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temple priests

  • Thread starter Thread starter crnnagu1957
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Helllo Members,

Yesterday karunanidhi announced that all sections of people can become priests in HRCE temples in tamilnadu. It affects us very much as most of us looking after temple priests jobs also. Why is he not insisting the same for churchus and mosques?

Till now the ******* also not protested this and we have no party to protest this move because of their vote bank.

So let us all protest and insist ******* also to protest.

Kanchi Nagu
For churches and mask their is no restriction except that you have to ordain yourself as a priest! Anyone (a christian in that denomination) can become a priest if you go through their training and their hierarchy etc. To become a priest in a temple, you have to be a hindu as well!. Previously it was brahmins now it can be anybody with proper training!. In a way I support that!. The whole problem for brahmins is we dont look at us among everybody, if you try to corner things that are social in nature, backlash is only a matter of time, and that's what is happening to brahmins. I as a brahmin think we should reform ourselves first, and join together as one under one umbrella and face our problems, diplomatically, politically and socially.
(corrected - spelling - repost) For churches and mosques there is no restriction except that you have to ordain yourself as a priest! Anyone (a christian in that denomination) can become a priest if you go through their training and their hierarchy etc. To become a priest in a temple, you have to be a hindu as well!. Previously it was brahmins now it can be anybody with proper training!. In a way I support that!. The whole problem for brahmins is we dont look at us among everybody, if you try to corner things that are social in nature, backlash is only a matter of time, and that's what is happening to brahmins. I as a brahmin think we should reform ourselves first, and join together as one under one umbrella and face our problems, diplomatically, politically and socially.
that is not a good news at all.

and as you said, no one has even voiced any opinion about it..:mad2:

most of the Brahmins just live their life and dont worry about what happens to their society and sect...

i would be glad to have Tamilbrahmins.com as a starting point on the internet to stage a Nammava comeback :)
I would like to see TamilBrahmins.com as a platform to voice our opinions, but organizations like ******* should galvanize brahmins under one umbrella, but I see that they operate under very traditional way of looking at things without the community in the loop at all!. When I read the news that ******* has aligned with BJP in the recent election and shunned AIADMK due to the treatment meted out to Kanchi Acarya, I didn't hear Brahmins all of them subscribing to such a decision. If PMK Leader Ramdoss says dont vote for DMK or ADMK like that, the people listen to him. In TN, I did hear a lot of brahmins who voted for ADMK (I am sure there are people who ddn't), but what it says is how ******* does its business. ******* should take their message to each and every brahmin. They have to communicate and they have to understand the pulse of the community. Only by connecting to the community we can achieve what we want to. ******* should invariably attempt itself to establish as a defacto spokesperson/representative of the community. Obviously they are ideologically, physically as an entity, but practically, they are yet another entity, which says things they want to do, but dont really do. They have to do more to achieve that. Just some veeraraghavans and subramanians cannot just sit in a closed room and decide for the people thinking this is what they want you know!.
I also felt the same.. But look at Karunanidhi. He has closed the educational institutions, employment oppertunities for brahmins. Now its the post of priest.
I am thankful to ******* for having split the anti MK vote and bring about this...
I would like to disagree on this subject. As a way forward we as Brahmins should become more inclusive of other Hindus. As part of social integration I would say that this is a positive step from the new government albeit a political one.

As long as the person is able to recite the slokas in sanskrit/tamil I have no qualms of having non-brahmin priests at temples.

I would hate the world if some one says I cannot enter a profession because of my caste so that holds good for priesthood as well.

I guess ******* should work as a regulatory body to ensure that the priests are well versed with the mantras, slokas and have a moral code.

PS: I must admit that I continue the practice of having only a brahmin priest for all ceremonies that we do at home.
New order from MK

I strongly condemn the statements made by arunsuraj / pvsswamyiyer.

Does Karunanidhi have the guts to make statement about Church / Darghas ?If he manage to does,then all of us knows very well what would happen to him.Can he appoint a nuetral community person to take charge of all Churches/mosques in TN ?

It's not only Karunanidhi ...but many politicians really make fun & hurt the sentiments of Brahmins.But when it comes to some auspicious / unauspicious things ,brahmin community is required for these dogs.

I suggest that ******* must file a case in the Madras HC / Supreme court quashing the order made by the present TN Government.

This will not only spoil the sanctity of our community,but would really spoil the temples.I would request the members of this community to raise their voice for the survival of our sector in the society.

Dear Arunsuraj,

Which is positive step ? Including Non Brahmins to perform the rituals inside the temple.Could you dare to suggest that to TTD ?It is not the issue of reciting Sanskrit slokas alone,but dedication is required.Also since the duties are done by our fore fathers, fathers & in our generation it is maintained at highest degree.

But if you allow it for others,then it would become like a Government office where you would fell sick to go to the temple.Also just imagine about one thing.A guy drinks liquor & eats kilos of meat and then comes to the temple to perform puja. Would you be able to digest it ?

AMBRAS is very much similar like all other religious bodies.If all of the community bodies work non-controversially,then we can also follow them.But the case is otherside.I would like to quote a small example.During the last election in TN,particular set of voters voted their candidates based on their religious leaders advise.I don't want to name them which is well evident for all the members.

See if you are not able to follow something which you advise to others,then how can you expect the mass to follow it.But I wish that you don't change yourself when it comes to the point which you had mentioned below -->>>>

PS: I must admit that I continue the practice of having only a brahmin priest for all ceremonies that we do at home.

If you have some supporting words for the Brahmin community,please come with it.Don't degrade it by writing like this.

Dear Admin,

I just joined the forum 1 hour back.You can expect a active participation from me.

In many temples, the service to the deity is performed by a family of Brahmins, over generations. Does one know how much money they make? If they were solely after money, they wouldn’t be there – they would also turn to ‘n’ number of other areas, to try and make more money. The service to Deity, is not just another profession. And there is some sanctity associated with it and the place is a Sanctum Sanctorum. Simply because I learn the slokas and shastras will not make me eligible to be a priest, while I would use the most vulguar language, bathe once in a week, spit on the deity, eat non-veg food which would smell all over the temple et al.
There may be a few exceptions every where. But that doesn’t mean ‘teach the Brahmin priests a lesson’. There would have been no need for a discussion on this, if it was some thing like the ‘n’ number for family politics going on – though other parties are welcome, the families have the muscle and money power to be all powerful at all times. This is not the case with the poor Brahmin priests – thing of how they could be simply muscled out – after all, as your friend said, this is the only remaining ‘Brahmin bastion’! Brahmins by nature are soft-hearted and cannot take rude, harsh and unfair aggression.

Where is the need for this so-called ‘liberal law’? The Government is blind and only after power and money – and towards this end, they would do anything that’s ‘populist’. As one friend said ‘Let these people first say ‘there is God’ – after that, let them ink the letter which says any caste can be priests!’. In any case, there are other Hindus who are priests at other Hindu temples (e.g., kali temple) – who stops them at all? In fact, simply when the govt. ask to stop killing and sacrifice of animals at temples, there was such a huge protest – and this had to be reversed. Doesn’t this show a major difference between the two communities in Hindus – one which would’t even dream of killing an animal and the other that thinks killing and sacrifice of animals and eating of non-veg is all normal. Is it ok for a Brahmin priest to be the Pope of Vatican or the Prohpet of Mohammed. All of them are great. But that doesn’t mean one says, ‘I’ll do your job’, even if he can sit and learn all that the Holy Bible or Holy Kuran say..
To all,

I am an ardent Brahmin and am proud to say that. I don't think I'll ever compromise this lineage. At the same time, I would like to bring in some radical approach to the whole thing. What is happening today is just the beginning of what you could expect. Karunanidhi is just breaking a tip of the ice-berg. I will not be surprised if he comes out with anything more drastic. The solution to the problem is not politics. The solution is INTEGRITY amongst us. We have been the root case for the whole denigration of our community. What is required at this stage is for people like to us talk to organisations like TAMABRAS etc and find a apolitical solution. We need to help ourselves be it in seeking a job or helping deserving students or for that matter even counselling many of our community members who are ill-deserved. The first step towards that could be for like minded people to meet. While this forum brings ideas together, we need action and not just ideas.
Fate of Brahmins

To all,

I am an ardent Brahmin and am proud to say that. I don't think I'll ever compromise this lineage. At the same time, I would like to bring in some radical approach to the whole thing. What is happening today is just the beginning of what you could expect. Karunanidhi is just breaking a tip of the ice-berg. I will not be surprised if he comes out with anything more drastic. The solution to the problem is not politics. The solution is INTEGRITY amongst us. We have been the root case for the whole denigration of our community. What is required at this stage is for people like to us talk to organisations like TAMABRAS etc and find a apolitical solution. We need to help ourselves be it in seeking a job or helping deserving students or for that matter even counselling many of our community members who are ill-deserved. The first step towards that could be for like minded people to meet. While this forum brings ideas together, we need action and not just ideas.
Where is this going?

I am 49 years old and living in the USA. Rather would say, had to run away and live in various countries due to the forces that did not want Brahmins to live in Tamil Nadu. Situation was far worse in my school/college days in late 1970's when we literally had no way of entering any professional college. We were called names,abused and were targets. Many of my poor friends could not get any money to go to college, whereas many rich farmer's sons were paid free money in the pretext of being backward classes and I know how they spent the money in clothings and movies. I clearly remember some of them flashing the cash before me and laughing. This forced lot of us to leave the state and work in various other states having to take a different kind of abuse.
I had all kind of friends from various communities and respect them all. However the truth is they all protect themselves with some kind of groups, whereas the brahmins being just 3% are the targets for everyone.
Currently most of the youngsters have opportunities coming from outside the country from the western world. Having been around here for years, I can see those kind of opportunities diminishing over the next years because of the pressure being put by the locals in the western world. When this opportunities get sealed ,that is when the trouble for the Brahmin children going to start. What is happening all around regarding reservation etc.is human rights violation.
I have tried contacting various organizations inlcuding ******* but it does not look like people realise the impact or they do not know what to do.
This is not a blabber from someone living in the convenience of a foreign country, but there are many who share my views here, and lot of us do not know where to start.


crnnagu1957 said:
Helllo Members,

Yesterday karunanidhi announced that all sections of people can become priests in HRCE temples in tamilnadu. It affects us very much as most of us looking after temple priests jobs also. Why is he not insisting the same for churchus and mosques?

Till now the ******* also not protested this and we have no party to protest this move because of their vote bank.

So let us all protest and insist ******* also to protest.

Kanchi Nagu
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govinda said:
In many temples, the service to the deity is performed by a family of Brahmins, over generations. Does one know how much money they make? If they were solely after money, they wouldn’t be there – they would also turn to ‘n’ number of other areas, to try and make more money. The service to Deity, is not just another profession. And there is some sanctity associated with it and the place is a Sanctum Sanctorum. Simply because I learn the slokas and shastras will not make me eligible to be a priest, while I would use the most vulguar language, bathe once in a week, spit on the deity, eat non-veg food which would smell all over the temple et al.
There may be a few exceptions every where. But that doesn’t mean ‘teach the Brahmin priests a lesson’. There would have been no need for a discussion on this, if it was some thing like the ‘n’ number for family politics going on – though other parties are welcome, the families have the muscle and money power to be all powerful at all times. This is not the case with the poor Brahmin priests – thing of how they could be simply muscled out – after all, as your friend said, this is the only remaining ‘Brahmin bastion’! Brahmins by nature are soft-hearted and cannot take rude, harsh and unfair aggression.

Where is the need for this so-called ‘liberal law’? The Government is blind and only after power and money – and towards this end, they would do anything that’s ‘populist’. As one friend said ‘Let these people first say ‘there is God’ – after that, let them ink the letter which says any caste can be priests!’. In any case, there are other Hindus who are priests at other Hindu temples (e.g., kali temple) – who stops them at all? In fact, simply when the govt. ask to stop killing and sacrifice of animals at temples, there was such a huge protest – and this had to be reversed. Doesn’t this show a major difference between the two communities in Hindus – one which would’t even dream of killing an animal and the other that thinks killing and sacrifice of animals and eating of non-veg is all normal. Is it ok for a Brahmin priest to be the Pope of Vatican or the Prohpet of Mohammed. All of them are great. But that doesn’t mean one says, ‘I’ll do your job’, even if he can sit and learn all that the Holy Bible or Holy Kuran say..

Govinda ,

Well said ..I totally go with your feelings.The issue of killing animals inside the temple (balidhaanam) is one perfect example for the difference of custom between the Hindus.

Just for the sake of Majority Hindus (Non-Vegtarian),the minority Hindus (Brahmin community serving the Temple as "Archakars") is being crushed.

all castes as priest in all temples

Another important thing is the seperation of church and state, in the case of india, temple and state, I am not sure why the Hindu Charitable and Religious Ministry is having control of all the priests and temples in teh first place!. Government have no business running temples and religious things. Hindus and Hindu organizations shoudl work for such a seperation and help Hindu temples and endowments gain autonomy. This way Hindus can concentrate the money gained out of temples to go to charity work of their choosing instead of it going to government treasury.
Lavaszone priests can be anyone, brahmins all along have been maintaining that it was their prerogative, but you and I know that, other than a brand as a brahmin (or whoever you are) we are not different anyway whatsoever from our fellow hindus. As long as brahmins or non-brahmins can carry out the preistly duties without any compromise it si fine. Do you sincerely believe god is gonna complain (or for that matter, shudras are born from the leg portion of God). Most important work in front of us, is to clean-up our act and our TEXTS in the first place, remove all politically incorrect. Hindus have been writing religious texts for 1000s of years without any checks as to who is writing or what is his real position in the society (scholar as opposed to an exploiter who wants to reap benefits due to religious sentiments) It is time to go over and correct our texts and bring out the real best and give a single format for all of us, brahmins / non-brahmins or whoever it is to follow (not that everyone will accept it readily, but we have to try). We have to unify ALL HINDUS regardless of caste under one hindu practice, instead of so many rituals and practices that have been happening. Most of the non-brahmins who are converting out of hindu religion do so mainly due to feeling of being outside or disrespected and hope, christianity/islam/jaininsm/buddhism/so on.. would do so. By unifying all hindus as one as together under one common practice we ensure that everyone is same. If I am hindu, you are a hindu, why we have to follow 2 different or 10 or 1000 different practices, rituals and especially meaningless ones!. We must UNIFY all into ONE!. That is the most important thing and along the way, we should also convert others into our fold!.
(corrected) Lavaszone priests can be anyone, brahmins all along have been maintaining that it was their prerogative, but you and I know that, other than a brand as a brahmin (or whoever you are) we are not different anyway whatsoever from our fellow hindus. As long as brahmins or non-brahmins can carry out the preistly duties without any compromise it si fine. Do you sincerely believe god is gonna complain (or for that matter, do you really believe shudras are born from the leg portion of God) if a non-brahmin is doing the pooja?. Most important work in front of us, is to clean-up our act and our TEXTS in the first place, remove all politically incorrect. Hindus have been writing religious texts for 1000s of years without any checks as to who is writing or what is his real position in the society (scholar as opposed to an exploiter who wants to reap benefits due to religious sentiments) It is time to go over and correct our texts and bring out the real best and give a single format for all of us, brahmins / non-brahmins or whoever it is to follow (not that everyone will accept it readily, but we have to try). We have to unify ALL HINDUS regardless of caste under one hindu practice, instead of so many rituals and practices that have been happening. Most of the non-brahmins who are converting out of hindu religion do so mainly due to feeling of being outside or disrespected and hope, christianity/islam/jaininsm/buddhism/so on.. would NOT do so. By unifying all hindus as one as together under one common practice we ensure that everyone is same. If I am hindu, you are a hindu, why we have to follow 2 different or 10 or 1000 different practices, rituals and especially the meaningless ones!. We must UNIFY all our people into ONE! fold. That is the most important thing and along the way, we should also convert others into our fold!. As part of this routine we should give everyone and all the sense of BELONGING, that is the most important.
crnnagu1957 said:
Helllo Members,

Yesterday karunanidhi announced that all sections of people can become priests in HRCE temples in tamilnadu. It affects us very much as most of us looking after temple priests jobs also. Why is he not insisting the same for churchus and mosques?

Till now the ******* also not protested this and we have no party to protest this move because of their vote bank.

So let us all protest and insist ******* also to protest.

Kanchi Nagu

Yes, Karunanidhi's idea of equality is for a person to eat in a 'military hotel', go to the temple for work and recite the words of prayer, get paid, and spend the offerings in a wine shop. Caste is bad, except of course his son should be the next CM in which case it becomes good. Ditto for Ramadoss, Sonia. Meanwhile the brahmins keep lamenting they dont have a vote bank. If they open their eyes and read the percentage of votes polled last week in Tamil Nadu they will see the truth. PMK 4%. Yes 4%. Congress 4%. So, if the 3-4% of the population (brahmins) vote as a block then anything is possible. Still better if they take the initative and form a OCP (Oppressed Classes Party) by joining hands with other forward communities. The time is ripe all over India.

Economically Viable

The govt should not interfere in any of the religious activities of a community. Moreover the temple does not rule the country vice versa should be true.
I any case to become a priest is temple is not that easy. remember you should observe shastras (well some argue that shastras are made by brahmin) rules to be in that position. Let me tell the actual wages for the a priest in a temple
1 Around 100 - 500 INR monthly wages (consolidated no pf, no grautity etc)
2. if your are in an affluent temple you may get some money in the thattu
other wise nothing.
3. Most of the priests attached to the temples are have some meagre land holdings which is their supporting income.
Still we (brahmins) hold the tradition.
With this remuneration no one without be coming forward this post, Thus don't mates.

Brahminisim ( what pomies says) is challegened not today, had been there for 1000's of years. Still you can't destroy it because this is the truth. A truth cannot be destroyed
Dear Vasu,

I presume it is an open forum where we can all have different views on a subject.

Imagine if running businesses by Brahmins are banned because it is not our traditional field. Dont you think we will be agitated? In the free world all professions/jobs need to be open for everyone.

Like elsewhere we need to formulate criterea for acceptance and set the righ standards.

We all can have our choice for what we do within our 4 walls but when it comes to temples in public places, we need to ensure that there is equal participation and no discrimination based on castes.

Let us not degrade ourselves by comparing to other castes/religion and bodies like TTD.
I think it is a positive step given the historical clutter we have in front of us. Please keep in mind that I do not subscribe to state's intervention on the religious matters but then it happened.

Let us see how "we" are positioned. The class and the caste has ruined the Hindu religion for long time now. Going back to the period before christ (Say about 2,300 years ago) the societies choose different economic professions and continued to pass it on to their kith and kin and thus formed a society - but back in those days everyone pretty much did everything, much as the same as what we see today. (much like what I wrote in karuthu.com the other day)

Hindu religion must set a precedence and provide every "qualified" Hindu an opportunity to become a priest - qualified I mean that they MUST learn the shastra as it is and go through the same process that the traditional brahmins always did - this will also help out the TV priests even among the brahmin community and help it regularize the whole situation.

So we must enforce that not oppose this move as such in principle. This way we reach out to the common hindu man and bring back the elusive social equality which I deem as one of the reasons why the weaker and gullible Hindus are being lured by other religions (while that is a personal choice, our step would have to be a pro-active one).

Let us show that we are a tolerant religion and welcome positive changes with open minds.


sadhak said>> "PMK 4%. Yes 4%. Congress 4%. So, if the 3-4% of the population (brahmins) vote as a block then anything is possible"

I am not sure where you get this vote percentage. Especially when the polling takes place under the umbrella of UPA, where only one candidate from one party of UPA contensts in a constituency and all those who support UPA are expected to vote for that candidate. Which means it becomes impossible to demarcate on a individual basis how much percentage really a party obtained etc.

btw, it is not just about showing our power, because I am not sure whether we (brahmins) can handle their combined power, we are just 7% (assuming our sources are true and we can really rally them together), remember if you talk about brahmin unity publicly and vociferously, the others are gonna cling together and vote against you invariable hastening our demise.
pattuk>> "Brahminisim ( what pomies says) is challegened not today, had been there for 1000's of years. Still you can't destroy it because this is the truth. A truth cannot be destroyed"

This makes no sense whatsoever. Did you even understand what you wrote when you wrote it?.

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