Preumably due to pressure of work.time constraint or influence of ultra modern concepts many rituals ,celebrations have been overlooked & not followes / performed. Of course of late younger genaratuins have started taking interest in aanmeegam related matters which gives us ,seniors ' that .our culture & tradition shall not be lost to western way of thinking or influenced by nasthikam.
Whatever may be our thinking TWO YITUALS MUST BE FOLLOWED
1.pRAYER TO FAMILY DEITY ( KULADEIVAM )E cvery family will have a deity worshipped by generations & follow aspecific method of worshipping. This deiyty should be worshipped before doing any puja .even on daily pujas.If any special method like abishekam, padayal etc
are there same can be done at least once ayaer but definitele before any important occasion.
2 Varushapdheegam to dear dead souls as we require their blessings for us & our children .
Preumably due to pressure of work.time constraint or influence of ultra modern concepts many rituals ,celebrations have been overlooked & not followes / performed. Of course of late younger genaratuins have started taking interest in aanmeegam related matters which gives us ,seniors ' that .our culture & tradition shall not be lost to western way of thinking or influenced by nasthikam.
Whatever may be our thinking TWO YITUALS MUST BE FOLLOWED
1.pRAYER TO FAMILY DEITY ( KULADEIVAM )E cvery family will have a deity worshipped by generations & follow aspecific method of worshipping. This deiyty should be worshipped before doing any puja .even on daily pujas.If any special method like abishekam, padayal etc
are there same can be done at least once ayaer but definitele before any important occasion.
2 Varushapdheegam to dear dead souls as we require their blessings for us & our children .