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Think or sink!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

374a. Der Träger weiß, wo der Schuh drückt.
374b. The wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

One who had never got hurt in his life, won't realize how much it hurts 'to get hurt'.
There is nothing like personal experience to make people realize what the others are going through.

Der = The
Träger = wearer
weiß = knows
wo = where
der = the
Schuh = shoe
drückt = pinches.
Ever heard of Ice Concrete which serves your purpose and quietly disappears later?

Enjoy the weekend with this 'Chennai's senthamizh!" :)

Brown is beautiful!

White men want their skin turn brown;
For hours they roast under the hot sun!

Wearing next to nothing for uniform tan;
Yet we dislike our natural color a brown!

Fairness creams are on the sale;
For not just female but also male!

Why this craze for what we is not ours?
Why do we crave for what is not ours?

Skins are made just the body to protect;
And help the change in temperature detect!

To keep away the crows, flies and fleas;
From filling with flesh & blood their bellies!

Think no more on the color of outer skin;
Just make sure that it is healthy and clean!

Half the problem in this world are born;
From the next door girl to Troy’s Helen;

Out of the color of the skin on the exterior!
None bothers about the mind in the interior! :(


A proverb a day to brighten the day!

375a. Jeder ist in etwas unwissend.
375b. Everyone is ignorant in something.

No one can live - knowing everything.
No one can live - not knowing anything

We are all well informed in something and
we are all ignorant in the other things.

Jeder = everyone
ist = is
in = in
etwas = something
unwissend = ignorant


A proverb a day to brighten the day!

376a. Wenn die Mächtigen die anderen bestrafen, wird der Allmächtige Gott sie bestrafen.

376b. If the powerful people punish the others, the All powerful god will punish them.

There is an equal and opposite reaction to every action.
Everything / every word / every deed has a consequence.
Everyone must face the consequences of his word/ deed.

Wenn = If
die = the
Mächtigen = powerful people
bestrafen = punish
die = the
anderen = others
der Allmächtige = The All powerful
Gott = God
bestrafen = (will) punish
sie = them

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

377a. Zu viele Köche verderben den Brei.
377b. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

One is lonely. Two is just right.
Three is a crowd. Four is a mob!

Zu = Too
viele = many
Köche = cooks
verderben = spoil
den = the
Brei = porridge.

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

378a. Wenn Sie Zweifel haben, tun Sie es nicht!

378b. When in doubt, don't do it!

Wenn = When
Sie = you
haben = have
Zweifel = doubts
nicht = don't
Sie = you
tun = do

es = it!

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

379a. Eine Frau ohne Tugend ist eine Blume ohne Duft

379b. A woman without virtue is a flower without fragrance.

Eine = A
Frau = woman
ohne = without
Tugend = virtue
ist = is
eine = a
Blume = flower
ohne = without
Duft = fragrance.

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

380a. Streite niemals mit einem weisen Mann.
380b. Never argue with a wise man.

It is better NOT to argue with anyone at all.
It is wisdom not to argue with wise people.

Niemals = Never
Streite = argue
mit = with
einem = a
weisen = wise
Mann = man

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

381a. Revolutionen stellen die Gerechtigkeit wieder her
381b. Revolutions restore justice.

Revolutions are born of trifle things.
Revolutions are necessary for the rude awakening of the wrong doers.

Revolutionen = Revolutions
stellen wieder her = restore
die Gerechtigkeit = Justice

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

382a. Sorge ist der Feind des Schlafes
382b. Worry is the enemy of sleep.

Worry is the interest we pay before a danger is due.
Worry does not really solve any problem
Worry does not really delay the problem
Why then, do people worry and suffer?

Sorge = Worry
ist = is
der Feind = the enemy
des Schlafes = of sleep

When one person has taken up the duty of worrying....
the rest of the family are very relaxed and sleep more!
383a. Der höchste Baum im Wald zieht die Axt des Holzfällers am meisten an
383b. The tallest tree in the forest attracts the woodman's axe most.

It is common knowledge that a tree laden with fruits gets stoned most.
In the same way the tallest and the biggest tree attract the woodman's ax most.

Der = The
höchste = tallest
Baum = tree
im = in the
Wald = forest
zieht = attracts
die = the
Axt = axe
des Holzfällers = of the woodman
am meisten an = the most.
Duo-lingo VS Bhaja gOvindam?

My son enrolled me in Duo-lingo to help me learn German.
Previously I used to enjoy my time learning German in MY WAY!
At first I would watch simple fairy tales in German - made for children.

Then I graduated on to old classic comedies (aka grandfather movies)
Then I started listening to and reading Audio books available online.
So far so good.... since I was under no pressure of any kind.

But Duo lingo is entirely different.

It MAKES you learn perfect grammar without any lingering doubts.
It is the strictest teacher when it comes to correcting the answers.

The silliest mistake in the spelling of a person's name
or even a missing '-' makes you lose a heart.

You get 5 hearts per day or one per every 5 hours!!!
Five silly mistakes will take away all the five hearts.

Either you have to stop the lesson and quit - till you get new hearts.
OR you can buy new hearts paying 450 precious gems as their price.
If we try to retrace one step, all the progress made = 0

A small consolation is that we can earn a heart by revising an old lesson.
If you are wiling to put up with an ad 30 secs long- can get one more heart.
So the life goes on with losing hearts or gaining hearts by losing time or losing gems.

In the past weeks I was placed in a group of determined Deutsche learners.
During the previous weeks even 2500 points will place one among the first three positions.

In this batch even with 5000 points I could not reach the first place.
The one above me was hawk eyed and was following my progress.

He maintained the lead he made on Saturday through Sunday-
despite my earning ~900 points on Sunday

Our marks, positions, promotions are decided on Sunday at 5 P.M.

Suddenly A bitter truth dawned on me !

भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं गोविन्दं भज मूढमते ।
सम्प्राप्ते सन्निहिते काले नहि नहि रक्षति डुकृङ्करणे ॥ १॥

Worship Govinda, worship Govinda, worship Govinda, Oh fool !
Rules of grammar will not save you at the time of your death!

DO I need duo-lingo at my age? Or can I place Duo lingo where it rightfully belongs to?
My son who enrolled me in Duo- lingo gave me a super idea - when I complained to him about the relentless cut throat competition among the batch mates.

He told me to start working from Monday onward so that as the desperate and determined Deutsche learners would have already formed their groups and batches.

The idea has worked out wonderfully well. Peace prevails and my life has gone back to the original normal from the new normal! :)

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

384a. Gib Respekt und nimm Respekt
384b. Give respect and take respect.

The world is round for many purposes!
What we give out comes back to us!

A traveler asked a man coming out of a village
"Is this village a good one to live in?"

The villager replied to the traveler,
"If you are a good man, then this village is also good place to live in"

Gib = Give
Respekt = respect
und - and
nimm = take
Respekt = respect.

A proverb a day to brighten the day!

385a. Eine Katze kann den König anschauen!
385b. A cat may look at the king!

Rules of etiquette while in the presence of Kings and Queens
is only for the wretched human beings and not for pet animals.

So even as the kings looks at the cat, it can look back at him as well.

Eine = A
Katze = cat
kann = can
anschauen! = look at
den = the
König = king
Never laugh at tiny and helpless (?) insects!
They are well equipped with techniques of self defense!

22. Chemical warfare!​

Some species of millipedes have developed highly sophisticated chemical warfare to protect themselves

from their predators. They can release clouds of lethal hydrogen cyanide through the miniature vents

along thesides of their body.They can crawl away to safety leaving behind a cloud of poisonous gas.


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