cannot understand continental drift the normal way...

If you were to show them proof, that north america was once in the southern hemisphere, they will claim the vedas discovered it first, and conjur up all sorts of fantasy theories to support it..

Shri Ramachandra's claim is that a moon from saturn fell on the south pole and therefore lands (continents) split...

According to him 'humans and brahmins' lived in the south pole in 25,000 BC. And they split after that moon-drop incident.

To prove it, he has already provided 5% of the books he has read so far. He is convinced that he is of clear mind and the likes of me who question him are not.

If you wish to converse with him, you probably will have to read thru his 5% books first -- since he claims that he can convince others only that way (or atleast that's what he said to me).

He will not provide exact references for his conclusions, no matter what you say.

Don't be surprised if he says brahmin were planting vilva trees and worshipping shiva in south pole in 25,000 bc....The whole world knows abt plant fossils spread across the globe, but never mind, Sri Ramachhandra has special ways of explaining them.

Anyways, all the best for your conversation with him.
Sow.Sri.Happy Hindu,

I was preveliged to follow the conversation about satrun's moon crashing on Antartica, 'humans and brahmins' etc. I went through the lot of books too; half the books seemed like opinions of the authors to me, but without reading the books and checking the references cited in the books, it would be hard to say that for sure. I would reject any newspaper article due to lack of peer reviewed references (for example, we had one news paper article which stated that the hormones were produced in the brain). I do not know how many articles were there with evidence-based references.

But I wish to talk about something different. B.C 25,000..... May be there was Shiva worship dated that far back. (I am trying to get documentary evidences for that). Australian aborigines have the facial features very close to Tamizh people, particularly Tamizh S/C and S/Ts. (I am dark skinned; I was mistook to be an Australian Aborigine at times). There are cave paintings made by these aborigines that dates 40,000 years.

The Australian Aborigines have many dances in their culture. One is known as 'Shiva Dance'. The participants paint their body with white 'triple lines' all over the body and horizontally across their forehead. They have many dialects; some of the words are Tamizh sounding words with similar meanings.



(sorry, long text)...

(From that link..."I reached out for Vince and asked him about the local aboriginal guardian
spirit, who's presence I could feel as a blue haze over layering the room.
Reluctantly he named the spirit, "Munja" who lived on Cypress Pine ridge
upriver towards Tumut.

With Vince's help - which became less reluctant as he realised people
were accepting his statements - I explored the importance of Gundagai as a
Dreaming place that linked he hills that encircled it to the
which flows slowly down hill from the town eventually reaching Adelaide.

Gundagai was important in British times too. Again it was the river. It
was the highest point from which goods - the extractions of Australia - could
be sent down river. "The Road to Gundagai", a popular folk song sets into
the record of myth the point at which the land journey home with its horses,
drays and terrible roads ended and the soft, cool river journey could

I showed a slide of Shiva in her Nataraj form, superimposed on the
eastern hemisphere of the earth and explained how his limbs represent the main
energy pathways over the planet. These follow the main mountain ridges,
peak in Tibet and flow to world's holy places. I explained how Shiva - the God
of destruction and creation - dances, ripping apart the old as he puts the
energy in place for the new to happen.

I presented my understandings as to how these Shiva energies which, when
they flow, enliven creative and spiritual thought. How this energy is
attractive to people and draws the talented to locations to begin new cycles
of civilisation"....).

(I will dig for more informations with proper references. Kindly allow me more time, please).

The tectonic plate movements took all of the land mass to the south hemi-sphere about 200 million years ago as suggested by the scientists. The continents shifted first; Indian sub-continent took off later, did few somer-saults before crashing in to Asia. Australia is still drifting.




Thanks for the post to me Raghy.

I prefer university publications that present proof (not hypothesis stuff) backed by solid data and reviews.

Yes i saw the aboriginies cave paintings on a trip there once...it was fascinating..

Some inputs abt what you have mentioned in the post:

1) When india crashed into the asia plate, modern humans were not around.

2) All continents, not just australia, are still drifting.

3) Yes am told there are similarities b/w tamil and the language of the australian aborigines.

You can read abt the case of Virumandi on google. One intersting link: http://www.hinduismtoday.com/modules/xpress/2003/01/05/

This http://www.microbiol.unimelb.edu.au/14ihiws/projects/GenDivUpdate1.doc is about the M170 marker found in Piramalai Kallars, Yadavas and Sourashtrians -- it was also found in Malaysians, New Guineans and 60% of Australian Aborigines men tested in that sample.

So some indians have a 70,000 year link with africa and australia. Modern man stopped in india, while on his way to australia where he became geographically isolated, after reaching that place.

Primitive man must have carried some ancient beleifs and some form of faith....all really fascinating..

But the south pole theory and moon from saturn crashing on south-pole really beats me :D

Best wishes and regards.
Sri/Ms/Smt Happy hindu, Your comments on Sri.Ramacchandran's possible hitherto references appears to me as not in good taste. Definitely in a public forum on need to exercise restrain while referring about others especially about their capability. Many of us have not seen one another and not withstanding other factors we can not use the forum to ridicule others. You may expect some kind of references to prove his points but the appropriate way would be to keep pursuing with the person posted instead of airing openly some comments which amounts not in good taste as far as I am concerned. Regret if my contentions are not palatable to you.
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Sow.Sri.Happy Hindu,

Thanks for your post. It is really fascinating to see the link between such an old culture like Australian Aborigines and our ancient fore fathers in South India. I saw the programme in National Geography about the migration from Africa (it was telecast few times in Austrailan Broadcasting Corporation too).

You know, I felt very bad because, while the gene matching was being established between early Africans, South Indians, Papua Newguinea and Australian Aborigines, we in India are seperated by caste differences! It is really shameful.

Sri/Ms/Smt Happy hindu, Your comments on Sri.Ramacchandran's possible hitherto references appears to me as not in good taste. Definitely in a public forum on need to exercise restrain while referring about others especially about their capability. Many of us have not seen one another and not withstanding other factors we can not use the forum to ridicule others. You may expect some kind of references to prove his points but the appropriate way would be to keep pursuing with the person posted instead of airing openly some comments which amounts not in good taste as far as I am concerned. Regret if my contentions are not palatable to you.

Dr Sundaram,

Please follow this thread: http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/general-discussions/3478-brahmins-west.html

I had asked Sri Ramacchandran ji for exact references from which he reached certain conclusions. Sri Ramacchandran did not provide exact references, instead he provided 5% of the books he has read so far and went on to make a few personal remarks.

In this regard, am sorry i have no apologies to make, since i have only mentioned what he has mentioned.

Ms.Happy Hindu, Dr.Sundaram,Sri Ramacchandran,

We are all in this forum as guests and contributers for a good cause.

We all have certain rights as well as well as obligations for continues building of the forum for mass exchange of our views.

It is my personal view that we as seniors in the forum (including me) should set examples to others.

Demanding apology or tendering apology etc are not at all warranted.

We may differ in our views in a particular thread. But our views may converge in some other thread. Carrying our differences in a particular thread to another thread is not at all good. Let us have differences and at the same time unite for common purpose.

Personally all of you know that I fought with the administrators of the forum on certain principles and they have acceded to my demand. Eventhough I have a right, I am not using it now just in the interest of the forum

I am also ordinary member like you all and if you think I am exceeding my authority, please ignore the above.

All the best
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