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Dear Sri anandb Ji,

Respectfully, I disagree with your analysis.

First, while Jews do flourish in some traditional businesses in the US, they by no means control the country. This is again a tried and true rumour mainly started by the enemies of the US.

While I did not agree with President Bush's domestic policy, I approved his foreign policy totally. If you want to discuss this in detail we can.

You are absolutely correct in one thing. The main stream media which is dominated by the progressive elements have not reported impartially on the Bush Administration's successes. As a consequence newsoulets of the record such as New York times have been printing opinions as news and only that type of information is printed in foreign countries.

'neo cons' is a derisive term coined by the progressives with a twinge of racism (because a couple of them are of jewish ancestry) to describe a few folks who believe in American exceptionalism. To these people, defending America's interest in the world is itself a crime.


I am not bashing USA. In fact I don't want USA to lose its preeminent place. But that can happen soon if USA is only interested in war-mongering and building up a case history to foment trouble all over the world. We still remember Vietnam and before memories have faded it was Iraq and now Afghanistan and possibly Iran tomorrow. It is quite laughable that a small country like Israel can wield enormous influence over USA with the help of a Jewish controlled media. Also explains why none of the ills plaguing USA is reported in the mainstream media while everything about it is talked in private forums and blogs. It is a situation very similar to what is plaguing India. Honestly the news that comes out of popular channels or the print media is worthless and biased.

No country can rest on its laurels. India did this mistake and as a result got plundered by foreigners and we still have not learnt our lessons but continue pampering their interests. I once used to think that the American political establishment was above corruption but not anymore. There are too many special interest groups trying to get laws passed to their advantage and the end result is the plight of the common man in America. I actually lost my respect for USA when a buffoon like Bush gets to rule for a 2nd term with a bunch of radical neo-cons like Cheney , Wolfowitch and Rumsfeld. They seem to be no different than our corrupt Indian politicians. Read this piece Vijayvaani.com.

There are many such articles written on his website - Home
My intention was not to be uncivil.


I do not apologize for using them, because they are part of the language that most people do not view as belonging to some vituperative language as you seem to think.

It really does not matter to me one way or the other what your intentions were. It matters even less whether you apologize or not. But you can only speak for yourself, not "most people". How do you know what most people think?

If you want to address this head-on you need to look at my #41 permalink. But I am not asking you to do anything. As far as I am concerned this is a finished matter. I have no desire to continue anymore on this issue.

It is obvious that my standard of civil discourse is different from yours.

Thank you.
Dear Sri KRS ji,

To someone who knows nothing about the US, the conversation here has been highly informative. The content level is super high, very academic sort, and its going to take a detailed read to understand stuff properly (its interesting).

A typical layman's queries:
a) often in conversations am told that Bush's foreign policy was beneficial to India because of his crackdown on terror outfits, but Obama is not as beneficial to India. How true is this?

b) US is spending a great deal of money on Pakistan to equip them as an ally in fighting terror outfits. However, am told by two pakistanis that the money has not helped rehabilitate terrorists with creating an alternative livelihood for them. Instead they spend the money on increasing their 'power' by acquiring ammunition and bombs, and the situation has worsened for Pakistan because of the lack of monitoring of how the US funds are used (the recent bomb explosions in bannu and peshawar are an example). Would you think the continued spending by US on Pakistan is going to help the US or other countries like India as well as Pakistan itself in anyway?

c) Why has India not made Israel an ally in fighting terrorism as yet?

Let Indian ladies prefer whatever brand they like. I have no problem. But they don't have any particular preference for UK/USA brands.

I agree with this.

I have friends and family residing in diff parts of the world, they either buy indian products in their place of residence or each time they visit india they fill up their bags with the typical jadi-booti muligai loaded herbal stuff such as coconut-milk based facial creams, etc..and they also have a fascination for indian brand lipsticks like lakme because they say the colors suit the indian skin tone...

Though non-indian brands such as Maybelline, Loreal, etc are popular with indians, yet the usage of indian products continue to form a larger base, i think. Just an observation within the small circles i know.
Dear Ms Happy Hindu ji,

My views are in Italics and in Blue colour.

All the best

Dear Sri KRS ji,

To someone who knows nothing about the US, the conversation here has been highly informative. The content level is super high, very academic sort, and its going to take a detailed read to understand stuff properly (its interesting).

A typical layman's queries:
a) often in conversations am told that Bush's foreign policy was beneficial to India because of his crackdown on terror outfits, but Obama is not as beneficial to India. How true is this?

It is not just Bush but Clinton also started moving towards India. Clinton spent few days in India and few hours in Pakistan. After terrorist attack on 7/11, USA started moving more closer to India. Bush was responsible for the nuclear deal with India. Obama is not against India but is preoccupied with local economic problems in USA. Nobody can ignore India now.

b) US is spending a great deal of money on Pakistan to equip them as an ally in fighting terror outfits. However, am told by two pakistanis that the money has not helped rehabilitate terrorists with creating an alternative livelihood for them. Instead they spend the money on increasing their 'power' by acquiring ammunition and bombs, and the situation has worsened for Pakistan because of the lack of monitoring of how the US funds are used (the recent bomb explosions in bannu and peshawar are an example). Would you think the continued spending by US on Pakistan is going to help the US or other countries like India as well as Pakistan itself in anyway?

Past President Musharaff has openely admitted that they used the money given by USA for fighting terrorism against India. The main power center in Pakistan is the military and not civilian rulers. USA is finding it difficult to fight terrorists directly in Afghanistan. Americans have messed up things in Iraq also. They don't want to open another front in Pakistan and hence support the civilian Government to fight terror. As far end result, every body is keeping their fingers crossed.

c) Why has India not made Israel an ally in fighting terrorism as yet?

During Narasimha Rao regime (before 1996), India opened diplomatic relations with Israel. But the relations are not fully matured. India has started buying military equipments from Israel now. I earnestly feel that Internal security set up in India should get training from `Mossads' of Israel for fighting terror effectively.

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Honestly, USA and India, two of the greatest democracies should be the best of friends. Unfortunately, India's love affair with the former USSR and America's continuous military and non-military aid to successive autocratic regimes in Pakistan has made matters worse. It still baffles me the continuous support rendered by USA to Pakistan. Obama defenitely seems to be more pro-Pakistan than Bush what with getting the Senate to approve billions in aid to Pakistan. Everyone, including the Americans know where this money is going to end up. Pakistan today is a failed state what with a bomb going off almost every day and is probably the reason why terrorism has gone up around the world. And still the Americans support them? The Americans are famous for creating a problem first and then sending their army to solve it. They were the ones who trained and funded the Afghan mujahideens against the Russians who have now become the Taliban and becoming a scourge to everyone. They have made Iraq a living hell on earth and are now being pressurized by Israel to strike against Iran. In one word, to me the American foreign policy STINKS.

I used to admire Israel once but not anymore. Israel as a nation doesn't seem to have contributed anything worthwhile other than keeping a perpetual state of psychological warfare alive. Their strangle hold on USA through its Jewish lobby is so much that one tends to feel the USA is a puppet of Israel. In times of terror, they do act swiftly which is probably what India should learn.

I think the Indian commandos are second to none when it comes to fighting terror but what we lack is the political will to fight terror. Now we have a PM who announces that infiltration is increasing in the borders and the situation in J & K is worsening. So where are the solutions and what is the government doing? We have infiltration problems from Bangladesh through Assam, infiltration problems from Pakistan, the threat of Taliban, the Muslims in J & K asking for a separate state, the Maoist problem as far down as the South and what is the government doing? India's foreign policy to me is now resembling the US, the only difference, USA is sending its soldiers to die outside its soil while we are allowing all kinds of people to come inside our country to bomb and maim our people.
Dear Srimathi HH Ji,
My response in 'blue'.

Dear Sri KRS ji,

To someone who knows nothing about the US, the conversation here has been highly informative. The content level is super high, very academic sort, and its going to take a detailed read to understand stuff properly (its interesting).

A typical layman's queries:
a) often in conversations am told that Bush's foreign policy was beneficial to India because of his crackdown on terror outfits, but Obama is not as beneficial to India. How true is this?
Quite true. Obama is beholden to the labor unions towards his election and so he is proposing laws to restrict outsourcing that will directly affect Indian companies.

Obama's policy also focuses specially on Afghanistan and Pakistan (with special envoy Richard Holbrook) and I think he does not view India as strategic in this.

b) US is spending a great deal of money on Pakistan to equip them as an ally in fighting terror outfits. However, am told by two pakistanis that the money has not helped rehabilitate terrorists with creating an alternative livelihood for them. Instead they spend the money on increasing their 'power' by acquiring ammunition and bombs, and the situation has worsened for Pakistan because of the lack of monitoring of how the US funds are used (the recent bomb explosions in bannu and peshawar are an example). Would you think the continued spending by US on Pakistan is going to help the US or other countries like India as well as Pakistan itself in anyway?
Pakistan has been playing a dual game, as Sri Venkataramani Ji says. But the problem is USA has no other option except to give money. They do not want to see Pakistan collapse and the nuclear assets fall in to the hands of the fundamentalists in Pakistan.
c) Why has India not made Israel an ally in fighting terrorism as yet?
I think India is working with Israel in more ways than what is apparent, for political reasons. Because of our huge muslim population, India's political hands are tied.to openly admit to such a relationship.


Dear Sri anandb Ji,
My answers are in 'blue':
Honestly, USA and India, two of the greatest democracies should be the best of friends. Unfortunately, India's love affair with the former USSR and America's continuous military and non-military aid to successive autocratic regimes in Pakistan has made matters worse. It still baffles me the continuous support rendered by USA to Pakistan. Obama defenitely seems to be more pro-Pakistan than Bush what with getting the Senate to approve billions in aid to Pakistan. Everyone, including the Americans know where this money is going to end up. Pakistan today is a failed state what with a bomb going off almost every day and is probably the reason why terrorism has gone up around the world. And still the Americans support them? The Americans are famous for creating a problem first and then sending their army to solve it. They were the ones who trained and funded the Afghan mujahideens against the Russians who have now become the Taliban and becoming a scourge to everyone. They have made Iraq a living hell on earth and are now being pressurized by Israel to strike against Iran. In one word, to me the American foreign policy STINKS.
Please see my response to Srimathi HH Ji on why USA is supporting Pakistan. You are correct in saying that the US policy in trying to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan gave birth to both Al-Queda and Taliban. But at that time they could not have foreseen it.

I disagree with your assessments about both Iraq and Iran. A nuclear Iran is not in the interest of anyone in the world and so, Israel is only one of the affected parties. A nuclear Iran threatens the oil supply to most of the countries, including India.

As for as Iraq is concerned, while they found no weapons of mass destruction there, there are a few good reasons to overthrow Sadaam from the American self interest point of view.

I used to admire Israel once but not anymore. Israel as a nation doesn't seem to have contributed anything worthwhile other than keeping a perpetual state of psychological warfare alive. Their strangle hold on USA through its Jewish lobby is so much that one tends to feel the USA is a puppet of Israel. In times of terror, they do act swiftly which is probably what India should learn.
I admire Israel enormously. You can argue about their treatment of the so called Palestinians, but imagine India with major wars at the same time from Pakistan, China, Burma and Sri Lanka, thrice during our existence, with the main purpose of wiping out the state. That's what happened to them.

Anyone, who knows the history of the Jewish people will support the US policy towards Israel. They are the only true friend of the west in a region that is not pro western.

I think the Indian commandos are second to none when it comes to fighting terror but what we lack is the political will to fight terror. Now we have a PM who announces that infiltration is increasing in the borders and the situation in J & K is worsening. So where are the solutions and what is the government doing? We have infiltration problems from Bangladesh through Assam, infiltration problems from Pakistan, the threat of Taliban, the Muslims in J & K asking for a separate state, the Maoist problem as far down as the South and what is the government doing? India's foreign policy to me is now resembling the US, the only difference, USA is sending its soldiers to die outside its soil while we are allowing all kinds of people to come inside our country to bomb and maim our people.
If Indian 'commados' are second to none, how come terrorism is constantly perpetuated against India? How come it took them quite a while to put out the Mumbai massacre?

India's unwillingness to stand up against both Pakistan and Bangla Desh is the sole cause of terrorism in India. Add to it the attrition policy of China towards India in covertly supporting the so called 'Maoists' within India, especially in the border states and Nepal.

I think India's policies have nothing in common with America;s when it comes to terrorism. India, in my opinion is simply afraid to defend herself.

Dear Sri Kunjuppu Ji,

... More and more people are shown on TV with such cases occurring both in Canada and UK. These are all horror stories.


Thanks KRS.

I can understand your viewpoints. Infact I am very familiar with, due to much access to U.S. media.

Perhaps I can explain where I am coming from .. ie view from north of the 49th parallel?

we see the U.S. health industry has 4 stakeholders whose interests coincide

- the doctors: doctor is a wealth creation profession in the u.s. it attracts the best students, many from a sense of vocation, but also a considerable numbers come in for the big money
- the health insurance – which makes big bucks out of arbitrary and very limited coverage, and denying coverage to those who need it
- the drug industry – for the very same reasons, that once government becomes a big player, there is potential cap to the drug prices (medicines are the most expensive in the u.s. of all countries)
- the litigation malpractice lawyers – who make big money out of taking to court the smallest of mistakes.

Add to this group are a significant group of whites, who oppose any health reform for their own reasons. This group needs the reform as much as anyone else, as they are all tightly pledged to their credit cards, and do not have the discretionary income to spend on medical care.

These whites tend to oppose the health reform because 1) the poor get the most benefit 2) illegal immigrants may benefit 3) latent racist feelings with Obama 4) conservative ideology.

I think, that usually, all the above feelings are prevalent in those who oppose health reforms, though with varying degrees of importance or influence.

KRS, one’s ideas are influenced by what one reads or sees on TV. Those ads in the U.S. TV re horror stories from Canada Health is not the whole story. These are selected to suit the philosophy of someone who does not want reform. These are advertisements. Maybe you should ask a few real life Canadians, and ask their views of comparative merits of the u.s. and Canadian systems.

Our health care is uniformly good and an overwhelming majority satisfied. Ofcourse, we always crib, and want more. But are we willing to even take an iota away from what is available? NO. it would be political suicide in Canada to meddle with the health care (the local right wing tried and failed).

The whole western world, bar the u.s. has government assisted formal health care because the western civilization has matured enough to realize that availability to good health care is a right. It should not be based on the size of one’s purse.

Re the current health care in the u.s. we, in Canada can relate to Medicare. And Medicaid, to some extent, even though Medicaid appears to us as charity. Not entitlement.

Hope this explains the Canadian viewpoint re U.S. healthcare system and reform. Ultimately it is upto the U.S. government and people to decide. But based on the current debate, I think, the money power of the vested interests are trying their best to sway the country, against the best interests of its citizens.

Canadians, on the whole, have immense goodwill for the U.S. and are very much saddened by this overwhelming, what they see, as right wing propaganda.. .which ultimately appears to us, as cutting off the nose to spite the face.

Thank You.
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[Israel's] strangle hold on USA through its Jewish lobby is so much that one tends to feel the USA is a puppet of Israel.

The Jewish community in the U.S. is perhaps the most liberal among the various ethnic groups. Jewish Voice for Peace and J Street project are two examples of organized Jewish opposition to the genocidal policies of Israel and the unconditional support US offers to Israel. There is a whole range of respected Jewish scholars such as Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein who stand tall in opposition to the Israeli policies towards Palestinians.

However, you are right that Israel is the tail that wags the US dog. AIPAC has a stranglehold on US policies in West Asia. No serious politician dares to criticize AIPAC or say anything negative for the fear of getting labeled anti-Semitic. Presidential candidates must pay obeisance to this Jewish lobby. Even within Israel we see more media and political criticism of Israeli government policies than in the U.S.

The control of AIPAC is so complete that Israeli national interest always triumphs over US's own national interest in the West Asian region. With two ongoing wars, US is now embarking on a dangerous war of words with Iran. There is absolutely no evidence of any wrong doing on the part of Iran. Whatever the ultimate aim of Iran may be, at this juncture they have not violated any international obligations from their side. Yet, the drumbeat of propaganda is loud. This time the risks are too great for the everyone. Hope saner voices will prevail.

Ultimately it is upto the U.S. government and people to decide. But based on the current debate, I think, the money power of the vested interests are trying their best to sway the country, against the best interests of its citizens.

Hi Shri K,

Let me add some sad statistics to illustrate the state of US healthcare system.

  • About 60% of individual bankruptcies in the US is due to medical bills
  • About 40% of the people filing for bankruptcies due to medical bills had private medical insurance
  • US spends more per-capita than any other industrialized country, about twice as much as Canada
  • CIA's (not exactly a radical left-wing outfit) country-wide facts reports infant mortality of US at 6.26/1000 live birth, compared to 5.82 for Cuba, 5.04 for Canada, and 4.85 for the dreaded socialized medicine of UK. US is the last among the wealthy industrialized countries

Just this past Saturday thousands of people desperately needing medical treatment in Houston showed up to Reliant Stadium for free treatment offered by one Dr. Oz and his colleagues. Texas has the highest number of uninsured residents, with 1 in 3 adults uninsured in Houston.

It is after witnessing one such free clinics in Southwestern Virginia that the insurance company executive Wendel Potter turned whistle blower and now working for reform.

Every poll conducted by independent organizations show that an overwhelming majority of Americans support reform with strong public choice run by the government. Yet, the hold of the insurance lobby is such that the present legislation being considered in the Senate Finance committee will go a long way to line the pockets of insurance companies. If this is the bill that is going to be finally adopted we are better off without any reform at all right now. That way chances are better for later on adopting a medicare like system for all.

Dear Sri KRS ji and Venkataramani ji,

Thankyou for the replies.

Am just curious, is there any reason why Obama is not viewing India as an ally in the Pakistan-Afghanistan issues.

India has been a bigger victim of terror exported from Pak than the US. Surely India wud have made a great ally for the US.

What is so wrong in India's own foreign policy that prevents it from bettering relationships with people who matter to the country's interests.
Dear Sri KRS ji and Venkataramani ji,

Thankyou for the replies.

Am just curious, is there any reason why Obama is not viewing India as an ally in the Pakistan-Afghanistan issues.

India has been a bigger victim of terror exported from Pak than the US. Surely India wud have made a great ally for the US.

What is so wrong in India's own foreign policy that prevents it from bettering relationships with people who matter to the country's interests.

US is bringing a resolution in UN to force all the countries to sign Nuclear Non proliferation treaty. India has some anxieties but President Obama has recently assured Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that it will be exempted from signing the above. It only confirms that he is honouring the nuclear deal signed by Bush.

As a symbolic gesture, Hilary Clinton stayed in Taj Hotel, Mumbai were terrorist attack took place.

Even today's paper carries an article in the following website which will answer most of your doubts.

US imposes tough 'no terror' conditions on aid to Pak - US - World - NEWS - The Times of India

US is pressuring Pakistan to act on terror and at the same time doesn't want to be seen acting on India's instigation.

Cold war has already started between china and USA. India is probably playing its cards carefully maintaining good relationships with both China and USA. But internally, the Indian Government is moving more closer to USA.
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we see the U.S. health industry has 4 stakeholders whose interests coincide

- the doctors: doctor is a wealth creation profession in the u.s. it attracts the best students, many from a sense of vocation, but also a considerable numbers come in for the big money
- the health insurance – which makes big bucks out of arbitrary and very limited coverage, and denying coverage to those who need it
- the drug industry – for the very same reasons, that once government becomes a big player, there is potential cap to the drug prices (medicines are the most expensive in the u.s. of all countries)
- the litigation malpractice lawyers – who make big money out of taking to court the smallest of mistakes.

Medical expenses, not only in USA but also in other western countries, have become extremely costly. Big hospitals in India are attracting patients from western world since the same surgical procedure costs just on tenth of the cost in London or New York. If you add air ticket, hotel stay etc still it is very very cheap.

India is already facing shortage of doctors, hospitals and beds. If they start servicing foreign clients, then locals will suffer. It also increases healthcare costs in India. Medical tourism is a fastest growing industry in India.


Government of India should do some damage control measure to prevent the Indian healthcare facility misused by foreigners.

Government hospitals in Tamilnadu has improved very much. Charitable private hospitals are also doing a good job.

Medical Insurance is doing fairly well. Recently one of my relative underwent a surgical procedure and the insurance company directly settled the claim with hospital. Since both public sector and private sector insurance companies are operating in the field, medical insurance service is really good. Public sector insurance companies cover insurance upto the age of 80.

Government of India has a price control legislation for drugs. Hence drugs are very much cheap compared to global markets.

Lawyers don't have much of role here except probably during denial of claims. But they make big money in Kidney rockets and some lawyers specialise on that. One has to be careful with certain private hospitals, unethical doctors and these type of lawyers. However Government has passed stringent laws against such activities. Media is also exposing them regularly.

In short, Indian healthcare industry is developing well with Govt/Charity support, efficient mediclaim upto the age of 80 and low cost drugs. Probably other counties can emulate India
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Why has India not made Israel an ally in fighting terrorism as yet?

1.India has large Muslim population

2. India is surrounded by Muslim countries -Pakistan, Bangaladesh, Malaysia, Gulf countries etc.

3. Indian migrants are working in Gulf countries in very large numbers. Most of them are blue collared labour. If you take United Arab Emirates, migrant population is 80% where as local population is just 20%

4. Remittances by Non Resident Indians from Gulf is the major foreign exchange earner. People who migrate to western countries mostly get absorbed as citizens there and they don't send money to their mother country. But Gulf countries don't offer citizenship and the hence the money has to flow back to India only.

5. Asia has the largest Muslim population in the world. India doesn't want to antoganise Muslim countries by being friendly with Israel. Traditionally Iran has supported India even in Organisation of Islamic countries forum and prevented Pakistan's evil designs.

6. We didn't had diplomatic relations with Israel earlier. But right now we have diplomatic relations. However India maintains a distance from Arab-Israel conflict.

It seems to be a right strategy, considering all the above points.
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Dear KRSji,

Please see my response to Srimathi HH Ji on why USA is supporting Pakistan. You are correct in saying that the US policy in trying to defeat the USSR in Afghanistan gave birth to both Al-Queda and Taliban. But at that time they could not have foreseen it.
I disagree with your assessments about both Iraq and Iran. A nuclear Iran is not in the interest of anyone in the world and so, Israel is only one of the affected parties. A nuclear Iran threatens the oil supply to most of the countries, including India.

Definitely, the USA could not foresee the Taliban but what created it was they left Afghanistan in shambles after the mujahideens defeated the Soviets. USA should have economically built Afghanistan which they failed to do which has now created the Taliban.

It is not my assessment of Iraq but the experts' assessment. The premise on which Iraq was invaded (presence of WMD) was absolutely false which was proved later. I read an article which says that Depleted Uranium which is used extensively by the US and Israeli army in its arms would qualify more as a WMD. So now who will invade USA and Israel? You hit the nail on the head when you say to "promote American self-interest". Dubya would feel proud of you, KRSji.

Who gives only the Western bloc nations the right to develop and own a nuclear arsenal? So far Iran has said that it is only for peaceful purposes and they should be given a chance to prove that. Just because Iran makes Israel jittery with its nuclear arsenal is no reason to say that Iran is a rogue nation that is dangerous to the world. What did USA do when Pakistan developed its nuclear weapons? They did not bother because there was no country like Israel near to Pakistan which felt threatened. Iran is going nuclear because it feels threatened by Israel. 40% of the world oil shipments pass through the Straits of Hormuz bordering Iran. They are not foolish to start a war all by themselves unless a nervous USA and Israel start it.

I admire Israel enormously. You can argue about their treatment of the so called Palestinians, but imagine India with major wars at the same time from Pakistan, China, Burma and Sri Lanka, thrice during our existence, with the main purpose of wiping out the state. That's what happened to them.

Anyone, who knows the history of the Jewish people will support the US policy towards Israel. They are the only true friend of the west in a region that is not pro western.

Israel once being hounded by all the countries like Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon is history. There is nothing of that sort now. These countries are now keen to develop themselves and not go to war. The point of contention is only Palestine and what Israel is doing there is a gross violation of human rights. You say this region is not pro-western which is not true. All the GCC countries like UAE, Saudi, Bahrain etc depend on Western technology to run their countries. A huge number of its nationals get educated in the West. Same is true for the Levant countries like Lebanon, Syria, Jordan etc. A good number of Arabs from these countries are Christian and American popular culture is widely prevalent. What people here hate is the US government's policies and its willingness to act like a puppet of Israel.

If Indian 'commados' are second to none, how come terrorism is constantly perpetuated against India? How come it took them quite a while to put out the Mumbai massacre?

India's unwillingness to stand up against both Pakistan and Bangla Desh is the sole cause of terrorism in India. Add to it the attrition policy of China towards India in covertly supporting the so called 'Maoists' within India, especially in the border states and Nepal.

I think India's policies have nothing in common with America;s when it comes to terrorism. India, in my opinion is simply afraid to defend herself.

I think you have to make the distinction between the ability of commandos and the state's willingness to fight terrorism tooth and nail. Unfortunately the UPA government's track record on this front is quite poor. I personally felt the commandos did quite a good job. Where we failed miserably was on the intelligence gathering front and the resources provided to the commandos to reach the site. We cannot be simply compared to the Mossad. Israel is a small country and because of the constant war-mongering is in a virtual state of preparedness and the entire country speaks in a single voice when threatened.
Government of India should do some damage control measure to prevent the Indian healthcare facility misused by foreigners.

Government hospitals in Tamilnadu has improved very much. Charitable private hospitals are also doing a good job.

Medical Insurance is doing fairly well. ..

Government of India has a price control legislation for drugs. Hence drugs are very much cheap compared to global markets.

Lawyers don't have much of role here except probably during denial of claims. ..

In short, Indian healthcare industry is developing well with Govt/Charity support, efficient mediclaim upto the age of 80 and low cost drugs. Probably other counties can emulate India

thank you venkat for the detailed note.

just my observations..

- medical tourism: not sure if this is at the expense of care for indians, as these hospitals are high end and if there is more need, they would expand (as apollo, the pioneer in this field did). for what i know, this is a good development, as this vastly enhance india's medical reputation.

- medical insurance: my uncle, then 75 a few years ago, got medical insurance (they still go through health check and insurance available only based on condition of health) with a clean bill of health. a couple of years ago, and since then, he had to undergo extensive stay at apollo for cancer treatment. not a penny came out of the pocket for all these expenses. great relief.

- drug prices: i have self employed relatives in canada, who do not have any company sponsored drug (prescription medicine) program. each time they go to india, they stock up with drugs, which are a fraction of the cost here.

- lawyers - less said the better :)

overall, for the urban middle class indian, who can afford insurance, i think, the indian system works well.

it is a different story for the poor. i personally know folks who work as private hospital orderlies and physio therapists, who do not get one iota of benefit for working there - for themselves or their families. wish this could improve.
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thank you venkat for the detailed note.

just my observations..

- medical tourism: not sure if this is at the expense of care for indians, as these hospitals are high end and if there is more need, they would expand (as apollo, the pioneer in this field did). for what i know, this is a good development, as this vastly enhance india's medical reputation.

- medical insurance: my uncle, then 75 a few years ago, got medical insurance (they still go through health check and insurance available only based on condition of health) with a clean bill of health. a couple of years ago, and since then, he had to undergo extensive stay at apollo for cancer treatment. not a penny came out of the pocket for all these expenses. great relief.

- drug prices: i have self employed relatives in canada, who do not have any company sponsored drug (prescription medicine) program. each time they go to india, they stock up with drugs, which are a fraction of the cost here.

- lawyers - less said the better :)

overall, for the urban middle class indian, who can afford insurance, i think, the indian system works well.

it is a different story for the poor. i personally know folks who work as private hospital orderlies and physio therapists, who do not get one iota of benefit for working there - for themselves or their families. wish this could improve.

Medical Tourism - If the foreigners come for treatment in commercial hospitals like Apollo, then there is no problem. But they come to charitable hospitals like Madras Medical Mission etc regularly. This will make the health care for locals costly.

Medical Insurance : Public sector insurance companies are fairly reasonable when it comes to settlement. Only thing is if it is a commercial hospital, then claim settlement is little difficult. Apollo always conducts unnecessary procedures and the insurance companies don't accept their claims. If it is a charitable hospital or good private hospital, then there is no problem.

Government of Tamilnadu has brought a scheme to cover all the poor with free medical insurance upto Rs. 50,000 which is a great step. In addition, they have improved Government hospitals where treatment is almost free (Except little bit of greasing here and there). More than ninety percent of child birth is taking place in Government health centers in Tamilnadu which is a good sign.

All the best
Dear Sri Kunjuppu Ji and Sri Krishnamoorthy Ji,

I am attaching two studies, 1) People debt as a percentage of disposable income and 2) National debt as a percentage of GDP.

In both these, USA is in the middle of the pack (as is Canada). I am sure with the recent balooning of defict in USA, it has moved up a bit on the second list.

1) Americans aren’t the only people who’ve been running up debt - The Curious Capitalist - TIME.com

2)List of countries by public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Debt by itself is not bad. It makes for living flexibility and relocation. Credit markets are an impostant part of any nation's economic system. Too much household savings is also bad, limiting the consumer spending, which nowadys contrbute anywhere up to 65% of a nation's economy.

The personal bankruptcy rates have been holding steady over the long range in almost all the western countries.


Thank you krs. Apologies for a late reply, as this has been on my mind for a while now.

There are two distinct aspects about which I wish to comment.

The first is the supposed protestant work ethic. I don’t hear much about it anymore, but in the 1970s when I came over to Canada, it was fairly common, in any conversation, to be referred to the ‘protestant work ethic’ ie work hard, pray, save and live thrift, as the prime reasons for the western prosperity.

I do not know when the protestant work ethic gave way to the protestant credit ethic. From the chart you provided, it appears that the protestant household in the west appear to have high debts.

Sometimes, I think, due to this prevalent debt in every household in the west, that the sense of prosperity is an illusion. Everything we look around from the house itself, to the car, to the vacations etc all enjoyed with much flamboyance, is all owned by the bank or the pawnbroker.

for the americans, it appears to me that they are enjoying 1 million dollar worth of goods, while owning only 100,000. whereas in high savings societies of asia, i think, people are enjoying 100,000 dollars worth of goods, while have a million dollars in savings.

not sure if the above is true. but certainly, it does not look right for the americans.

The home mortgage, I think, increasingly has become perpetual, ie many households do not expect to pay off the mortgage at all, partly due to poor earning power and partly due to high house prices.

Which comes to the second point, ie the service of debt.

I am aware, and agree with you, that as long as debt can be serviced there is no issue. A debt becomes an unbearable load, only when it cannot be serviced ie the minimum interest paid.

I also agree with you, if the American family, suddenly reverts to the thrifts of its forefathers, not only will it sink the U.S. economy, but would probably drag China and the rest of the world, as the world, I think, depends on the Americans buying a large percentage of their products.

Which ofcourse, they oblige, by paying in dollar bills, which for a novice like me, appears to be maintaining its value pretty high, inspite of the economic mess.

Had this been Argentina or Japan or the UK, those currencies would have taken, I think, a bigger beating than what the green buck has for the past year.

the u.s may be midway in the debt loads, but on sheer dollar value, this is trillions and trillions - an amount i cannot fathom!

i have been brought up with the norm, that if the income is one dollar, keep your expenses to be less than that. maybe i should modify this adage for my children - if you earn a buck, ensure your interest payments are less than that? :)

Ps.. a while back we had some relatives from Asia visit us for a prolonged visit. On their return, the wife kidded that now was the time to pay the bills. Pat came the smug answer, ‘we go tourist the asian way – we pay first and then enjoy’
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Sometimes truth is bitter.But we have to live with bitter truths. Let America or for that any other country be anything.It is for us to find how we can adapt the situation to our favour.It needs lot of tact.diplomacy, definitely pressure ,yhat will work on them to bend in our favour. Resul may not be immediate.But even efforts have to be changed.Ultimate aim is to make in our favour.In this regard the NRI s o a lot of sincere efforts to the possible extent.It is welcome that they do not succumb to emotions like native residents.Emotions will betray and defeat the goals.So even in discussion let us be realistic, and practical, ith our goal intact.
Why has India not made Israel an ally in fighting terrorism as yet?

1.India has large Muslim population

2. India is surrounded by Muslim countries -Pakistan, Bangaladesh, Malaysia, Gulf countries etc.

3. Indian migrants are working in Gulf countries in very large numbers. Most of them are blue collared labour. If you take United Arab Emirates, migrant population is 80% where as local population is just 20%

4. Remittances by Non Resident Indians from Gulf is the major foreign exchange earner. People who migrate to western countries mostly get absorbed as citizens there and they don't send money to their mother country. But Gulf countries don't offer citizenship and the hence the money has to flow back to India only.

5. Asia has the largest Muslim population in the world. India doesn't want to antoganise Muslim countries by being friendly with Israel. Traditionally Iran has supported India even in Organisation of Islamic countries forum and prevented Pakistan's evil designs.

6. We didn't had diplomatic relations with Israel earlier. But right now we have diplomatic relations. However India maintains a distance from Arab-Israel conflict.

It seems to be a right strategy, considering all the above points.

நேரமில்லாமையால், என்னால் தொடர்ந்து இந்தத் தளத்திற்கும் வர முடிவதில்லை.இனி முடிந்தவரை தொடர்கிறேன்.

இந்தியாவைப் பொறுத்தவரை, இஸ்ரேலுடன் ஒரேயடியாக ஒட்டவும் இல்லை;வெட்டி விடவும் இல்லை.அவர்களின் செயற்கைக் கோள் இந்திய மண்ணிலிருந்து தான் ஏவப்படுகிறது.26/11ல் மும்பையில் நடந்த பயங்கரவாதத் தாக்குதலுக்கு இஸ்ரேல் உதவ முன் வந்த போது இந்தியா மறுத்து விட்டது.

அதே மாதிரி ,ஈராக் விஷயத்திலும், போரில் ஈடுபடவில்லை.ஆனால், அதற்காக அமெரிக்காவையும் பகைத்துக் கொள்ளவில்லை.இன்னும் சொல்லப் போனால், அமெரிக்கா இப்போது இந்தியாவை நோக்கித் தான் வருகிறது.

அமெரிக்காவுடன் நேசக்கரம் நீட்டினாலும், சமீபத்தில், அணு ஆயுத பரவலைத் தடுக்கும் ஒப்பந்தத்தில் இந்தியா மட்டும் தனியாகக் கையெழுத்திட முடியாது என்றும், காஷ்மீர் போன்ற விஷயங்களில் அமெரிக்கா தலையிட முனைவதை தடுப்பதும் பாராட்டுக்குரியது.இன்னும் சொல்லப் போனால், பாகிஸ்தானுக்கு அடிக்கடி வந்து போகும் ஆஃப் பாக் பிரதிநிதி ஹால்ட்ப்ரோக் அப்படியே இந்தியாவிற்கு வருவதையும் விரும்பவில்லை.

இது முஸ்லிம்களைப் பகைத்துக் கொள்ளக் கூடாது என்று ஒரு பக்கத்தில் இருந்தாலும், அமெரிக்காவை முழுவதும் நம்பக்கூடாது என்ற நிலையும் இந்தியாவில் இருக்கத் தான் செய்கிறது.

இதனை வரவேற்கிறேன்.

Due to lack of time, I am not able to visit this forum also . I try to come whenever possible.

I continue..

Coming to Israel, India maintains some what equidistance ;neither too close nor too far. When Israel wanted to assist India to combat the terrorists on 26/11, India rejected; But it continues to facilitate from Indian soil to launch their satellite.Like wise India did not participate in Iraq or even in Afghan war. But still , America is coming closer to India to strengthen its ties. Just because America is coming close to India,India does not allow to meddle in Kashmir issue nor did it sign NPT at the behest of America.

In fact, India has restricted Haldbroke, special ambassador to Af-Pak, to limit his role only to that extent and not to extend to India.

It is not that minority appeasement alone plays here, for vote bank politics, but what is glittering is, lack of credibility in American friendship.

I welcome , hence , India's stand on , be it Israel or its Godfather America.

They both must be kept in distance.
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I don't know what to say! 'Pure Science'! Vow.

I also dont know what to say, you should learn Hinduism in detail (WITHOUT CONSIDERING IT AS A RELIGION, of course). :)

No "religion" of today explained the structure of Universe correctly as Hinduism did.
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