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The body structure of our Vadyars

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ramacchandran
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i just laughed my heart out reading this. made my day.

on second thoughts however, do we care about the physical attributes of the vadhyars?

is it not what is in the head and how it is dispensed more important?

do you think we need a more 21st century reflecting garb for our vadhyars. i presume, once upon a time, the panchakacham would have made a fashion statement, along with the kudumi and the kadukkan.

nowadays, with the vadhyars zipping around in scooters, with the kudumi flying all over, and the angavastram posing a danger of tangling in the wheels, maybe some loose fitting jammy like bottom, along with a jubba like top (who wants to see those half shaved chests and arms?) due?

Our vadhyar in our village was lien and tall. He is to walk few miles to perform functions in the nearby villages. He is use to take bath in the river or tank and use to swim. He walks to his client's places to remind them of the ceremonies etc. He never takes food in outside hotels. He always takes hot water with ginger which is a digestive element. He use to avoid coffee, tea etc.

Today's vadhyars have either mobike or car. They never walk. They don't swim at all. They use cellphone more and avoid walking to client' s places. Last but not least, they take food in hotels also. I have not seen present vadhyar's demanding hot water with ginger. They take not only coffee, tea but also horlicks etc.

Probably the present vadhyar's can consult physiotherapists and do more exercises.
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Definitely they lack proper exercise regimen they need; their eating habbits are very erratic and not controlled. Most of the time their job is sedantary.
Let me explain in chemistry.
The Vadyars, sit before fire for long duration which make them sweat, and he is compleatly drained., the fibrils in his body, is expaneded due to heat create vacuum, which is filled with air. Then it takes water, the Hydrogen from the room temp. and his body swells with water and air.
Soon he finishes his rituals, he is thursty and hungry and takes full meals, after which he is hell of tired and prefers to sleep.
This is his daily duty. he is using varies kinds of herbal sticks, the smoke of which gives side effect.
In the morning he is attending Holy yagams and in the after noon he is attening funeral cermonies.
He may earn money but he needs to take care of health too.
Please post any message that can help these Vadyars.
Let me explain in chemistry.
The Vadyars, sit before fire for long duration which make them sweat, and he is compleatly drained., the fibrils in his body, is expaneded due to heat create vacuum, which is filled with air. Then it takes water, the Hydrogen from the room temp. and his body swells with water and air.
Soon he finishes his rituals, he is thursty and hungry and takes full meals, after which he is hell of tired and prefers to sleep.
This is his daily duty. he is using varies kinds of herbal sticks, the smoke of which gives side effect.
In the morning he is attending Holy yagams and in the after noon he is attening funeral cermonies.
He may earn money but he needs to take care of health too.
Please post any message that can help these Vadyars.
hi ram sir,
vadyars can do pradakhinam daily in temples...while chanting
japam/mantram.... even they can do some yoga asanas..
which physical acitivity with spiritual ......try to more walking
for short distances..........try to cultivate swayam pakam..means
self cooking with nutrient diets than mere carbohydrates/sugar
products...........avoid second hand smoke of incense sticks/agarbathi....its my 2 cents personal opinion....

I fully agree with the views expressed by Sri Venkatramani. Eating rich food continuously without consuming the energy has affected the health of our Vadhyars considerably. In olden days reciting Vedas used to consume energy. Today the profession of "Upandhyayanam" has changed to a commercial venture to suit the demands of the clients. Most of the present set of Vadhyars ( at least in the Cities in South) curtail their learning to the minimum essential needs of performing house holders rituals like Pitr-tharpanam or Shrardham etc. Recital of Vedas are done in exceptional cases by Learned Pundits brought from outside. It was my experience that I had to search a lot to find and bring Rigvedis (from Uttara Kannada) for conducting a homa.
Our Mutts can help us in this regard by providing learned Purohiths and Vadhyars properly trained in conducting the required Rituals for the householders.

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The Vadyars should apply honey on their tongue before sitting near the agni. He should keep silence for 15 mts before and after performing the rituals.


They should not take drinks near agni. like coffee, milk juice etc.,

Of late there are sets of bramans who says that the foods tasted by others in the house even child should not be served to them ie., No one should eat before they consume food. Even old or child or Patients.But these brahmans will take their food at 3.00 P.M. till then the persons in the house should wait.

(Here I am not talking about Sradhams)

It is like subha sweekaram after a death cermoney.

The house where they eat may compel them to eat heavily, hoping that if they eat in tons the sins on them will be forgiven.
They should be careful in dealing with the food.

They should avoid oly food like Vada, chips and other Junk food. Use of curd should be avoided.

This alone can keep them in good shape.
The fat Vadhyar

Most Vadhyars know what to do about this problem. But they have neither the time nor the inclination.

If they do Suryanamaskaram on a daily basis, the problem will be definitely solved. It will also increase their spiritual powers and as a result the clients will also be benefitted.

However, my worry is not about the size of the Vadhyar, but the fact that they are slowly becoming a rare species in our area. We need more people to come to this profession if our community is to continue the traditions of our ancestors.


The Vadyars who perform fire sacrifices for us are very fat, with big bellys, with lots of fleshes in hands, thighs, hands and they are heavy. Can any one advice them which makes them like that and what are all the steps they should take to reduce the weight, and exercises they are to follow!
Appearance and attire of vadhyars

There are lot of restrictions imposed on vadhyars by our sastras. Most of our present day vadhyars are flouting these rules. For the person who sits in the pitru sthanam in srardhdham, the previous day he should not have represented in any sradhdham and the next day also he should be invited to the same house and his lunch for the next day should be borne by the gruhastha (kartha). If for one sradhdham, three days are blocked for one client, for this kind of population in cities, each vadhyar can sit only in 10 sradhdhams and is it possible practically? For every sradhdham, other than the brahaspathi (aathu vadhyar), two persons are required - one for visvedevar sthanam and the other for pitrus. Minimum two persons incl. aathu vadhyar are required. The ghee, adhirasam, apoopams like vadai and highly oiled items, taken without sufficient precatuions and exercise, do not digest and this fact adds to their fat, in addition to kindling their lust. Only one time food in the afternoon is prescribed for them for the day and there are specific manthras also declaring this in our srdhdham format.

One more valid reason is: Gruhastas believe, if the brahmanals take more food (satisfied), their pitrus will get more satisfied and give more boons! The expectation here is : brahmanals should not take swalpa food (very less food).

Besides, they take outside food also. They do not follow the niyamam of doing prescribed gayatri manthra and chanting of veda bagams as their getting relief of accepting the prathigrahas (dhakshinai paid to them).

Possible solution to this issue is : More and more persons to come to this field. Even persons who do sandhyavandanam and lead a disciplined life, should come in good numbers to face shortage of these vadhyars. If more persons are availble, slowly the principle of 'the fittest will survive'.

In a way it is better somewhat disciplined brahmins/co-gruhasthas are given these sthanams, more than engaging undeserving koolies.
In colonies, big flats, where brahmins live in good numbers, from among the lot, deserving persons who can be used for this purpose may be found out and encouraged.

Some kind of accountancy system exist between vadhyar groups and this is a big trade in itself. The 'sradhdha' (meticulous care and strict observance of the karma) is stipulated only for karthas. Vadhyars will definitely pay for their 'asradhdha' and 'commercial' attitudes in their walks of life.

Only in sradhdha karma, lunch for vaidheegas are prescribed and in rest of the vaidheega, it is 'yatha sowgaryam' (No complulsion). In other karmas, buktha dhakshinai is separately given, for the favour of taking lunch in that house.

I hail from a vadhyar's family for generations pls.

Regards to all.

G Soundara Rajan
Sri Sundararajan ji,

Excellent view. Since you are hailing from a Vadhyar family, you know both sides much better than any of us. The reforms which you have suggested are very good. As you rightly said, Grihastas should also take up the Pithru Sthanam in Srardham functions so that sanctity of the functions are maintained.

It is high time some reforms takes place for the benefit of all
Many gruhasthas are afraid to partake in a srardham in another house, for the fear that along with food and money, they will be taking the effects of misdeeds of the gruhasthas too in the process. Is it just an unfounded fear or has 'some' basis for it?

Shri Pannvalanji, Shri Venkataramaniji & all

Thanks for the responses.

Shri Pannvalaji: There is no bar pls. The fear is baseless. It is one great dharma for helping a genuine person to perform his ancestor's pitru karma. Leading a disciplined life with Gayathri balam will always protect. The fear to participate in this karma could mainly be due to the condition that 'the profession of vaidheegals should not be affected' because of
common man's participation. We all know that this is not the case now.

In my last message, it is to be read as "10 sradhams per month". The expression of 'per month' was omitted by error.

The correct spelling and prononciation is : 'GRUHAM = House ; Gruhasthan = a person in this ashram'. The mentioning as 'Giraha pravesam' as printed in invitations is wrong. Meaning-wise, this will mean the pravesam of girahas! This is one practice followed by ignorance! 'GRUHA PRAVESAM' is correct.

G Soundara Rajan
[QUOTE The fear to participate in this karma could mainly be due to the condition that 'the profession of vaidheegals should not be affected' because of common man's participation. We all know that this is not the case now.
G Soundara Rajan[/QUOTE]

Actually Vaideegals are not performing the role of pithru sthanam nowadays. They come only for conducting the function. People who come for Pithru sthanam are all very poor people with no knowledge of our vedas and sastras. Their main income is the Dakshinai they receive. However these people don't observe the formalities which you suggested.

The above is happening in Chennai nowadays.

If we engage fellow Grihastas, these poor people will lose their income.

Probably we can engage Grihastas for Pithrusthanam and at the same time donate some money to these people so that our objectives are achieved.
1. I agree that both 'gruham' (home) and 'graham' (planet) are interchangeably used
by many, due to ignorance.

2. I have seen many a time, a gruhasthan frantically searching for brahmanal on a
pitru srardham day. The sastrigal/vadhyar mostly performs the ritual and after
collecting his fees leaves, without eating anything.

3. On such occasions, there is nothing wrong in seeking the help of a friend or
neighbour or any other acquaintance if he happens to be brahmin.

4. The compromise formula worked out by Venkataramani is also good in that we
need not deprive the poor of their only livelihood means.

5. But, showing restraint while eating in another house is always a good trait. The
kartha or his family shall not compel the brahmanal to eat beyond a level, thinking
then only the 'pitru preethi' will occur and their blessings will be received. It is a
wrong notion.
Vadhyars perform many rites and rituals in sitting posture for long hours in front of agni. They also inhale lot of smoke and smell lot of ghee etc. Their food routine is also very irregular due to their engagements. This is one of the reasons for they being often obese. They as a custom don't take to exercise or care about health.

I read this article on vadyars, the reason for their being fat is mainly that nowadays they are not doing their duties with sincere & integrity, they are adjusting all the mantras as per their time and commitments. All they are concerned now are is only money. Nowadays they eat all types of foods, etc. All the functions, example, pujas, etc are now shortened by them, as they lot of commitments. There are only a few vadyars who are sincere but they do get money, and we can easily find out from their health.
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I read this article on vadyars, the reason for their being fat is mainly that nowadays they are not doing their duties with sincere & integrity, .......


from the way i understand your post..

- all fat vadhyars are insincere

- to get a good, sincere, honest, erudite vadhyar, i must look for slimy built ones.

i will keep this in mind, next time i go looking for vadhyars :)

from the way i understand your post..

- all fat vadhyars are insincere

- to get a good, sincere, honest, erudite vadhyar, i must look for slimy built ones.

i will keep this in mind, next time i go looking for vadhyars :)

Good joke Sri Kunjuppu ji,

I enjoyed it.

All the best
I am touched by the concern showed by so many to the physical state of the Purohitas, as if all purohitas are obese. A few in the cities may be so. But many many in smaller towns are not and do not get enough to have two square meals a day. Purohitam is a profession like any other and very likely there are as many fat purohitas as fat class I officers, proportionately, or are there?. Does anybody have any figures to show that obesity is more common among purohitas compared to other occupations? I doubt. What about lawyers or businessmen? Is it not a bit of impudence on our part to pick on the purohitas, just because we do not expect them to answer back? Purohitam is a part-seasonal occupation in which one is very very busy in spurts and have no income for longer stretches. Amavasya comes once a month, No weddings take place in some months. Births, deaths, and such functions occur at random and not daily. This means that the Purohit does not have a feast every day as some of the others have said or implied in their comments.
Secondly, many people seem to think that Purohita should be an ascetic or be like a Rishi. I do not understand why. If our Acharyas can travel by plane, if we ourselves can have cell phone or a two wheeler for our convenience why should a Purohit not have it? It appears that our ego will be satisfied only if our purohitas are hungry, may be preferably tuberculous, and thinking of food while dictating mantras for our behalf ! Any obese person, even if he or she were not a purohit runs the risk of premature death and disability. Why pick on Purohits, I do not understand. Oorukku iLaichavan pillayaar kovil aandi, like that it appears brahmananukku iLaichavan purohithan. By the way, I am not a purohit.
Oorukku iLaichavan pillayaar kovil aandi, like that it appears brahmananukku iLaichavan purohithan. By the way, I am not a purohit.

Please note that none of us are attacking or making fun of purohit profession. Some of the members participating in this thread expressed that they hail from a purohit family. How can we degrade our own community members. We always keep our vadhyar in `Guru Sthanam'.

But at the same time, commercialisation of the profession has taken place which we are discussing here. Let them use cell phones, let them use motorised vehicles, let them prosper in all fronts. We are all happy. At the same time, we would like them to be more sincere to the profession. When we go to a Doctor or lawyer or auditor, we expect them to be an expert and sincere. But these professions are regulated. But the profession of Purohit is not at all regulated. We can express our views only in this forum but at the same time, we are keeping our decency when expressing our views.

Please allow free flow of thoughts

All the best
very well rendered. I endorse Mr Seenuh's views. I know vadyars in villages are damn poor unable to get out to cities to earn big for their own private reasons. Why we think purohits shoudl be thin and trive in povert; and then onle shoyl w to think them as vadyars. Some vadyars in cities who knows the knack to compromise so many are having a lavish living. Let us not condition our mind that purohits should be poor and live hard. They also need to have decent life and enjoy there lives with kith and kins flourishing.
Did the initiator of the thread going to start a Gymn for vadhyaars? Why to dwell on such silly things? Let us consider our Vadhyaars as our Gurus and acharyas. This should be the first step.Criticism and taunting of such helpless souls (generally ,not specificallay ,speaking) does not speak well of mature minds.

Let us not waste space and time on such "uppu peraatha" matters.

Let us put full stop to this thread and close this.
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The purpose of starting the thread is, The Vadyars are sitting near the fire conterminously for hour together and how it affects their health, and asking for suggestions so that they can over come and avoid extra flesh, the molecules of hydrogen, generated in them and equalize them, It only suggested the remedies the person should undertake to keep fit.

I wish to point out one thing here, a prohith, who visits our house for performing sradham for my father said, the Bokthas will not take oil bath at our house, rather they will bath in their home and come straight away to my house. I asked him, if any death goes on the way what will you do? You should sit to take meals with Madi. He refused in 11th hour, and said, I can see other Vadyar. I have no way and accepted!

He said he will arrange for a Brahmachari, to sit in Vishnu Elai., for which I am to pay Rs100 etc. OK I said.

On sradham day, all the bhokthas and Vadyar arrived at 9 A.M started at 9.30, No oil bath taken in my house, they just came and sat near the agni.

The vadyars Cell phone rang!! It was a call from a rich man's house!, His father died last evening and Vadyar assured them that he will be at 12 Noon in their house! to perform the last rites, and he should go to the decessed house along with bokthas after they finish the meals!!

OK, now he didn't bring any brahmachari with him for Vishnu Elai, he said as he himself a bachelor, he will take the food, and collect the assured Rs100/.

All the three took their meals that too in a hurry as it was delayed by 30 mts, some of the manthras skipped, omitted and forgotten., and they ran to their bikes and hurried to the house where they are to perform the last rites.

Will any of our Brahmin will justify this and support vadyars like him?

Even I did. Thinking that it is their duty.

Who knows what will happen tomorrow?

Whether the Rules of sradham allows a Vadyar and bhokthas to attend a funneral after taking their meals?

Even in kanchi mutt I had seen, the priests and boys who chant manthras before Agni, leave the premises and take Sambar Vadai in the nearby hotel.

Whom should we blame or how should we support?

You can say one in hundred will be like that and don't judge that all the Vadyars are like that.

One rotten fruit makes the lot corrupt and unless it is taken seriously the rituals will bend for money, and the richer man can do anything as he wish and poor Brahmans will follow the rituals as a slave!!

The thread was started with an aim to help the priests who are genuine and need some advices as they don't know how to keep their body fit and healthy.
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