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Responsibility of Brahmin Diasora in Brahmin Upliftment.

  • Thread starter Thread starter hoover
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Dear friends and Respected elders,
Today, Brahmin are spread all over the world in large numbers an estimate is nerabout 2.5 million at least.
Brahmin are working in foreign countries in respected professions like University professors, Doctors, Economic firms, high posts in govt., Research etc.etc.
This is a high earning group having reach to international community.
The Question is, are they doing, what they should, for their community?
or are they becoming instrumental in the distrucion of Brahmin principles, traditons and identity.
Their confused views of identity and why they left this country is, in my view in mejoriy of cases, denial of the truth and ground realities.
views are welcome .
please correct the mistake in spelling of the word diaspora, I dont know how to edit the thread title.
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dear Mr. Hoover,

If there is one thing which can neither be changed or corrected, it is title of the threads in this Forum.

Always type in a compose page which allows corrections and then copy paste it.

I do not understand clearly what you want the diaspora of the brahmins to do for their community.

As for the reason why they left India - it may vary from person to person!

How does it matter anyway?

I think first we should sort out our current problems existing in India before we take to task the poor N.R.Is-who still want to keep in touch with us to help us and guide us to the extent possible.

with best wishes,
respected ramaniji,
what diaspora of other communities do for their native brothers and sisters? esp. what jews have done.
In my openion, a lot of them just fled this country due to the conditions which brahmin were facing here. They were successful and competing with westerners in professions of intelligence, a part of this success is due to the genes. They spend so much energy advocating icm to indian brahmin. you can easily see in matrimonial sites that they are registering as caste brahmin. and they are writing in their profiles 'caste no bar' is it not hypocracy. taking advantage of the greatness of our caste and then after marketing with that brandname opting just materally successful guys of any caste and religion. is it not just disgusting.
without proper study of conditions and ground realities here mejority of them are harping tunes of guilt ridden rhetoric which can be equated just as mild anti brahminism. So when there is benefit declearing that they are higher priestly caste; they are brahmin. and when facing the realities and choosing between traditions,conviction and material benefit 'caste no bar'.
what contribution they are rendering for brahmin boys desperate for higher education. I will not call them to arrange for our food and daily living but they can contribute in field of education for brahmin, with their expertise and ideas.
What our diaspora doing in countering anti brahminism on international level. In various international forums brahmin are demonised as protagonist of oppression and our international community is keeping mum. why?. It is a clear fact that quality of adminsitration in this country is decreasing day by day due to compromised quality human resource because of caste based reservations. so is it not responsibility of brahmin diaspora to expose these facts before international community so as to build pressure on indian govt. to amend its policies.
One french persons is writing about our poor conditions and clearly speaking ethnic discrimination against brahmin did any brahmin had done that.
question: why diaspora should do that and not native brahmin.
Answer: in this country subduing of so called communal forces is a just thing. no media is willing to show this side only because brahmin is a microminoriy in all states except UP. and so indian brahmin cannot do that freely.
what brahmin diaspora was doing to convince international community about conditions of Kashmiri Pandits when govt. of India itself throw them away.
Expectations from some of our members

Whether in India or abroad, one has to help others. There is nothing wrong in expecting this.

But, we shall not go to the extent of cursing those who are not able to offer any help or are unwilling to help.

Please go through the suggestions that I had made more than a year ago (file attached) in this forum.


shri pannavalan sir,
I appreciate you, you are representing a balanced view, instead of like some of our members who summeriy reject even identity as brahmin. I just want an amendment that only brahmin word may be mentioned and so we should avoide to mentioning subfaction. It is call and need of time.
In this world today, atrocities and discrimination goes on if not counterd. even favours can be won from govt. frodulantly with a loud voice and crowdism.
keeping relevance to title of this thread, I want to mention here that I watch on CNN and BBC and DW tv various groups of various diaspora protesting against their native govt. for different reasons esp. outside of UN general assembly meeting and meeting of important international forums having placards in their hands, they attract much attention of media. brahmin diaspora should also protest in that way it attracts much attention. afterall here is an ethnic discrimination is going on. and it is cleary aginst what UN says. NRI brahmin must protest in that way so as to expose what is going on in India under name of social justice.
Lobbying on various levels including representations and meetings with senators and representative is vary useful. we must convince the international community to provide india aid only if it guarantees good administration and conseqently proper use of their money. This can be a good liverage.
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Before expecting things from outside the country, let us begin here. Charity begins at home.

I also have a notion that just because one is a brahmin, he shall not be extended favours. This kind of over stress on principles, sometimes produces negative results. For, it is difficult to judge a person's character in a very short time. This aspect we tend to forget and we attach much importance to academic qualifications, position and authority, communication skills and experience. But, what is the guarantee that the person concerned will be honest, loyal and result-oriented?

Generally, we brahmins are rule-bound rather than goal-bound. This spells doom, I have myself watched and experienced on several occasions.
I have fallen a victim and suffered at the hands of some fellow brahmins, only because I happened to be a brahmin.
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Start of discussion and start of intellectual confusion. This is not a thread to decide, why should we help, what is guarantee that person is a Brahmin, why only Brahmin get help form Brahmin and how should we verify someone’s loyalty, honesty, and so many doubts etc.etc. Huuuuuuum.
Better we should do nothing than doing this thing. And I know a large number here is interested in just argument and display of intellectual might than concern for Brahmin community.
So enjoy life. (These days in marriage profile of Brahmin girls there is a line without fail, 'I am fun loving creature'; so she is ready to sacrifice family, children, husband for fun loving, meaning understood.)
dear Mr. hoover,

There is no unity among us. There is no empathy in any one. Every thing is O.K, as long as we ourselves do not get beaten up.

You will be surprised to hear about the atrocities brahmin priests and pundits had to go through, after the Dravidian rule started.

I must have been very young and don't remember the actual incidents. But apparently their pig tails were tied up together and their pierced ears were locked up together.

Very recently Blades were used to carve on the bare back of a priest.
When such things happen everyday people become indifferent.

You are young and extremely sensitive. So you are like the 'angry young man' we see in movies. Real life is much slower than you can imagine or are willing to accept!

The government is indirectly in the hand of a non Indian. It is like the story where two kitten entrust a cake (to be split between them) to a monkey. We had given the cake to the monkey. Now we have to face the consequences.

I wonder how much pressure can be brought on the government through International Agencies and Bodies.

What have they been able to do, to control the crimes being committed in
Sri Lanka?

I don't read news papers as they affect me too much. I am sure many kinds of looting, cheating, discrimination, crimes are happening in the world all the time.

People just seem to get used to these and learn live on. Well, if they end up dead, no one will ever know their sad story.

"Revolutions are not about trifles. But they are always launched by trifles."
Let us hope and pray that we will get justice soon.

with best wishes,
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you are most correct,
I must mention here that I am do not belive in revolutions but in evolution.
second I am not just angry but equally know how to use the anger also. it is also imporant and solve many problem. when antagonism transgresses limits of logic and human dignity then it must be met with fury. I personally think that even a person laying on bed is able to do some changes or indoctrinate minds for brahmin community. and so even if you are seventy years dont think what will be consequences. just keep going on. afterall even now you counter successfully much cirticism and unwarranted advocacy of icm etc. with logic it is your achievemnt. keep going on. persons like us must bear the flame of the truth though there is storm of unethical thoughts is going on.
International pressure is not just placards of one or two person. those are sufficiant to spark; there are people and powers standing to attract the world to those placards. they do the rest of the work. the nri s just need to start. they will get whatever help they want unexpectedly. just start.
It is vary important to make aware the world about our conditions. If there wouldnt any international pressure and constant media attention on srilankan operations. atrocities would be exponetiallly more. I watched on BBC every day the criticism towards srilankan operation. so it is also a thing to do. and it must be exclusively done by NRI s and PIO brahmins. they have freedom to do that.
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I think Brahmin Diaspora is more interested in just criticising us than realising their responsibilities. so they are keeping a silence.
I think Brahmin Diaspora is more interested in just criticising us than realising their responsibilities. so they are keeping a silence.

In every community and in every society, there is bound to be opposing views. We have already formed a Trust for the welfare of tamilbrahmin community and let us try to do some service to the community under the banner of the trust.

Let us focus on our strength and avoid weakness areas.

All the best
I regularly go through your postings.The way in which YOU put forth your views,in my view, will only result in antagonising other members and this may result in your viewpoint not getting the attention it may deserve.
You have been too critical of the views of Tamil brahmins settled abroad.
STILL you expect them to extend monetary HELP and that too on your terms
Really surprising!.
Hope You will take this as an 'advice' from an elderly person and will not mistake me.
Dear friends,
I notice that more than trying to solve problems, people want to show off their vast knowledge, expansive vocabulary, statistics at their finger tips and keep typing pages after pages-without giving any suggestion towards the solution.
Elders should guide the youngsters and NOT brainwash them or distort their already distorted vision.
Please think it over.
with warm regards,
Sri Krishnamurthy sir,
1. I have not demanded a single rupee from any one so the word ‘monetary’ is improper. I am well aware of the fact that they will spend on anything but for welfare of Brahmin. So nothing to worry.
2. I am not going to change my style it is my character and no one yet has decided the norms of the correct character. Those who are terrorist for someone, may be freedom fighters for else. What people do is they adore the rising son. I will answer though; some will find it as just vitriol, in their own language. If someone is preaching just perversion and demolition of Brahmin values, he will face criticism in my own style.
3. Regarding attention, I don’t care about the attention of people who are spreading their own thoughts of brahminism and it is ‘accept everything’ making Brahmin community as a ‘community of easy virtues and morals’. There is no point in attracting in attention of such people who spent their lives in that. They are not going to help community in any sense. They are just. The cheerleaders of Brahmin persecution.
4. Yes I will criticize the community who registers their name as Brahmin and then write ‘caste not bar’. Who are there in good positions due to wisdom of their forefathers and Brahmin genes and spend huge energy in criticizing or just bashing the same. It will be matter of fury for any sane person who not yet missed in cobweb of intellectualism, when he saw people helping in various ways to those same, who expelled themselves from their native country and settling boys of antibrahmin in foreign countries marrying their girls. To the same boys who snatched opportunities of education from Brahmin boys by injustice namely caste based reservations and dictatorship of majority namely Indian democracy.
People settled in foreign countries should not try to guide us here we are the same flesh and blood but deprived of opportunity. And we have no envy for their success but we want only one thing first and i.e. they should be conscious and more responsible about guiding native Brahmin. They should study the ground realities here. Conditions are vary different from which they view from there and much grievous than they think. Indian media do not mention names of communities when covering communal riots but this same media uses a heavy hand bashing Brahmin and openly just abusing Brahmin for every negligible thing. We will not expect the same from our brothers, sisters and elders in foreign countries. If you cant help just keep mum but do not help anti Brahmin forces with confusing, misguiding thoughts.
5. I have forwarded so many solutions to problems than those who write long pos for just sake of argument, they have only one solution for all problems of Brahmin and that is ‘accept this and accept that’. There is nothing in your advice which may be irritating for me. Criticism is also welcome but only in that amount which Brahmin community is able to met with. Brahmin do not have enough energy these days to spend it only answering criticism. Our forefathers have done that in past for their lifetime and get in return hatred, injustice, violence, alienation, loss of everything including lands, girls, food and mental sanity also.
Hon. Ramaniji,
My best wishes to all those concerned trustees including you for your efforts. May god confer wisdom like that on whole Brahmin caste. I am giving here one link of the BSNA. Please go through that site. It may provide new ideas. Brahmin should organize leaving all their partitions. Thank you.
Mr.Hoover Sir,
I never mentioned in my post that you are expecting monetary help for yourself
from Foreign based Tamil Brahmins.
IN your first POST in this thread you had mentioned as follows:

IN POST NO 3 you stated:

I find that you are one of the members of this forum thinking always about the
Welfare of tamil brahmin community and endeavouring to restore the past glory of
Tamil brahmin community.MAY YOUR TRIBE INCREASE!
P.S: Thank you for your advice in last sentence of PARAGRAPH 4 of your post.I will try to follow your advice in future.
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sri Krishnamurthy sir,
being specific here, brahmin residing in foreign countries should do the following things.
1. exposing our conditions and ground realities before international community. i.e. ethnic persecution going on under name of social justice here against Brahmin. Countering anti brahminism worlwide.
2 there are a lot people present also in this country who are willing to spend their money for brahmin cause. let foreign brahmin participate in their endevours with their time and if they are ready with their money also. Here is lack of ideas of welfare and management, so those may be forwarded by brahmin in foreign.
3.I will expect from them more contribution in field of education they may also think it as bussiness, with some seats reserved for economically poor brahmin and those who lost their chance due to reservations policy.
4. migration is also a way to avoid persecution so our community members ( I am reffering here the whole Brahmin caste and not just TB) should give support and guidance for migration to devloped countries to young and educated brahmin.
5. I expect them to participate in large number in community events. second, a network forming online of brhmin irrespective of language and sub caste. Also it is important to study various brahmin communities in india and world, about their problems. and particularly the ethnic discrimination against them. this is possible for everyone. everyone should study the discriminatory measures of UPSC and other govt agencies. those are not limited to only reservation but extend more. and countering it on various levels, atleast exposing it before community.
here is a voice of truth, it is at fingertips of everyone for varifying it, only effort to take is just open webpages. go through empolyment news site and study pattern of civil services exam conducted by UPSC.
I am mentioning here another organisation which is heading towards something please go throug this link of one parashuram education trust. trustpes.org/
every brahmin expert residing in forign country should tie himself up with atleast one brahmin organisation. and should deliver atlest four lectures on their respective subject in brahmin institutions spread all over India. in a year.
Brahmin in foreign countries should start get together of all brahmin in their town once a week or month. not need halls of luxuriaous hotels. just long drive (changing members in one vehicle ) or hiking expeditions are enough. ideas and work plans will atomaticallly start coming out. such gatherings is a first step to do and it is less expensive.
every barhmin residing in foreign country should befraind atleast two brahmin of different subsect and language.
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dear Mr. Hoover,

Let us be realistic.

We living in India, can only request for the help of the Ex-Indians to help us.

Unless they too want to help us, there is no way in which we can pressurise them to do anything for us.

The more we demand, the more resistance they may develop- or so it seems.

No point in comparing us with the Jews. They occupy a tiny dot in the world map but they are determined to live well in spite of all the opposition and oppression.

Can you say the same thing about us the Brahmins?

with best wishes,
to loosen the purse strings of tambrams even abroad, on a large scale, might be a problem.

some of us do. we have our own pet causes and we give our mite.

it may also be worth remembering, that when counted in ruppees the income might sound a fortune, but the reality is that most who live in the west are probably neck deep in mortgages, children's tuition plus annual visits to india (which is expensive).

still there is no excuse for charity and this charity should and must begin at home, which is our extended tambram family. they say poverty knows no caste or creed. it would be good to know of organizations which do help and without politics.

personally, i would recommend anyone who has a need to give or receive, give a call to kerala iyers trust. this is an organization managed by a large hearted couple for free and without any admin charges. i suspect the bulk of the donors live in the west or mid east.

every appeal is vetted out by a local third party to ensure there is no fraud. within days, based on the need, cash is disbursed quickly and without any fuss or any forms to fill.

nowadays most of the funding goes for hospital bills for really hopeless cases.

i do not know how to say this... but what is considered 'needy' is a subjective judgement. the kit sponsors have a very broad criteria for judging the 'need' and so far as i know, all money has been disbursed wisely.

kit does not discriminate between kerala or tamil brahmins (iyers or iyengars).
to loosen the purse strings of tambrams even abroad, on a large scale, might be a problem.

some of us do. we have our own pet causes and we give our mite.

it may also be worth remembering, that when counted in ruppees the income might sound a fortune, but the reality is that most who live in the west are probably neck deep in mortgages, children's tuition plus annual visits to india (which is expensive).

still there is no excuse for charity and this charity should and must begin at home, which is our extended tambram family. they say poverty knows no caste or creed. it would be good to know of organizations which do help and without politics.

personally, i would recommend anyone who has a need to give or receive, give a call to kerala iyers trust. this is an organization managed by a large hearted couple for free and without any admin charges. i suspect the bulk of the donors live in the west or mid east.

every appeal is vetted out by a local third party to ensure there is no fraud. within days, based on the need, cash is disbursed quickly and without any fuss or any forms to fill.

nowadays most of the funding goes for hospital bills for really hopeless cases.

i do not know how to say this... but what is considered 'needy' is a subjective judgement. the kit sponsors have a very broad criteria for judging the 'need' and so far as i know, all money has been disbursed wisely.

kit does not discriminate between kerala or tamil brahmins (iyers or iyengars).

Kunjuppu ji,

You are absolutely correct. Cost of living has gone up every where both in India and abroad.

At least India is on the growth path with lot of opportunities emerging but most of the developed world is facing recession or very low growth. As you rightly said, if somebody gets struck with mortgage or other loans, it is difficult to get out of the debt. I wish all our members understand the problems of others and don't blame anybody.

As you rightly said, KIT is doing an extremely good job. I am also member of KIT. Still the task before the community is very large and no single trust can address all the problems. Our trust will work in close co-operation with all the existing other trusts and there will not be any competition among the trusts. We want to follow the good practices of KIT and other trusts.

However I wish everybody understand that there are substantial number of poor among our community also. According to statistics 72 percentage of all the Indians live at less than 50 Rs per day. There is no correct statistics available about our community but definitely there is a substantial portion of poor in our community also i.e if not 72, it may be reverse say, 27 percent. It is the duty of all us to support the poor members of our community.

At the same time poor members of our community should not take it for granted that they will get support for ever. They should try to come up in their life on their own and probably avail the expert advice of successful members of our community.

By tradition, education was our only asset. I have seen in my own village where 65 families of our community lived just few decades back which is reduced to hardly 6 to 7 families now in the village. Majority of these 65 families were poor and didn't had even electricity connection and toilets in their homes. But they have all come up in life now by focusing on education of their children. The left over families in the village didn't focus on education. It is not that all the families who migrated to cities and towns are doing extremely well. They are just managing their day to day affairs and some of them requires support even now.

Education has become very costly. However we cannot neglect education. Let us all join together and do our little bit to help poorer members of our community.

All the best
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sri kunjuppu,
I support your comment about medical expense on hopeless cases. the only way out is 'prayopveshan' i.e voluentary fast unto death.
best way of use of money is instead providing personal help, the money be given to projects like building the infrastructuer of Brahmin institution. esp. foreigners money can be used in that way so as to give them assuranc that their money is used in proper way. as infrastructure is before eyes of everyone forever. and everyone can varify it by personally visiting the site.
second, the ways of networking may be tried. the first step of upliftment is not donating money but raising a framework for help and empowerment. even sinior citizens of our community can help esp. youngsters to arrange the functions which i mentioned. once three or four elder voices start irritating these youngs automatically they have to do something. and they will do that. generally young people dont have the community conscious. It is right and duty of elders to push in the correct direction to youngsters.
sri RVR sir,
we all must understand that landholding is an important part of power of a community. It provides a permanet resident and ties. so land holding shouldnt be discouraged. it is the only way to survive in economic ups and downs. only thing to do is we should encourage shifting of landholding to the regions where our numbers are considerable. It is also true fo residence also. we shoud encourage our people to buy lands and properties in certain gographical areas, it will provide a sense of political, cultural security, and more ease and promotion to our constructive energies.
our foreign residents should also buy lands in their respective countries. instead of spending a lot of money on consumer goods and luxurious lifestyle. land and farming is the thing which keeps human being attached to identity. and it gives pleasure too.
Respected Ramaniji,
You are correct, that we can only request, but factor here is also frequency and intesity of request. a murti or statue cannot be carved out by just two or three impacts of hammer, we should be more tenaciaous and precise. We must understand that even eight of every ten will not going to pay any heed. but certainly atleast one or two are going to show some action, it is enough at this juncture of time.
brahmin are becoming aware in only recent times now. you can see that atlest mejoriy of them agree that their conditions are not good, today. It wasnt like that before say ten years. we were so ingnorant then.
third, analogy to Jews,
If you read their history, you will come to know that they were also ignorant about their conditions. many of them were just satisfied in their economic good conditions irrespective of their social problem. It was work of some people concerned for their community, knowing precisely the casuse of problem and correct solution of that esp. Mr. herzal and Mr. wiseman which give them their identiy. In future our communtiy may also get such a flagbearer regiment for our imancipation.
factioning and argumentative charecter is charecteristic of every intellectual and virtueous communtiy. jews also had and have many voices from fundamentalist to Marxist but suffering persecution they came together.
The most important thing here is need of groups of people totally devoted for brahmin cause and a correct and practcle agenda for that. I am confident that there are a large number of persons ready for that. eventually this is going to happen.
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sri RVR sir,
we all must understand that landholding is an important part of power of a community. It provides a permanet resident and ties. so land holding shouldnt be discouraged. it is the only way to survive in economic ups and downs. only thing to do is we should encourage shifting of landholding to the regions where our numbers are considerable. It is also true fo residence also. we shoud encourage our people to buy lands and properties in certain gographical areas, it will provide a sense of political, cultural security, and more ease and promotion to our constructive energies.
our foreign residents should also buy lands in their respective countries. instead of spending a lot of money on consumer goods and luxurious lifestyle. land and farming is the thing which keeps human being attached to identity. and it gives pleasure too.

Sri Hoover,

You definitely have a point that we should not forget our roots. It is not just property of lands and dwelling unit, but our culture, tradition and values must be embedded into our minds for which we should identify our roots, preserve it and nurture it for growth.

Personally our family has disposed all the properties including the dwelling house and agricultural lands in the village just about fifteen years back. Both my father and mother families hail from the same village and we cannot wash of our roots just like that. Last year all our community members of our village regrouped in the village and we have all decided to do community service in the village. It is appreciated by one and all in the village. If we keep our bond with our roots, it gives us immense pleasure and joy. Definitely we are not planning to buy property but we may build a school, hospital and vocational training institutes for the benefit of entire community in the village.

I wish each every member of our forum here to look after their own native villages which will not only give immense happiness but also help us to preserve our culture, tradition and values.

All the best
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if i remember right, how best to get the quickest benefit for the buck was discussed in this forum a while ago.

there were ideas tossed about starting something in hosur, just across the border, because in karnataka tambrams qualify as linguistic minority.

the big issue is that any structure calls for seed money, organization and a minimal bureaucracy to manage the various government bureaucracies. to tell you the truth, this will take full efforts initially of atleast two people and much more later.

this means payrolls, steady income for the first few years and lots more details to be thought through.

then comes the philosophy of these charitable structures. as you have seen between yourself and me, for starters, that though both of us wish our community well, we will have differences over the religious and cultures tones of these places. to tell you the truth, the very mention of kanchi mutt is allergy to many folks here, but to others it is god personified. furthermore, the iyengars might or might not have issues over the overwhelming saivite slant, if it so happens.

i, for one, might as well lay it out, that i do not think it right to mix politics and social service. but i am aware there is a significant sympathies around here for rss, bjp etc. which i think is not good for tambram culture and ethos. hoover, all i wish to emphasize, is that to agree on a minimum common agenda might be a non starter.

please understand that i am not emphasizing the differences among us, but highlighting the issues even for a take off. for example, here in this dear forum, we had swayamvarams, and without going into details, it has now been abandoned. the swayamvarams were supposed to be an ongoing affair, sort of frachised in towns all over the south, where there was significant tambram population.

again, my personal feeling is to crack the nut quick and clean. there must be tambram boys girls who might not have proceeded for higher education due to financial hardships. RVR, i think, has mentioned that it is easy to get bank loans for education, but i was told by someone else this is no longer true. whatever it, there may be supplemental needs like books, admin fees and whatever. one young person into the education curriculum, is one family out of poverty. it is quick and has no admin costs and time lag. it is immediate.

nowadays with money everything can be obtained. there is, i think, enough infrastructure in education and health, that if a person needs medical care, with money donations, the solutions can be immediate.

which comes to another topic. who are our target audiences? is it folks who want to help themselves out of poverty? again what is poverty line for us? i mean for us is because in our community we have some norms of minimum standard of living. to me, it means a job or two for the adults, a home, enough food and transportation and something left over. not to me the savings for grandiose marriages, poonuls and extravaganzas. they should be able to get by with a simple life.

i am aware that there are certain professions by nature of which,, there is no hope for a decent living. i think, we should try to wean these people into alternate jobs or skillsets, better paying and perhaps more fulfilling. one example which all of us are ready to quote: poor vaadhiyars - yes i have sympathy for them, irrespective of their erudition. i have found that barring key times, most of the vaadhiyars sit and gossip (no offense meant here). i think they should be urged to find a second job. if the guy does not want it, too bad. our targets should be people who hate poverty and want to get out of the morass.

another issue i can think of with structures like colleges or hospitals - even though may be well run, they soon lose their focus and become the backyards of the encroaching middle class, looking for opportunities to save money. the vhs in adayar was built with british charities and many iyer admins. soon through contacts those who can afford, appealed to the charitable clauses - for example, if you have a father living with you, and has no income, but you make money, you can very correctly say that the patient has no income and qualify for the best care with not a paisa payment. in one stroke, the middle class guy is on par with the destitute hut dweller, and guess who has better contacts and knowledge of the loop holes.?

while i wish all initiatives the best of successes, i think to take selectively, education as primary target to foster and next health, any group will very quickly do more for our community than getting together and planning structures and constitutions. those may go side by side, but by the time those fructify, you might have lost 5 years time and in those 5 years a few more of our generation lost to ignorance, poverty or both.

thank you.
1. It is needed to be hammered on whole brahmin community that they have to blaken their hands with work. may be it is car service centre or steel fabrication works. If folks here preach such advice to our community they immidiatley get irritated. so if the same thing is told by foreign residing brahmin that we do there twelve hours or more painstaking job. It may produce some change.
2. I not only fully agree but always admant on theree things i.e. brahmin should keep themselves away from social service, patriotism, Hindutva (in public sphere). we will have to be practical in those things as I personally saw a lot of our people lost all they have, doing these things.
3. You are most correct mr. kunjuppu that one young in good education is one family out of poverty. It can be done also on personal level. But for the same a good inspiration is needed. and overseas brahmin may induce dreams in minds of our youngsters and way towards such dreams i.e. education.
4.Institutions are prone to become wayward and petty vested interests. but again it is an essential evil. without base nothing can be achieved. all we will to have consolidate the institution, direct them in corret direction. and also have to try establish new one. today a large number of us are well aware of the odds in running the institutions and it is possible to correct them. the concerned among us should try to capture steering comitees of such already established institutions and teach them their right goal.
Idle people are not a condemnable species i think, there is enough work for such persons to do. and they do it if handled with respect and proper skills. In my view society needs such persons, whom only a devine power forces to remain idle and do service for others without any salary. such vagabonds can be made glitternigng examples if guided properly and thrown in correct profession. It is my experence tht they take more efforts than intellectuals in actual groundwork, right from laying mats and arrenging bhojanams and inviting door to door for various functions. just change of view is needed and it must be preached by some one.
And finally what is needed is not money but a group of devoted people who think nignt and day only about brahmin welfare. everything will follow in correct way if such a group is formed. irrespective of subcaste and language.
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